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Instructions for Students

Term Final Examination of January 2020 Term in MS Office Teams

(XXX represents the course number and EEE shall be replaced with respective Department name
wherever applicable)
A. General Instructions regarding the Exam:
1. Use white paper of A4 size for writing the answers. In case you require linear, log, semi log or
any form of graph papers, you have to arrange those before the examination (Consult your class
2. Choose a suitable space for examination that is well-lit. PDF conversion in dark area is often sub
optimal and causes problem in scanning.
3. You must use the attached formatted page as the top sheet of the Answer Script. You must write
your Student No., Course No., Course Title, and Date of Exam clearly and correctly in the space
provided of this Top sheet, and write text of the declaration in your own handwriting in the
provided space. Separate top sheets are provided for Section A and Section B. In case of
unavailability of printing facility, you may prepare a handwritten top sheet as per the given
format. For saving time, prepare the top sheets ahead of exam time/date and have those ready
within due time for submission.

4. It is the sole responsibility of the student to be available Online during the Exam, i.e. you must
make sure in advance the availability of uninterrupted WiFi connection/sufficient Mobile Data, as
well as Laptop/Mobile electrical charge backup, so that you do not face any problem with
connectivity during the Exam.

5. You are not allowed to misuse, in any form or method, the course materials including lecture
materials, reading materials, audio, video records of the lecture of the course during the Exam. In
case of any such misuse, you will have to face disciplinary actions as per the rules of the

B. Instructions regarding the Exam for MS Teams:

6. Ensure that you are added to the MS Teams for your examination. You will be added to
Team titled Jan2020_FinalExam_EEEXXX (5 days before the start of the examination). If you
are not added to any of the teams, contact your course teacher immediately. Note that XXX
represents the course number and EEE shall be replaced with respective Department name
wherever applicable.
7. Inside the MS Team for exam (EEE_XXX_Jan2020_Final_Exam), ensure you have access to the
two (2) assignments “EEE XXX Final Examination Section A Script”, “EEE XXX Final
Examination Section B Script”.
8. Your question paper will be uploaded into the Jan2020_FinalExam_EEEXXXTeam
general>files>class materials section 5 minutes before the exam. Keep a downloaded copy of
the question with you. You are free to print the question out.

C. Instructions to follow on Examination day:

9. Join the meeting scheduled for the term final examination in the Jan2020_FinalExam_EEEXXX
team. Make sure you join the correct meeting (DO NOT click “join now”, rather use your
calendar to join the meeting. Failure to join the correct meeting may result you being marked
absent from the examination. You need to stay connected to the meeting for the entire duration of
the exam. In case you get disconnected, try to reconnect immediately. If that fails, contact any
one of the invigilators.
10. You must STOP writing after 2 hours from the start time of the Exam. No extra time will be
provided under any circumstances.
11. You are required to keep your camera ready (keep your camera ready and turn it on if the
invigilator demands it) during the examination meeting. If you are joining the meeting from a
mobile device, use a stand to keep the phone in an upright position, where you are clearly visible
while taking the exam. Turn off incoming video to reduce data consumption. Also, if you have
only one device, use Microsoft Teams to read the PDF file of the question. This will ensure that
the video will not pause during the meeting.
12. Use only one side of the paper for writing; you must clearly write your Student ID and Page
number. You can use the following format on top of the page (Section A page 1 of Student ID

1406001 A-01

13. Under NO circumstances, the 30-minute time allocated for scanning, preparing the pdf and
uploading answer scripts shall be used for writing on the Answer Scripts. In view of connectivity,
available bandwidth in remote locations and compiled file sizes uploading time may be extended
by 15 minutes. In case of any difficulty in uploading to the LMS, then the answer scripts can be
sent to the internal examiners’ email address. This must be sent from the student’s BUET email
address and must be sent within the due time.
14. After finishing answering, you need to scan and create two separate PDF files for Section A and
Section B answer script, with the first page as the designated top page and each answer script
pages subsequently scanned. Rename the files as “StudentID_EEEXXX_SectionA.pdf” and
“StudentID_EEEXXX_SectionB.pdf”. When you are scanning, you may switch to your
scanning app in the mobile. For laptop computers, you are required to keep video on. A tutorial
on how to create a PDF file is provided on BUET website Notice Section: The file size for each section (per
pdf) should not exceed 20MB.
15. Submit the scanned PDF by attaching the PDF StudentID_EEEXXX_SectionA.pdf in EEE
XXX Final Examination Section A Script assignment and
StudentID_EEEXXX_SectionB.pdf in EEE XXX Final Examination Section B Script
assignment. It is possible to do a turn in of an assignment without attaching a file, so make sure
your file is attached. In case you cannot submit using Microsoft Teams, inform the invigilator
immediately and follow his/her instruction. A student can start with any Section (i.e. A or B) of
his or her choice and upload accordingly.
16. You must stay connected to the MS Team meeting after submitting the answer scripts and wait
for your invigilators’ instructions. Invigilators will cross check the submissions at this point.
Once the invigilators finish cross-checking the submission, after their permission, you may leave
the meeting.
17. It is the responsibility of the student to preserve hard and soft copies of the answer scripts. The
student MUST NOT share the hard copy and soft copy or its replication with anyone. If a student
fails to abide by this condition, he/she will have to face disciplinary actions as per the rules of the
University. If necessary, the student will be required to submit hardcopy of the answer script as
per the requirement of the University.
18. Students MUST NOT delete or edit his/her answer script on Teams until the official result

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