03-ResearchResearch Proposal

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The Concept of Research Self Evaluation Research Proposal Research Proposal Research Proposal Main Elements Literature Q

Scientific Writing II
03 - Introduction to Research and Research Proposal

Khadija Rahmany

Herat University
Computer Science Faculty

December 7, 2020
The Concept of Research Self Evaluation Research Proposal Research Proposal Research Proposal Main Elements Literature Q

Table of contents

The Concept of Research

Self Evaluation

Research Proposal

Research Proposal

Research Proposal Main Elements


The Concept of Research Self Evaluation Research Proposal Research Proposal Research Proposal Main Elements Literature Q

The Concept of Research

What is Research?
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The Concept of Research

• The word re-search is a noun composed of two syllables:

• re is a prefix, meaning again, anew or over again
• search is verb, meaning to examine closely and carefully, to
test and try, or to probe
• Together they form a noun describing a careful, systematic,
patient study and investigation in some field of knowledge,
undertaken to establish facts or principles.
The Concept of Research Self Evaluation Research Proposal Research Proposal Research Proposal Main Elements Literature Q

The Concept of Research

• Systematic investigation process into and study of

materials and sources in order to establish facts and reach
new conclusions (The New Oxford American Dictionary,
2001, P. 1448)
• Research is defined as the creation of new knowledge
and/or the use of existing knowledge in a new and creative
way so as to generate new concepts, methodologies and
understandings (Australian Research Council)
The Concept of Research Self Evaluation Research Proposal Research Proposal Research Proposal Main Elements Literature Q

Research Definition

Research is a logical and systematic approach to investigate or

finding solutions to scientific and social problems. (Creswell,
2012, p. 3).

Research fill the empty gap in our knowledge.

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Self Evaluation

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Self Evaluation

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Self Evaluation

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Self Evaluation

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Self Evaluation

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Self Evaluation

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6. cloud computing
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Importance of research

• Students will learn more if they come into contact with

research (research-based learning)
• To equip students with the ability to undertake
independent research.
• Professional practice will improve if professional workers base
their work on research-based knowledge (research-based
• Research capacity can lead to further income for student.
The Concept of Research Self Evaluation Research Proposal Research Proposal Research Proposal Main Elements Literature Q

Research Type

• Basic research is research aimed at obtaining empirical data

used to formulate and expand theory. Basic research is
not oriented in design or purpose toward the solution of
practical problems.
• Applied research aims to solve an immediate practical
problem. It is research performed in relation to actual
problems and under the conditions in which they appear in
practice (Ary et al. 2009, p. 34)
The Concept of Research Self Evaluation Research Proposal Research Proposal Research Proposal Main Elements Literature Q

Research Steps-General Level

”At a general level, research consists of three steps:

• Developing a research plan/proposal (Pose a question.)
• Implementation (Data collection and analysis) (Collect data
to answer the question)
• Report Writing and Evaluation (Present an answer to the
question) ”(Creswell, 2012, p. 3)
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Research Process
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Research Proposal Definitions - 2

”The meaning of proposal suggests looking forward, to what the

researcher plans to do in the future. The proposal lays out the
problem for research, describes exactly how the research will
be conducted, and outlines in precise detail the resources both
actual and instrumental the researcher will use to achieve the
desired results.”

Leedy & Omrod, Practical Research. 8th ed, p. 117, 115.

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Research Proposal Definitions - 1

”The academic research proposal is a structured presentation of

what you plan to do in research and how you plan to do it.”
(Smith, p. 34 )

It is an opportunity for you to present your idea and proposed

actions for consideration in a shared decision-making situation.
The Concept of Research Self Evaluation Research Proposal Research Proposal Research Proposal Main Elements Literature Q

Functions of the research proposal

Functions of the research proposal are:
• Communication: The proposal communicates the
investigator’s intentions and research plans to those who
allocate funds and it is the primary resource on which the
graduate student’s review panel must base the functions of
review, consultation and approval of the research project.
• Contract: In the research funding context, an approved grant
proposal results in a contract between the investigator (and
often the university) and a funding source. In the higher
degree context, an approved proposal constitutes a bond of
agreement between the student and the advisers/supervisors,
department or university.
• Plan: The proposal also serves as the action plan for carrying
out the research.
The Concept of Research Self Evaluation Research Proposal Research Proposal Research Proposal Main Elements Literature Q

Research Proposal

The research proposal must prove that:

• Significance: Your research problem is significant.
• Sound Methodology: Proposed methods are appropriate for
the research problem.
• Feasibility: The proposed research can be conducted within
the proposed timeframe and budget.
• Researcher Credibility: The researcher(s) has the necessary
knowledge and skills.
• Ethics: Your research is ethical.
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Importance of Research Proposal

• A research plan is the key to successful research. the heart

of the research plan is the research proposal
• The purpose is not to limit creativity the most deep discovery
usually occur within structured inquiry.
• Proposals are generally required by all entities that support
or encourage research
• They can seek financial support or simply serve as a guide
for the research.
• The proposal describes what will be done, and the research
itself is carried out after approval of the proposal.
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Research Proposal Purposes

Proposals serve dual purposes:

• Provides an operational plan for the researcher. This forces
clear understanding of the intent of the research and
anticipation of potential problems.
• For evaluators (including graduate committees) a proposal
clarifies the intent of the research and allows decisions on
approval or disapproval.
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Research Proposal: The Big Picture

Your proposal describes your proposed plan of work:

• What you intend to study (scope and research
questions).Identify the broad area of study
• How you intend to study your topic (methodology).
• Why this topic needs to be studied (significance).
• When you will complete this work (timeline).
• Where you will conduct this work.
The Concept of Research Self Evaluation Research Proposal Research Proposal Research Proposal Main Elements Literature Q

Research Proposal

A good place to begin is to ask yourself a series of questions:

• What do I want to study, and why?
• How is it significant within the subject areas covered in my
• What problems will it help solve?
• How does it build upon [and hopefully go beyond] research
already conducted on my topic?
• What exactly should I plan to do, and can I get it done in the
time available?
The Concept of Research Self Evaluation Research Proposal Research Proposal Research Proposal Main Elements Literature Q

Research Proposal Main Element

• Research title
• Introduction
• Problem statement
• Research Significance/ Implications
• Research purpose, questions / hypotheses
• Literature review
• Research method
• Timeline
• References
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Research Proposal

Figure: Punch, K. F. (2007). Developing Effective Research Proposals (2

ed.). Los Angeles,CA: SAGE Publications.
The Concept of Research Self Evaluation Research Proposal Research Proposal Research Proposal Main Elements Literature Q


• Cargill, M., Patrick OConnor. (2009). Writing Scientific

Research Articles. University of Oxford
• Perelman, L. C., Paradis, J., & Barrett, E. (1998). The
Mayfield Handbook of Technical Scientific writing. Mayfield
Publishing Company
The Concept of Research Self Evaluation Research Proposal Research Proposal Research Proposal Main Elements Literature Q


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