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ADEPTUS CUSTODES DATASHEETS This section contains numerous datasheets that supplement those found in Codex: Adeptus Custodes. All of the rules found in the datasheets section of Codex: Adeptus Custodes apply to the datasheets found in this. section. You can find out more about how to use datasheets in the Warhammer 40,000 Core Book. THE KEYWORD Allthe datasheets in this section have the «Smita Host> leyword. This keyword that you can slet for yours 28 deseribed i the Warhammer 40,00 Core Book, withthe suidance below. your aemy i Bate forged then when you incade such a ‘anit in an ADEFTUS CusToBES Detachment your army, you must rominate which shield hosll the AngrTus CusTODES units in r that Detachment (excluding named character) ae from. You then replace the eShitLo Host> keyword onal thse unite datasheets with the name of your chosen shield host. You can use any ofthe Shield Hosts that you have read about, suchas the found in Pychic Awakening War ofthe Spier, which are: Shadowkeepers; Agullan Shield; Dead Host Solar Watch EmissariesImpertis, y WARGEAR "The weapon profiles found ona units datasheet wil ist any unique weapons that a unit can be equipped with, The profiles for any other weapons cn be found inthe weapon profs section of Codex: Adept Custos, ABILITIES ‘A uni datasheet wil it all he abilities thas. Where an ability {sunigue toa unit or units found within this book, k will be Aescrbed onthe appropriate datasheet(), Where an ability is identical to one found in Codex: Adept Custodes, it wll typically be referenced on the datashet in this section rather than described in fll the rules for these abilities can instead be found inthe datasheet section of Codex: Adept Custode, a CUSTODIAN GUARD wir sorasmre ano permite spears 8 poweR No. Name Mows Bs Ss oT WA MW Sy Irie unt conains dormers noel hs PowerRating. Every models equppea wih suas pene, WEAPON RANGE TYPE SAPD ABLES ‘Aéastespeae(shostng) 18 assaukt SD Pte spear(shocting) 12 Antnut «= @ =A tretsaunitthin hal range hat aack as Damage characte of 052 arate speae(mele) —Welee alee mE Pure speae(melee) Melee _Welee a3 0 \WARGEAR OPTIONS mals arte sper canbe pices nth pth peat ‘hay mdelcan be equipedwih miseieora ABILITIES ey een? Spares FACTION KEYWORDS: IMPERIUM, ADEFTUS CusTODES, KerwoRD: ITTARUM CUSTODIANS AQUILON CUSTODIANS 11 rower No. Nam Ms sot wA tw 35 _Agulon Caton ce % Ss os 4 oe Ine unt contained mere madlsihas Power Rating 2. Every models equipped withastum som Doe soe ower aun, WEAPON. RANGE TYPE SAPO ABILITIES eae 1 Wengne 6 a1 Eating snatack sma wih Bis wpe, that atch automaticaly ht the ge Lasrumstomboner 2 RapidFie2 Sk Wwinadaihiedestucor 18" Assak? SD Saletepowergeumiet ele eles = 242 Eschtineshe bereft, mes 3 Satetepowersion Melee Melee = 2 tracks mae ith thir weapon, you ean tecolthe mound [WARGEAR OPTIONS ler power gure canbe replce wih sole power sande gpa win meron nigh (98 Codex Aden Cutoder) FACTION KEYWORDS: IMPERIUM, ADEFTUS CusToDES, KEYWORDS: INFANTRY, CORE, TERMINATOR, ADUILON CUSTODIANS. CONTEMPTOR-GALATUS DREADNOUGHT _9 ower No Ni M_ws ‘Say, 1L__Contnpton Gls Uressnoveht oc & & 7 7 8 6 8 2% {Contempt Salas Deaths equipped with Gls watblade Gala hel WEAPON RANGE TYPE SAPD ABILITIES (rowing gos § 1 nthe Galatus warbiade (melee) Melee Melee = User 33 ‘caouei ean on on aseaeee OTHERWARGEAR ABLES cemnnme REA NTE oc inser savumies Uigct (ete Cope bes en ode ee oe 8 dan tema: Eachtine an atackiealocatedta is UO” sfes 03 moral wounds. modal sutact fromthe Osmage enact ofthat stack (wa minmumet FACTION KEYWORDS: IMPERIUM, ADEPTUS CusTODES, KEYWORDS: VeWICLE, CORE, DREADNOUGHT, CONTEMPTOR-GALATUS DREADNOUGHT CONTEMPTOR-ACHILLUS DREADNOUGHT 9 rower No. Name Mows Bs s T WA Wd wv 1__Contnptor achive rednoughe me 7? 9 $8 2% ‘AComtnptrAchilus eadnougtisequpped wi: Achilus readspear 2lstum star bots. WEAPON RANGE TYPE s D__ABILiES ‘cil readsper[shooing) 2" Hee? 8 3 Escntmean aackls made wi Ines nner 12 Heny0G 6-4 _weaponthtanackatomadal its Thin athe destuctar ee ee \WARGEAR OPTIONS can each be replce wh on ofthe allowing iru nner, wn | ABUTS Aeminieshidng Uniden Gee veonie Spain narocincoe on ee a CrmunyorOnerupeanacenn coe apres) Oeacesencngt emp na erpart oon epee ey Guardian tral Fach tie an aackie lacatedtotismode, andeachuntwining sue 03 moral vewncs, EPA bac forthe Damage carci ofthat tac [a8 error rium} ory "FACTION KE(WOROS: IMPERIUM, ADEPTUS CUSTODES, KEYWOROS: VenicLe, CORE, DREAONOUGHT, CONTEMPTOR-ACHILLUS DREADNOUGHT AGAMATUS CUSTODIANS 15 power No. Mows Bs S$ T WOA WW 35 _sepmats Cusedans case as SEA EER SE ifs uo contains modes thas Power Rating 20 his unt contain S maces, thas PowerRating 25. sun Contains modes, thas PowerRating 20 Even mac isequppe ith: sum otcanen,inercepelace WEAPON RANGE TYPE SAPD ABILITIES orb easton Ww Hew? =D Lasrumbotcaman «26 Hany? 2 Twinles pulser 26 Moye 8208 \WARGEAR OPTIONS + hoy modes atu Brannon canbe places with one ofthe follwing 1 adhe devant, Iw a use + Anymedel canbe equipped win miseicoria ABILITIES dag ofthe Emer Cod Asp Code) iphene ang ere erie ravoscatertn core Le deep Custos) pooeerra san aren secre tit FACTION KEYWOROS. IMPERIUM, ADEPTUS CUSTODES, Bey eae EYWOROS: BIKER, CORE, LY, AcawTUS CUSTODIANS veces Perera before dealing » sudd th blow with thelr cea VENATARI CUSTODIANS 8 rower No, Name Mows Bs Ss oT WoOA Wd Sv cava ES TS SED Ew ifs nt consin ornare moda, thes PowerRating 1, Gry models euppre nt Knee denver true bur 25 Vera Oso WEAPON RANGE TYPE SAP ABILITIES Cache wn chime whe ete eerye ie paul? «2 empnarumedinantroe aes Venwarics(ohaing) 12" desu? 622 Yenwaace (ete) lee tee 2 es aa tesa teenies nates Te a WARGEAR OPTIONS * Any modes kine destroyer anatersu bekecan be replace wh ens ace + Any model canbe equppe wh miseriara, ABILITIES ale fhe Emperr see Coser: eps Curae) ior Hunters using deployment, you can setup thi unt high inthe she instead of setingiup on te bated youd. thnin the Renreement step of oof you Movarentphates you can setup this unt anguer one FACTION KEYWORDS: IMpenIUM, ADEPTUS CusToDEs, KEYWORDS: INFANTRY, FLY, CORE, JUMP PACK, VENATARI CUSTODIANS. PALLAS GRAV-ATTACK 5 rower No. Name M_ws s woaA wow 1 Pals Gavan wes 6 8 2 8 ‘WEAPON RANGE TYPE SAPO ABILITIES —— Before sling tages eet one oth proiesbelotomake tacks wih fut ee Heys 8 ABILITIES Flee Shielding This mogeinat Sv inwnerbiesave Explodes hen this model is esvoye, lane OS Hoveank Datancesore aoysmesurdtoand tem Debererovingt fom play Ona Berpates,andeaeh ths odels ha nit eer 1 mora mound FACTION KEYWORDS: IMPERIUM, ADEPTUS CusTODES, KEYWORDS: VenICLe, FLY, PALLAS GRAV-ATTACK TELEMON HEAVY DREADNOUGHT _ 14 rower No Name Mows es Ss T WA lt Sy Teriens Om ome ee a eee Neenheomtmumelrmns ga a, gg m8 erty ot See rrr [seman Heavy rednovghts equiped with 2 lets neeltorclvrin pcdurbo neha WEAPON. RANGE TYPE SAPD ABILITIES Tach strmcanoon Belo slecng anges selec oe of the poles below to make tks with ch tine an atackie ade wits eam 36° Heay2 8-43 prole,enatanetiss MELE unt you sue a ime eh cca ae Sate Eachsimethis weapons selected shoot Spicuusbot incr 247 HeawS «Skits det nesnetoeath um ‘Change tis weapor yet Heay 10. Telemon caestus, Melee Melee: we 3 siionslenetenhtteveaen cwaRceAROPTiONS = a a eadhpe ‘node suactomine Osmage chaecerisic that Reinfceé Aman Shing: Tis mel hasa 4e he tack ta misrumf invaneable soe frie {unrian ternal achtime an atackisalecatedto tis UMthin 6 sufers 3 moral wounds eee Serene KEYWORDS: VEHICLE, DREAONOUGHT, TELEMOM HEAVY OREADNOUGHT Pei FACTION KEYWORDS: IMPERIUM, ADEPrus Custooes, 7 fe ee ee ameter ere ae eer eee rene perenne Tier erin pier ront of bat CALADIUS GRAV-TANK 12 rower ‘See of his modes characterise change ask sues damage a shown below No. Name Mows es os tT WA td 1 CalaueGraviank[@-woundsremaiing) 4" Ge 26 ~=G ~~ Calais Gravtank|$-7wounderemaining) MT G+ G7 NA OO CaladiusGrovtank(-3woundsromaning] 8 _ G+ _ 467A 8 {ali Gravank is quppaa wth twin arts aeznlerstercanon, twin arom bok cannon, WEAPON RANGE TYPES AP_D_ ABILITIES Twinarchros heavy blae cannon Before selecting tye elect one othe profiles below fo make ataks wih eam 48 Hea? 9-4 0343 prote, attagetsaVowexe unt Burt 38° Heaws 2 2 Twinikaswsacesienorcannan 60 Heme 7-32 Tvinlasrum bot annon 38° _Weoys 6 2 LWARGEAR OPTIONS + Ths ders winless accelerate cannon can be replace wih win archnusheaybat cannon, ABILITIES Fare Shielding The del ab 2S ivnarabieeav, ples han his models destroyed one Mover Tanks Cicances ae naysmeasuredtz andi Slr emoingit om ply Ona FACTION KEYWORDS: IMPERIUM, ADEPTUS CusToDES, KEYWORDS: VeHICLe,F CORONUS GRAV-CARRIER 13 rower No. Name Mws es s oT WA Wd Sv 1 CoronesGravcarer(S+woundsrenainng) 1 6+ 2 7 <8 18 3 9 3+ Cororus Gavearier(S8wounds remaining) 10° G+ 3+ 78 NA OB 8 Cororus Gavcarier(L4woundsrenaining] 8° 6+ 4+? WRENS eae ‘Cronus rav-ariersequlppe wh: win aac blaze annan win sum BER cannon WEAPON RANGE TYPE SAPD ABILITIES for slecing tats selcton ofthe profes belowto make stack wih, Beam 2 Heng? 743 obamtgti a ett ust 2 Heys 2 Twinlasrumbotcannen 36° Hey 2 ABILITIES Fae Shielding remodel ae 2 Iowineablesave. Explodes: Whan‘hetanepoe destroyed one 6 removingitfom ply. Ona 6 explodes, and each anit ‘within sere 02 moral wounds, over Tank: Distances re snags measured an fon ‘hemadets al ‘TRANSPORT This mode has a wansportcapcty of ABEPTUSCUSTOES INFANTRY mo FACTION KEYWORDS: IMPERIUM, ADEPTUS CUSTODES, KEYWORDS: VewIcLe, TRANSPORT, FLY, CORONUS GRAV-CARRIER ORION ASSAULT DROPSHIP 25 rower No, Name Mows es s Tt WA ld wv as ee 2 6 8 3 {ize ends remaining] eee ene war % 8 8 WA & 9% {ett wounds ronainng) (ion asa opie ae ee (1S wounds remaining) nnn tesa rope is equippedwih 2 arachrus heavy bare cannons 2tin ram blcannans: 2 eles eary WEAPON RANGE TYPE SAP _D_ABILITIES enna Ren B® are eng tug les oe fe poles belo make ack wh team 42 tony «9A pte nature eeu, you Twinlastumbokcanon 35° Hey? Apiumies ‘Airborne: You cent decir achare widths made, Explodes: Whan thie weneportis destroyed all one DE thanodellewanenggenent tage sfarjeneny whines 69 nora Sirientmabancenyearr Ler This modeinas a+ ivineable save, Superson Each tine thal makes a Nora Move AdvancescrFal Gc photivanthe sper uptoag’ Neve Jt In your Command phase, this mel can haves, ert {ives than unl he oar of your nex Conmane ieee eer (his coe not canbe thaw ft made nave), phase, te Move characters becomes 20 and tases ather attacks Irom the Uhen‘mave he mode! svaght oars. cana pet the aoe, Harte Wt nd Superanic abies Peer pin tthe piat 5 epee ps He en ieee This mode na anspor capcty of 12 ABEPTUSCUSTOES nant model or? ADEFTUSCUSTODES INFANTRY era ‘models ad ConreMronACHLAUE OREADNOUG, 1 COMTEMPrORGuLATUSDREADNOUEHT or VENERABLE coer FACTION KEYWORDS: : IMPERIUM, ADEFTUS CustoDES, ie. KEIWORDS Vewicue, mena, Fy, TransPOR, Oni ASSAULT OPswir se. shame Peet tral of blacken ie pnemeRtenter ARES GUNSHIP 23 rower No, Name Mows es os oT Ww Wow 1 AresGurehip(J2+ wounds remaining) 20°50" G2 ~=8 ~—=8 ~~ «~~O~GSC*SSC esGunchip (611 wounds romining) 20-40" G+ fe 88RD eeGurship(tSwoundsraminng] 20°90" G+ t+ 8 «BONA 0393+ nee Gunship equiped 2 archnus hey lat cannon;arachrus magne bize cannon bens Webombs. WEAPON RANGE TYPE SAPD ABILITIES Aacimisneny3s® store ecg targets Slt oe othe profes below make stscks with Beem Ae Heng 98-4363 profi natant vemeLEUnt you ust ww Heys 72 acs mage ser selena elt ene ofthe pote below oma stacks Wh ean 72 Weory03 4 0365 Bae Bust ae Hea 303 OTHERWARGEAR ABILITIES ‘hee prt afer beaver fat mvea goucan sec oe pariah bated he bearer Infemuetiebemas _movedacrons Rol one 8 foreathunt wien ath pit (ebacing {Heat moelise ‘Ton niu o nn MONSTER CARTER) on eat unt sles 03 mata wounds ABILITIES ‘Arbore:Youcannot deere achage wh hismodel, Explodes Whenthiemodelindesvoyed one 06 snaitenony be enosen a target charg i before emcvingram play. Ona Btespage, ndesch Unitmakingie charge ean Fr Youcan ony ghia uitwiting-aufersG3 mer wounds thismadel kis wihinEngagamentRangeofany enemy geipae Shel This modethas a S+ivulnrable soe stack aganetomt that can Fr. Enemy ante canon fake melee aacks aginst his cel tay can Supersonic: Ehime this mode! makes Nema Move, ‘atances Fl Back, fest phi the spotup ta 9 [sds not contrauteta how fart made! moves) ‘her move he mode sag forwarés anno pt tain oer eal pot, FACTION KEYWORDS: IMPERIUM, ADEPTUs CusTODES, KEYWORDS: VenicLe, AIRCRAFT, FLY, ARES GUNSHI Hardt Each ea ranged aeacks mace pans Hover Jetsn your Corman phe, thismedel an hove ites, ten wile start of your nent Command ‘he hitome Haro Hand Sopersnic abit ADEPTUS CUSTODES POINTS VALUES You can use this section to determine the points (pts) value of each unit in your army. Each entry lists the unit's size (Le. how many models the unit can contain) and how many points the unit costs. Ifan entry hhas a unit cost of x pts/moder’, then the unit costs x points for every model in that unt. You must then add points for each weapon, or other item of wargear, that is included in that unt ft is listed in that unit's entry {weapons and other wargearnot listed in a unit's entry cost no additional points to include in that unit). D troops ‘Wrast attack ‘custodian Guard ‘Agamacus Custodians (p85) spate and ye Spr (483) Gest nn 28 Unies Unteon spre! corset pale esther ses Mier ps > Molen os = Patt spor Spo + Winleepe. isp Sogitarum Custodians (pt.83) Pie Grovatack (pg 86) Unite. 25 Unete = 1 model Unitas SOptemode! Untcor $5 premoce = Maeicoa mes VenatarCustedans(pe86) Beures eee Utopia Aguilon Custodians (p84) 2 Meco eo Untcon 7Spsinete| ih, HEAVY SUPPORT * infra ipa “oe + Mactcis- apes Colada Gran p68) 2 inaoebic arson S1Ops Unaue, I Unicom 225 ps mode Contemptor-Galatus Dreadnought (pe.64) Unasee rode) Tolemon Heavy Dreadnought (pg.87) Utcon a APO Une ‘acl Unite 260 ps moce Contemp eto 88) °c on isp UN Reed Unteost — ——=- ons 4 DEDICATED TRANSPORTS — a iope orem Cente (p60) Un Ree me Untcor 250 mel ‘44 FLYERS: on Anna pei Unter Sopa res Gunship (p¢ 80) nee I Uinta

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