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CISC 181, Introduction to Computer Science, Spring 2021

Course Description:
Principles of computer science illustrated and applied through programming in an object-oriented
language. Programming projects illustrate computational problems, styles and issues that arise in
computer systems development and in all application areas of computation.
Prerequisites: Grade of C- or better in CISC108 or CISC106
Co-requisites: MATH221, or MATH241

Instructor: Mr. Bert R. Gibbons II, 101 Smith Hall,

Office Hours: Monday afternoon 1-3pm via zoom
Section 12 & 14 - Class Hours: Tuesday / Thursday 4:00 – 5:15PM
Section 10 & 11 - Class Hours: Tuesday / Thursday 5:30– 6:15PM
Lab Sections are all Wednesday

TA Information Lab Office Hours #1 Office Hours Zoom Link

Section #2
Chris Czewrinski 30L Monday 2pm -3pm Thursday 11am- 12pm
Chris Tiso 60l Tuesday 12:30pm- Friday 10am- 1:30pm 11am
Marguerite McGahay 20L Monday 11am- Wednesday 12-
mmcgahay@udel.ed 12pm 1pm
Cameron Thacker 21L Tuesday 6:00 PM to Thursday 6:00 7:00PM PM to 7:00 PM
Christopher-Neil 61L Monday 4-5 PM Thursday 3:30-
Mendoza 4:30 PM
Joshua Watson 41L Monday 2:30pm- Wednesday 1:30- 3:30pm 2:30 PM
Jackson Burns 40L Monday 1-2 pm Wednesday 11- 12 pm
Sara Fleck 22L Tuesday 4-5pm Thursday 4-5pm
Macy Beach 31L Monday 5-6 pm Friday 5-6 pm
Katie Gaia 42L Tuesday 5-6 pm Thursday 2-3 pm


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Java Textbook Link
Textbook Link
Class Schedule: Two lecture sessions per week, 75 minutes per session
One lab session per week, 50 minutes per session.
Week Tues Class Thurs Class Lab Topics
1 2/16 2/18 2/17 Introduction
Lab groups
Chapter 1 - Introduction to Computers, Programs, and Java
Chapter 2- Elementary Programming
Chapter 3 - Selections

2 2/23 2/25 2/24 Chapter 4 - Mathematical Functions,

Characters, and String
Chapter 5 - Loops
Chapter 6 - Methods
Chapter 7 - Single-Dimensional Arrays
Chapter 8 - Multidimensional Arrays
3 3/2 3/4 3/3 Discuss Sudoku Lab 1 - Latin Square
Chapter 44 - Testing Using Junit (extra chapters)

4 3/9 3/11 3/10 Chapter 9 - Objects and Classes

Chapter 10 - Object-Oriented Thinking
5 3/16 3/18 3/17 Discuss Sudoku Lab 2 - Sudoku
Chapter 11 - Inheritance and Polymorphism
6 3/23 3/25 3/24 Chapter 12 - Exception Handling and Text I/O
Chapter 13 - Abstract Classes and Interfaces

7 3/30 4/1 3/31

Discuss Lab 3 - Sudoku
Midterm Review

8 4/6 4/8 4/7 Chapter 19 - Generics

Chapter 20 - Lists, Stacks, Queues, and Priority Queues
9 4/13 4/15 4/14 Discuss Lab 4 - Sudoku

Chapter 24 - Implementing Lists, Stacks, Queues, and Priority Queues

10 4/20 4/22 4/21 Chapter 14 - JavaFX Basics

Chapter 15 - Event-Driven Programming and Animations

Chapter 16 - JavaFX UI Controls and Multimedia
11 4/27 4/29 4/28 Discuss Lab 5 - Sudoku
Chapter 21 - Sets and Maps
12 5/4 5/6 5/5 Chapter 32 - Multithreading and Parallel Programming

13 5/11 5/13 5/12 Chapter 31 - Advanced JavaFX and FXML

Chapter 34 - Java Database Programming
Chapter 35 - Advanced Database Programming

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14 5/18 Final Exam Review
Final Exam
Assignment Schedule:

Assignment Type Assignment Name Due Date

My Programming Lab Chapter 1 2/22
My Programming Lab Chapter 2,3 2/22
My Programming Lab Chapter 4,5,6,7,8 3/1
My Programming Lab Chapter 7,8 9/14
My Programming Lab Chapter 9, 10 3/15
My Programming Lab Chapter 11 3/22
My Programming Lab Chapter 12 4/7
My Programming Lab Chapter 13, 18 4/12

Lab Schedule

Lab # Due Date Lab Purpose

Poker Lab #1 3/2 Basic Card and Deck class
Poker Lab #2 3/16 Learning how to score a hand
Poker Lab #3 3/23 Scoring Hands against each other
Poker Lab #4 4/6 Play hands with other players
Poker Lab #5 4/20 Texas hold’em, find best possible hand,
best made hand
Poker Lab #6 5/4 Card UI coding
Poker Lab #7 5/18 Simple game animation

Quiz Schedule
Quiz # Due Date
Quiz Chapters 1,2,3 2/22
Quiz Chapters 4,5,6 3/1
Quiz Chapters 7,8 3/1
Quiz Chapters 9,10 3/15
Quiz Chapters 11,12,13 3/29
Quiz Chapters 19,20 4/12
Quiz Chapters 24 4/19
Quiz Chapters 14,15,16 4/26
Quiz Chapters 21 5/3
Quiz Chapters 32 5/10
Quiz Chapters 34,35 5/16

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Assignment Weight
Class Participation 10
My Programming Lab 20
Discovery Labs 20
Quizzes 20
Midterm 15
Final Exam 15

100-95 95-90 90-87 87-83 83-80 80-77 77-73 73-70 70-67 67-63 63-60 <60
Letter A A- B+ B B- C+ C C- D+ D D- F

COVID 19 Information:
We are in new and interesting times. The COVID-19 pandemic forced UD to go online during the middle
of the Spring 2020 term and continued through the Fall 2020 term. We are just beginning to bring
students back on campus to have in-person classes.

I am running two sections of the class at the same time. One section in-person and one section online
synchronously. All labs are held online- even if the lecture schedule is planned for in-person.

You are registered for either in-person or online. Attendance is required. The class is identical except for
the way exams will be held. If you are registered for in-person, I expect you to attend in-person.

Rules for in-person attendees:

 In-person attendance is required.
 You are expected to adhere to University COVID-19 protocol. Daily check-in, symptom
monitoring, etc.
 Students are required to wear masks and social distance. The room is big enough and the
attendance is controlled to make sure students are far enough apart.
 If you have COVID-19 symptoms, or are diagnosed with COVID-19, you cannot attend in-person
class. If you are infected by asymptomatic, it would be best to switch sections to the online
section. There is no switching back (online to in-person). If you switch lecture sections, your lab
sections group will remain the same.
Rules for online attendees:
 Attendance is required.
 If you are COVID-19 positive and are asymptomatic, I want you to do your best to keep up with
your classwork.
 If you are COVID-19 positive and symptomatic, University of Delaware guidelines will be in

If there are any other accommodations required, please let me know.

Lecture / Lab style:

I consider CISC 181 a pivotal class. If you’ve never done OO coding before, it’s going to be a
challenging class. I promise that if you make the effort, I’ll do my end and make sure you understand the

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material. If you leave this class without a fundamental understanding of how Java / OO works, you’re
going to have a difficult career at UD in computer science.

I don’t waste class time with quizzes during class hours. I don’t see the utility with wasting an entire
class watching sweat pour down your face while I monitor a stopwatch. Frankly speaking, the world
doesn’t work like that. All the assignments are take-home, open note, open Google and except for the lab
/ project assignments, NOT group work. I’ll know if I’m getting the same code from two different

There is one midterm, which is scheduled and proctored. Midterm is scheduled for April 1st.
Mark it on your calendar.

For the first four weeks, attendance is absolutely mandatory. If you miss one of the first few classes, you
are guaranteed to play catch-up the rest of the term. Get some coffee, perk up and strap in.

The TAs will run the labs and grade the assignments. If there is a question on a particular grade, take it to
the TA first, then to me.


If you have a disability that requires special accommodation, please contact me by email during the first
week of class.


Your attendance and participation count as 10% of your grade. I take attendance via iClicker each class.
There are 27 scheduled classes and 13 scheduled lab periods. Each class will count as 1 point and the
labs will count for a total of 8 points. For example, if you attend each class and miss each lab you’ll score
27/35 points (and earn 77.1% for the attendance portion of your grade).

My Programming Lab:

There is content assigned in My Programming Lab. The due dates for the assignments are listed in the
syllabus. Penalties are as follows: 1-7 days late – 33% penalty. 8-14 days late- 66% penalty.

Late Policy. The late policy for non MyProgrammingLab assignments… You lose 5% per day.
Example… you scored a 90%, but were two days late, your grade is 80%.

Quizzes: There will be a total of 12 Quizzes this semester. These quizzes are synchronized with the text
chapters and discovery labs. If you successfully complete the assignments you should do well on the
quizzes. Quizzes are take home, open note, open Google (sans cut/paste), but not group work. I don’t
want to waste precious lecture time in class on quizzes; the honor code will be strictly enforced.
Unexcused missed quizzes will count as zeros.

Exams: There will be two exams this semester: a midterm and a final. Exams are cumulative.

Collaboration vs Cheating:

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Collaboration with anyone is ENCOURAGED for any in-class work. Collaboration is also encouraged for
the practice sets. Collaboration of any kind is PROHIBITED during Exams.

A general rule for determining proper versus improper collaboration is the line of sight rule: when
working on your program, can you see another student's work? Helping another student debug their
problem set program is OKAY, but allowing another student to copy or transcribe your work is not okay.

Copying any other person's work (off the Internet, for example) without proper acknowledgment is
plagiarism, a serious offense, and the one most common to computer science courses.  Anyone that aids
another student with work that is expected to be done without collaboration is as guilty as the person who
seeks help. Both will be prosecuted. It is strongly recommended that you familiarize yourself with the
University's Policy of Academic Dishonesty.

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