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Environ Sci Pollut Res (2015) 22:17475–17485

DOI 10.1007/s11356-015-4986-5


Organochlorine pesticides and parasites in Mugil incilis collected

in Cartagena Bay, Colombia
Beatriz E. Jaramillo-Colorado 1 & Bárbara Arroyo-Salgado 2 & Luis Carlos Ruiz-Garcés 1,3

Received: 2 April 2014 / Accepted: 30 June 2015 / Published online: 11 July 2015
# Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2015

Abstract Nematode parasites of the Anisakides family are correlation between parasites and organochlorines was found.
often found in people living in countries where fish is con- This study is the first to correlate the presence of organochlo-
sumed raw or partially cooked. This research shows the his- rine compounds and histological damage in the liver and
tological changes in the liver and spleen of Mugil incilis, col- spleen of M. incilis, with the presence of parasites in fish from
lected in Cartagena Bay. These changes are associated with Cartagena Bay (Colombia).
pollution by organochlorine pesticides and their possible in-
fluence on the parasite. Organochlorine compounds were ex-
Keywords Mugil incilis . Zoonosis . Parasites . Anisakis spp .
tracted using the headspace-solid-phase microextraction (HS-
Pseudoterranova spp . Contracaecum spp . Organochlorine .
SPME) technique. Residual amounts in the muscle of
M. incilis such as β-HCH, γ-HCH, heptachlor, aldrin, endo-
sulfan, 4,4′-DDE, and dieldrin, among others, were identified
by gas chromatography connected to an electron capture de-
tector, indicating that the fauna of Cartagena Bay are exposed Introduction
to these pollutants. Histological analysis was carried out on
liver and spleen samples of M. incilis which were fixed, proc- Fish have been used as indicators of environmental quality
essed, and embedded in paraffin. The presence of melano- because changes in their nervous, endocrine, and immune
macrophages, granulomes, and trematodes in the liver was systems may indicate an alteration in parameters such as pH,
the most important changes observed. Larval prevalence for salinity, temperature, solutes, dissolved oxygen, substrate
the Anisakis spp. was determined to be 1.6 %; for composition, or levels of pollution in the ecosystem
Pseudoterranova spp., 25.3 %, and for Contracaecum spp., (Kuklina et al. 2013; Rašković et al. 2013). Marine pollution
57.8 %. Other parasites such as acanthocephalans were also predisposes the appearance of infectious and noninfectious
reported for a total of 15.3 %. Nevertheless, no significant diseases in fish. These often generate functional biochemical
and physiological alterations in fish blood and tissue, resulting
Responsible editor: Philippe Garrigues in pathological changes (Costa et al. 2013; Mhadhbi and
Beiras 2012; Mikryakov et al. 2011).
* Beatriz E. Jaramillo-Colorado Toxic and pathological effects of contaminants are present in; aquatic organisms (Matthiessen and Law 2002). These contam-
inants, which bioaccumulate and bioconcentrate, are environ-
Agrochemical Research Group, Chemistry Program, Department of
mental pollutants, which, over time, may reach levels that cause
Exact and Natural Sciences, University of Cartagena, San Pablo physiological impairment in humans (Karouna-Renier et al.
Campus, Cartagena, Colombia 2011; Polsky et al. 2007). The most recognized are mercury
Group GIMUC, School of Medicine, University of Cartagena, (Sedláčková et al. 2014), polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins,
Zaragocilla Campus, Cartagena, Colombia polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDD/F), and polychlorinated
Aquaculture Program, Department of Veterinary Medicine, biphenyls (PCBs) (Jiang et al. 2007; Letcher et al. 2010; Smith
University of Córdoba, Montería, Colombia and Gangolli 2002), dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT),
17476 Environ Sci Pollut Res (2015) 22:17475–17485

and dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene (DDE) (Deshpande et al. estuarine system with a mix of ocean and freshwaters, the
2013; Schiavone et al. 2009). latter coming from the Canal del Dique. It is contaminated
Actually, coastal waters used for recreation near urban through several sources of pollution: sewage, industrial dis-
areas, where untreated wastewater discharges with high con- charges, sedimentation, ship waste, leaching from garbage,
tent of pathogens and other pollutants, represent major health and solid waste disposal areas. The major impacts are the
and environmental problems. The highest levels of these con- dumping of city sewage, the sediment from the Canal del
taminants have been detected in species of fish in coastal Dique (part of Magdalena River), the dumping of industrial
waters adjacent to industrial parks (Albaigés et al. 1987; waste and oil spills from ships and docks, as well as the in-
Kannan et al. 1994; Cirillo et al. 2009). The discharges from dustrial zone (Mamonal), all of which discharge their waste
industrial, municipal, medical, and agricultural effluents are into the bay. The industries include pharmaceutical com-
often poorly treated or not treated at all (Wolke 1992). plexes, petrochemical factories, a petroleum refinery, food
The widespread use of organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) plants, and electronic plants among others (Restrepo and
has created significant environmental concern. The hazardous Kjerfve 2004; GEF 1998).
nature of OCPs is a result of their toxicity in combination with Previous studies have reported concentrations of organo-
high chemical and biological stability and a high degree of chlorine (Aldrin, DDT, heptachlor, and dieldrin compounds)
lipophilicity. The two latter characteristics make OCPs prone in shrimp (Panameus vannamei) at concentrations between 0,
to bioaccumulation along the food chain, involving a wide 1–13 ng/g (Jaramillo and Marrugo 2010) in the coastal zone of
range of trophic levels. As a consequence, although the use Cartagena Bay. DDT, DDD, and DDE were also detected in
of most OCPs has been restricted or even banned in many fish caught in the Ciénaga de la Virgen (Castro 1998) as well
countries, they continue to be widespread in the environment as other internal waterways in the city, which presented high
especially in biological specimens (Fidalgo-Used et al. 2003). concentrations of dissolved oxygen, fecal coliforms, organic
Though many persistent OCPs are restricted or banned in matter, and heavy metals, affecting the water quality and ex-
developed countries, they are still produced and used to a large ceeding the permitted limits acceptable for the preservation of
extent in the developing world (Miranda et al. 2008; Sagerup flora and fauna in marine waters (Tirado et al. 2011).
et al. 2009; Sapozhnikova et al. 2004). However, the informa- Approximately 90 % of industrial and domestic waste gener-
tion about them is scare in Colombia. ated along of the entire coastline is received in Cartagena Bay,
Recently, several investigations have demonstrated signif- exceeding the allowable limits for coliforms in recreational
icant effects and interactions between parasites, as well as their waters in the months of September, October, and November
contact with contaminants. These are environmental stressors (PNUMA 2009).
affecting the immune systems of their intermediate hosts, in- The objective of this research was to determine the histo-
cluding invertebrates, fish, birds, and mammals (Luong and logical changes in the liver and spleen of M. incilis collected in
Hudson 2011). According toTimi et al. (2011), in several eco- Cartagena Bay, associated with pollution from organochlorine
systems, the fish trophic level is a risk factor for similarity of pesticides and their possible influence on the parasite.
parasite assemblages, allowing the identification of the trophic
leve l based on pa rasite data alone. In ad ditio n,
biomagnification is present as a risk factor in the fish Materials and methods
In Colombia, studies conducted by Olivero-Verbel et al. Sampling area
(2005), Olivero-Verbel et al. (2006a), Olivero-Verbel and
Caballero-Gallardo (2013) show the presence of pollutants This study was carried out in Cartagena Bay, on the northern
and parasites, in particular Contracaecum spp., in fish species, coast of Colombia (75° 16′ W and 10° 44 N). Fish samples and
especially the Mugilidae family, such as Mugil incilis, which water were collected between June and November 2009, in
are localized in the 2.01 trophic level (Olivero-Verbel and three different sites denominated station 1 (E1), station 2 (E2),
Caballero-Gallardo 2013). M. incilis is a detritivorous fish, and station 3 (E3) as shown in Fig. 1. A representative sample
which is the most abundant fish found in the estuaries of of 20 (21) M. incilis were taken monthly from each site. Once
Colombia’s northern coast throughout the year (IUCN collected, fish were placed in polyethylene bags and
International Union for Conservation of Nature 2014; transported on ice to the Agrochemical Research Laboratory
Olivero-Verbel and Caballero-Gallardo 2013). It may (University of Cartagena).
bioaccumulate persistent organic pollutants at higher concen-
trations (Aksoy et al. 2012; Karouna-Renier et al. 2011). Chemicals
Cartagena Bay is located on the Caribbean coast of
Colombia. Although Cartagena Bay is a typical large pouch Acetone, methanol, and hexane were purchased from Merck
bay by geomorphologic definition, today it behaves as an (Darmstadt, Germany) and Sodium sulfate anhydrous from
Environ Sci Pollut Res (2015) 22:17475–17485 17477

Fig. 1 Map of Cartagena Bay,

showing sampling sites (stations
E1, E2, and E3)

J.T. Baker, Inc (Phillipsburg, NJ, USA). The standard pesti- Histopathogical analysis
cides were all purchased from Chem Service, Inc. (Tower
L a n e We s t C h e s t e r, PA , U S A ) . T h e so l i d - p h a s e This analysis was carried out according to Takei and Powell
microextraction (SPME) fibers and holder were purchased (2007). Liver paraffin microsections (5 μm) were initially
from Supelco (Bellefonte, PA, USA). Vials of glass (20 mL) evaluated for histopathological changes. The system was eval-
were bought from Schott (Hofheim, Germany). uated to quantify the extent of the lesions in the liver for the
total sample in each month of study. Recorded lesions includ-
Bacteriological characterization of the water in Cartagena ed nonspecific inflammatory changes (infiltration of inflam-
Bay matory cells and granulomatosis), necrosis, apoptosis, and the
presence of melano-macrophage centers (MMCs) (Martins
The levels of pollution in water samples at the collection sta- et al. 2005; Takei and Powell 2007).
tions (E1, E2, and E3) were determined using multiple tube
most probable number in 100 mL (MPN/100 mL), according Detection of organochlorine pesticides in the smooth
to the McCrady table, following the recommendations of the muscle (M. incilis)
Food and Drug Administration (Jackson GJ et al. 2001). The
water samples were properly preserved in previously sterilized The method of extraction and concentration of organochlorine
bottles and were then taken to the Microbiology Laboratory at compounds in fish through the technique of solid-phase
the University of Cartagena at a temperature of about 4 °C in a microextration (SPME) was used, taking into account the rec-
styrofoam cooler, for subsequent bacteriological analysis. ommendations of Fidalgo-Used et al. (2003), in which the fish
dorsal muscle (10-g wet weight) was ground into a fine powder
Morphometric analysis of M. incilis and identification with activated sodium sulfate and then was placed in a Soxhlet
of parasites extractor, adding 300 mL of hexane/acetone (1:1) for 9 h. The
extract was later cleaned using a Florisil column before GC–
The total length and weight of the fish were recorded. ECD analysis (Fidalgo-Used et al. 2003). The data were
Morphometric analysis such as the condition factor (CF) expressed in accordance with maximum level residue-MLR
(Bervoets and Blust 2003), the liver somatic index, and the (0.002–0.1 ng/g) according to FAO/WHO (2013). Because of
spleen somatic index was calculated (Garcia‐Abiado and the physical and chemical characteristics of organochlorides,
Mbahinzireki 2004; Hadidi et al. 2008). Morphological iden- pesticide analysis in water was not undertaken in this study.
tification of parasites was carried out using the comparative
features reported by Olivero-Verbel et al. (2005) and the keys SPME equipment and experimental conditions
published by Martins et al. (2005). Parameters such as preva-
lence, intensity, and abundance were also determined (Bush The fiber selected for this study was a fused silica fiber of
et al. 1997). polydimethylsiloxane/divinylbenzene (PDMS/DVB) of
17478 Environ Sci Pollut Res (2015) 22:17475–17485

65 μm, held in a SPME device supplied by Supelco (Palo (Chem Service, Inc., Tower Lane West Chester, PA, USA),
Alto, USA). Prior to use, the fibers were conditioned by consisting of a mixture of 16 organochlorine pesticides in
heating them in the injection port of the gas chromatograph hexane/toluene (1:1) 2000-μg/mL concentration. The 16 pes-
for 30 min at 250 °C. ticides are listed below: Aldrin, HCH (α-isomer), BCH (β-
The SPME extraction was carried out as follows: 1-mL isomer), BCH (δ-isomer), 4,4′-DDD, 4,4′-DDE, 4,4′-DDT,
aliquots of the fish tissue organic extract from the Soxhlet dieldrin, α-endosulfan, β-endosulfan, endosulfan sulfate, en-
were placed into a 10-mL Teflon-lined screw-capped vial drin, endrin aldehyde, heptanoclor, heptanoclor epoxide, lin-
and evaporated to the point of drying using a gentle stream dane. Quality parameters such as linearity, precision, accura-
of nitrogen. The residue was redisolved in 10 mL of methanol/ cy, and limit of detection (LOD) were previously established.
water (5 % v/v). The vial was placed in a thermostatic water
bath, and a fiber of polydimethylsiloxane/divinylbenzene Statistical analysis
(PDMS/DVB) 65 μm was immersed in the solution, remain-
ing there for 90 min, at ambient temperature (25±1 °C). All data are presented as mean standard error. For comparison
Previously, the exposure time of the fiber was determined. of means, the morphometric data and prevalence of parasites
During extraction, the solution was vigorously stirred. After were evaluated for normality and homogeneity of variance,
extraction, the fiber was thermally desorbed at 260 °C for using Kolmogorov-Smirnov and Bartlett, respectively. In case
5 min into the chromatograph injection port. Procedure blanks of failure to provide normal data, they were transformed to
were run periodically during the analysis to check possible their logarithms. Comparisons between variables for the sta-
fiber contamination (Fidalgo-Used et al. 2003). tions and sampling campaigns were performed using two-way
ANOVA using the Tukey test as posttest.
Gas chromatograph The quantitative relationships between variables were de-
termined through correlation and regression analysis. Factor
Sample extracts were analyzed using an Agilent Technologies and cluster analysis were applied to multivariate relationships
4890 D gas chromatograph, equipped with an electron capture of the total data. In all cases, the level of significance is
detector (ECD) and a HP-5 fused silica capillary column P<0.05.
(30 m×0.32 mm d.i, 0.25 μm df), with a mobile phase of
helium. The column temperature was programmed at 80 °C,
maintained for 2 min, then increased to 160 °C at 10 °C/min, Results
ramped to 240 °C at 2 °C/min; and finally 20 °C/min until
280 °C. The injector and detector temperatures were main- Identification of total and fecal coliforms
tained at 250 and 310 °C, respectively.
The chromatograms obtained from the samples were com- Bacteria belonging to the group of coliforms were taken as an
pared with the mixture pattern of organochlorine pesticides. indicator of water quality of Cartagena Bay, according to the
The standard solutions used were as follows: PP-HC5JM World Health Organization (WHO 2004). The presence of

Fig. 2 Measures of water quality

for bacteria, collected at the
sampling stations (E1, E2, and
E3) in Cartagena Bay
Environ Sci Pollut Res (2015) 22:17475–17485 17479

Table 1 Fish morphometric parameters of the M. incilis of Cartagena Bay

Month of sampling Station n Weight (g) Length (cm) Condiction factor Hepatosomatic index Bazosomatic index

June E1 21 77,5±17,9 21,9±1,7 0,35±0,06 0,011±0,00 0,002±0,00

June E2 21 181±45,8 29,1±2,6 O,61±0,10 0,070±0,00 0,007±0,00
June E3 21 94,1±37,8 22,7±3,1 0,40±0,10 0,013±0,00 0,001±0,00
July E1 21 100,6±10,6 23,1±0,9 0,43±0,03 0,020±0,00 0,001±0,00
July E2 21 97,4±20,5 22,7±1,6 0,42±0,06 0,015±0,00 0,0009±0,00
July E3 21 107,4±18,8 23,7±1,4 0,44±0,06 0,015±0,00 0,0009±0,00
August E1 21 86,4±18,2 20,4±2,9 0,42±0,07 0,013±0,00 0,0019±0,00
August E2 21 102,5±37,8 22,1±3,4 0,43±0,1 0,018±0,00 0,002±0,00
August E3 21 85,1±20,0 22,1±2,0 0,38±0,07 0,010±0,00 0,001±0,00
September E1 21 41,4±11,8 17,0±1,6 0,23±0,05 0,010±0,00 0,001±0,00
September E2 21 39,3±8,9 16,2±1,3 0,22±0,06 0,010±0,00 0,001±0,00
September E3 21 62,1±29,7 19,5±3,0 0,30±0,09 0,012±0,00 0,001±0,00
October E1 21 109,6±13,5 23,7±0,8 0,46±0,06 0,010±0,00 0,001±0,00
Octuber E2 21 40,8±7,7 16,7±1,2 0,21±0,04 0,010±0,00 0,002±0,00
Octuber E3 21 87,1±21,2 22,2±1,7 0,39±0,07 0,010±0,00 0,001±0,00
November E1 21 95,5±21,5 21,8±0,6 0,41±0,06 0,010±0,00 0,001±0,00
November E2 21 55,6±14,8 18,2±0.5 0,23±0,03 0,010±0,00 0,001±0,00
November E3 21 100,7±12,2 22,5±1,3 0,42±0,04 0,010±0,00 0,001±0,00

total coliforms throughout the months of sampling at all sta- a high correlation between fish weight and length (0.903) as
tions was reported, as opposed to fecal coliforms, which were well as condition factor (CF) and weight (0.916) were ob-
not reported as a presence in the month of June at stations 1 served. However, CF has correlation with an average length
(E1) and 2 (E2), in July at stations 1 (E1), 2 (E2), and 3 (E3), (0.707). Whereas station (E2) and station (E3) had a higher
and similarly, in the months of August and September in sta- correlation between weight and size of the fish (0.975, 0952,
tion 2 (E2), assuming their presence with a value of ≤3 MPN/
100 mL microorganisms, according to the McCrady table. Table 2 Quantitative parasitic infection indexes: parasitic infection
The highest values of total coliforms were reported in M. Incilis of the Bay of Cartagena: rate parasitic (RP); prevalence (P);
rate of infestation (I) and parasite intensity (PI)
October at station 3 (E3) and November at station 1 (E1) with
a value of 2100 MPN/100 mL for fecal coliform organisms Month of sampling Station n RP P (%) I PI
with the highest value presented in the months of October with
750 MPN/100 mL microorganisms and November at station 2 June E1 21 627 100 Severe 15
(E2) with a 930 MPN/100 mL (Fig. 2). June E2 21 182 80,9 Moderate 10,7
June E3 21 262 100 Severe 12,5
July E1 21 474 100 Severe 22,6
Morphometric analysis of the fish July E2 21 293 95,2 Severe 14,6
July E3 21 350 100 Severe 16,6
Data from the morphometric parameters of M. incilis during August E1 21 371 100 Severe 19,2
the months of sampling (June–November) at different stations August E2 21 301 100 Severe 15,1
(E1, E2, and E3) are presented in Table 1. The highest and August E3 21 279 90 Severe 13,4
lowest condition factors are observed in station 2 (E2) with an September E1 21 90 100 Light 4,5
average value of 0.61 ± 0.10 in June and 0.21 ± 0.04 in September E2 21 74 85,7 Light 4,1
October; likewise, the longest fish (21.9±1.7) and the heaviest September E3 21 225 100 Severe 10,8
(181±45.8) were reported at station 2 (E2) during the month October E1 21 294 100 Severe 14,2
of June, as well as the lowest values in length (16.2±13) and Octuber E2 21 115 100 Moderate 5,6
weight (39.3±8.9). Octuber E3 21 352 95,2 Severe 16,8
For the evaluation of the correlation and health of fish November E1 21 180 93,2 Severe 8,6
values and relationships, the condition factor, the November E2 21 101 80,5 Moderate 4,8
hepatosomatic index, spleen somatic index, weight, and para- November E3 21 160 82 Moderate 7,6
site abundance in sampling times were analyzed. At station 1,
17480 Environ Sci Pollut Res (2015) 22:17475–17485

respectively), while the correlation between weight, length of of parasites was found in the abdominal cavity (57.9 %), ver-
the fish, and the parasitic intensity was low (0.952 to 0.237). tebrae (31.3 %) with a few cysts found in the liver and spleen
with the presence of trematodes (10.8 %). The parasites found
in this study are shown in Fig. 3.
Identification of parasites in the M. incilis

Quantitative parasitic infection indexes obtained for all sam- Organochlorine pesticide concentrations in M. incilis
pled specimens in three sampling stations are shown in muscle
Table 2, as well as three genera of parasites from the family
Anisakidae: Contracaecum spp., Pseudoterranova spp., The concentration of organochlorine compounds in the mus-
Anisakis spp. The prevalence of parasites was classified for cle of M. incilis is presented in Table 3. The analysis of the
Anisakis spp. (1.6 %), Pseudoterranova spp. (25.3 %), and correlation between morphometric parameters, the parasitic
Contracaecum spp. (57.8 %). Other parasites such as acantho- intensity, and the presence of organochlorine pesticides are
cephalan (15.3 %) were found. In general, the higher density presented in Table 4, accepting the high correlation between

Fig. 3 I Contracaecum spp. L3 isolated from Mugil incilis in Cartagena esophagus) ×10. C Intermediate part (E esophagus, V ventricle, I
Bay. A End (CT cuticular tooth, DL dorsal lip, EP excretory pore) ×40. B intestinal cecum) ×10. D Rear end (m mucro) ×40. III Anisakis spp.
End (NR nervous ring, I intestinal cecum, E esophagus, V ventricle) ×10. Larval isolated from Mugil incilis in the Bay of Cartagena of Indias. A
C Intermediate part (E esophagus, V ventricle, AV atrial appendage, IN End (CT cuticular tooth, EP excretory pore, DL dorsal lip) ×40. B End
intestine, I intestinal cecum) ×40. D Rear end (A anus, m mucro, N nodes) (NR nervous ring, E esophagus) ×10. C Intermediate part (E esophagus,
×10. II Pseudoterranova spp. Larval isolated from Mugil incilis in the In intestine) ×10. D Rear end (m mucro) ×10. IVAB. Trematode found in
Bay of Cartagena of Indias. A End (CT cuticular tooth, PE excretory pore, the body cavity of M. incilis (A anterior, B back). IV CD.
DL dorsal lip) ×40. B End (NR nervous ring, I intestinal caecum, E Acanthocephalans (C anterior, P proboscis, D back) ×10
Environ Sci Pollut Res (2015) 22:17475–17485 17481

Table 3 Concentration of organochlorine compounds in the muscle of the concentration of pesticides and the weight of the fish
M. incilis in different sampling stations (E1, E2, and E3)
(0.824) and the low correlation between concentration of pes-
No station OCP Concentration (ng/g)a LOD MRLb ticide and parasite intensity (0.172).

E1 β-HCH 0,00638±0,0012 0,0005 0,1

Histopathological changes in the liver and spleen
Aldrin 0,00115±0,0008 0,0005 0,2
of M. incilis
4,4’-DDD 0,00452±0,001 0,0002 -*
E2 β-HCH 0,00423±0,001 0,0005 0,1
The histopathological findings of this study showed severe
γ-HCH (Lindane) 0,00851±0,002 0,0005 0,02
damage in the liver and spleen of M. incilis, including high
Heptachlor 0,00725±0,001 0,0005 0,2
MMCs as shown in Fig. 4a, b. Granulomas are shown in
Aldrin 0,00333±0,001 0,0005 0,2
Fig. 4c. A presence of 85 % of MMCs in the liver compared
Endosulfan 0,00415±0,001 0,0005 0,05
with 15 % in the spleen as well as granuloma in the spleen
4,4’-DDE 0,00401±0,001 0,0005 -* (95 %) was found. Ascocotyle spp. was also found in the
Dieldrin 0,00206±0,000 0,0005 0,2 spleen of M. incilis in Cartagena Bay, as is shown Fig. 4d.
E3 β-HCH 0,00185±0,000 0,0005 0,1
Heptachlor 0,00436±0,001 0,0005 0,2
Aldrin 0,00227±0,001 0,0005 0,2
4,4’-DDD 0,00404±0,001 0,0002 -*
Averages of four independent extractions ± ts/√ n (n = 4, 95 % Persistent organic pollutants, heavy metals, and parasites are
confidence) interrelated (Blanar et al. 2009; Sagerup et al. 2009). In
EU pesticide Data Base: FAO/WHO Food Standars (2013) Codex Colombia, few studies have been published on this subject.
Alimentarius However, previous research has reported significant changes
MLR for DDT + metabolites=1,0 ng/g in fish health parameters, including elevated tissue levels of
pollutants in M. incilis (Olivero-Verbel et al. 2006b, 2009).

Table 4 Correlation of morphometric parameters, parasitic intensity, and concentration of organochlorine pesticides in the M. incilis collected from
Cartagena Bay

Pesticide W (g) L (cm) Condiction factor (CF) Hepatosomatic index (HI) Bazosomatic index (BI) Parasite intensity

P 1 0.824** 0.383 0.769** 0.027 −0.654** 0.172
P=0.000 P= 0.159 P= 0.001 P= 0.923 P= 0.008 P= 0.540
W (g)
P 0.824** 1 0.540* 0.969** −0.100 −.581* 0.220
P= 0.000 P= 0.038 P= 0.000 P= 0.722 P= 0.023 P= 0.431
L (cm)
P 0.383 0.540* 1 0.451 0.052 -0.063 0.683**
P= 0.159 P= (0.038) P= 0.092 P= 0.854 P= 0.824 P= 0.005
P 0.769** 0.969** 0.451 1 −.023 −0.587* 0.226
P= 0.001 P= 0.000 P= 0.092 P= 0.934 P= 0.021 P= 0.418
HI (g)
P 0.027 -0.100 0.052 -0.023 1 -0.144 0.281
P= 0.923 P= 0.722 P= 0.854 P= 0.934 P= 0.609 P= 0.310
BI (g)
P -0.654** -0.581* -0.063 -0.587* -0.144 1 0.148
P= 0.008 P= 0.023 P= 0.824 P= 0.021 P= 0.609 P= 0.598
Parasite intensity
P 0.172 0.220 0.683** 0.226 0.281 0.148 1
P= 0.540 P= 0.431 P= 0.005 P= 0.418 P= 0.310 P= 0.598
17482 Environ Sci Pollut Res (2015) 22:17475–17485

Fig. 4 Histology of the liver and

spleen of M. incilis. a, b
Melanomacrophage (M) in liver
sample; c granulomes, (G) spleen
samples and d Ascocotyle spp. All
samples taken from Cartagena

The effects of pollution on parasitism may be either positive or tropical estuary with the presence of contaminants (Jaramillo
negative for the host. The parasites may reduce pollutant and Marrugo 2010) and especially M. incilis, in greatest abun-
levels in their hosts below a critical value, and thus, are capa- dance, with a distribution throughout the year that plays an
ble of reducing negative effects (Sures 2008; Sures et al. important role in this ecosystem. M. incilis reported low levels
1999). Conversely, when the pollutant affects the host rather of organochlorine compounds in muscle tissues (β-HCH,
than the parasite, as for example through immunotoxic Aldrin, 4,4′-DDD, γ-HCH, Heptachlor, Endosulfan, 4,4′-
chemicals, the result could be a suppressed immune system DDE, Dieldrin, Endosulfan 1, and aldehyde Endrin). They
and increased parasite load (Höss et al. 2011; Marcogliese and do not exceed the maximum residue limit (MRL) proposed
Cone 1997; Sures 2008). by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization
The main purpose of the research reported here is to sum- (FAO/WHO 2013) for food products.
marize and analyze the existence of associations among para- A relationship between the parasite and the concentration
sites, pollutants, and hosts, with the objective of studying bac- of organochlorine compounds was not found. However, the
teriological pollution. We first investigated the community of interactions between the host-parasite environments are not
the microorganism present in the Bay. Decree 1594 of 1984, easy to interpret as they depend upon a variety of factors
Article 42 of the Colombian Legislation on the use of water (Sures et al. 1999). The evidence of the parasites present in
and liquid waste states that the limits for fecal coliform should M. incilis found in previous studies (Blanar et al. 2009;
not exceed the normal level for total coliform microorganisms Olivero-Verbel et al. 2005, 2006a; Olivero-Verbel and
(PNUMA 2009). The results for the present study were in- Caballero-Gallardo 2013; Roche et al. 2000) suggests a close
creased to compare with the legal level. The coliform group relationship between the contamination of ecosystems and the
is closely connected with the increase in human population emergence of the parasite. Additionally, organochlorine com-
living in coastal areas, and similarly with the increase in solid pounds can suppress the immune system of fish, degrade the
and liquid domestic, agricultural and industrial waste from mucus, affect the endocrine system and reproductive organs,
mismanagement and inadequate control, affecting the marine and induce constant stress making them susceptible to the
environment with significant ecological, socioeconomic, and onset of disease. One such parasite is that of the Anisakidae
health implications (Kornacki and Johnson 2001). Variations family (Miranda et al. 2008). Furthermore, the correlation be-
throughout the study were probably caused by those sug- tween organochlorine contamination and parasites is low,
gested by Gray (2008), which have summarized the interpre- possibly due to what was suggested by Lafferty (1997) and
tation of the presence of E. coli due to strong and/or recent Sagerup et al. (2009), that pollution can cause a positive or
human or animal waste. negative effect in parasitosis.
On the other hand, the existence of complex interactions The large number of fish parasites and the degree of infes-
among organisms, pollutants, and hosts linked to trophic tation indicates a marked environmental deterioration of the
levels has been recognized. In particular, Cartagena Bay is a water in Cartagena Bay, probably caused by other types of
Environ Sci Pollut Res (2015) 22:17475–17485 17483

pollutants (Olivero-Verbel and Caballero-Gallardo 2013). A positive result could be detected if the contaminant is
This is consistent with those reported by Marcogliese and fatal for the parasite or if it reduces the population of the
Cone (2001), who studied parasitic infection in fish and or- intermediate host, thus reducing the infection rate. However,
ganic sediment enrichment of domestic wastewater. when the contaminant affects the final host before the parasite,
However, contamination has been linked with other risk such as through immunotoxic chemicals, the result could be a
factors such as seasonality, availability/presence of intermedi- suppressed immune system and increased parasite load
ate hosts, as well as feeding biology and activity of the final (Lafferty 1997). In this study, a relationship between fish
host which must be considered. In this study, the resultsof the weight and concentration of organochlorine pesticides was
values of the condition factor (CF) indicate the poor nutrition- established because older fish tend to be heavier, and there-
al status of the M. incilis from Cartagena Bay; however, this is fore, have had longer exposure to chlorinated contaminants.
somewhat variable in the months of sampling in different sea- Furthermore, heavier fish have a higher lipid concentration
sons. The interpretation of condition indices should be done and therefore, have greater ability to bioaccumulate chlorinat-
carefully because they can depend on several factors (Froese ed compounds (Vives et al. 2005).
2006; McPherson et al. 2010) such as food availability Prevalence of Contracaecum spp. nematodes in M. incilis
(Bervoets and Blust 2003) or seasonality (Blackwell et al. reported in this study was similar to that found by Fernández
2000; Trudel et al. 2005), as well as their interrelation. (1987) for Mugil cephalus in Chile, and by Olivero-Verbel
As for the parasites, there is an increase in several species et al. (2005) in Cartagena Bay. Jabbar et al. (2013) and
of nematodes that may be parasites for fish in their adult stage, Lymbery et al. (2002) found heavy infections in M. cephalus
and many other species that use these hosts as an intermedi- from fish species of southwestern Australia where they report-
aries, including the fluke and tapeworm, which increase the ed a high prevalence of Contracaecum type I.
problem. However, and fortunately for man, not all parasites
have an impact on consumer health, and therefore, do not pose
a risk for all food (Mattiucci et al. 2011). Those which present Conclusion
a potential risk to human health are the nematodes of the
Anisakidae family (Manfredi et al. 2000). In this study, three According to morphological analysis, the larvae found in the
species of nematodes of the Anisakides family species studied belong to the Anisakidae family and the
(Contracaecum spp., Pseudoterranova spp., and Anisakis Anisakis spp., Pseudoterranova spp., Contracaecum spp. gen-
spp.) were found, with high intensity and prevalence. ders. In addition, the incidence of parasites found in the fish
Additionally, acanthocephalan species were also reported. studied is not statistically associated with the concentration of
The degree of contribution to the life cycle of these nema- chlorinated pesticides. The presence of fecal and total coli-
todes by the fish species studied in Cartagena Bay as paratenic forms in Cartagena Bay could indicate poor quality of water
guests is limited by numerous factors: the abundance of the due to fecal pollution, which could encourage parasite infec-
species in their natural environment (representing greater food tions in the fish.
supply), the percentage of parasite prevalence, intensity and
mean abundance of parasites (which are related to the eating
habits of the fish depending on the station), the relationship Acknowledgments We would like to thank the University of Cartagena
between parasitic infection and weight or size of fish (Cruz and its School of Medicine for funding this research project. We would also
et al. 2007). Given the difficulty of establishing all these fac- like to give thanks to the Agrochemical Research Group, especially Irina
tors, in order to approximate the degree of contribution to the Martelo and Irina Tirado; the Environmental and Computational Chemistry
Group; especially Dr. Jesus Olivero for their cooperation. Orlando de la
life cycle of nematodes of the Anisakidae family, the parasitic Rosa and Margarita Sorock for their collaboration
infection and the degree of correlation between weight and the
average abundance of parasitic species were the only param- Conflict of interest The authors declare no conflict of interest.
eters taken into account.
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