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Research Paper Rubric

Criteria Poor Fair Excellent

Cover Page Unclear title, No relation to All information is listed Creative title related to
APA format paper, not in correct format, but one it's not in correct subject and follows correct
and missing information. format or title is not APA format (Title, Authors
related to subject. name, Institution, and
Proper Headings).

Abstract and Information is not reflective on Information is related to Correctly reflects purpose
Table of Contents research paper. body of paper, but has a of paper, self-contained,
More than 120 words and does few errors in format. Table concise, and specific. 120
A brief summary of not define unique terms. Table of contents is generally words or less. Most
the paper and table of contents is confusing, lacks clear with few errors. important information
of contents of correct formatting, or is Follows APA format. included (concepts,
paper incomplete/missing. findings, or implications).
Table of contents is
informative, clear, and has
no errors. Follows APA

Format/Layout Poorly follows the requirements Follows, for the most part, Closely follows all the
Quotes and of APA format. all of the requirements requirements related to
citations in APA related to APA format. APA format.
style Some requirements are
not followed.

Quality of Writing The paper is not well written, The paper is well written The paper is well written
and contains many spelling for the most part, and and addresses all of the
The grammar, errors and/or grammar errors. contains few spelling or issues regarding the
spelling, and The paper is badly organized, grammar errors, and research topic with an in-
punctuation within lacks clarity and/or does not addresses most of the depth analysis. Is written
the paper present ideas coherently. Is not issues regarding the topic with graduate level writing
written at graduate level and is with an in-depth analysis. skills and sophistication.
not sophisticated. Is generally with graduate
level writing skills, but not
very sophisticated.

Content The paper is not objective and The paper is objective and The paper is objective and
The paper is poorly addresses the topic of for the most part addresses the issues of the
focused and well- research. The information addresses the issues of proposed topic. The
developed provided is not necessary or the proposed topic. The information provided is
sufficient to discuss this topic. information provided is necessary and sufficient to
necessary and sufficient discuss this topic.
for this topic.

References Some sources are listed, but All sources are accurately All sources are accurately
APA Format they are not accurately documented, but a few documented in the APA
documented in APA format. are not in the APA format. format.

Organization Not organized at all. Paper does Somewhat organized with Clear with an Introduction,
The thoughts and not flow. Little to no transitions, a few errors. Needs more body, and conclusion.
ideas within the introductions, conclusions, transitions and further Subheadings when needed.
paper choppy and difficult to follow. work on introductions and Paper flows with transitions
Does not follow a logical order conclusions. Follows a into each paragraph.
in regard to what topics are logical order in regard to Logical order is created and
presented first, second, etc. how the material is develops a gradual
presented. unfolding of increased
complexity of concepts that
build upon each other.
Length Paper has fewer than 10 pages Paper has 10 pages in Paper has more than 10
Follows classroom in total. Excludes title page, total. Does not include pages in total. Does not
guidelines table of contents, and/or title page, table of include title page, table of
references in page length. contents, or references in contents, or references in
page length. page length.

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