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Name: _________________________ Date: ________ Period: ___

Outside Reading Project

60 points: will be included in the “Writing and Projects” category of the gradebook
Through this second-quarter project, the goal is to independently read, analyze, and review one novel.
In order to do this successfully, it is important to understand that, during this project, YOU are in charge.
You are responsible for:
1. reading your book
2. filling out the necessary parts of this packet.
3. making sure that your teacher is able to access a copy of your book while grading your project
4. asking questions along the way if you have any confusion
5. ensuring that you have avoided plagiarism and have demonstrated academic honesty

DUE DATE: This Word document needs to be completely filled out by you with all instructions followed
by 11:59 PM Friday February 26, 2020.

What You Need to Do

1. Select a novel. It must be at least 150 pages and appropriate for a high school reader.
a. It is possible that I may approve books that are less than 150 pages. Check it with me first.
b. If you read a book that is a movie or TV show, you are still allowed to use it. However, you are
required to watch that show/movie and complete the extra steps (steps 5 and 6). If your book
does not have a film version, you only need to complete steps 1-4. IF this is not okay with you, then
make sure not to choose a book with a film version.
2. I highly suggest paying attention to this packet throughout the reading process so that you often
remember what specific information you should be particularly watchful for.
3. HELP! I don’t like my book! Quitting your book is risky. I will not give you any extra time to
complete it. You may only change your book, but you must obtain permission from me. Should you
submit a project that is about a different book than what I have documented, you will receive a zero.
Also, nobody is allowed to switch books after Monday January 25 th
4. Fill out this entire packet and submit it on Canvas by 11:59 PM Friday February 26 th, 2020.
5. Extra Steps for Books with Movie/TV Versions: If your book has a film version, you must watch the
film version. I do not care if you do this before, during, or after reading your book, but this must be
completed. Ensure that this is possible BEFORE reading your book.
6. Extra Steps for Books with Movie/TV Versions: You must complete the “Film Comparison” section
of the packet.

Name: _________________________ Date: ________ Period: ___

Directions: Fill out ALL items in this packet. Be sure to very carefully read all instructions contained within
the packet.

My Book’s Title:
Year Published:

1. Basic Information: Book Genre:

Complete sentences
are NOT required Setting:
Main Character(s):
Most books fit into Is this book part of a series? Circle: Yes / No
more than one genre

Do not forget that Describe what made you pick this book:
“setting” includes time
AND place.

You may record your summary as you read, or you can write the entire summary
2. Summary after you finish reading. Your summary should be at least 300 words, but it will likely
be more than that. It should encompass the major details of the whole story
USE COMPLETE beginning-to-end.

Also, remember Henry.

Think of how we limit
ourselves to only the
most important pieces.
DO NOT re-write your
whole book, but I
should have a pretty
good idea of what the
story was about and
what happened simply
by reading your story. If
I don’t really
understand your story
after reading this, then
it probably needs more
Main Character’s Appearance:
3. Character and
Name: _________________________ Date: ________ Period: ___

Main Character’s Personality:

Describe the main conflict that this character must overcome. Include whether it is
external or internal.

Again, remember
Henry. Use those old How does this character develop from the beginning to the end of the novel?
theme boxes as
examples for what
this should look like.
Create a theme statement describing the most significant theme of this story.

Explain why this is the main theme. How is it demonstrated in the book?

On a scale of 1-5, what would you rate this book? ________ / 5

4. Book Review 1 = I couldn’t pick it up 
5 = I couldn’t put it down 

Below, explain why you rated the book this way. What did you like about it? What did
you dislike about it? Write at least 5 sentences.


Name: _________________________ Date: ________ Period: ___
Directions: Answer all of the following prompts and questions using complete sentences.

When and how was your film version published?

Describe, in detail, some of the major differences between your story’s book and film versions.

Describe, in detail, one significant thing you would have done to change the film version if you
were the director.

Using specific details in at least one paragraph, identify which version of the story you think is
better and explain why.

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