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Weaver is the most unusual carry hero in Dota 2. His incredible mobility lets him get
out of the hardest fight without damage and because of his variety he can get a lot of
different items depending on situation.



Guide for Weaver - Skitskurr in Dota 2 v 6.84c

 1

 2

 3

 4

 5

 6

 7
 8

 9

 10

 11

 12

 13

 14

 15
 16

 17

 18

 19

 20

 21

 22

 23
 24

 25

The Swarm

Universal spell that let us do a lot of functions:

1. We can use the swarm, then go under enemy’s tower and attack enemies while tower is busy
with our bugs.

2. We can use it to push ( use on creeps that haven’t yet came close to tower and will have to kill
the bugs, that will give us time) and counter-push ( use in front of our tower on creeps before they
attack, thus stopping the push).

3. Bugs will decrease enemy’s armor by 1 unit per every attack that will be great for us.

4. It is great during chases. Enemy under this spell can choose either run and get damage from
bugs or stop and kill them, that will let us get close and attack. In both ways the situation works for

5. We can use bugs in the direction of possible gank. While they will crawl till the needed area we
will have vision that will help us avoid the gank.

6. We can use it on neutral creeps, so creeps would attack bugs and we will not lose HP.

This is interesting

 Don’t use it to harass the enemy, because ever bug will give 30 gold for the enemy.
 Bugs can die only from 4 attacks by hero or 8 attacks by creeps.
 Bugs can’t be killed with spells.
 Bugs will disappear if target goes invisible.


The key spell of Weaver. Like the Swarm it can be used in number of situations:

1. To Escape or chase the enemy.

2. To harass the enemy because of low mana cost.

3. To avoid spells and charges from the enemy.

This is interesting

 Weaver under Shukuchi can’t be slowed down.

 Damage is not given if enemy is invisible.

Geminate Attack

Great Passive spell that in late game increases our potential in late game as carry and with
Shukuchi it will help you harass enemy in early game.

This is interesting

 If weaver attacks with auto attack (button A) the spell won’t work. Only straight command by
right mouse button will activate this spell
 It works on towers.
Time Lapse

One of the greatest if not the best escape spells in the game. If you use it smart with Shukuchi,
Weaver becomes almost immortal, and only team work from enemy can prevent that.

This is interesting

 If Weaver died, then 5 seconds until return will start when he is respawned, that means if
we were killed near Roshan we can use ultimate when we respawned and we will teleport to
Roshan’s lair.
 Time Lapse will cancel debuffs, but some of them are not canceled like Maledict of Witch
Doctor, Poison Nova of Venomancer, Viper Strike Вайпера, Battle Hunger of Axe etc.

Early game for Weaver(up to 15 minute)

What I should do?

Weaver is great for any lane but it’s better to go to mid. First items will be “fast Bottle”: 3x 
Iron Branch and  Tango. First thing we should do when we came to lane is to look into the
enemy’s items (if there are items with true sight.)
When we are on the lane we can cast Shukuchi and run to the enemy to deal the damage but
we should not be too aggressive. When we have  Bottle we should control runes.  Boots
of Speed should be upgraded as fast as possible to  Power Treads.

When we will get 6th level we can gank our enemies. To make gank more efficient it’s better to
go behind the enemy’s back with Shukuchi and attack him. After 2-3 successful ganks Weaver
can go back to lane and farm for  Linken's Sphere.  Ultimate Orbwill be the first part that
we should get as it’s very useful.

Middle game for Weaver(from 15 till 35 minute)

What I should do?

When we will get  Ultimate Orb it’s time to farm for  Linken's Sphere and when we will
buy it, we can start be aggressive. We can push all the lanes and gank enemies, because we
sure will find some single support who went to place  Observer Ward on Rune.

Next item will be  Butterfly that will give us more survivability, attack speed and damage that
will help us in fights. Till the end of this stage we should destroy all tier1 and 2 towers of the
enemy, and slay Roshan (we should own  Aegis of the Immortal).

Late game for Weaver(from 35 minute)

What I should do?

On this final stage Weaver shows his potential of damage dealer. Last items for us will be 
Monkey King Bar,  Desolator, and  Assault Cuirass.

Now we have huge damage and we can end the game, but we should not forget that enemies
might have  Gem of True Sightthat will be very dangerous for us.

Full inventory view

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