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3rd Prep.

Unit (1)
Chemical reaction
It is the breaking up of bonds in molecules of reactants and form new molecules of new products
from reaction.
Types of chemical reaction

1-Thermal decomposition reaction:: -

They are the reaction which involves the breaking up of the compounds by the effect of heat into its

→ +

Compound element element

1- → + 2 ↑.

Mercuric oxide(Red) Mercury(silver) oxygen

2-Cu(OH)2 → + 2O .

Copper hydroxide(blue) Copper oxide(black) water

3-CuCO3 → + 2↑.

Copper carbonate(green) (black) carbon dioxide

4-CuSO4 → + 3↑.

Copper sulfate (blue) (black) sulfur trioxide

5-2NaNO3 → 2 + O 2↑.

Sodium nitrate (white) Sodium nitrite (yellowish white) oxygen

2-Substitution Reactions:-

Chemical activity series: - It is arrangement metals in descending order according to degree of their
chemical reaction.

A)-simple substitution reactions: - They are chemical reactions in which one of the elements is
higher in chemical activity substitutes (replaces) another in its solution.

+ → +

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3rd Prep.
element compound compound element

+2H2O → 2NaOH + H2↑.

+2HCl ZnCl2 + H2↑.
+6HCl 2AlCl3 + 3H2↑.
+ 2HCl No Reaction.
+CuSO4 MgSO4 + Cu↓. (Reddish brown)

B)-Double substitution reactions: - They are the reactions which

involve double substitution (exchange) occurs between the ions
(radicals) of two compounds to form to new compounds.

+ CD AD + CB.

Compound Compound Compound Compound

1-Reaction between acid & alkali (neutralization reaction):

It is the reaction between an acid & an alkali to form salt & water. CO2

Acid + Alkali → Salt + Water.

Ex: HCl + NaOH → NaCl + H2O.

2-Reaction between acid and salt:-

Na2CO3 + 2HCl → 2NaCl + H2O + CO2↑.

3-Reaction between two salt solutions:-

NaCl + AgNO3 → NaNO3 + AgCl↓. (White ppt.) Neutralization Reaction

3-Oxidation &Reduction:-
A) Oxidation: It is a chemical process causes increase of the oxygen or decrease of hydrogen, OR the
atom losses electron or more.
B) Reduction: It is a chemical process which causes increase of hydrogen percentages or decrease of
oxygen, OR atom gains electron or more.
C) Oxidizing agent: It is a substance which gives oxygen or takes hydrogen during chemical reaction,
OR atom gains electron or more.
D) Reducing factor: It is a substance which takes oxygen or gives hydrogen during chemical reaction,
OR atom loses electron or more.

Ex: H2 + CuO → Cu + H2O. Oxidizing factor:……………………………………………………………………


2Na + Cl2 → 2Na+ Cl-. Reducing agent:…………………………………………………………………….

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3rd Prep.
speed of chemical reaction
ü Chemical reactions differ in time:
1- Fire work takes very short time (very fast).
2- Oil with caustic soda (NaOH) to form soap, bit slower.
3- Rusting of iron slower need several months.
4- Reaction inside earth to form oil (petroleum) takes hundreds or millions of years.
ü The speed of chemical
emical reaction:
It is the change in concentration of reactants & resultants at a unit of time.

2N2O5 → 4NO2 + O2↑.

N2O5 → 2NO2 + O2↑.
In ending of reaction:
-The concentration of N2O5 becomes zero
- The concentration of NO2 & O2 becomes 100%
2NaOH + CuSO4 → Na2SO4 + Cu (OH OH)2↓.
Blue colour blue ppt.

Decrease the concentration of copper sulf

sulfate & increase
the concentration of capper hydroxide (results).
factors affecting the speed of chemical reaction

1-The nature of reactants:

A-The kind of reactants:

• Covalent compounds: are slow because don’t break up into ions

• Ionic
onic compounds: are fast because they break up into ions.
+ − + − + − + −
Ex: + → + .
White ppt.

B-The surface area of reactants:

Fe + 2HCl → FeCl2 + H2↑.

-When increasing the surface area exposed
posed to reaction become faster.

2-The concentration of reactants:

When increase the concentration of reactants the reaction become faster

Ex: 1- the speed of burning (reaction) increase in air more than in tube bec. Increase on the
concentration of oxygen.

2- Mg + 2HCl → MgCl2 + H2↑.

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3rd Prep.
The speed of reaction increases when increase the concentration of (HCl) & increase the number
of collision between molecules

3-The temperature of the reaction:

When increase the temperature of reaction become faster. Bec. increase the number of collision
between molecules

Life application:

Like cooking food become faster by heating & preserving food for long time by cooling (decrease
temperature) bec. The reaction done by bacteria becomes slow down.

It is a substance which speeds up the chemical reaction without changing or being used up

1-Positive catalyst:

It is the catalyst speeds up the chemical reaction.

2-Negative catalyst:

It is the catalyst slow down the chemical reaction

( )
Ex: 2H2O2 2H2O + O2↑.
( )
2H2O2 2H2O + O2↑.

The oxidase enzyme in sweet potato acts as catalyst increases the rate (speed) of decomposition
of (H2O2) hydrogen peroxide.
-increasing the chemical reaction in presence of enzymes (catalysts).

-Enzyme: is chemical substance is produced inside living organisms as a catalyst which increases
the biological reaction.

*Properties of catalysts:
1-they change the speed of reaction.

2-their quantity (mass) don’t change before or after reaction.

3-they are combined to reactants during reaction but separated quickly in end of reaction to form

4-they decrease the energy needed for reaction.

5-they are used in a small amount to complete reaction.

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3rd Prep.
-It is the substance which is formed from the combination between two or more components and
can be separated by physical way.

(1)-Types of mixture in terms of homogeneity:

1-Homogenous Solution:

-It is the mixture in which the solute molecules are distributed in the solvent in a regular way in
all parts, and its molecules cannot be distinguished by naked eye.

-Consists of one layer (clear solution).

Ex: salt solution & sugars solution.

2-Non-homogenous Solution:

-It is the mixture in which the solute molecules are distributed in the solvent in an irregular way
in all parts, and its molecules can be distinguished by naked eye

-consists of two or more layers.

Ex: water & oil – water & sand.

The Solution: It is the mixture that is homogenous in composition and properties, and consists of
two substances or more are not chemically united.

Consists of:

1- Solvent: it is substance found with greater amount in solution & being dissolved.
2- Solute: it is a substance found with smaller amount in solution & dissolves in solvent.

Ex: salt solution.

Table salt is solute & water is solvent types of solution.

(2)-Types of solutions in terms of solute concentration:

1-Unsaturated solution:

It is the solution in which an additional amount of the solute can be dissolved at a certain

*-the solvent has ability of dissolving another amount of solute.

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3rd Prep.

2-Saturated solution:

It is the solution in which no a additional amount of solute can be dissolved without a change in

*-the solvent has not ability of dissolving another amount of solute.

3-(Supper) Per-saturated solution:

It is the solution which accepts the dissolution of additional amount of solute with increase

*-the amount of solute is greater than in case of saturated solution.

Solutions of acids, bases & minerals:

1-Acid: it is a substance whose aqueous contains positive hydrogen ions or positive protons.
-it makes blue litmus paper gets red. – it has Sour taste.

-it reacts with base giving salt & water.

Ex: H2SO4 , HNO3 , HCL ,H3PO4.

2-Base (alkali): it is a substance whose aqueous contains negative hydroxide ions.

-it makes red litmus paper gets blue. – it has bitter taste.

-it reacts with acid giving salt & water.

-they have soapy feel.


3-Mineral (salt): it is a substance which produced from reaction of acid with alkali.
-it has no effect on litmus paper.
Ex: NaCl , MgCl2 , CaCl2 , Na2CO3.

Economy of some solutions:

(1)-Economic importance of some acids:
1-Acids secreted by stomach: help in digestion of proteins.
2-lactic acid: produced in muscles during physical exercises. (Help in muscles contraction).

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3rd Prep.
3-Citric acid (vitamin C) in orange, guava & tomatoes: protect us from common cold & improve
immunity of body against common cold.

4-Folic acid (in green leaves of vegetables): Necessary for proper growth of cells.

5-Diluted (HCL) & other: used in cleaning surfaces in house like detergents & in polishing metals

6-Nitric acid (HNO3) & phosphoric acid (H3PO4): used in manufacture of fertilizers.
7-Sulphuric acid: used in car batteries, fiber manufactures and oil distillation.

(2)-Economic importance of some common bases:

1-Magnesium hydroxide Mg (OH)2 : used in manufacture of anti acids (medicines to neutralize
stomach acidity)

2-calium hydroxide Ca (OH)2 used in Civil works such as preparation of cement mixture bec. It
reacts with CO2 in air & changes to calcium carbonate (rocky substance ) used in water treatment
& reduction of soil acidity .

(3)-Economic importance of some common minerals:

1-Calcium & magnesium salts in body: main comports of bones & teeth.

2-Phosphorus salts: in body form tissues.

3-Sodium & potassium salt: in responsible of transfer nerve impulses.

4-Sodium chloride (NaCl) table salt: used in salting & preserving food

5-Calcium carbonate: used in manufacture of glass & cement.

6-Potassium nitrate: used in Manufacture of fertilizers & explosives.

7-Silver nitrate: used in manufacture of sensitive camera films.

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