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English Pronunciation 
Minimal Pairs: B and V 
What is the difference between the B and P sounds?   
What is the difference between the V and F sounds? 

Exercise 1: Listen and Repeat 

Listen to your teacher read the following groups of words. Repeat them. Be careful to make the 
distinction between the two sounds. 
B  V V 
ban  van van 
bale  bale  veil 
best  vest best 
bat  vat vat 
rival  libel rival 
bowl  vole vole 
biking  biking Viking 
bow  vow vow 
bile  vile vile 
berry  berry very 
beer  veer beer 
boat  vote vote 
serb  serb serve 
base  vase vase   

Exercise 2: Listening Quiz 

(See the teacher’s list on page 4.) Listen to the groups of words your teacher reads. Two of the 
words are the same, and one is different. Which word is different -- the first word, second word, 
or third word? 
For example, if you hear the words, “​ban van ban,”​ the second word (​van​) is different from the 
first and third words (​ban​), so write the number 2 in the space provided. 
example​: _​ _2__ 
1. _____  4. _____  7. _____  10. _____  13. _____ 
2. _____  5. _____  8. _____  11. _____  14. _____ 
3. _____  6. _____  9. _____  12. _____  15. _____ 1 

Exercise 3: Student Pair Practice 

Here are two different word lists, A and B. With your partner, decide who will read list A and who 
will read list B. 
Read the words from your list to your partner. He or she will note which word was different 
(either 1, 2, or 3) in the answer column provided. 
For example: If you hear the words, “​ban van ban,”​ the second word (​van​) is different from the 
first and third words (​ban​), so write number 2 in the space provided. 
When finished, review your answers with your partner. Then switch roles and repeat the activity 
with List B. 


1. V  B V  1. __________ (1, 2, or 3) 
2. van  ban ban  2. __________ 
3. bale  veil bale  3. __________ 
4. best  vest vest  4. __________ 
5. bat  vat bat  5. __________ 
6. rival  rival libel  6. __________ 
7. bowl  bowl vole  7. __________ 
8. Viking biking Viking  8. __________ 
9. vow  bow vow  9. __________ 
10. bile  bile vile  10. __________ 
11. berry  berry very  11. __________ 
12. veer  veer beer  12. __________ 
13. boat  vote vote  13. __________ 
14. Serb  Serb serve  14. __________ 
15. base  vase base  15. __________ 2 


1. B  V B  1. __________ (1, 2, or 3) 
2. ban  van van  2. __________ 
3. bale  bale veil  3. __________ 
4. best  vest vest  4. __________ 
5. vat  bat bat  5. __________ 
6. libel  rival rival  6. __________ 
7. vole  bowl bowl  7. __________ 
8. Viking biking Viking  8. __________ 
9. bow  vow bow  9. __________ 
10. vile  vile bile  10. __________ 
11. berry  berry very  11. __________ 
12. veer  beer beer  12. __________ 
13. voat  vote boat  13. __________ 
14. serve  serve Serb  14. __________ 
15. vase  base base  15. __________ 


Here is the Teacher’s List for Exercise 2 

Teacher’s List Answer Key 
1. V  V B  1. 3  
2. ban  ban van  2. 3 
3. bale  veil veil  3. 1 
4. best  best vest  4. 3 
5. vat  vat bat  5. 3 
6. rival  libel libel  6. 1 
7. bowl  vole vole  7. 1 
8. biking Viking Viking  8. 1 
9. vow  vow bow  9. 3 
10. vile  bile vile  10. 2 
11. berry  very very  11. 1 
12. beer  beer veer  12. 3 
13. boat  vote boat  13. 2 
14. Serb  serve Serb  14. 2 
15. vase  vase base  15. 3 

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