LESSON TWO FINAL QUIZ - Check, Checkmate & Stalemate

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The Liberty Knights Student Name____________________________

LESSON TWO QUIZ- Check, Checkmate and Stalemate

(30 questions, 15 is a passing grade)

1. What is the German word for a way to prevent a Back Rank Mate?________________________________

2. What do you call it when it is your move, your King is not a check but you have no legal move to make?

3. When you check your opponent, do you have to say the word “check”? ____________________________

4. T or F Stalemate is the only way to draw in the game of chess?__________

5. When is the only time the king is allowed to leave the chessboard?________________________________

6. When you are in check and you can’t do one of the three possible options, what is that called?

7. If you check your opponent and he makes a move other than the three possible options, what should you

8. Who wins if you stalemate your opponent?___________________________________________________

9. Fill in the blank. “No ________________________, no checkmate.

10. What are the three possible options when your king is in check? (List EXACTLY as taught)

a. _______________________________________________

b. _______________________________________________

c. _______________________________________________

11. T or F A stalemate is a kind of checkmate._______________

12. What is the only piece that can do a Kiss of Death checkmate?___________________________________

13. Can minor pieces do a Firing Squad Mate?___________________________________________________

14. If you are way ahead in material and you stalemate your opponent is that usually a good thing or bad
thing? __________________

15. When you are checked by your opponent, which of his pieces can never be blocked?_________________

16. Which of your pieces is never allowed to check your opponent’s king?____________________________
17. T or F The only time you have to worry about stalemating your opponent’s king is when he only has a
king left on the board.__________

18. Suppose your opponent makes a move and says “Checkmate.” To check to see if it is checkmate, what
four things have to be true? 1___________________________________________________________



Checkmate Principles

19. Try to ______________________________with every move.

20. Try to ____________________________the piece that is checking with each move.

21. Check by moving your piece ____________________to the king on a _________________square.

22. Try to force the king to the _____________________of the board.

23. When your opponent makes a move that breaks the rules of chess, what do you do?


24. What is the name of the checkmate that is accomplished by using only a king and a rook?


25. What is the name of the quickest checkmate possible?__________________________________________

26. What is the name of the opening checkmate also called “The Four Move Checkmate” which uses a bishop

and a queen?______________________________________________________________________________

27. What is the name of the checkmate that can be done with a Queen or Rook when your opponent’s King is

hiding behind a wall of 3 pawns?_____________________________________________________________

28. There is no King________________________________________in chess.

29. What should you do if you and your opponent disagree about the legality of a move?


30. Under what conditions would you like for a stalemate to happen? ________________________________

31. What is the King never allowed to move into? _______________________________________________

Skills demonstrated in front of Coach

32. The student should be able to set up both sides of a chess set in under 60 seconds.

33. The student should be able to demonstrate Fool’s mate and explain why it is checkmate.

34. The student should be able to set up a Scholar’s Mate and explain how to defend against it.

35. The student should be able to set up a Back Rank Mate (and demonstrate a luft),

36. The student should be able to set up a Firing Squad Mate.

37. The student should be able to set up a King and Rook Mate.

38. The student should be able to set up a Kiss of Death Mate.

WWW.BillWarren3.Com Email = wwarren3@cox.net

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