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tantra, the bliss body and primordial body).

Some common (and frequently misunderstood) examples are Golden Body visualizations;
Yidam practice in Tibetan Tantra; meditations on Sri Yantra in Hinduism; meditations on
emptiness in Chan, Zen, and Dzogchen; skygazing; the Mahavidya yogas in Saktiism;
meditations on the Sacred Heart in Catholicism; or hridaya in Kasmir Saivism; on the
Sepiroth in Cabbalah; and the Mother Tantra in Tibetan Bon.

For every student, there is a teacher.

Keep in touch!
Tao Semko of

You can safely and rapidly learn authentic tantra, yoga, and qi gong in Umaa Tantra's Tantric
Inner Circle Distance Learning Program. Read more about the Tantric Inner Circle here:


There are three great secrets to success in tantric practice (tantric practice is called "sadhana"). These three
secrets are necessary for all types of tantric sadhana, be the sadhana meditative, physical, sexual, religious,
magical, or mundane...

The First Great Secret to Tantric Success is having the right Tools for the Practice, and understanding their use.
This requires initiation (introduction or immersion) from someone already proficient in the sadhana... The tools
themselves may be techniques or ritual implements.
They in turn fall into three more classifications:
and secret

External tools for tantra include:

•ritual implements like holy symbols(yantras), objects, and texts

•external physical gestures with the hands or body, including hatha
yoga postions and sexual positions,
•sexual techniques, dance movements and choreography,
•ritual fires,
•sacred spaces like temples, caves, or crematory grounds,
•audibly chanted mantra, etc...

External Tantra helps to symbolize what must occur internally... to point the way for the newly initiated. It also
provides a framework to pass on from teacher to student, and a safety net for the practitioner.

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