In the name of Allāh, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. ميحرلا نمحرلا ﷲ مسب

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when man sees (the deeds) which ‫ ﻳﹶﺎ ﻟَﻴﹾﺘَﻨﹺﻲ ﻛُﻨﺖﹸ ﺗُﺮﹶﺍﺑﹰﺎ‬:‫ﻭﻳﹶﻘُﻮﻝُ ﺍﻟْﻜَﺎﻓﹺﺮﹸ‬

his hands have sent forth, and the

unbeliever will say, “Woe unto
me! If only I were (mere) dust!”

SŪRA 79 Those who Pull (Souls) Out [Al-Nāzi`āt]

46 ‫ عدد آياتھا‬- 79 ‫ سورة‬- ‫سورة النازعات‬

In the name of Allāh, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. ‫بسم ﷲ الرحمن الرحيم‬
1. By the (angels) who violently ‫ ﻭﹶﺍﻟﻨﱠﺎﺯِﻋﹶﺎﺕﹺ ﻏَﺮﹾﻗًﺎ‬.1
pull out (the souls of the wicked):
2. By those who gently draw out ‫ ﻭﹶﺍﻟﻨﱠﺎﺷﹺﻄَﺎﺕﹺ �َﺸﹾﻄًﺎ‬.2
(the souls of the blessed);
3. And by those who glide along ‫ ﻭﹶﺍﻟﺴﱠﺎﺑِﺤﹶﺎﺕﹺ ﺳﹶﺒﹾﺤﹰﺎ‬.3
(on errands of mercy),
4. Then press forward as in a race, ‫ ﻓَﺎﻟﺴﱠﺎﺑِﻘَﺎﺕﹺ ﺳﹶﺒﹾﻘًﺎ‬.4
5. Then arrange to carry out (the ‫ ﻓَﺎﻟْﻤﹸﺪﹶﺑﱢﺮﹶﺍﺕﹺ ﺃَﻣﹾﺮﹰﺍ‬.5
commands of their Lord);
6. One Day everything that can ُ‫ ﻳﹶﻮﹾﻡﹶ ﺗَﺮﹾﺟﹸﻒﹸ ﺍﻟﺮﱠﺍﺟِﻔَﺔ‬.6
agitate will be in violent
7. Followed by oft-repeated ُ‫ ﺗَﺘْﺒﹶﻌﹸﻬﹶﺎ ﺍﻟﺮﱠﺍﺩﹺﻓَﺔ‬.7
8. Hearts that Day will be in ٌ‫ ﻗُﻠُﻮﺏﹲ ﻳﹶﻮﹾﻣﹶﺌﹺﺬﹴ ﻭﹶﺍﺟِﻔَﺔ‬.8
9. Eyes will be cast down. ٌ‫ ﺃَﺑﹾﺼﹶﺎﺭﹸﻫﹶﺎ ﺧﹶﺎﺷﹺﻌﹶﺔ‬.9
10. (Now) they say, “What?! Shall ‫ ﻳﹶﻘُﻮﻟُﻮﻥﹶ ﺃَﺋﹺﻨﱠﺎ ﻟَﻤﹶﺮﹾﺩﹸﻭﺩﹸﻭﻥﹶ ﻓﹺﻲ ﺍﻟْﺤﹶﺎﻓﹺﺮﹶﺓﹺ‬.10
we indeed be returned to (our)
former state?
11. “What?! (Even) when we have ‫ ﺃَﺋﹺﺬَﺍ ﻛُﻨﱠﺎ ﻋﹺﻈَﺎﻣﹰﺎ �ﱠﺨﹺﺮﹶﺓﹰ‬.11
become rotten bones?”
12. They say, “It would, in that ‫ ﻗَﺎﻟُﻮﺍ ﺗﹺﻠْﻚﹶ ﺇِﺫًﺍ ﻛَﺮﱠﺓﹲ ﺧﹶﺎﺳﹺﺮﹶﺓﹲ‬.12
case, be a return with loss!”
13. But truly, it will be but a ‫ ﻓَﺈِ�ﱠﻤﹶﺎ ﻫﹺﻲﹶ ﺯَﺟﹾﺮﹶﺓﹲ ﻭﹶﺍﺣﹺﺪﹶﺓﹲ‬.13
single (compelling) cry,
14. When, behold! They will be in ‫ ﻓَﺈِﺫَﺍ ﻫﹸﻢ ﺑِﺎﻟﺴﱠﺎﻫﹺﺮﹶﺓﹺ‬.14
the (full) awakening (to
15. Has the story of Moses ‫ ﻫﹶﻞْ ﺃَﺗَﺎﻙَ ﺣﹶﺪﹺﻳﺚﹸ ﻣﹸﻮﺳﹶﻰ‬.15
reached you?
16. Behold! Your Lord called unto ‫ ﺇِﺫْ �َﺎﺩﹶﺍﻩﹸ ﺭﹶﺑﱡﻪﹸ ﺑِﺎﻟْﻮﹶﺍﺩﹺ ﺍﻟْﻤﹸﻘَﺪﱠﺱِ ﻃُﻮﹰﻯ‬.16
him in the sacred valley of Tuwa:

17. “Go to Pharaoh, for he has ‫ ﺍﺫْﻫﹶﺐﹾ ﺇِﻟَﻰ ﻓﹺﺮﹾﻋﹶﻮﹾﻥﹶ ﺇِ�ﱠﻪﹸ ﻃَﻐَﻰ‬.17
indeed transgressed all bounds:
18. “And say to him, `Would you ‫ ﻓَﻘُﻞْ ﻫﹶﻞ ﻟﱠﻚﹶ ﺇِﻟَﻰ ﺃَﻥ ﺗَﺰﹶﻛﱠﻰ‬.18
be purified (from sin)?
19. “`And that I guide you to ‫ ﻭﹶﺃَﻫﹾﺪﹺﻳﹶﻚﹶ ﺇِﻟَﻰ ﺭﹶﺑﱢﻚﹶ ﻓَﺘَﺨْﺸﹶﻰ‬.19
your Lord, so you should fear
20. Then (Moses) showed him the ‫ ﻓَﺄَﺭﹶﺍﻩﹸ ﺍﻵﻳﹶﺔَ ﺍﻟْﻜُﺒﹾﺮﹶﻯ‬.20
great Sign.
21. But (Pharaoh) rejected it and ‫ ﻓَﻜَﺬﱠﺏﹶ ﻭﹶﻋﹶﺼﹶﻰ‬.21
22. Further, he turned his back, ‫ ﺛُﻢﱠ ﺃَﺩﹾﺑﹶﺮﹶ ﻳﹶﺴﹾﻌﹶﻰ‬.22
striving hard (against Allāh).
23. Then he collected (his men) ‫ ﻓَﺤﹶﺸﹶﺮﹶ ﻓَﻨﹶﺎﺩﹶﻯ‬.23
and made a proclamation,
24. Saying, “I am your Lord, ‫ ﻓَﻘَﺎﻝَ ﺃَ�َﺎ ﺭﹶﺑﱡﻜُﻢﹸ ﺍﻷَﻋﹾﻠَﻰ‬.24
Most High.”
25. But Allāh punished him (and ‫ ﻓَﺄَﺧﹶﺬَﻩﹸ ﺍﻟﻠﱠﻪﹸ �َﻜَﺎﻝَ ﺍﻵﺧﹺﺮﹶﺓﹺ ﻭﹶﺍﻷُﻭﻟَﻰ‬.25
made an) example of him, in the
Hereafter, as in this life.
26. Truly in this there is a lesson ‫ ﺇِﻥﱠ ﻓﹺﻲ ﺫَﻟﹺﻚﹶ ﻟَﻌﹺﺒﹾﺮﹶﺓﹰ ﻟﱢﻤﹶﻦ ﻳﹶﺨْﺸﹶﻰ‬.26
for any who fears (Allāh).
27. What?! Are you more difficult ‫ ﺃَﺃَ�ﺘُﻢﹾ ﺃَﺷﹶﺪﱡ ﺧﹶﻠْﻘًﺎ ﺃَﻡِ ﺍﻟﺴﱠﻤﹶﺎﺀ ﺑﹶﻨﹶﺎﻫﹶﺎ‬.27
to create or the heavens (above)?
(Allāh) constructed it:
28. He raised its canopy on high, ‫ ﺭﹶﻓَﻊﹶ ﺳﹶﻤﹾﻜَﻬﹶﺎ ﻓَﺴﹶﻮﱠﺍﻫﹶﺎ‬.28
and He gave it order and
29. He endows its night with ‫ ﻭﹶﺃَﻏْﻄَﺶﹶ ﻟَﻴﹾﻠَﻬﹶﺎ ﻭﹶﺃَﺧﹾﺮﹶﺝﹶ ﺿُﺤﹶﺎﻫﹶﺎ‬.29
darkness, and He brings out its
splendor (with light).
30. And He has expanded the ‫ ﻭﹶﺍﻷَﺭﹾﺽﹶ ﺑﹶﻌﹾﺪﹶ ﺫَﻟﹺﻚﹶ ﺩﹶﺣﹶﺎﻫﹶﺎ‬.30
earth, moreover, (to a wide
31. From it he draws out its ‫ ﺃَﺧﹾﺮﹶﺝﹶ ﻣﹺﻨﹾﻬﹶﺎ ﻣﹶﺎﺀﹶﻫﹶﺎ ﻭﹶﻣﹶﺮﹾﻋﹶﺎﻫﹶﺎ‬.31
moisture and its pasture from it:
32. And He has firmly fixed the ‫ ﻭﹶﺍﻟْﺠِﺒﹶﺎﻝَ ﺃَﺭﹾﺳﹶﺎﻫﹶﺎ‬.32
33. For use and convenience to ‫ ﻣﹶﺘَﺎﻋﹰﺎ ﻟﱠﻜُﻢﹾ ﻭﹶﻟﹺﺄَ�ْﻌﹶﺎﻣﹺﻜُﻢﹾ‬.33
you and your cattle.
34. Therefore, when the great, ‫ ﻓَﺈِﺫَﺍ ﺟﹶﺎﺀﹶﺕﹺ ﺍﻟﻄﱠﺎﻣﱠﺔُ ﺍﻟْﻜُﺒﹾﺮﹶﻯ‬.34
overwhelming (event) comes,
35. The Day when man ‫ ﻳﹶﻮﹾﻡﹶ ﻳﹶﺘَﺬَﻛﱠﺮﹸ ﺍﻹِ�ﺴﹶﺎﻥﹸ ﻣﹶﺎ ﺳﹶﻌﹶﻰ‬.35
remembers (all) that he strove for,
36. And Hell-fire shall be placed ‫ ﻭﹶﺑﹸﺮﱢﺯَﺕﹺ ﺍﻟْﺠﹶﺤﹺﻴﻢﹸ ﻟﹺﻤﹶﻦ ﻳﹶﺮﹶﻯ‬.36
in full view for (all) to see,
37. Then, for those who had ‫ ﻓَﺄَﻣﱠﺎ ﻣﹶﻦ ﻃَﻐَﻰ‬.37
transgressed all bounds,
38. And preferred the life of this ‫ ﻭﹶﺁﺛَﺮﹶ ﺍﻟْﺤﹶﻴﹶﺎﺓﹶ ﺍﻟﺪﱡ�ْﻴﹶﺎ‬.38
39. The abode will be Hell-fire; ‫ ﻓَﺈِﻥﱠ ﺍﻟْﺠﹶﺤﹺﻴﻢﹶ ﻫﹺﻲﹶ ﺍﻟْﻤﹶﺄْﻭﹶﻯ‬.39
40. And for those who had ِ‫ ﻭﹶﺃَﻣﱠﺎ ﻣﹶﻦﹾ ﺧﹶﺎﻑﹶ ﻣﹶﻘَﺎﻡﹶ ﺭﹶﺑﱢﻪﹺ ﻭﹶ�َﻬﹶﻰ ﺍﻟﻨﱠﻔْﺲﹶ ﻋﹶﻦ‬.40
entertained the fear of standing
before their Lord's (tribunal) and ‫ﺍﻟْﻬﹶﻮﹶﻯ‬
had restrained (their) soul from
lower desires,
41. Their abode will be the ‫ ﻓَﺈِﻥﱠ ﺍﻟْﺠﹶﻨﱠﺔَ ﻫﹺﻲﹶ ﺍﻟْﻤﹶﺄْﻭﹶﻯ‬.41
42. They ask you about the Hour: ‫ ﻳﹶﺴﹾﺄَﻟُﻮ�َﻚﹶ ﻋﹶﻦِ ﺍﻟﺴﱠﺎﻋﹶﺔﹺ ﺃَﻳﱠﺎﻥﹶ ﻣﹸﺮﹾﺳﹶﺎﻫﹶﺎ‬.42
“When will its appointed time
43. Why are you (concerned) with ‫ ﻓﹺﻴﻢﹶ ﺃَ�ﺖﹶ ﻣﹺﻦ ﺫﹺﻛْﺮﹶﺍﻫﹶﺎ‬.43
its declaration?
44. The limit for it is fixed with ‫ ﺇِﻟَﻰ ﺭﹶﺑﱢﻚﹶ ﻣﹸﻨﺘَﻬﹶﺎﻫﹶﺎ‬.44
your Lord.
45. You are only a warner for ‫ ﺇِ�ﱠﻤﹶﺎ ﺃَ�ﺖﹶ ﻣﹸﻨﺬﹺﺭﹸ ﻣﹶﻦ ﻳﹶﺨْﺸﹶﺎﻫﹶﺎ‬.45
those who fear it.
46. The Day they see it, (it will be) ‫ ﻛَﺄَ�ﱠﻬﹸﻢﹾ ﻳﹶﻮﹾﻡﹶ ﻳﹶﺮﹶﻭﹾ�َﻬﹶﺎ ﻟَﻢﹾ ﻳﹶﻠْﺒﹶﺜُﻮﺍ ﺇِﻻﱠ ﻋﹶﺸﹺﻴﱠﺔً ﺃَﻭﹾ ﺿُﺤﹶﺎﻫﹶﺎ‬.46
as if they had tarried but a single
evening, or (at most till) the
following morn!

SŪRA 80 He Frowned… [`Abasa] 42 ‫ عدد آياتھا‬- 80 ‫ سورة‬- ‫سورة عبس‬

In the name of Allāh, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. ‫بسم ﷲ الرحمن الرحيم‬
1. (The Prophet) frowned and ‫ ﻋﹶﺒﹶﺲﹶ ﻭﹶﺗَﻮﹶﻟﱠﻰ‬.1
turned away,
2. Because the blind man came ‫ ﺃَﻥ ﺟﹶﺎﺀﹶﻩﹸ ﺍﻷَﻋﹾﻤﹶﻰ‬.2
to him, (interrupting).
3. But what could tell you that ‫ ﻭﹶﻣﹶﺎ ﻳﹸﺪﹾﺭِﻳﻚﹶ ﻟَﻌﹶﻠﱠﻪﹸ ﻳﹶﺰﱠﻛﱠﻰ‬.3
he might grow (in spiritual
4. Or that he might receive ‫ ﺃَﻭﹾ ﻳﹶﺬﱠﻛﱠﺮﹸ ﻓَﺘَﻨﻔَﻌﹶﻪﹸ ﺍﻟﺬﱢﻛْﺮﹶﻯ‬.4
admonishment, and the teaching
benefit him?

5. As for the one who regards ‫ ﺃَﻣﱠﺎ ﻣﹶﻦِ ﺍﺳﹾﺘَﻐْﻨﹶﻰ‬.5
himself as self-sufficient,
6. To him do you attend; ‫ ﻓَﺄَ�ﺖﹶ ﻟَﻪﹸ ﺗَﺼﹶﺪﱠﻯ‬.6
7. Though it is no blame on you ‫ ﻭﹶﻣﹶﺎ ﻋﹶﻠَﻴﹾﻚﹶ ﺃَﻻﱠ ﻳﹶﺰﱠﻛﱠﻰ‬.7
if he does not grow (in spiritual
8. But as for him who came to ‫ ﻭﹶﺃَﻣﱠﺎ ﻣﹶﻦ ﺟﹶﺎﺀﹶﻙَ ﻳﹶﺴﹾﻌﹶﻰ‬.8
you striving earnestly,
9. And with fear (in his heart), ‫ ﻭﹶﻫﹸﻮﹶ ﻳﹶﺨْﺸﹶﻰ‬.9
10. Of him you were unmindful. ‫ ﻓَﺄَ�ﺖﹶ ﻋﹶﻨﹾﻪﹸ ﺗَﻠَﻬﱠﻰ‬.10
11. By no means (should it be ‫ ﻛَﻼﱠ ﺇِ�ﱠﻬﹶﺎ ﺗَﺬْﻛﹺﺮﹶﺓﹲ‬.11
so)! For it is indeed a message of
12. Therefore let whoever wills ‫ ﻓَﻤﹶﻦ ﺷﹶﺎﺀ ﺫَﻛَﺮﹶﻩﹸ‬.12
keep it in memory.
13. Recorded in books held in ‫ ﻓﹺﻲ ﺻﹸﺤﹸﻒﹴ ﻣﱡﻜَﺮﱠﻣﹶﺔﹴ‬.13
(great) honor,
14. Exalted (in dignity), kept ‫ ﻣﱠﺮﹾﻓُﻮﻋﹶﺔﹴ ﻣﱡﻄَﻬﱠﺮﹶﺓﹴ‬.14
pure and holy.
15. (Written) by the hands of ‫ ﺑِﺄَﻳﹾﺪﹺﻱ ﺳﹶﻔَﺮﹶﺓﹴ‬.15
16. Honorable, pious and just. ‫ ﻛﹺﺮﹶﺍﻡٍ ﺑﹶﺮﹶﺭﹶﺓﹴ‬.16
17. Woe unto man! What has ‫ ﻗُﺘﹺﻞَ ﺍﻹِ�ﺴﹶﺎﻥﹸ ﻣﹶﺎ ﺃَﻛْﻔَﺮﹶﻩﹸ‬.17
made him reject Allāh?
18. From what stuff has He ‫ ﻣﹺﻦﹾ ﺃَﻱﱢ ﺷﹶﻲﹾﺀﹴ ﺧﹶﻠَﻘَﻪﹸ‬.18
created him?
19. From a sperm-drop He ‫ ﻣﹺﻦ �ﱡﻄْﻔَﺔﹴ ﺧﹶﻠَﻘَﻪﹸ ﻓَﻘَﺪﱠﺭﹶﻩﹸ‬.19
creates him, then molds him in
due proportions;
20. Then He makes his path ‫ ﺛُﻢﱠ ﺍﻟﺴﱠﺒِﻴﻞَ ﻳﹶﺴﱠﺮﹶﻩﹸ‬.20
smooth for him;
21. Then He causes him to die ‫ ﺛُﻢﱠ ﺃَﻣﹶﺎﺗَﻪﹸ ﻓَﺄَﻗْﺒﹶﺮﹶﻩﹸ‬.21
and puts him in his grave;
22. Then, when it is His will, He ‫ ﺛُﻢﱠ ﺇِﺫَﺍ ﺷﹶﺎﺀ ﺃَ�ﺸﹶﺮﹶﻩﹸ‬.22
raises him up (again).
23. By no means has he fulfilled ‫ ﻛَﻼﱠ ﻟَﻤﱠﺎ ﻳﹶﻘْﺾِ ﻣﹶﺎ ﺃَﻣﹶﺮﹶﻩﹸ‬.23
what Allāh has commanded him.
24. Then let man look at his ‫ ﻓَﻠْﻴﹶﻨﻈُﺮِ ﺍﻹِ�ﺴﹶﺎﻥﹸ ﺇِﻟَﻰ ﻃَﻌﹶﺎﻣﹺﻪﹺ‬.24
food, (how We provide it):
25. We pour forth water in ‫ﺎ‬‫ ﺃَ�ﱠﺎ ﺻﹶﺒﹶﺒﹾﻨﹶﺎ ﺍﻟْﻤﹶﺎﺀ ﺻﹶﺒ‬.25
abundance for it,

26. And We split the earth in ‫ ﺛُﻢﱠ ﺷﹶﻘَﻘْﻨﹶﺎ ﺍﻷَﺭﹾﺽﹶ ﺷﹶﻘًّﺎ‬.26
27. And produce corn on it, ‫ﺎ‬‫ ﻓَﺄَ�ﺒﹶﺘْﻨﹶﺎ ﻓﹺﻴﻬﹶﺎ ﺣﹶﺒ‬.27
28. And grapes and nutritious ‫ ﻭﹶﻋﹺﻨﹶﺒﹰﺎ ﻭﹶﻗَﻀْﺒﹰﺎ‬.28
29. And olives and dates, ‫ ﻭﹶﺯَﻳﹾﺘُﻮ�ًﺎ ﻭﹶ�َﺨْﻼ‬.29
30. And enclosed gardens, dense ‫ ﻭﹶﺣﹶﺪﹶﺍﺋﹺﻖﹶ ﻏُﻠْﺒﹰﺎ‬.30
with lofty trees,
31. And fruits and fodder, ‫ﺎ‬‫ ﻭﹶﻓَﺎﻛﹺﻬﹶﺔً ﻭﹶﺃَﺑ‬.31
32. For the use and convenience ‫ ﻣﱠﺘَﺎﻋﹰﺎ ﻟﱠﻜُﻢﹾ ﻭﹶﻟﹺﺄَ�ْﻌﹶﺎﻣﹺﻜُﻢﹾ‬.32
of yourselves and your cattle.
33. At length, when the ُ‫ ﻓَﺈِﺫَﺍ ﺟﹶﺎﺀﹶﺕﹺ ﺍﻟﺼﱠﺎﺧﱠﺔ‬.33
deafening noise comes,
34. That Day a man will flee ‫ ﻳﹶﻮﹾﻡﹶ ﻳﹶﻔﹺﺮﱡ ﺍﻟْﻤﹶﺮﹾﺀﹸ ﻣﹺﻦﹾ ﺃَﺧﹺﻴﻪﹺ‬.34
from his own brother,
35. And from his mother and his ‫ ﻭﹶﺃُﻣﱢﻪﹺ ﻭﹶﺃَﺑِﻴﻪﹺ‬.35
36. And from his wife and ‫ ﻭﹶﺻﹶﺎﺣﹺﺒﹶﺘﹺﻪﹺ ﻭﹶﺑﹶﻨﹺﻴﻪﹺ‬.36
37. Each one of them, that Day, ‫ ﻟﹺﻜُﻞﱢ ﺍﻣﹾﺮِﺉٍ ﻣﱢﻨﹾﻬﹸﻢﹾ ﻳﹶﻮﹾﻣﹶﺌﹺﺬﹴ ﺷﹶﺄْﻥﹲ ﻳﹸﻐْﻨﹺﻴﻪﹺ‬.37
will have enough concern (of his
own) to make him indifferent to
38. Some faces that Day will be ‫ ﻭﹸﺟﹸﻮﻩﹲ ﻳﹶﻮﹾﻣﹶﺌﹺﺬﹴ ﻣﱡﺴﹾﻔﹺﺮﹶﺓﹲ‬.38
39. Laughing, rejoicing, ‫ ﺿَﺎﺣﹺﻜَﺔٌ ﻣﱡﺴﹾﺘَﺒﹾﺸﹺﺮﹶﺓﹲ‬.39
40. And other faces that Day will ‫ ﻭﹶﻭﹸﺟﹸﻮﻩﹲ ﻳﹶﻮﹾﻣﹶﺌﹺﺬﹴ ﻋﹶﻠَﻴﹾﻬﹶﺎ ﻏَﺒﹶﺮﹶﺓﹲ‬.40
be dust-stained;
41. Blackness will cover them: ‫ ﺗَﺮﹾﻫﹶﻘُﻬﹶﺎ ﻗَﺘَﺮﹶﺓﹲ‬.41
42. Such will be those who reject ‫ ﺃُﻭﹾﻟَﺌﹺﻚﹶ ﻫﹸﻢﹸ ﺍﻟْﻜَﻔَﺮﹶﺓﹸ ﺍﻟْﻔَﺠﹶﺮﹶﺓﹸ‬.42
Allāh, the doers of iniquity.

SŪRA 81 The Folding-up [Al-Takwīr] 29 ‫ عدد آياتھا‬- 81 ‫ سورة‬- ‫سورة التكوير‬

In the name of Allāh, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. ‫بسم ﷲ الرحمن الرحيم‬
1. When the sun (with its ‫ ﺇِﺫَﺍ ﺍﻟﺸﱠﻤﹾﺲﹸ ﻛُﻮﱢﺭﹶﺕﹾ‬.1
spacious light) is folded up;
2. When the stars fall, losing ‫ ﻭﹶﺇِﺫَﺍ ﺍﻟﻨﱡﺠﹸﻮﻡﹸ ﺍ�ﻜَﺪﹶﺭﹶﺕﹾ‬.2
their luster;

3. When the mountains vanish ‫ ﻭﹶﺇِﺫَﺍ ﺍﻟْﺠِﺒﹶﺎﻝُ ﺳﹸﻴﱢﺮﹶﺕﹾ‬.3
(like a mirage);
4. When the she-camels, ten ‫ ﻭﹶﺇِﺫَﺍ ﺍﻟْﻌﹺﺸﹶﺎﺭﹸ ﻋﹸﻄﱢﻠَﺖﹾ‬.4
months with young, are left
5. When the wild beasts are ‫ ﻭﹶﺇِﺫَﺍ ﺍﻟْﻮﹸﺣﹸﻮﺵﹸ ﺣﹸﺸﹺﺮﹶﺕﹾ‬.5
herded together (in human
6. When the oceans boil over ‫ ﻭﹶﺇِﺫَﺍ ﺍﻟْﺒِﺤﹶﺎﺭﹸ ﺳﹸﺠﱢﺮﹶﺕﹾ‬.6
with a swell;
7. When the souls are united; ‫ ﻭﹶﺇِﺫَﺍ ﺍﻟﻨﱡﻔُﻮﺱﹸ ﺯُﻭﱢﺟﹶﺖﹾ‬.7
8. When the female (infant), ‫ ﻭﹶﺇِﺫَﺍ ﺍﻟْﻤﹶﻮﹾﺅﹸﻭﺩﹶﺓﹸ ﺳﹸﺌﹺﻠَﺖﹾ‬.8
buried alive, is questioned
9. What crime is it that she was ‫ ﺑِﺄَﻱﱢ ﺫَ�ﺐٍ ﻗُﺘﹺﻠَﺖﹾ‬.9
killed for;
10. When the scrolls are laid ‫ ﻭﹶﺇِﺫَﺍ ﺍﻟﺼﱡﺤﹸﻒﹸ �ُﺸﹺﺮﹶﺕﹾ‬.10
11. When the world up high is ‫ ﻭﹶﺇِﺫَﺍ ﺍﻟﺴﱠﻤﹶﺎﺀ ﻛُﺸﹺﻄَﺖﹾ‬.11
12. When the blazing Fire is ‫ ﻭﹶﺇِﺫَﺍ ﺍﻟْﺠﹶﺤﹺﻴﻢﹸ ﺳﹸﻌﱢﺮﹶﺕﹾ‬.12
kindled to fierce heat;
13. And when the Garden is ‫ ﻭﹶﺇِﺫَﺍ ﺍﻟْﺠﹶﻨﱠﺔُ ﺃُﺯْﻟﹺﻔَﺖﹾ‬.13
brought near;
14. Each soul will then know ‫ ﻋﹶﻠﹺﻤﹶﺖﹾ �َﻔْﺲﹲ ﻣﱠﺎ ﺃَﺣﹾﻀَﺮﹶﺕﹾ‬.14
what it has put forth.
15. So truly I call to witness the ِ‫ ﻓَﻼ ﺃُﻗْﺴﹺﻢﹸ ﺑِﺎﻟْﺨُﻨﱠﺲ‬.15
planets that recede,
16. Go forward, or hide, ِ‫ ﺍﻟْﺠﹶﻮﹶﺍﺭِ ﺍﻟْﻜُﻨﱠﺲ‬.16
17. And the night as it ‫ ﻭﹶﺍﻟﻠﱠﻴﹾﻞِ ﺇِﺫَﺍ ﻋﹶﺴﹾﻌﹶﺲﹶ‬.17
18. And the dawn as it breathes ‫ ﻭﹶﺍﻟﺼﱡﺒﹾﺢِ ﺇِﺫَﺍ ﺗَﻨﹶﻔﱠﺲﹶ‬.18
darkness away;
19. Truly this is the word of a ٍ‫ ﺇِ�ﱠﻪﹸ ﻟَﻘَﻮﹾﻝُ ﺭﹶﺳﹸﻮﻝٍ ﻛَﺮِﻳﻢ‬.19
most honorable messenger,
20. Endowed with power, with ‫ ﺫﹺﻱ ﻗُﻮﱠﺓﹴ ﻋﹺﻨﺪﹶ ﺫﹺﻱ ﺍﻟْﻌﹶﺮﹾﺵِ ﻣﹶﻜﹺﲔﹴ‬.20
rank before the Lord of the
21. With authority there, (and) ‫ ﻣﹸﻄَﺎﻉٍ ﺛَﻢﱠ ﺃَﻣﹺﲔﹴ‬.21
faithful of his trust.
22. And (O people!) your ٍ‫ ﻭﹶﻣﹶﺎ ﺻﹶﺎﺣﹺﺒﹸﻜُﻢ ﺑِﻤﹶﺠﹾﻨﹸﻮﻥ‬.22
Companion is not possessed;

23. And without doubt he saw ‫ ﻭﹶﻟَﻘَﺪﹾ ﺭﹶﺁﻩﹸ ﺑِﺎﻷُﻓُﻖِ ﺍﻟْﻤﹸﺒِﲔﹺ‬.23
him in the clear horizon.
24. Neither does he grudgingly ‫ ﻭﹶﻣﹶﺎ ﻫﹸﻮﹶ ﻋﹶﻠَﻰ ﺍﻟْﻐَﻴﹾﺐِ ﺑِﻀَﻨﹺﲔﹴ‬.24
withhold knowledge of the
25. Nor is it the word of an evil ٍ‫ ﻭﹶﻣﹶﺎ ﻫﹸﻮﹶ ﺑِﻘَﻮﹾﻝِ ﺷﹶﻴﹾﻄَﺎﻥٍ ﺭﹶﺟِﻴﻢ‬.25
accursed spirit.
26. Then where are you heading? ‫ ﻓَﺄَﻳﹾﻦﹶ ﺗَﺬْﻫﹶﺒﹸﻮﻥﹶ‬.26
27. Truly this is no less than a ‫ ﺇِﻥﹾ ﻫﹸﻮﹶ ﺇِﻻﱠ ﺫﹺﻛْﺮﹲ ﻟﱢﻠْﻌﹶﺎﻟَﻤﹺﲔﹶ‬.27
message to (all) the worlds:
28. (With benefit) to whoever ‫ ﻟﹺﻤﹶﻦ ﺷﹶﺎﺀ ﻣﹺﻨﻜُﻢﹾ ﺃَﻥ ﻳﹶﺴﹾﺘَﻘﹺﻴﻢﹶ‬.28
among you wills to go straight.
29. But you shall not will (so) ‫ ﻭﹶﻣﹶﺎ ﺗَﺸﹶﺎﺅﹸﻭﻥﹶ ﺇِﻻﱠ ﺃَﻥ ﻳﹶﺸﹶﺎﺀ ﺍﻟﻠﱠﻪﹸ ﺭﹶﺏﱡ ﺍﻟْﻌﹶﺎﻟَﻤﹺﲔﹶ‬.29
except as Allāh wills, the
Cherisher of the worlds.

SŪRA 82 Cleaving Asunder [Al-Infi§ār] 19 ‫ عدد آياتھا‬- 82 ‫ سورة‬- ‫سورة اإلنفطار‬

In the name of Allāh, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. ‫بسم ﷲ الرحمن الرحيم‬
1. When the sky is cleft asunder; ‫ ﺇِﺫَﺍ ﺍﻟﺴﱠﻤﹶﺎﺀ ﺍ�ﻔَﻄَﺮﹶﺕﹾ‬.1
2. When the stars are scattered; ‫ ﻭﹶﺇِﺫَﺍ ﺍﻟْﻜَﻮﹶﺍﻛﹺﺐﹸ ﺍ�ﺘَﺜَﺮﹶﺕﹾ‬.2
3. When the oceans are suffered ‫ ﻭﹶﺇِﺫَﺍ ﺍﻟْﺒِﺤﹶﺎﺭﹸ ﻓُﺠﱢﺮﹶﺕﹾ‬.3
to burst forth;
4. And when the graves are ‫ ﻭﹶﺇِﺫَﺍ ﺍﻟْﻘُﺒﹸﻮﺭﹸ ﺑﹸﻌﹾﺜﹺﺮﹶﺕﹾ‬.4
turned upside down;
5. Each soul shall then know ‫ ﻋﹶﻠﹺﻤﹶﺖﹾ �َﻔْﺲﹲ ﻣﱠﺎ ﻗَﺪﱠﻣﹶﺖﹾ ﻭﹶﺃَﺧﱠﺮﹶﺕﹾ‬.5
what it has sent forth and (what
it has) withheld.
6. O man! What has seduced you ِ‫ ﻳﹶﺎ ﺃَﻳﱡﻬﹶﺎ ﺍﻹِ�ﺴﹶﺎﻥﹸ ﻣﹶﺎ ﻏَﺮﱠﻙَ ﺑِﺮﹶﺑﱢﻚﹶ ﺍﻟْﻜَﺮِﻳﻢ‬.6
from your Most Beneficent
7. Who created you, fashioned ‫ ﺍﻟﱠﺬﹺﻱ ﺧﹶﻠَﻘَﻚﹶ ﻓَﺴﹶﻮﱠﺍﻙَ ﻓَﻌﹶﺪﹶﻟَﻚﹶ‬.7
you in due proportion, and gave
you a symmetry;
8. In whatever form He wills, He ‫ ﻓﹺﻲ ﺃَﻱﱢ ﺻﹸﻮﺭﹶﺓﹴ ﻣﱠﺎ ﺷﹶﺎﺀ ﺭﹶﻛﱠﺒﹶﻚﹶ‬.8
shapes you.
9. Nay! But you reject what is ِ‫ ﻛَﻼﱠ ﺑﹶﻞْ ﺗُﻜَﺬﱢﺑﹸﻮﻥﹶ ﺑِﺎﻟﺪﱢﻳﻦ‬.9
right and the Judgment!
10. But truly (angels are ‫ ﻭﹶﺇِﻥﱠ ﻋﹶﻠَﻴﹾﻜُﻢﹾ ﻟَﺤﹶﺎﻓﹺﻈﹺﲔﹶ‬.10
appointed) over you to protect

11. Kind and honorable, writing ‫ ﻛﹺﺮﹶﺍﻣﹰﺎ ﻛَﺎﺗﹺﺒِﲔﹶ‬.11
down (your deeds):
12. They know (and understand) ‫ ﻳﹶﻌﹾﻠَﻤﹸﻮﻥﹶ ﻣﹶﺎ ﺗَﻔْﻌﹶﻠُﻮﻥﹶ‬.12
all that you do.
13. As for the righteous, they ٍ‫ ﺇِﻥﱠ ﺍﻷَﺑﹾﺮﹶﺍﺭﹶ ﻟَﻔﹺﻲ �َﻌﹺﻴﻢ‬.13
will be in bliss;
14. And the wicked ones will be ٍ‫ ﻭﹶﺇِﻥﱠ ﺍﻟْﻔُﺠﱠﺎﺭﹶ ﻟَﻔﹺﻲ ﺟﹶﺤﹺﻴﻢ‬.14
in the Fire,
15. Which they will enter on the ِ‫ ﻳﹶﺼﹾﻠَﻮﹾ�َﻬﹶﺎ ﻳﹶﻮﹾﻡﹶ ﺍﻟﺪﱢﻳﻦ‬.15
Day of Judgment,
16. And they will not be able to ‫ ﻭﹶﻣﹶﺎ ﻫﹸﻢﹾ ﻋﹶﻨﹾﻬﹶﺎ ﺑِﻐَﺎﺋﹺﺒِﲔﹶ‬.16
keep away from it.
17. And what will explain to you ِ‫ ﻭﹶﻣﹶﺎ ﺃَﺩﹾﺭﹶﺍﻙَ ﻣﹶﺎ ﻳﹶﻮﹾﻡﹸ ﺍﻟﺪﱢﻳﻦ‬.17
what the Day of Judgment is?
18. Again, what will explain to ِ‫ ﺛُﻢﱠ ﻣﹶﺎ ﺃَﺩﹾﺭﹶﺍﻙَ ﻣﹶﺎ ﻳﹶﻮﹾﻡﹸ ﺍﻟﺪﱢﻳﻦ‬.18
you what the Day of Judgment
19. (It will be) the Day when no ‫ ﻭﹶﺍﻷَﻣﹾﺮﹸ ﻳﹶﻮﹾﻣﹶﺌﹺﺬﹴ ﻟﹺﻠﱠﻪﹺ‬،‫ ﻳﹶﻮﹾﻡﹶ ﻻ ﺗَﻤﹾﻠﹺﻚﹸ �َﻔْﺲﹲ ﻟﱢﻨﹶﻔْﺲٍ ﺷﹶﻴﹾﺌًﺎ‬.19
soul has (the) power (to do)
anything for another, for the
command, that Day, will be
(wholly) with Allāh.

SŪRA 83 Fraudulent Dealers [Al-Mu§affifīn]

36 ‫ – عدد آياتھا‬83 ‫ سورة‬- ‫سورة المطففين‬

In the name of Allāh, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. ‫بسم ﷲ الرحمن الرحيم‬
1. Woe unto those who deal in ‫ ﻭﹶﻳﹾﻞٌ ﻟﱢﻠْﻤﹸﻄَﻔﱢﻔﹺﲔﹶ‬.1
2. Those who, when they have to ‫ ﺍﻟﱠﺬﹺﻳﻦﹶ ﺇِﺫَﺍ ﺍﻛْﺘَﺎﻟُﻮﺍْ ﻋﹶﻠَﻰ ﺍﻟﻨﱠﺎﺱِ ﻳﹶﺴﹾﺘَﻮﹾﻓُﻮﻥﹶ‬.2
receive by measure from men,
exact full measure,
3. But when they have to grant ‫ ﻭﹶﺇِﺫَﺍ ﻛَﺎﻟُﻮﻫﹸﻢﹾ ﺃَﻭ ﻭﱠﺯَ�ُﻮﻫﹸﻢﹾ ﻳﹸﺨْﺴﹺﺮﹸﻭﻥﹶ‬.3
by measure or weight to men,
grant less than due.
4. Do they not think that they ‫ ﺃَﻻ ﻳﹶﻈُﻦﱡ ﺃُﻭﹾﻟَﺌﹺﻚﹶ ﺃَ�ﱠﻬﹸﻢ ﻣﱠﺒﹾﻌﹸﻮﺛُﻮﻥﹶ‬.4
will be called to account?
5. On a mighty Day, ٍ‫ ﻟﹺﻴﹶﻮﹾﻡٍ ﻋﹶﻈﹺﻴﻢ‬.5
6. A Day when (all) mankind will ‫ ﻳﹶﻮﹾﻡﹶ ﻳﹶﻘُﻮﻡﹸ ﺍﻟﻨﱠﺎﺱﹸ ﻟﹺﺮﹶﺏﱢ ﺍﻟْﻌﹶﺎﻟَﻤﹺﲔﹶ‬.6
stand before the Lord of the
7. Nay! Surely the record of the ‫ ﻛَﻼﱠ ﺇِﻥﱠ ﻛﹺﺘَﺎﺏﹶ ﺍﻟْﻔُﺠﱠﺎﺭِ ﻟَﻔﹺﻲ ﺳﹺﺠﱢﲔﹴ‬.7
wicked is (preserved) in Sijjin.

8. And what will explain to you ‫ ﻭﹶﻣﹶﺎ ﺃَﺩﹾﺭﹶﺍﻙَ ﻣﹶﺎ ﺳﹺﺠﱢﲔﹲ‬.8
what Sijjin is?
9. (There is) a register (fully) ‫ ﻛﹺﺘَﺎﺏﹲ ﻣﱠﺮﹾﻗُﻮﻡﹲ‬.9
10. Woe, that Day, unto those ‫ ﻭﹶﻳﹾﻞٌ ﻳﹶﻮﹾﻣﹶﺌﹺﺬﹴ ﻟﱢﻠْﻤﹸﻜَﺬﱢﺑِﲔﹶ‬.10
who deny,
11. Those who deny the Day of ِ‫ ﺍﻟﱠﺬﹺﻳﻦﹶ ﻳﹸﻜَﺬﱢﺑﹸﻮﻥﹶ ﺑِﻴﹶﻮﹾﻡِ ﺍﻟﺪﱢﻳﻦ‬.11
12. And none can deny it except ٍ‫ ﻭﹶﻣﹶﺎ ﻳﹸﻜَﺬﱢﺏﹸ ﺑِﻪﹺ ﺇِﻻﱠ ﻛُﻞﱡ ﻣﹸﻌﹾﺘَﺪﹴ ﺃَﺛﹺﻴﻢ‬.12
a transgressor beyond bounds, a
13. When Our Signs are recited ‫ ﺇِﺫَﺍ ﺗُﺘْﻠَﻰ ﻋﹶﻠَﻴﹾﻪﹺ ﺁﻳﹶﺎﺗُﻨﹶﺎ ﻗَﺎﻝَ ﺃَﺳﹶﺎﻃﹺﲑﹸ ﺍﻷَﻭﱠﻟﹺﲔﹶ‬.13
to him, he says, “Tales of the
14. By no means! But the stain ‫ ﻛَﻼﱠ ﺑﹶﻞْ ﺭﹶﺍﻥﹶ ﻋﹶﻠَﻰ ﻗُﻠُﻮﺑِﻬِﻢ ﻣﱠﺎ ﻛَﺎ�ُﻮﺍ ﻳﹶﻜْﺴﹺﺒﹸﻮﻥﹶ‬.14
of the (ill) that they do is on their
15. Truly they will be veiled from ‫ ﻛَﻼﱠ ﺇِ�ﱠﻬﹸﻢﹾ ﻋﹶﻦ ﺭﱠﺑﱢﻬِﻢﹾ ﻳﹶﻮﹾﻣﹶﺌﹺﺬﹴ ﻟﱠﻤﹶﺤﹾﺠﹸﻮﺑﹸﻮﻥﹶ‬.15
(the light of) their Lord that Day.
16. Further, they will enter the ِ‫ ﺛُﻢﱠ ﺇِ�ﱠﻬﹸﻢﹾ ﻟَﺼﹶﺎﻟُﻮﺍ ﺍﻟْﺠﹶﺤﹺﻴﻢ‬.16
Fire of Hell.
17. Further, it will be said to ‫ ﺛُﻢﱠ ﻳﹸﻘَﺎﻝُ ﻫﹶﺬَﺍ ﺍﻟﱠﺬﹺﻱ ﻛُﻨﺘُﻢ ﺑِﻪﹺ ﺗُﻜَﺬﱢﺑﹸﻮﻥﹶ‬.17
them, “This is the (truth) which
you rejected as false!”
18. Nay! Truly the record of the ‫ ﻛَﻼﱠ ﺇِﻥﱠ ﻛﹺﺘَﺎﺏﹶ ﺍﻷَﺑﹾﺮﹶﺍﺭِ ﻟَﻔﹺﻲ ﻋﹺﻠﱢﻴﱢﲔﹶ‬.18
righteous is (preserved) in
19. And what will explain to you ‫ ﻭﹶﻣﹶﺎ ﺃَﺩﹾﺭﹶﺍﻙَ ﻣﹶﺎ ﻋﹺﻠﱢﻴﱡﻮﻥﹶ‬.19
what `Illiyyin is?
20. (There is) a register (fully) ‫ ﻛﹺﺘَﺎﺏﹲ ﻣﱠﺮﹾﻗُﻮﻡﹲ‬.20
21. To which those nearest (to ‫ ﻳﹶﺸﹾﻬﹶﺪﹸﻩﹸ ﺍﻟْﻤﹸﻘَﺮﱠﺑﹸﻮﻥﹶ‬.21
Allāh) bear witness.
22. Truly the righteous will be in ٍ‫ ﺇِﻥﱠ ﺍﻷَﺑﹾﺮﹶﺍﺭﹶ ﻟَﻔﹺﻲ �َﻌﹺﻴﻢ‬.22
23. On thrones (of dignity), they ‫ ﻋﹶﻠَﻰ ﺍﻷَﺭﹶﺍﺋﹺﻚﹺ ﻳﹶﻨﻈُﺮﹸﻭﻥﹶ‬.23
will command a view (of all
24. You will recognize the ِ‫ ﺗَﻌﹾﺮِﻑﹸ ﻓﹺﻲ ﻭﹸﺟﹸﻮﻫﹺﻬِﻢﹾ �َﻀْﺮﹶﺓﹶ ﺍﻟﻨﱠﻌﹺﻴﻢ‬.24
beaming brightness of bliss on
their faces.
25. Their thirst will be slaked ٍ‫ ﻳﹸﺴﹾﻘَﻮﹾﻥﹶ ﻣﹺﻦ ﺭﱠﺣﹺﻴﻖٍ ﻣﱠﺨْﺘُﻮﻡ‬.25
with pure sealed wine:

26. The seal on it will be musk, ‫ ﺧﹺﺘَﺎﻣﹸﻪﹸ ﻣﹺﺴﹾﻚﹲ ﻭﹶﻓﹺﻲ ﺫَﻟﹺﻚﹶ ﻓَﻠْﻴﹶﺘَﻨﹶﺎﻓَﺲِ ﺍﻟْﻤﹸﺘَﻨﹶﺎﻓﹺﺴﹸﻮﻥﹶ‬.26
and for this let those who have
aspirations aspire:
27. A mixture of Tasnim will be ٍ‫ ﻭﹶﻣﹺﺰﹶﺍﺟﹸﻪﹸ ﻣﹺﻦ ﺗَﺴﹾﻨﹺﻴﻢ‬.27
(given) with it:
28. A spring, from (the waters) of ‫ ﻋﹶﻴﹾﻨﹰﺎ ﻳﹶﺸﹾﺮﹶﺏﹸ ﺑِﻬﹶﺎ ﺍﻟْﻤﹸﻘَﺮﱠﺑﹸﻮﻥﹶ‬.28
which those nearest to Allāh
29. Those in sin used to laugh at ‫ ﺇِﻥﱠ ﺍﻟﱠﺬﹺﻳﻦﹶ ﺃَﺟﹾﺮﹶﻣﹸﻮﺍ ﻛَﺎ�ُﻮﺍْ ﻣﹺﻦﹶ ﺍﻟﱠﺬﹺﻳﻦﹶ‬.29
those who believed,
‫ﺁﻣﹶﻨﹸﻮﺍ ﻳﹶﻀْﺤﹶﻜُﻮﻥﹶ‬
30. And whenever they passed by ‫ ﻭﹶﺇِﺫَﺍ ﻣﹶﺮﱡﻭﺍْ ﺑِﻬِﻢﹾ ﻳﹶﺘَﻐَﺎﻣﹶﺰﹸﻭﻥﹶ‬.30
them, they used to wink at each
other (in mockery);
31. And when they returned to ‫ ﻭﹶﺇِﺫَﺍ ﺍ�ﻘَﻠَﺒﹸﻮﺍْ ﺇِﻟَﻰ ﺃَﻫﹾﻠﹺﻬِﻢﹸ ﺍ�ﻘَﻠَﺒﹸﻮﺍْ ﻓَﻜﹺﻬِﲔﹶ‬.31
their own people, they would
return jesting:
32. And whenever they saw ‫ ﻭﹶﺇِﺫَﺍ ﺭﹶﺃَﻭﹾﻫﹸﻢﹾ ﻗَﺎﻟُﻮﺍ ﺇِﻥﱠ ﻫﹶﺆﹸﻻﺀ ﻟَﻀَﺎﻟﱡﻮﻥﹶ‬.32
them, they would say, “Behold!
These people are truly astray!”
33. Yet they had not been sent as ‫ ﻭﹶﻣﹶﺎ ﺃُﺭﹾﺳﹺﻠُﻮﺍ ﻋﹶﻠَﻴﹾﻬِﻢﹾ ﺣﹶﺎﻓﹺﻈﹺﲔﹶ‬.33
keepers over them!
34. But on this Day the believers ‫ ﻓَﺎﻟْﻴﹶﻮﹾﻡﹶ ﺍﻟﱠﺬﹺﻳﻦﹶ ﺁﻣﹶﻨﹸﻮﺍْ ﻣﹺﻦﹶ ﺍﻟْﻜُﻔﱠﺎﺭِ ﻳﹶﻀْﺤﹶﻜُﻮﻥﹶ‬.34
will laugh at the unbelievers.
35. On thrones (of dignity), they ‫ ﻋﹶﻠَﻰ ﺍﻷَﺭﹶﺍﺋﹺﻚﹺ ﻳﹶﻨﻈُﺮﹸﻭﻥﹶ‬.35
will command (a view of all
36. Will the unbelievers not have ‫ ﻫﹶﻞْ ﺛُﻮﱢﺏﹶ ﺍﻟْﻜُﻔﱠﺎﺭﹸ ﻣﹶﺎ ﻛَﺎ�ُﻮﺍ ﻳﹶﻔْﻌﹶﻠُﻮﻥﹶ؟‬.36
been paid back for what they

SŪRA 84 The Rending Asunder [Al-Inshiqāq]

25 ‫ عدد آياتھا‬- 84 ‫ سورة‬- ‫سورة االنشقاق‬

In the name of Allāh, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. ‫بسم ﷲ الرحمن الرحيم‬
1. When the sky is rent asunder, ‫ ﺇِﺫَﺍ ﺍﻟﺴﱠﻤﹶﺎﺀ ﺍ�ﺸﹶﻘﱠﺖﹾ‬.1
2. And listens to (the command ‫ ﻭﹶﺃَﺫﹺ�َﺖﹾ ﻟﹺﺮﹶﺑﱢﻬﹶﺎ ﻭﹶﺣﹸﻘﱠﺖﹾ‬.2
of) its Lord, and it must (do so);
3. And when the Earth is ‫ ﻭﹶﺇِﺫَﺍ ﺍﻷَﺭﹾﺽﹸ ﻣﹸﺪﱠﺕﹾ‬.3
flattened out,
4. And casts forth what is within ‫ ﻭﹶﺃَﻟْﻘَﺖﹾ ﻣﹶﺎ ﻓﹺﻴﻬﹶﺎ ﻭﹶﺗَﺨَﻠﱠﺖﹾ‬.4
it and becomes empty,

5. And listens to (the command ‫ ﻭﹶﺃَﺫﹺ�َﺖﹾ ﻟﹺﺮﹶﺑﱢﻬﹶﺎ ﻭﹶﺣﹸﻘﱠﺖﹾ‬.5
of) its Lord, and it must (do so),
(then the full reality will be
driven home).
6. O man! Truly you are always ‫ ﻳﹶﺎ ﺃَﻳﱡﻬﹶﺎ ﺍﻹِ�ﺴﹶﺎﻥﹸ ﺇِ�ﱠﻚﹶ ﻛَﺎﺩﹺﺡﹲ ﺇِﻟَﻰ ﺭﹶﺑﱢﻚﹶ ﻛَﺪﹾﺣﹰﺎ ﻓَﻤﹸﻼﻗﹺﻴﻪﹺ‬.6
toiling towards the Lord,
painfully toiling, and you shall
meet Him.
7. Then whoever is given his ‫ ﻓَﺄَﻣﱠﺎ ﻣﹶﻦﹾ ﺃُﻭﺗﹺﻲﹶ ﻛﹺﺘَﺎﺑﹶﻪﹸ ﺑِﻴﹶﻤﹺﻴﻨﹺﻪﹺ‬.7
record in his right hand,
8. Soon his account will be taken ‫ ﻓَﺴﹶﻮﹾﻑﹶ ﻳﹸﺤﹶﺎﺳﹶﺐﹸ ﺣﹺﺴﹶﺎﺑﹰﺎ ﻳﹶﺴﹺﲑﹰﺍ‬.8
by an easy reckoning,
9. And he will turn to his people, ‫ ﻭﹶﻳﹶﻨﻘَﻠﹺﺐﹸ ﺇِﻟَﻰ ﺃَﻫﹾﻠﹺﻪﹺ ﻣﹶﺴﹾﺮﹸﻭﺭﹰﺍ‬.9
10. But whoever is given His ‫ ﻭﹶﺃَﻣﱠﺎ ﻣﹶﻦﹾ ﺃُﻭﺗﹺﻲﹶ ﻛﹺﺘَﺎﺑﹶﻪﹸ ﻭﹶﺭﹶﺍﺀ ﻇَﻬﹾﺮِﻩﹺ‬.10
record behind his back,
11. He will soon cry for ‫ ﻓَﺴﹶﻮﹾﻑﹶ ﻳﹶﺪﹾﻋﹸﻮ ﺛُﺒﹸﻮﺭﹰﺍ‬.11
12. And he will enter a blazing ‫ ﻭﻳﹶﺼﹾﻠَﻰ ﺳﹶﻌﹺﲑﹰﺍ‬.12
13. Truly he went about among ‫ ﺇِ�ﱠﻪﹸ ﻛَﺎﻥﹶ ﻓﹺﻲ ﺃَﻫﹾﻠﹺﻪﹺ ﻣﹶﺴﹾﺮﹸﻭﺭﹰﺍ‬.13
his people, rejoicing!
14. Truly he thought that he ‫ ﺇِ�ﱠﻪﹸ ﻇَﻦﱠ ﺃَﻥ ﻟﱠﻦ ﻳﹶﺤﹸﻮﺭﹶ‬.14
would not have to return (to Us)!
15. Nay! Nay! For his Lord was ‫ ﺑﹶﻠَﻰ ﺇِﻥﱠ ﺭﹶﺑﱠﻪﹸ ﻛَﺎﻥﹶ ﺑِﻪﹺ ﺑﹶﺼﹺﲑﹰﺍ‬.15
(always) watchful over him!
16. So I call to witness the ruddy ِ‫ ﻓَﻼ ﺃُﻗْﺴﹺﻢﹸ ﺑِﺎﻟﺸﱠﻔَﻖ‬.16
glow of sunset,
17. The night and its homing, ‫ ﻭﹶﺍﻟﻠﱠﻴﹾﻞِ ﻭﹶﻣﹶﺎ ﻭﹶﺳﹶﻖﹶ‬.17
18. And the moon in her ‫ ﻭﹶﺍﻟْﻘَﻤﹶﺮِ ﺇِﺫَﺍ ﺍﺗﱠﺴﹶﻖﹶ‬.18
19. You shall surely travel from ٍ‫ ﻟَﺘَﺮﹾﻛَﺒﹸﻦﱠ ﻃَﺒﹶﻘًﺎ ﻋﹶﻦ ﻃَﺒﹶﻖ‬.19
stage to stage.
20. What then is the matter with ‫ ﻓَﻤﹶﺎ ﻟَﻬﹸﻢﹾ ﻻ ﻳﹸﺆﹾﻣﹺﻨﹸﻮﻥﹶ‬.20
them, that they do not believe?
21. And when the Qur’ān is read ‫ ﻭﹶﺇِﺫَﺍ ﻗُﺮِﺉﹶ ﻋﹶﻠَﻴﹾﻬِﻢﹸ ﺍﻟْﻘُﺮﹾﺁﻥﹸ ﻻ ﻳﹶﺴﹾﺠﹸﺪﹸﻭﻥﹶ‬.21
to them, they do not prostrate,
22. On the contrary, the ‫ ﺑﹶﻞِ ﺍﻟﱠﺬﹺﻳﻦﹶ ﻛَﻔَﺮﹸﻭﺍْ ﻳﹸﻜَﺬﱢﺑﹸﻮﻥﹶ‬.22
unbelievers reject (it).
23. But Allāh has full knowledge ‫ ﻭﹶﺍﻟﻠﱠﻪﹸ ﺃَﻋﹾﻠَﻢﹸ ﺑِﻤﹶﺎ ﻳﹸﻮﻋﹸﻮﻥﹶ‬.23
of what they secrete (in their

24. So announce a grievous ٍ‫ ﻓَﺒﹶﺸﱢﺮﹾﻫﹸﻢ ﺑِﻌﹶﺬَﺍﺏٍ ﺃَﻟﹺﻴﻢ‬.24
penalty to them,
25. Except to those who believe ‫ ﻟَﻬﹸﻢﹾ ﺃَﺟﹾﺮﹲ ﻏَﻴﹾﺮﹸ‬،‫ ﺇِﻻﱠ ﺍﻟﱠﺬﹺﻳﻦﹶ ﺁﻣﹶﻨﹸﻮﺍْ ﻭﹶﻋﹶﻤﹺﻠُﻮﺍْ ﺍﻟﺼﱠﺎﻟﹺﺤﹶﺎﺕﹺ‬.25
and do righteous deeds; for them
(there) is a reward that will never ٍ‫ﻣﹶﻤﹾﻨﹸﻮﻥ‬

SŪRA 85 Zodiac Signs [Al-Burūj] 22 ‫ عدد آياتھا‬- 85 ‫ سورة‬- ‫سورة البروج‬

In the name of Allāh, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. ‫بسم ﷲ الرحمن الرحيم‬
1. By the heavens (displaying) ِ‫ ﻭﹶﺍﻟﺴﱠﻤﹶﺎﺀ ﺫَﺍﺕﹺ ﺍﻟْﺒﹸﺮﹸﻭﺝ‬.1
the Signs of the Zodiac;
2. By the promised Day (of ‫ ﻭﹶﺍﻟْﻴﹶﻮﹾﻡِ ﺍﻟْﻤﹶﻮﹾﻋﹸﻮﺩﹺ‬.2
3. By One Who witnesses, and ‫ ﻭﹶﺷﹶﺎﻫﹺﺪﹴ ﻭﹶﻣﹶﺸﹾﻬﹸﻮﺩﹴ‬.3
the subject of the Witness;
4. Woe unto the makers of the ‫ ﻗُﺘﹺﻞَ ﺃَﺻﹾﺤﹶﺎﺏﹸ ﺍﻷُﺧﹾﺪﹸﻭﺩﹺ‬.4
pit (of Fire),
5. Fire supplied (abundantly) ‫ ﺍﻟﻨﱠﺎﺭِ ﺫَﺍﺕﹺ ﺍﻟْﻮﹶﻗُﻮﺩﹺ‬.5
with fuel:
6. Behold! They sat by the (Fire), ‫ ﺇِﺫْ ﻫﹸﻢﹾ ﻋﹶﻠَﻴﹾﻬﹶﺎ ﻗُﻌﹸﻮﺩﹲ‬.6
7. And they witnessed (all that) ‫ ﻭﹶﻫﹸﻢﹾ ﻋﹶﻠَﻰ ﻣﹶﺎ ﻳﹶﻔْﻌﹶﻠُﻮﻥﹶ ﺑِﺎﻟْﻤﹸﺆﹾﻣﹺﻨﹺﲔﹶ ﺷﹸﻬﹸﻮﺩﹲ‬.7
they were doing against the
8. And they ill-treated them for ‫ ﻭﹶﻣﹶﺎ �َﻘَﻤﹸﻮﺍ ﻣﹺﻨﹾﻬﹸﻢﹾ ﺇِﻻﱠ ﺃَﻥ ﻳﹸﺆﹾﻣﹺﻨﹸﻮﺍ ﺑِﺎﻟﻠﱠﻪﹺ ﺍﻟْﻌﹶﺰِﻳﺰِ ﺍﻟْﺤﹶﻤﹺﻴﺪﹺ‬.8
no reason other than that they
believed in Allāh, Exalted in
power, Worthy of all praise!
9. Him to Whom the dominion ‫ ﺍﻟﱠﺬﹺﻱ ﻟَﻪﹸ ﻣﹸﻠْﻚﹸ ﺍﻟﺴﱠﻤﹶﺎﻭﹶﺍﺕﹺ ﻭﹶﺍﻷَﺭﹾﺽِ ﻭﹶﺍﻟﻠﱠﻪﹸ ﻋﹶﻠَﻰ ﻛُﻞﱢ‬.9
of the heavens and the earth
belongs! And Allāh is Witness to ‫ﺷﹶﻲﹾﺀﹴ ﺷﹶﻬِﻴﺪﹲ‬
all things.
10. Those who persecute the ‫ ﺇِﻥﱠ ﺍﻟﱠﺬﹺﻳﻦﹶ ﻓَﺘَﻨﹸﻮﺍ ﺍﻟْﻤﹸﺆﹾﻣﹺﻨﹺﲔﹶ ﻭﹶﺍﻟْﻤﹸﺆﹾﻣﹺﻨﹶﺎﺕﹺ ﺛُﻢﱠ ﻟَﻢﹾ‬.10
Believers, men and women, (or
draw them into temptation) and ِ‫ﻳﹶﺘُﻮﺑﹸﻮﺍ ﻓَﻠَﻬﹸﻢﹾ ﻋﹶﺬَﺍﺏﹸ ﺟﹶﻬﹶﻨﱠﻢﹶ ﻭﹶﻟَﻬﹸﻢﹾ ﻋﹶﺬَﺍﺏﹸ ﺍﻟْﺤﹶﺮِﻳﻖ‬
do not turn in repentance, will
have the penalty of Hell: They
will have the penalty of the
burning Fire.
11. For those who believe and do ‫ ﺇِﻥﱠ ﺍﻟﱠﺬﹺﻳﻦﹶ ﺁﻣﹶﻨﹸﻮﺍ ﻭﹶﻋﹶﻤﹺﻠُﻮﺍ ﺍﻟﺼﱠﺎﻟﹺﺤﹶﺎﺕﹺ ﻟَﻬﹸﻢﹾ ﺟﹶﻨﱠﺎﺕﹲ‬.11
righteous deeds, (there) will be
gardens beneath which rivers ‫ﺗَﺠﹾﺮِﻱ ﻣﹺﻦ ﺗَﺤﹾﺘﹺﻬﹶﺎ ﺍﻷَ�ْﻬﹶﺎﺭﹸ ﺫَﻟﹺﻚﹶ ﺍﻟْﻔَﻮﹾﺯُ ﺍﻟْﻜَﺒِﲑﹸ‬
flow: That is the great salvation,

(the fulfillment of all desires).
12. Truly your Lord's grip (and ‫ ﺇِﻥﱠ ﺑﹶﻄْﺶﹶ ﺭﹶﺑﱢﻚﹶ ﻟَﺸﹶﺪﹺﻳﺪﹲ‬.12
power) is mighty.
13. It is Who creates from the ‫ ﺇِ�ﱠﻪﹸ ﻫﹸﻮﹶ ﻳﹸﺒﹾﺪﹺﺉﹸ ﻭﹶﻳﹸﻌﹺﻴﺪﹸ‬.13
very beginning, and He can
restore (life).
14. And He is the oft-Forgiving, ‫ ﻭﹶﻫﹸﻮﹶ ﺍﻟْﻐَﻔُﻮﺭﹸ ﺍﻟْﻮﹶﺩﹸﻭﺩﹸ‬.14
Full of loving kindness,
15. The Lord of the Throne of ‫ ﺫُﻭ ﺍﻟْﻌﹶﺮﹾﺵِ ﺍﻟْﻤﹶﺠِﻴﺪﹸ‬.15
16. Who does (without ‫ ﻓَﻌﱠﺎﻝٌ ﻟﱢﻤﹶﺎ ﻳﹸﺮِﻳﺪﹸ‬.16
hindrance) all that He intends.
17. Has the story reached you of ‫ ﻫﹶﻞْ ﺃَﺗَﺎﻙَ ﺣﹶﺪﹺﻳﺚﹸ ﺍﻟْﺠﹸﻨﹸﻮﺩﹺ‬.17
the forces,
18. Of Pharaoh and Thamu,-d? ‫ ﻓﹺﺮﹾﻋﹶﻮﹾﻥﹶ ﻭﹶﺛَﻤﹸﻮﺩﹶ‬.18
19. Yet the unbelievers (persist) ٍ‫ ﺑﹶﻞِ ﺍﻟﱠﺬﹺﻳﻦﹶ ﻛَﻔَﺮﹸﻭﺍ ﻓﹺﻲ ﺗَﻜْﺬﹺﻳﺐ‬.19
in rejecting (the truth);
20. But Allāh encompasses them ٌ‫ ﻭﹶﺍﻟﻠﱠﻪﹸ ﻣﹺﻦ ﻭﹶﺭﹶﺍﺋﹺﻬِﻢ ﻣﱡﺤﹺﻴﻂ‬.20
from behind!
21. Nay! This is a glorious ‫ ﺑﹶﻞْ ﻫﹸﻮﹶ ﻗُﺮﹾﺁﻥﹲ ﻣﱠﺠِﻴﺪﹲ‬.21
22. In a preserved (inscribed) ‫ ﻓﹺﻲ ﻟَﻮﹾﺡٍ ﻣﱠﺤﹾﻔُﻮﻅﹴ‬.22

SŪRA 86 The Night Visitor [Al-±āriq] 17 ‫ عدد آياتھا‬- 86 ‫ سورة‬- ‫سورة الطارق‬

In the name of Allāh, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. ‫بسم ﷲ الرحمن الرحيم‬
1. By the sky and the night ‫ ﻭﹶﺍﻟﺴﱠﻤﹶﺎﺀ ﻭﹶﺍﻟﻄﱠﺎﺭِﻕﹺ‬.1
visitor (in it);
2. And what will explain to you ُ‫ ﻭﹶﻣﹶﺎ ﺃَﺩﹾﺭﹶﺍﻙَ ﻣﹶﺎ ﺍﻟﻄﱠﺎﺭِﻕ‬.2
what the night-visitor is?
3. (It is) the star of piercing ‫ ﺍﻟﻨﱠﺠﹾﻢﹸ ﺍﻟﺜﱠﺎﻗﹺﺐﹸ‬.3
4. There is no soul without a ٌ‫ ﺇِﻥ ﻛُﻞﱡ �َﻔْﺲٍ ﻟﱠﻤﱠﺎ ﻋﹶﻠَﻴﹾﻬﹶﺎ ﺣﹶﺎﻓﹺﻆ‬.4
protector over it.
5. Now let man consider of ‫ ﻓَﻠْﻴﹶﻨﻈُﺮِ ﺍﻹِ�ﺴﹶﺎﻥﹸ ﻣﹺﻢﱠ ﺧﹸﻠﹺﻖﹶ‬.5
what he is created!
6. He is created of a drop ٍ‫ ﺧﹸﻠﹺﻖﹶ ﻣﹺﻦ ﻣﱠﺎﺀ ﺩﹶﺍﻓﹺﻖ‬.6
7. Proceeding from between the ِ‫ ﻳﹶﺨْﺮﹸﺝﹸ ﻣﹺﻦ ﺑﹶﻴﹾﻦِ ﺍﻟﺼﱡﻠْﺐِ ﻭﹶﺍﻟﺘﱠﺮﹶﺍﺋﹺﺐ‬.7
backbone and the ribs:
8. Surely (Allāh) is able to bring ‫ ﺇِ�ﱠﻪﹸ ﻋﹶﻠَﻰ ﺭﹶﺟﹾﻌﹺﻪﹺ ﻟَﻘَﺎﺩﹺﺭﹲ‬.8
him back (to life)!

9. The Day that all secret things ‫ ﻳﹶﻮﹾﻡﹶ ﺗُﺒﹾﻠَﻰ ﺍﻟﺴﱠﺮﹶﺍﺋﹺﺮﹸ‬.9
will be tested,
10. (Man) will have no power, ٍ‫ﻓَﻤﹶﺎ ﻟَﻪﹸ ﻣﹺﻦ ﻗُﻮﱠﺓﹴ ﻭﹶﻻ �َﺎﺻﹺﺮ‬.10
nor anyone to help.
11. By the firmament which ِ‫ﻭﹶﺍﻟﺴﱠﻤﹶﺎﺀ ﺫَﺍﺕﹺ ﺍﻟﺮﱠﺟﹾﻊ‬.11
returns (in its rounds),
12. And the Earth which opens ِ‫ﻭﹶﺍﻷَﺭﹾﺽِ ﺫَﺍﺕﹺ ﺍﻟﺼﱠﺪﹾﻉ‬.12
out (for the gushing of springs
or the sprouting of vegetation),
13. Behold! This is the word ٌ‫ﺇِ�ﱠﻪﹸ ﻟَﻘَﻮﹾﻝٌ ﻓَﺼﹾﻞ‬.13
that distinguishes (good from
14. It is not a thing for amuse- ِ‫ﻭﹶﻣﹶﺎ ﻫﹸﻮﹶ ﺑِﺎﻟْﻬﹶﺰﹾﻝ‬.14
15. As for them, they are only ‫ﺇِ�ﱠﻬﹸﻢﹾ ﻳﹶﻜﹺﻴﺪﹸﻭﻥﹶ ﻛَﻴﹾﺪﹰﺍ‬.15
plotting a scheme,
16. And I am planning a ‫ﻭﹶﺃَﻛﹺﻴﺪﹸ ﻛَﻴﹾﺪﹰﺍ‬.16
17. Therefore grant a respite to ‫ ﻓَﻤﹶﻬﱢﻞِ ﺍﻟْﻜَﺎﻓﹺﺮِﻳﻦﹶ ﺃَﻣﹾﻬِﻠْﻬﹸﻢﹾ ﺭﹸﻭﹶﻳﹾﺪﹰﺍ‬.17
the unbelievers: Grant a respite
to them gently (for a while).

SŪRA 87 The Most High [Al-A`la] 19 ‫ عدد آياتھا‬- 87 ‫ سورة‬- ‫سورة األعلى‬

In the name of Allāh, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. ‫بسم ﷲ الرحمن الرحيم‬
1. Glorify the name of the ‫ ﺳﹶﺒﱢﺢِ ﺍﺳﹾﻢﹶ ﺭﹶﺑﱢﻚﹶ ﺍﻷَﻋﹾﻠَﻰ‬.1
Guardian-Lord, the Most High,
2. Who has created, and further ‫ ﺍﻟﱠﺬﹺﻱ ﺧﹶﻠَﻖﹶ ﻓَﺴﹶﻮﱠﻯ‬.2
given order and proportion;
3. Who has ordained laws and ‫ ﻭﹶﺍﻟﱠﺬﹺﻱ ﻗَﺪﱠﺭﹶ ﻓَﻬﹶﺪﹶﻯ‬.3
granted guidance;
4. And who brings out the (green ‫ ﻭﹶﺍﻟﱠﺬﹺﻱ ﺃَﺧﹾﺮﹶﺝﹶ ﺍﻟْﻤﹶﺮﹾﻋﹶﻰ‬.4
and luscious) pasture,
5. And then makes it (only) ‫ ﻓَﺠﹶﻌﹶﻠَﻪﹸ ﻏُﺜَﺎﺀﹰ ﺃَﺣﹾﻮﹶﻯ‬.5
swarthy stubble.
6. By degrees We shall teach you ‫ ﺳﹶﻨﹸﻘْﺮِﺅﹸﻙَ ﻓَﻼ ﺗَﻨﺴﹶﻰ‬.6
to declare (the message), so you
will not forget,
7. Except as Allāh wills, for He ‫ ﺇِﻻﱠ ﻣﹶﺎ ﺷﹶﺎﺀ ﺍﻟﻠﱠﻪﹸ ﺇِ�ﱠﻪﹸ ﻳﹶﻌﹾﻠَﻢﹸ ﺍﻟْﺠﹶﻬﹾﺮﹶ ﻭﹶﻣﹶﺎ ﻳﹶﺨْﻔَﻰ‬.7
knows what is manifest and what
is hidden.
8. And We will make it easy for ‫ ﻭﹶ�ُﻴﹶﺴﱢﺮﹸﻙَ ﻟﹺﻠْﻴﹸﺴﹾﺮﹶﻯ‬.8
you (to follow) the simple (path).

9. Therefore grant ‫ ﻓَﺬَﻛﱢﺮﹾ ﺇِﻥ �ﱠﻔَﻌﹶﺖﹺ ﺍﻟﺬﱢﻛْﺮﹶﻯ‬.9
admonishment in case the
admonishment benefits (the
10. The admonishment will be ‫ ﺳﹶﻴﹶﺬﱠﻛﱠﺮﹸ ﻣﹶﻦ ﻳﹶﺨْﺸﹶﻰ‬.10
received by those who fear
11. But it will be avoided by the ‫ ﻭﻳﹶﺘَﺠﹶﻨﱠﺒﹸﻬﹶﺎ ﺍﻷَﺷﹾﻘَﻰ‬.11
most unfortunate ones,
12. Who will enter the great ‫ ﺍﻟﱠﺬﹺﻱ ﻳﹶﺼﹾﻠَﻰ ﺍﻟﻨﱠﺎﺭﹶ ﺍﻟْﻜُﺒﹾﺮﹶﻯ‬.12
13. In which they will neither die ‫ ﺛُﻢﱠ ﻻ ﻳﹶﻤﹸﻮﺕﹸ ﻓﹺﻴﻬﹶﺎ ﻭﹶﻻ ﻳﹶﺤﹾﻴﹶﻰ‬.13
nor live.
14. But those who purify ‫ ﻗَﺪﹾ ﺃَﻓْﻠَﺢﹶ ﻣﹶﻦ ﺗَﺰﹶﻛﱠﻰ‬.14
themselves will prosper,
15. And glorify the name of their ‫ ﻭﹶﺫَﻛَﺮﹶ ﺍﺳﹾﻢﹶ ﺭﹶﺑﱢﻪﹺ ﻓَﺼﹶﻠﱠﻰ‬.15
Guardian-Lord, and (lift their
hearts) in prayers.
16. Nay! (Behold!) You prefer ‫ ﺑﹶﻞْ ﺗُﺆﹾﺛﹺﺮﹸﻭﻥﹶ ﺍﻟْﺤﹶﻴﹶﺎﺓﹶ ﺍﻟﺪﱡ�ْﻴﹶﺎ‬.16
the life of this world;
17. But the Hereafter is better ‫ ﻭﹶﺍﻵﺧﹺﺮﹶﺓﹸ ﺧﹶﻴﹾﺮﹲ ﻭﹶﺃَﺑﹾﻘَﻰ‬.17
and more enduring.
18. And this is in the Books of ‫ ﺇِﻥﱠ ﻫﹶﺬَﺍ ﻟَﻔﹺﻲ ﺍﻟﺼﱡﺤﹸﻒﹺ ﺍﻷُﻭﻟَﻰ‬.18
the earliest (Revelations),
19. The Books of Abraham and ‫ ﺻﹸﺤﹸﻒﹺ ﺇِﺑﹾﺮﹶﺍﻫﹺﻴﻢﹶ ﻭﹶﻣﹸﻮﺳﹶﻰ‬.19

SŪRA 88 The Overwhelming Event [Al-Ghāshiya]

26 ‫ عدد آياتھا‬- 88 ‫ سورة‬- ‫سورة الغاشية‬

In the name of Allāh, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. ‫بسم ﷲ الرحمن الرحيم‬
1. Has the story of the ‫ ﻫﹶﻞْ ﺃَﺗَﺎﻙَ ﺣﹶﺪﹺﻳﺚﹸ ﺍﻟْﻐَﺎﺷﹺﻴﹶﺔﹺ‬.1
overwhelming (event) reached
2. Some faces, that Day, will be ٌ‫ ﻭﹸﺟﹸﻮﻩﹲ ﻳﹶﻮﹾﻣﹶﺌﹺﺬﹴ ﺧﹶﺎﺷﹺﻌﹶﺔ‬.2
3. Laboring (hard), weary, ٌ‫ ﻋﹶﺎﻣﹺﻠَﺔٌ �ﱠﺎﺻﹺﺒﹶﺔ‬.3
4. While they enter the blazing ً‫ ﺗَﺼﹾﻠَﻰ �َﺎﺭﹰﺍ ﺣﹶﺎﻣﹺﻴﹶﺔ‬.4
5. While they are given, to drink, ‫ ﺗُﺴﹾﻘَﻰ ﻣﹺﻦﹾ ﻋﹶﻴﹾﻦٍ ﺁ�ﹺﻴﹶﺔﹴ‬.5
of a boiling spring.
6. There will be no food for them ٍ‫ ﻟﱠﻴﹾﺲﹶ ﻟَﻬﹸﻢﹾ ﻃَﻌﹶﺎﻡﹲ ﺇِﻻﱠ ﻣﹺﻦ ﺿَﺮِﻳﻊ‬.6
except bitter thorns,

7. Which will neither nourish nor ٍ‫ ﻻ ﻳﹸﺴﹾﻤﹺﻦﹸ ﻭﹶﻻ ﻳﹸﻐْﻨﹺﻲ ﻣﹺﻦ ﺟﹸﻮﻉ‬.7
satisfy hunger.
8. (Other) faces that Day will be ٌ‫ ﻭﹸﺟﹸﻮﻩﹲ ﻳﹶﻮﹾﻣﹶﺌﹺﺬﹴ �ﱠﺎﻋﹺﻤﹶﺔ‬.8
9. Pleased with their striving, ٌ‫ ﻟﹺﺴﹶﻌﹾﻴِﻬﹶﺎ ﺭﹶﺍﺿﹺﻴﹶﺔ‬.9
10. In a Garden on high, ‫ ﻓﹺﻲ ﺟﹶﻨﱠﺔﹴ ﻋﹶﺎﻟﹺﻴﹶﺔﹴ‬.10
11. Where they hear no (word) of ً‫ ﻟّﺎ ﺗَﺴﹾﻤﹶﻊﹸ ﻓﹺﻴﻬﹶﺎ ﻻﻏﹺﻴﹶﺔ‬.11
12. (There) will be a bubbling ٌ‫ ﻓﹺﻴﻬﹶﺎ ﻋﹶﻴﹾﻦﹲ ﺟﹶﺎﺭِﻳﹶﺔ‬.12
spring in it:
13. (There) will be Thrones (of ٌ‫ ﻓﹺﻴﻬﹶﺎ ﺳﹸﺮﹸﺭﹲ ﻣﱠﺮﹾﻓُﻮﻋﹶﺔ‬.13
dignity), raised on high in it,
14. Goblets placed (ready), ٌ‫ ﻭﹶﺃَﻛْﻮﹶﺍﺏﹲ ﻣﱠﻮﹾﺿُﻮﻋﹶﺔ‬.14
15. And cushions set in rows, ٌ‫ ﻭﹶ�َﻤﹶﺎﺭِﻕُ ﻣﹶﺼﹾﻔُﻮﻓَﺔ‬.15
16. And rich carpets (all) spread ٌ‫ ﻭﹶﺯَﺭﹶﺍﺑِﻲﱡ ﻣﹶﺒﹾﺜُﻮﺛَﺔ‬.16
17. Do they not look at the ‫ ﺃَﻓَﻼ ﻳﹶﻨﻈُﺮﹸﻭﻥﹶ ﺇِﻟَﻰ ﺍﻹِﺑِﻞِ ﻛَﻴﹾﻒﹶ ﺧﹸﻠﹺﻘَﺖﹾ‬.17
camels, how they are created?
18. And at the sky, how it is ‫ ﻭﹶﺇِﻟَﻰ ﺍﻟﺴﱠﻤﹶﺎﺀ ﻛَﻴﹾﻒﹶ ﺭﹸﻓﹺﻌﹶﺖﹾ‬.18
raised high?
19. And at the mountains, how ‫ ﻭﹶﺇِﻟَﻰ ﺍﻟْﺠِﺒﹶﺎﻝِ ﻛَﻴﹾﻒﹶ �ُﺼﹺﺒﹶﺖﹾ‬.19
they are firmly fixed?
20. And at the earth, how it is ‫ ﻭﹶﺇِﻟَﻰ ﺍﻷَﺭﹾﺽِ ﻛَﻴﹾﻒﹶ ﺳﹸﻄﹺﺤﹶﺖﹾ‬.20
spread out?
21. Therefore grant ‫ ﻓَﺬَﻛﱢﺮﹾ ﺇِ�ﱠﻤﹶﺎ ﺃَ�ﺖﹶ ﻣﹸﺬَﻛﱢﺮﹲ‬.21
admonishment, for you are to
22. You are not to manage (men's) ٍ‫ ﻟﱠﺴﹾﺖﹶ ﻋﹶﻠَﻴﹾﻬِﻢ ﺑِﻤﹸﺼﹶﻴﹾﻄﹺﺮ‬.22
23. But if any turns away and ‫ ﺇِﻻﱠ ﻣﹶﻦ ﺗَﻮﹶﻟﱠﻰ ﻭﹶﻛَﻔَﺮﹶ‬.23
rejects Allāh,
24. Allāh will punish him with a ‫ ﻓَﻴﹸﻌﹶﺬﱢﺑﹸﻪﹸ ﺍﻟﻠﱠﻪﹸ ﺍﻟْﻌﹶﺬَﺍﺏﹶ ﺍﻷَﻛْﺒﹶﺮﹶ‬.24
mighty punishment.
25. For they will return to Us; ‫ ﺇِﻥﱠ ﺇِﻟَﻴﹾﻨﹶﺎ ﺇِﻳﹶﺎﺑﹶﻬﹸﻢﹾ‬.25
26. Then it will be for Us to call ‫ ﺛُﻢﱠ ﺇِﻥﱠ ﻋﹶﻠَﻴﹾﻨﹶﺎ ﺣﹺﺴﹶﺎﺑﹶﻬﹸﻢﹾ‬.26
them to account.

SŪRA 89 Daybreak [Al-Fajr] 30 ‫ عدد آياتھا‬- 89 ‫ سورة‬- ‫سورة الفجر‬

In the name of Allāh, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. ‫بسم ﷲ الرحمن الرحيم‬
1. By the daybreak; ‫ وَاﻟْ َﻔﺠْ ِﺮ‬.1
2. By the ten nights; ‫ﻋﺸْ ٍﺮ‬ َ ‫ل‬ ٍ ‫ َوَﻟﻴَﺎ‬.2
3. By the even and odd ‫ﺸﻔْ ِﻊ وَاﻟْ َﻮﺗْ ِﺮ‬ ‫ وَاﻟ ﱠ‬.3
4. And by the night when it ‫ﻞ ِإذَا َﻳﺴْ ِﺮ‬ ِ ْ‫ وَاﻟﱠﻠﻴ‬.4
passes away;
5. Is there in these any ‫ﺣﺠْ ٍﺮ‬ ِ ‫ﺴﻢٌ ﱢﻟﺬِي‬ َ ‫ﻚ َﻗ‬ َ ‫ َهﻞْ ﻓِﻲ َذِﻟ‬.5
adjuration (or evidence) for
those who understand?
6. Do you not see how your ‫ﻚ ِﺑﻌَﺎ ٍد‬ َ ‫ﻞ َرﱡﺑ‬ َ ‫ﻒ َﻓ َﻌ‬ َ ْ‫ َأَﻟﻢْ َﺗ َﺮ َآﻴ‬.6
Lord dealt with the 'Ād (people),
7. Of the (city of) Iram, with ‫ت اﻟْ ِﻌﻤَﺎ ِد‬ ِ ‫ ِإ َر َم ذَا‬.7
lofty pillars,
8. The like of which were not ‫ اﱠﻟﺘِﻲ َﻟﻢْ ُﻳﺨَْﻠﻖْ ِﻣﺜُْﻠﻬَﺎ ﻓِﻲ اﻟْﺒِﻼ ِد‬.8
created in (all) the land?
9. And with the Thamūd ‫ﺼﺨْ َﺮ ﺑِﺎﻟْﻮَا ِد‬ ‫ﻦ ﺟَﺎﺑُﻮا اﻟ ﱠ‬ َ ‫ َو َﺛﻤُﻮ َد اﱠﻟﺬِﻳ‬.9
(people), who cut out (huge)
rocks in the valley?
10. And with Pharaoh, Lord of ‫ﻷوْﺗَﺎ ِد‬َ ‫ن ذِي ا‬ َ ْ‫ﻋﻮ‬ َ ْ‫ َو ِﻓﺮ‬.10
11. These transgressed in the ‫ﻃ َﻐﻮْا ﻓِﻲ اﻟْﺒِﻼ ِد‬ َ ‫ﻦ‬ َ ‫ اﱠﻟﺬِﻳ‬.11
land beyond bounds.
12. And heaped mischief (on ‫ َﻓَﺄآْ َﺜﺮُوا ﻓِﻴﻬَﺎ اﻟْ َﻔﺴَﺎ َد‬.12
mischief) therein.
13. Therefore your Lord poured ‫ب‬
ٍ ‫ﻋﺬَا‬ َ ‫ط‬ َ ْ‫ﺳﻮ‬ َ ‫ﻚ‬ َ ‫ﻋَﻠﻴْ ِﻬﻢْ َر ﱡﺑ‬ َ ‫ﺐ‬ ‫ﺼ ﱠ‬ َ ‫ َﻓ‬.13
on them a scourge of diverse
14. For your Lord is (as a ‫ﻚ َﻟﺒِﺎﻟْ ِﻤﺮْﺻَﺎ ِد‬ َ ‫ن َر ﱠﺑ‬ ‫ ِإ ﱠ‬.14
Guardian) on a watch-tower.
15. Now, as for man, when his ‫ن ِإذَا ﻣَﺎ اﺑْﺘَﻼ ُﻩ َرﺑﱡ ُﻪ َﻓَﺄآْ َﺮ َﻣ ُﻪ َو َﻧ ﱠﻌ َﻤ ُﻪ‬ ُ ‫ َﻓَﺄﻣﱠﺎ اﻹِﻧﺴَﺎ‬.15
Lord tries him, giving him ‫ﻦ‬
ِ ‫ل َرﺑﱢﻲ َأآْ َﺮ َﻣ‬ ُ ‫َﻓ َﻴﻘُﻮ‬
honor and gifts, (puffed up) he
then says, “My Lord has
honored me.”
16. But when He tries him, ‫ل َرﺑﱢﻲ‬ ُ ‫ﻋَﻠﻴْ ِﻪ ِرزْ َﻗ ُﻪ َﻓ َﻴﻘُﻮ‬ َ ‫ َوَأﻣﱠﺎ ِإذَا ﻣَﺎ اﺑْﺘَﻼ ُﻩ َﻓ َﻘ َﺪ َر‬.16
restricting his subsistence for ‫ﻦ‬
ِ ‫َأهَﺎ َﻧ‬
him, (in despair) he then says,
“My Lord has humiliated me!”
17. Nay! Nay! But you do not ‫ن اﻟْ َﻴﺘِﻴ َﻢ‬ َ ‫ﻼ ﺑَﻞ ﻟّﺎ ُﺗﻜْ ِﺮﻣُﻮ‬ ‫ َآ ﱠ‬.17
honor the orphans!
18. Nor do you encourage one ‫ﻦ‬
ِ ‫ﻃﻌَﺎ ِم اﻟْ ِﻤﺴْﻜِﻴ‬ َ ‫ﻋﻠَﻰ‬ َ ‫ن‬ َ ‫ وَﻻ َﺗﺤَﺎﺿﱡﻮ‬.18

another to feed the poor!
19. And you devour inheritance ‫ث َأآْﻼ ﻟﱠﻤًّﺎ‬
َ ‫ن اﻟ ﱡﺘﺮَا‬
َ ‫ َو َﺗﺄْ ُآﻠُﻮ‬.19
20. And you love wealth ‫ل ﺣُﺒًّﺎ ﺟَﻤًّﺎ‬
َ ‫ن اﻟْﻤَﺎ‬
َ ‫ﺤﺒﱡﻮ‬
ِ ‫ َو ُﺗ‬.20
21. Nay! When the earth is ‫ض دَآًّﺎ دَآًّﺎ‬
ُ ْ‫ﻷر‬
َ ‫ﺖا‬
ِ ‫ﻼ ِإذَا ُد ﱠآ‬
‫ َآ ﱠ‬.21
pounded to powder,
22. And your Lord comes and ‫ﻚ ﺻَﻔًّﺎ ﺻَﻔًّﺎ‬
ُ ‫ﻚ وَاﻟْ َﻤَﻠ‬
َ ‫ َوﺟَﺎ َء َر ﱡﺑ‬.22
His angels, rank upon rank,
23. And Hell, that Day, is ‫ن‬
ُ ‫ﺠ َﻬ ﱠﻨ َﻢ َﻳﻮْ َﻣ ِﺌ ٍﺬ َﻳ َﺘ َﺬ ﱠآ ُﺮ اﻹِﻧﺴَﺎ‬
َ ‫ َوﺟِﻲ َء َﻳﻮْ َﻣ ِﺌ ٍﺬ ِﺑ‬.23
brought (face to face)! On that ‫َوَأﻧﱠﻰ َﻟ ُﻪ اﻟ ﱢﺬآْﺮَى‬
Day, man will remember, but
how will that remembrance
avail him?
24. He will say, “Ah! If only I ‫ﺤﻴَﺎﺗِﻲ‬
َ ‫ﺖ ِﻟ‬
ُ ْ‫ل ﻳَﺎ َﻟﻴْ َﺘﻨِﻲ َﻗﺪﱠﻣ‬
ُ ‫ َﻳﻘُﻮ‬.24
had sent forth (good deeds) for
my (future) life.”
25. For that Day His ٌ‫ﺣﺪ‬
َ ‫ﻋﺬَا َﺑ ُﻪ َأ‬
َ ‫ب‬
ُ ‫ َﻓ َﻴﻮْ َﻣ ِﺌ ٍﺬ ﻟّﺎ ُﻳ َﻌﺬﱢ‬.25
chastisement will be such as
none (else) can inflict,
26. And His bonds will be such ٌ‫ﺣﺪ‬
َ ‫ﻖ َوﺛَﺎ َﻗ ُﻪ َأ‬
ُ ‫ وَﻻ ﻳُﻮ ِﺛ‬.26
as none (else) can bind.
27. To the righteous soul (will ‫ﺲ اﻟْ ُﻤﻄْ َﻤ ِﺌ ﱠﻨ ُﺔ‬
ُ ْ‫ ﻳَﺎ َأ ﱠﻳ ُﺘﻬَﺎ اﻟﻨﱠﻔ‬.27
be said,) “O soul, at rest and
28. “Return to your Lord, well ‫ﺿﱠﻴ ًﺔ‬
ِ ْ‫ﺿ َﻴ ًﺔ ﱠﻣﺮ‬
ِ ‫ﻚ رَا‬
ِ ‫ﺟﻌِﻲ ِإﻟَﻰ َر ﱢﺑ‬
ِ ْ‫ ار‬.28
pleased, and well-pleasing Him!
29. “Enter then among My ‫ﻋﺒَﺎدِي‬
ِ ‫ﺧﻠِﻲ ﻓِﻲ‬
ُ ْ‫ ﻓَﺎد‬.29
30. “Yes, enter My heaven!” ‫ﺟ ﱠﻨﺘِﻲ‬
َ ‫ﺧﻠِﻲ‬
ُ ْ‫ وَاد‬.30

SŪRA 90 The City [Al-Balad] 20 ‫ عدد آياتھا‬- 90 ‫ سورة‬- ‫سورة البلد‬

In the name of Allāh, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. ‫بسم ﷲ الرحمن الرحيم‬
1. I call to witness this city; ‫ ﻻ ﺃُﻗْﺴﹺﻢﹸ ﺑِﻬﹶﺬَﺍ ﺍﻟْﺒﹶﻠَﺪﹺ‬.1
2. And you are free (from ‫ ﻭﹶﺃَ�ﺖﹶ ﺣﹺﻞﱞ ﺑِﻬﹶﺬَﺍ ﺍﻟْﺒﹶﻠَﺪﹺ‬.2
obligation to) this city;
3. And (the mystic ties) of ‫ ﻭﹶﻭﹶﺍﻟﹺﺪﹴ ﻭﹶﻣﹶﺎ ﻭﹶﻟَﺪﹶ‬.3
parent and child;
4. Truly We have created man ‫ ﻟَﻘَﺪﹾ ﺧﹶﻠَﻘْﻨﹶﺎ ﺍﻹِ�ﺴﹶﺎﻥﹶ ﻓﹺﻲ ﻛَﺒﹶﺪﹴ‬.4
into toil and struggle.
5. Does he think that none has ‫ ﺃَﻳﹶﺤﹾﺴﹶﺐﹸ ﺃَﻥ ﻟﱠﻦ ﻳﹶﻘْﺪﹺﺭﹶ ﻋﹶﻠَﻴﹾﻪﹺ ﺃَﺣﹶﺪﹲ‬.5
power over him?

6. He may (boastfully) say, “I ‫ ﻳﹶﻘُﻮﻝُ ﺃَﻫﹾﻠَﻜْﺖﹸ ﻣﹶﺎﻻ ﻟﱡﺒﹶﺪﹰﺍ‬.6
have squandered wealth in
7. Does he think that none sees ‫ ﺃَﻳﹶﺤﹾﺴﹶﺐﹸ ﺃَﻥ ﻟﱠﻢﹾ ﻳﹶﺮﹶﻩﹸ ﺃَﺣﹶﺪﹲ‬.7
8. Have We not made a pair of ِ‫ ﺃﻟَﻢﹾ �َﺠﹾﻌﹶﻞ ﻟﱠﻪﹸ ﻋﹶﻴﹾﻨﹶﻴﹾﻦ‬.8
eyes for him,
9. And a tongue, and a pair of ِ‫ ﻭﹶﻟﹺﺴﹶﺎ�ًﺎ ﻭﹶﺷﹶﻔَﺘَﻴﹾﻦ‬.9
10. And shown him the two ِ‫ ﻭﹶﻫﹶﺪﹶﻳﹾﻨﹶﺎﻩﹸ ﺍﻟﻨﱠﺠﹾﺪﹶﻳﹾﻦ‬.10
11. But he has made no haste َ‫ ﻓَﻼ ﺍﻗْﺘَﺤﹶﻢﹶ ﺍﻟْﻌﹶﻘَﺒﹶﺔ‬.11
on the steep path,
12. And what will explain to ُ‫ ﻭﹶﻣﹶﺎ ﺃَﺩﹾﺭﹶﺍﻙَ ﻣﹶﺎ ﺍﻟْﻌﹶﻘَﺒﹶﺔ‬.12
you the steep path?
13. (It is) freeing the bondman; ‫ ﻓَﻚﱡ ﺭﹶﻗَﺒﹶﺔﹴ‬.13
14. Or the giving of food in a ‫ ﺃَﻭﹾ ﺇِﻃْﻌﹶﺎﻡﹲ ﻓﹺﻲ ﻳﹶﻮﹾﻡٍ ﺫﹺﻱ ﻣﹶﺴﹾﻐَﺒﹶﺔﹴ‬.14
Day of privation,
15. To the orphan with claims ‫ ﻳﹶﺘﹺﻴﻤﹰﺎ ﺫَﺍ ﻣﹶﻘْﺮﹶﺑﹶﺔﹴ‬.15
to kinship,
16. Or to the indigent (lying) in ‫ ﺃَﻭﹾ ﻣﹺﺴﹾﻜﹺﻴﻨﹰﺎ ﺫَﺍ ﻣﹶﺘْﺮﹶﺑﹶﺔﹴ‬.16
the dust.
17. He will then be of those ِ‫ ﺛُﻢﱠ ﻛَﺎﻥﹶ ﻣﹺﻦﹶ ﺍﻟﱠﺬﹺﻳﻦﹶ ﺁﻣﹶﻨﹸﻮﺍ ﻭﹶﺗَﻮﹶﺍﺻﹶﻮﹾﺍ ﺑِﺎﻟﺼﱠﺒﹾﺮ‬.17
who believe and enjoin patience,
(constancy, and self-restraint,) ‫ﻭﹶﺗَﻮﹶﺍﺻﹶﻮﹾﺍ ﺑِﺎﻟْﻤﹶﺮﹾﺣﹶﻤﹶﺔﹺ‬
and enjoin deeds of kindness
and compassion.
18. Such are the companions of ‫ ﺃُﻭﹾﻟَﺌﹺﻚﹶ ﺃَﺻﹾﺤﹶﺎﺏﹸ ﺍﻟْﻤﹶﻴﹾﻤﹶﻨﹶﺔﹺ‬.18
the right hand.
19. But those who reject Our ‫ ﻭﹶﺍﻟﱠﺬﹺﻳﻦﹶ ﻛَﻔَﺮﹸﻭﺍ ﺑِﺂﻳﹶﺎﺗﹺﻨﹶﺎ ﻫﹸﻢﹾ ﺃَﺻﹾﺤﹶﺎﺏﹸ ﺍﻟْﻤﹶﺸﹾﺄَﻣﹶﺔﹺ‬.19
Signs are the (unhappy)
companions of the left hand.
20. Overwhelming them will be ‫ ﻋﹶﻠَﻴﹾﻬِﻢﹾ �َﺎﺭﹲ ﻣﱡﺆﹾﺻﹶﺪﹶﺓﹲ‬.20
the Fire vaulted over (all

SŪRA 91 The Sun [Al-Shams] 15 ‫ عدد آياتھا‬- 91 ‫ سورة‬- ‫سورة الشمس‬

In the name of Allāh, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. ‫بسم ﷲ الرحمن الرحيم‬
1. By the sun and his (glorious) ‫ ﻭﹶﺍﻟﺸﱠﻤﹾﺲِ ﻭﹶﺿُﺤﹶﺎﻫﹶﺎ‬.1
2. By the moon as she follow ‫ ﻭﹶﺍﻟْﻘَﻤﹶﺮِ ﺇِﺫَﺍ ﺗَﻼﻫﹶﺎ‬.2

3. By the day as it shows up ‫ ﻭﹶﺍﻟﻨﱠﻬﹶﺎﺭِ ﺇِﺫَﺍ ﺟﹶﻼﱠﻫﹶﺎ‬.3
(the sun's) glory;
4. By the night as it conceals it; ‫ ﻭﹶﺍﻟﻠﱠﻴﹾﻞِ ﺇِﺫَﺍ ﻳﹶﻐْﺸﹶﺎﻫﹶﺎ‬.4
5. By the firmament and its ‫ ﻭﹶﺍﻟﺴﱠﻤﹶﺎﺀ ﻭﹶﻣﹶﺎ ﺑﹶﻨﹶﺎﻫﹶﺎ‬.5
(wonderful) structure;
6. By the earth and its (wide) ‫ ﻭﹶﺍﻷَﺭﹾﺽِ ﻭﹶﻣﹶﺎ ﻃَﺤﹶﺎﻫﹶﺎ‬.6
7. By the soul, and the ‫ ﻭﹶ�َﻔْﺲٍ ﻭﹶﻣﹶﺎ ﺳﹶﻮﱠﺍﻫﹶﺎ‬.7
proportion and order given
8. And its enlightenment as to ‫ ﻓَﺄَﻟْﻬﹶﻤﹶﻬﹶﺎ ﻓُﺠﹸﻮﺭﹶﻫﹶﺎ ﻭﹶﺗَﻘْﻮﹶﺍﻫﹶﺎ‬.8
its wrong and right;
9. Truly he succeeds who ‫ ﻗَﺪﹾ ﺃَﻓْﻠَﺢﹶ ﻣﹶﻦ ﺯَﻛﱠﺎﻫﹶﺎ‬.9
purifies it,
10. And he fails who corrupts ‫ ﻭﹶﻗَﺪﹾ ﺧﹶﺎﺏﹶ ﻣﹶﻦ ﺩﹶﺳﱠﺎﻫﹶﺎ‬.10
11. The Thamūd (people) ‫ ﻛَﺬﱠﺑﹶﺖﹾ ﺛَﻤﹸﻮﺩﹸ ﺑِﻄَﻐْﻮﹶﺍﻫﹶﺎ‬.11
rejected (their Prophet) through
their inordinate wrong-doing.
12. Behold, the most wicked ‫ ﺇِﺫﹺ ﺍ�ﺒﹶﻌﹶﺚﹶ ﺃَﺷﹾﻘَﺎﻫﹶﺎ‬.12
man among them was deputed
(for impiety),
13. But God's Messenger said ‫ ﻓَﻘَﺎﻝَ ﻟَﻬﹸﻢﹾ ﺭﹶﺳﹸﻮﻝُ ﺍﻟﻠﱠﻪﹺ �َﺎﻗَﺔَ ﺍﻟﻠﱠﻪﹺ ﻭﹶﺳﹸﻘْﻴﹶﺎﻫﹶﺎ‬.13
to them, “It is God's she-camel!
So (do not bar her from) having
her drink!”
14. Then they rejected him (as a ‫ ﻓَﻜَﺬﱠﺑﹸﻮﻩﹸ ﻓَﻌﹶﻘَﺮﹸﻭﻫﹶﺎ ﻓَﺪﹶﻣﹾﺪﹶﻡﹶ ﻋﹶﻠَﻴﹾﻬِﻢﹾ ﺭﹶﺑﱡﻬﹸﻢ ﺑِﺬَ�ﺒِﻬِﻢﹾ ﻓَﺴﹶﻮﱠﺍﻫﹶﺎ‬.14
false prophet), and they
hamstrung her. So their Lord,
on account of their crime,
obliterated their traces and
made them equal (in
destruction, high and low)!
15. And for Him (there) is no ‫ ﻭﹶﻻ ﻳﹶﺨَﺎﻑﹸ ﻋﹸﻘْﺒﹶﺎﻫﹶﺎ‬.15
fear of its consequences.

SŪRA 92 Nighttime [Al-Layl] 21 ‫ عدد آياتھا‬- 92 ‫ سورة‬- ‫سورة الليل‬

In the name of Allāh, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. ‫بسم ﷲ الرحمن الرحيم‬
1. By the night as it conceals ‫ ﻭﹶﺍﻟﻠﱠﻴﹾﻞِ ﺇِﺫَﺍ ﻳﹶﻐْﺸﹶﻰ‬.1
(the light);
2. By the day as it appears in ‫ ﻭﹶﺍﻟﻨﱠﻬﹶﺎﺭِ ﺇِﺫَﺍ ﺗَﺠﹶﻠﱠﻰ‬.2

3. By (the mystery of) the ‫ ﻭﹶﻣﹶﺎ ﺧﹶﻠَﻖﹶ ﺍﻟﺬﱠﻛَﺮﹶ ﻭﹶﺍﻷُ�ﺜَﻰ‬.3
creation of male and female;
4. Truly (the ends) you strive ‫ ﺇِﻥﱠ ﺳﹶﻌﹾﻴﹶﻜُﻢﹾ ﻟَﺸﹶﺘﱠﻰ‬.4
for are diverse.
5. So he who gives (in charity) ‫ ﻓَﺄَﻣﱠﺎ ﻣﹶﻦ ﺃَﻋﹾﻄَﻰ ﻭﹶﺍﺗﱠﻘَﻰ‬.5
and fears (Allāh),
6. And (in all sincerity) testifies ‫ ﻭﹶﺻﹶﺪﱠﻕَ ﺑِﺎﻟْﺤﹸﺴﹾﻨﹶﻰ‬.6
to the best,
7. We will indeed make smooth ‫ ﻓَﺴﹶﻨﹸﻴﹶﺴﱢﺮﹸﻩﹸ ﻟﹺﻠْﻴﹸﺴﹾﺮﹶﻯ‬.7
for him the path to bliss.
8. But he who is a greedy miser ‫ ﻭﹶﺃَﻣﱠﺎ ﻣﹶﻦ ﺑﹶﺨﹺﻞَ ﻭﹶﺍﺳﹾﺘَﻐْﻨﹶﻰ‬.8
and thinks himself self-
9. And gives the lies to the best, ‫ ﻭﹶﻛَﺬﱠﺏﹶ ﺑِﺎﻟْﺤﹸﺴﹾﻨﹶﻰ‬.9
10. We will indeed make ‫ ﻓَﺴﹶﻨﹸﻴﹶﺴﱢﺮﹸﻩﹸ ﻟﹺﻠْﻌﹸﺴﹾﺮﹶﻯ‬.10
smooth for him the path to
11. Nor will his wealth benefit ‫ ﻭﹶﻣﹶﺎ ﻳﹸﻐْﻨﹺﻲ ﻋﹶﻨﹾﻪﹸ ﻣﹶﺎﻟُﻪﹸ ﺇِﺫَﺍ ﺗَﺮﹶﺩﱠﻯ‬.11
him when he falls headlong
(into the pit).
12. Truly We take it upon ‫ ﺇِﻥﱠ ﻋﹶﻠَﻴﹾﻨﹶﺎ ﻟَﻠْﻬﹸﺪﹶﻯ‬.12
Ourselves to guide,
13. And truly the end and the ‫ ﻭﹶﺇِﻥﱠ ﻟَﻨﹶﺎ ﻟَﻠْﺂﺧﹺﺮﹶﺓﹶ ﻭﹶﺍﻷُﻭﻟَﻰ‬.13
beginning (belong) to Us.
14. I warn you, therefore, of a ‫ ﻓَﺄَ�ﺬَﺭﹾﺗُﻜُﻢﹾ �َﺎﺭﹰﺍ ﺗَﻠَﻈﱠﻰ‬.14
Fire blazing fiercely;
15. None shall reach it but ‫ ﻻ ﻳﹶﺼﹾﻼﻫﹶﺎ ﺇِﻻﱠ ﺍﻷَﺷﹾﻘَﻰ‬.15
those most unfortunate ones,
16. Who grant the lie to truth ‫ ﺍﻟﱠﺬﹺﻱ ﻛَﺬﱠﺏﹶ ﻭﹶﺗَﻮﹶﻟﱠﻰ‬.16
and turn their backs.
17. But those most devoted to ‫ ﻭﹶﺳﹶﻴﹸﺠﹶﻨﱠﺒﹸﻬﹶﺎ ﺍﻷَﺗْﻘَﻰ‬.17
Allāh shall be removed far from
18. Those who spend their ‫ ﺍﻟﱠﺬﹺﻱ ﻳﹸﺆﹾﺗﹺﻲ ﻣﹶﺎﻟَﻪﹸ ﻳﹶﺘَﺰﹶﻛﱠﻰ‬.18
wealth to increase in self-
19. And have in their minds no ‫ ﻭﹶﻣﹶﺎ ﻟﹺﺄَﺣﹶﺪﹴ ﻋﹺﻨﺪﹶﻩﹸ ﻣﹺﻦ �ﱢﻌﹾﻤﹶﺔﹴ ﺗُﺠﹾﺰﹶﻯ‬.19
favor from anyone for which a
reward is expected in return,
20. But only the desire to seek ‫ ﺇِﻻﱠ ﺍﺑﹾﺘﹺﻐَﺎﺀ ﻭﹶﺟﹾﻪﹺ ﺭﹶﺑﱢﻪﹺ ﺍﻷَﻋﹾﻠَﻰ‬.20
the countenance of their Lord
Most High,

21. Soon will they attain ‫ ﻭﹶﻟَﺴﹶﻮﹾﻑﹶ ﻳﹶﺮﹾﺿَﻰ‬.21
(complete) satisfaction.

SŪRA 93 Morning Light [Al-Dhu¦a] 11 ‫ عدد آياتھا‬- 93 ‫ سورة‬- ‫سورة الضحى‬

In the name of Allāh, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. ‫بسم ﷲ الرحمن الرحيم‬
1. By the glorious morning ‫ ﻭﹶﺍﻟﻀﱡﺤﹶﻰ‬.1
2. And by the night when it is ‫ ﻭﹶﺍﻟﻠﱠﻴﹾﻞِ ﺇِﺫَﺍ ﺳﹶﺠﹶﻰ‬.2
3. The Guardian-Lord has not ‫ ﻣﹶﺎ ﻭﹶﺩﱠﻋﹶﻚﹶ ﺭﹶﺑﱡﻚﹶ ﻭﹶﻣﹶﺎ ﻗَﻠَﻰ‬.3
forsaken you, nor is He
4. And truly the Hereafter will ‫ ﻭﹶﻟَﻶﺧﹺﺮﹶﺓﹸ ﺧﹶﻴﹾﺮﹲ ﻟﱠﻚﹶ ﻣﹺﻦﹶ ﺍﻷُﻭﻟَﻰ‬.4
be better for you than the
5. And soon your Guardian ‫ ﻭﹶﻟَﺴﹶﻮﹾﻑﹶ ﻳﹸﻌﹾﻄﹺﻴﻚﹶ ﺭﹶﺑﱡﻚﹶ ﻓَﺘَﺮﹾﺿَﻰ‬.5
Lord will grant you (that with
which) you will be well-pleased.
6. Did He not find you an ‫ ﺃﻟَﻢﹾ ﻳﹶﺠِﺪﹾﻙَ ﻳﹶﺘﹺﻴﻤﹰﺎ ﻓَﺂﻭﹶﻯ‬.6
orphan and provide you with
shelter (and care)?
7. And He found you ‫ ﻭﹶﻭﹶﺟﹶﺪﹶﻙَ ﺿَﺎﻟًّﺎ ﻓَﻬﹶﺪﹶﻯ‬.7
wandering, and He gave you
8. And He found you in need, ‫ ﻭﹶﻭﹶﺟﹶﺪﹶﻙَ ﻋﹶﺎﺋﹺﻼ ﻓَﺄَﻏْﻨﹶﻰ‬.8
and made you independent?
9. Therefore, do not treat the ‫ ﻓَﺄَﻣﱠﺎ ﺍﻟْﻴﹶﺘﹺﻴﻢﹶ ﻓَﻼ ﺗَﻘْﻬﹶﺮﹾ‬.9
orphan with harshness,
10. Nor repulse the petitioner ‫ ﻭﹶﺃَﻣﱠﺎ ﺍﻟﺴﱠﺎﺋﹺﻞَ ﻓَﻼ ﺗَﻨﹾﻬﹶﺮﹾ‬.10
11. But the bounty of your ‫ ﻭﹶﺃَﻣﱠﺎ ﺑِﻨﹺﻌﹾﻤﹶﺔﹺ ﺭﹶﺑﱢﻚﹶ ﻓَﺤﹶﺪﱢﺙﹾ‬.11
Lord! Rehearse and proclaim!

SŪRA 94 The Expansion [Al-Shar¦] 8 ‫ عدد آياتھا‬- 94 ‫ سورة‬- ‫سورة الشرح‬

In the name of Allāh, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. ‫بسم ﷲ الرحمن الرحيم‬
1. Have We not expanded your َ‫ ﺃﻟَﻢﹾ �َﺸﹾﺮﹶﺡﹾ ﻟَﻚﹶ ﺻﹶﺪﹾﺭﹶﻙ‬.1
chest for you?
2. And removed your burden َ‫ ﻭﹶﻭﹶﺿَﻌﹾﻨﹶﺎ ﻋﹶﻨﻚﹶ ﻭِﺯْﺭﹶﻙ‬.2
from you
3. Which galled your back? َ‫ ﺍﻟﱠﺬﹺﻱ ﺃَ�ﻘَﺾﹶ ﻇَﻬﹾﺮﹶﻙ‬.3
4. And raised high the esteem َ‫ ﻭﹶﺭﹶﻓَﻌﹾﻨﹶﺎ ﻟَﻚﹶ ﺫﹺﻛْﺮﹶﻙ‬.4

(in which) you (are held)?
5. So, truly, with every ‫ ﻓَﺈِﻥﱠ ﻣﹶﻊﹶ ﺍﻟْﻌﹸﺴﹾﺮِ ﻳﹸﺴﹾﺮﹰﺍ‬.5
difficulty, there is relief:
6. Truly with every difficulty, ‫ ﺇِﻥﱠ ﻣﹶﻊﹶ ﺍﻟْﻌﹸﺴﹾﺮِ ﻳﹸﺴﹾﺮﹰﺍ‬.6
there is relief.
7. Therefore, when you are free ‫ ﻓَﺈِﺫَﺍ ﻓَﺮﹶﻏْﺖﹶ ﻓَﺎ�ﺼﹶﺐﹾ‬.7
(from your immediate task), still
labor hard,
8. And turn (all) your attention ‫ ﻭﹶﺇِﻟَﻰ ﺭﹶﺑﱢﻚﹶ ﻓَﺎﺭﹾﻏَﺐﹾ‬.8
to your Lord.

SŪRA 95 Figs [Al-Tīn] 8 ‫ عدد آياتھا‬- 95 ‫ سورة‬- ‫سورة التين‬

In the name of Allāh, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. ‫بسم ﷲ الرحمن الرحيم‬
1. By the fig and the olive, ِ‫ ﻭﹶﺍﻟﺘﱢﲔﹺ ﻭﹶﺍﻟﺰﱠﻳﹾﺘُﻮﻥ‬.1
2. And the Mount of Sinai, ‫ ﻭﹶﻃُﻮﺭِ ﺳﹺﻴﻨﹺﲔﹶ‬.2
3. And this city of security, ‫ ﻭﹶﻫﹶﺬَﺍ ﺍﻟْﺒﹶﻠَﺪﹺ ﺍﻷَﻣﹺﲔﹺ‬.3
4. We have indeed created man ٍ‫ ﻟَﻘَﺪﹾ ﺧﹶﻠَﻘْﻨﹶﺎ ﺍﻹِ�ﺴﹶﺎﻥﹶ ﻓﹺﻲ ﺃَﺣﹾﺴﹶﻦِ ﺗَﻘْﻮِﻳﻢ‬.4
in the best of molds,
5. Then We abase him to be the ‫ ﺛُﻢﱠ ﺭﹶﺩﹶﺩﹾ�َﺎﻩﹸ ﺃَﺳﹾﻔَﻞَ ﺳﹶﺎﻓﹺﻠﹺﲔﹶ‬.5
lowest of the low,
6. Except those who believe and ‫ ﺇِﻻﱠ ﺍﻟﱠﺬﹺﻳﻦﹶ ﺁﻣﹶﻨﹸﻮﺍ ﻭﹶﻋﹶﻤﹺﻠُﻮﺍ ﺍﻟﺼﱠﺎﻟﹺﺤﹶﺎﺕﹺ ﻓَﻠَﻬﹸﻢﹾ ﺃَﺟﹾﺮﹲ ﻏَﻴﹾﺮﹸ‬.6
do righteous deeds, for they
shall have an unfailing reward. ٍ‫ﻣﹶﻤﹾﻨﹸﻮﻥ‬
7. Then what can, after this, ِ‫ ﻓَﻤﹶﺎ ﻳﹸﻜَﺬﱢﺑﹸﻚﹶ ﺑﹶﻌﹾﺪﹸ ﺑِﺎﻟﺪﱢﻳﻦ‬.7
contradict them as to the
Judgment (to come)?
8. Is not Allāh the Wisest of ‫ ﺃﻟَﻴﹾﺲﹶ ﺍﻟﻠﱠﻪﹸ ﺑِﺄَﺣﹾﻜَﻢِ ﺍﻟْﺤﹶﺎﻛﹺﻤﹺﲔﹶ؟‬.8

SŪRA 96 Proclaim! Or Clot of Congealed Blood [Iqra’ or Al-`Alaq]

19 ‫ عدد آياتھا‬- 96 ‫ سورة‬- ‫سورة اقرأ أو العلق‬

In the name of Allāh, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. ‫بسم ﷲ الرحمن الرحيم‬
1. Proclaim! (or read) in the ‫ ﺍﻗْﺮﹶﺃْ ﺑِﺎﺳﹾﻢِ ﺭﹶﺑﱢﻚﹶ ﺍﻟﱠﺬﹺﻱ ﺧﹶﻠَﻖﹶ‬.1
Name of your Lord and
Cherisher Who created –
2. Created man out of a (mere) ٍ‫ ﺧﹶﻠَﻖﹶ ﺍﻹِ�ﺴﹶﺎﻥﹶ ﻣﹺﻦﹾ ﻋﹶﻠَﻖ‬.2
clot of congealed blood:
3. Proclaim! And your Lord is ‫ ﺍﻗْﺮﹶﺃْ ﻭﹶﺭﹶﺑﱡﻚﹶ ﺍﻷَﻛْﺮﹶﻡﹸ‬.3
Most Bountiful,

4. Who taught (you the use of) ِ‫ ﺍﻟﱠﺬﹺﻱ ﻋﹶﻠﱠﻢﹶ ﺑِﺎﻟْﻘَﻠَﻢ‬.4
the pen,
5. Taught man what he did not ‫ ﻋﹶﻠﱠﻢﹶ ﺍﻹِ�ﺴﹶﺎﻥﹶ ﻣﹶﺎ ﻟَﻢﹾ ﻳﹶﻌﹾﻠَﻢﹾ‬.5
6. Nay! Man transgresses all ‫ ﻛَﻼﱠ ﺇِﻥﱠ ﺍﻹِ�ﺴﹶﺎﻥﹶ ﻟَﻴﹶﻄْﻐَﻰ‬.6
7. In that he looks upon himself ‫ ﺃَﻥ ﺭﱠﺁﻩﹸ ﺍﺳﹾﺘَﻐْﻨﹶﻰ‬.7
as self-sufficient.
8. Truly (all) will return to your ‫ ﺇِﻥﱠ ﺇِﻟَﻰ ﺭﹶﺑﱢﻚﹶ ﺍﻟﺮﱡﺟﹾﻌﹶﻰ‬.8
9. Do you see one who forbids, ‫ ﺃَﺭﹶﺃَﻳﹾﺖﹶ ﺍﻟﱠﺬﹺﻱ ﻳﹶﻨﹾﻬﹶﻰ‬.9
10. A votary when he (turns) to ‫ ﻋﹶﺒﹾﺪﹰﺍ ﺇِﺫَﺍ ﺻﹶﻠﱠﻰ‬.10
11. Do you see if he is on (the ‫ ﺃَﺭﹶﺃَﻳﹾﺖﹶ ﺇِﻥ ﻛَﺎﻥﹶ ﻋﹶﻠَﻰ ﺍﻟْﻬﹸﺪﹶﻯ‬.11
path of) guidance?
12. Or enjoins righteousness? ‫ ﺃَﻭﹾ ﺃَﻣﹶﺮﹶ ﺑِﺎﻟﺘﱠﻘْﻮﹶﻯ‬.12
13. Do you see if he denies (the ‫ ﺃَﺭﹶﺃَﻳﹾﺖﹶ ﺇِﻥ ﻛَﺬﱠﺏﹶ ﻭﹶﺗَﻮﹶﻟﱠﻰ‬.13
truth) and turn away?
14. Does he not know that ‫ ﺃﻟَﻢﹾ ﻳﹶﻌﹾﻠَﻢﹾ ﺑِﺄَﻥﱠ ﺍﻟﻠﱠﻪﹶ ﻳﹶﺮﹶﻯ‬.14
Allāh sees?
15. Let him beware! If he does ‫ ﻛَﻼﱠ ﻟَﺌﹺﻦ ﻟﱠﻢﹾ ﻳﹶﻨﺘَﻪﹺ ﻟَﻨﹶﺴﹾﻔَﻌﹰﺎ ﺑِﺎﻟﻨﱠﺎﺻﹺﻴﹶﺔﹺ‬.15
not desist, We will drag him by
the forelock,
16. A lying, sinful forelock! ‫ �َﺎﺻﹺﻴﹶﺔﹴ ﻛَﺎﺫﹺﺑﹶﺔﹴ ﺧﹶﺎﻃﹺﺌَﺔﹴ‬.16
17. Then, let him call (for help) ‫ ﻓَﻠْﻴﹶﺪﹾﻉﹸ �َﺎﺩﹺﻳﹶﻪ‬.17
to his council (of comrades):
18. We will call upon the angels َ‫ ﺳﹶﻨﹶﺪﹾﻉﹸ ﺍﻟﺰﱠﺑﹶﺎ�ﹺﻴﹶﺔ‬.18
of punishment (to deal with
19. Nay! Do not heed him, but ‫ ﻭﹶﺍﺳﹾﺠﹸﺪﹾ ﻭﹶﺍﻗْﺘَﺮِﺏﹾ‬،‫ ﻛَﻼﱠ؛ ﻻ ﺗُﻄﹺﻌﹾﻪﹸ‬.19
bow in adoration, and bring
yourself closer (to Allāh)!

SŪRA 97 The Night of Power (or Destiny or Honoring) [Al-Qadr]

5 ‫ عدد آياتھا‬- 97 ‫ سورة‬- ‫سورة القدر‬

In the name of Allāh, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. ‫بسم ﷲ الرحمن الرحيم‬
1. We have indeed revealed this ِ‫ ﺇِ�ﱠﺎ ﺃَ�ﺰﹶﻟْﻨﹶﺎﻩﹸ ﻓﹺﻲ ﻟَﻴﹾﻠَﺔﹺ ﺍﻟْﻘَﺪﹾﺭ‬.1
(message) in the Night of
2. And what will explain to you ِ‫ ﻭﹶﻣﹶﺎ ﺃَﺩﹾﺭﹶﺍﻙَ ﻣﹶﺎ ﻟَﻴﹾﻠَﺔُ ﺍﻟْﻘَﺪﹾﺭ‬.2
what the night of power is?

3. The night of power is better ٍ‫ ﻟَﻴﹾﻠَﺔُ ﺍﻟْﻘَﺪﹾﺭِ ﺧﹶﻴﹾﺮﹲ ﻣﱢﻦﹾ ﺃَﻟْﻒﹺ ﺷﹶﻬﹾﺮ‬.3
than a thousand months.
4. In it the angels and the spirit ٍ‫ ﺗَﻨﹶﺰﱠﻝُ ﺍﻟْﻤﹶﻼﺋﹺﻜَﺔُ ﻭﹶﺍﻟﺮﱡﻭﺡﹸ ﻓﹺﻴﻬﹶﺎ ﺑِﺈِﺫْﻥِ ﺭﹶﺑﱢﻬِﻢ ﻣﱢﻦ ﻛُﻞﱢ ﺃَﻣﹾﺮ‬.4
descend by God's permission,
on every errand:
5. Peace..., until the break of ِ‫ ﺳﹶﻼﻡﹲ ﻫﹺﻲﹶ ﺣﹶﺘﱠﻰ ﻣﹶﻄْﻠَﻊِ ﺍﻟْﻔَﺠﹾﺮ‬.5
the dawn!

SŪRA 98 Clear Evidence [Al-Bayyina] 8 ‫ عدد آياتھا‬- 98 ‫ سورة‬- ‫سورة البينة‬

In the name of Allāh, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. ‫بسم ﷲ الرحمن الرحيم‬
1. Those who reject (the truth) ِ‫ ﻟَﻢﹾ ﻳﹶﻜُﻦِ ﺍﻟﱠﺬﹺﻳﻦﹶ ﻛَﻔَﺮﹸﻭﺍ ﻣﹺﻦﹾ ﺃَﻫﹾﻞِ ﺍﻟْﻜﹺﺘَﺎﺏ‬.1
among the People of the Book
and among the polytheists were ُ‫ﻭﹶﺍﻟْﻤﹸﺸﹾﺮِﻛﹺﲔﹶ ﻣﹸﻨﻔَﻜﱢﲔﹶ ﺣﹶﺘﱠﻰ ﺗَﺄْﺗﹺﻴﹶﻬﹸﻢﹸ ﺍﻟْﺒﹶﻴﱢﻨﹶﺔ‬
not going to depart (from their
ways) until clear evidence came
to them,
2. A Messenger from Allāh, ‫ ﺭﹶﺳﹸﻮﻝٌ ﻣﱢﻦﹶ ﺍﻟﻠﱠﻪﹺ ﻳﹶﺘْﻠُﻮ ﺻﹸﺤﹸﻔًﺎ ﻣﱡﻄَﻬﱠﺮﹶﺓﹰ‬.2
reciting scriptures kept pure
and holy:
3. In which (there) are right and ٌ‫ ﻓﹺﻴﻬﹶﺎ ﻛُﺘُﺐﹲ ﻗَﻴﱢﻤﹶﺔ‬.3
straight laws (or decrees).
4. Nor did the People of the ‫ ﻭﹶﻣﹶﺎ ﺗَﻔَﺮﱠﻕَ ﺍﻟﱠﺬﹺﻳﻦﹶ ﺃُﻭﺗُﻮﺍ ﺍﻟْﻜﹺﺘَﺎﺏﹶ ﺇِﻻﱠ ﻣﹺﻦ ﺑﹶﻌﹾﺪﹺ ﻣﹶﺎ ﺟﹶﺎﺀﹶﺗْﻬﹸﻢﹸ‬.4
Book make schisms until a clear
evidence came to them. ُ‫ﺍﻟْﺒﹶﻴﱢﻨﹶﺔ‬
5. And they have been ‫ ﻭﹶﻣﹶﺎ ﺃُﻣﹺﺮﹸﻭﺍ ﺇِﻻﱠ ﻟﹺﻴﹶﻌﹾﺒﹸﺪﹸﻭﺍ ﺍﻟﻠﱠﻪﹶ ﻣﹸﺨْﻠﹺﺼﹺﲔﹶ ﻟَﻪﹸ ﺍﻟﺪﱢﻳﻦﹶ‬.5
commanded no more than this:
To worship Allāh, offering Him ‫ﺣﹸﻨﹶﻔَﺎﺀ ﻭﹶﻳﹸﻘﹺﻴﻤﹸﻮﺍ ﺍﻟﺼﱠﻼﺓﹶ ﻭﹶﻳﹸﺆﹾﺗُﻮﺍ ﺍﻟﺰﱠﻛَﺎﺓﹶ ﻭﹶﺫَﻟﹺﻚﹶ ﺩﹺﻳﻦﹸ ﺍﻟْﻘَﻴﱢﻤﹶﺔﹺ‬
sincere devotion, being true (in
faith): To establish regular
prayers, and to pay the zakāt:
that is the right and straight
6. Those who reject (the truth) ِ‫ ﺇِﻥﱠ ﺍﻟﱠﺬﹺﻳﻦﹶ ﻛَﻔَﺮﹸﻭﺍ ﻣﹺﻦﹾ ﺃَﻫﹾﻞِ ﺍﻟْﻜﹺﺘَﺎﺏ‬.6
among the People of the Book
and among the polytheists, will ‫ﻭﹶﺍﻟْﻤﹸﺸﹾﺮِﻛﹺﲔﹶ ﻓﹺﻲ �َﺎﺭِ ﺟﹶﻬﹶﻨﱠﻢﹶ ﺧﹶﺎﻟﹺﺪﹺﻳﻦﹶ ﻓﹺﻴﻬﹶﺎ ﺃُﻭﹾﻟَﺌﹺﻚﹶ ﻫﹸﻢﹾ‬
be in Hell-fire, to dwell therein
(forever). The worst of creatures ‫ﺷﹶﺮﱡ ﺍﻟْﺒﹶﺮِﻳﱠﺔﹺ‬
are they.
7. Those who have faith and do ‫ ﺇِﻥﱠ ﺍﻟﱠﺬﹺﻳﻦﹶ ﺁﻣﹶﻨﹸﻮﺍ ﻭﹶﻋﹶﻤﹺﻠُﻮﺍ ﺍﻟﺼﱠﺎﻟﹺﺤﹶﺎﺕﹺ ﺃُﻭﹾﻟَﺌﹺﻚﹶ ﻫﹸﻢﹾ‬.7
righteous deeds are the best of
creatures indeed. ‫ﺧﹶﻴﹾﺮﹸ ﺍﻟْﺒﹶﺮِﻳﱠﺔﹺ‬

8. Their reward with Allāh is: ‫ ﺟﹶﺰﹶﺍﺅﹸﻫﹸﻢﹾ ﻋﹺﻨﺪﹶ ﺭﹶﺑﱢﻬِﻢﹾ ﺟﹶﻨﱠﺎﺕﹸ ﻋﹶﺪﹾﻥٍ ﺗَﺠﹾﺮِﻱ ﻣﹺﻦ‬.8
Gardens of eternity beneath
which rivers flow; they will ‫ﺗَﺤﹾﺘﹺﻬﹶﺎ ﺍﻷَ�ْﻬﹶﺎﺭﹸ ﺧﹶﺎﻟﹺﺪﹺﻳﻦﹶ ﻓﹺﻴﻬﹶﺎ ﺃَﺑﹶﺪﹰﺍ ﺭﱠﺿﹺﻲﹶ ﺍﻟﻠﱠﻪﹸ ﻋﹶﻨﹾﻬﹸﻢﹾ ﻭﹶﺭﹶﺿُﻮﺍ‬
dwell therein forever; Allāh is
well pleased with them, and ‫ﻋﹶﻨﹾﻪﹸ ﺫَﻟﹺﻚﹶ ﻟﹺﻤﹶﻦﹾ ﺧﹶﺸﹺﻲﹶ ﺭﹶﺑﱠﻪﹸ‬
they with Him. All this (is the
reward) for those who fear their

SŪRA 99 Convulsion (Quake) [Al-Zalzala] 8 ‫ عدد آياتھا‬- 99 ‫ سورة‬- ‫سورة الزلزلة‬

In the name of Allāh, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. ‫بسم ﷲ الرحمن الرحيم‬
1. When the earth is shaken to ‫ ﺇِﺫَﺍ ﺯُﻟْﺰِﻟَﺖﹺ ﺍﻷَﺭﹾﺽﹸ ﺯِﻟْﺰﹶﺍﻟَﻬﹶﺎ‬.1
her (utmost) convulsion,
2. And the earth throws up her ‫ ﻭﹶﺃَﺧﹾﺮﹶﺟﹶﺖﹺ ﺍﻷَﺭﹾﺽﹸ ﺃَﺛْﻘَﺎﻟَﻬﹶﺎ‬.2
burdens (from within),
3. And man cries (distressed), ‫ ﻭﹶﻗَﺎﻝَ ﺍﻹِ�ﺴﹶﺎﻥﹸ ﻣﹶﺎ ﻟَﻬﹶﺎ‬.3
“What is the matter with her?”
4. On that Day she will declare ‫ ﻳﹶﻮﹾﻣﹶﺌﹺﺬﹴ ﺗُﺤﹶﺪﱢﺙﹸ ﺃَﺧﹾﺒﹶﺎﺭﹶﻫﹶﺎ‬.4
her tidings:
5. Because your Lord will have ‫ ﺑِﺄَﻥﱠ ﺭﹶﺑﱠﻚﹶ ﺃَﻭﹾﺣﹶﻰ ﻟَﻬﹶﺎ‬.5
given her inspiration.
6. On that Day men will ‫ ﻳﹶﻮﹾﻣﹶﺌﹺﺬﹴ ﻳﹶﺼﹾﺪﹸﺭﹸ ﺍﻟﻨﱠﺎﺱﹸ ﺃَﺷﹾﺘَﺎﺗًﺎ ﻟﱢﻴﹸﺮﹶﻭﹾﺍ ﺃَﻋﹾﻤﹶﺎﻟَﻬﹸﻢﹾ‬.6
proceed in sorted groups to be
shown the deeds that they (had
7. Then anyone who has done ‫ ﻓَﻤﹶﻦ ﻳﹶﻌﹾﻤﹶﻞْ ﻣﹺﺜْﻘَﺎﻝَ ﺫَﺭﱠﺓﹴ ﺧﹶﻴﹾﺮﹰﺍ ﻳﹶﺮﹶﻩﹸ‬.7
an atom's weight of good shall
see it!
8. And anyone who has done an ‫ﺍ ﻳﹶﺮﹶﻩﹸ‬‫ ﻭﹶﻣﹶﻦ ﻳﹶﻌﹾﻤﹶﻞْ ﻣﹺﺜْﻘَﺎﻝَ ﺫَﺭﱠﺓﹴ ﺷﹶﺮ‬.8
atom's weight of evil shall see it.

SŪRA 100 Those That Run [Al-`Ādiyāt] 11 ‫ عدد آياتھا‬- 100 ‫ سورة‬- ‫سورة العاديات‬

In the name of Allāh, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. ‫بسم ﷲ الرحمن الرحيم‬
1. By the (steeds) that run, with ‫ ﻭﹶﺍﻟْﻌﹶﺎﺩﹺﻳﹶﺎﺕﹺ ﺿَﺒﹾﺤﹰﺎ‬.1
panting (breath),
2. And strike sparks of fire, ‫ ﻓَﺎﻟْﻤﹸﻮﺭِﻳﹶﺎﺕﹺ ﻗَﺪﹾﺣﹰﺎ‬.2
3. And push home the charge in ‫ ﻓَﺎﻟْﻤﹸﻐﹺﲑﹶﺍﺕﹺ ﺻﹸﺒﹾﺤﹰﺎ‬.3
the morning,
4. And raise clouds of dust all ‫ ﻓَﺄَﺛَﺮﹾﻥﹶ ﺑِﻪﹺ �َﻘْﻌﹰﺎ‬.4
the while,
5. And penetrate immediately ‫ ﻓَﻮﹶﺳﹶﻄْﻦﹶ ﺑِﻪﹺ ﺟﹶﻤﹾﻌﹰﺎ‬.5

into the midst (of the foe) en
6. Truly man is ungrateful to ‫ ﺇِﻥﱠ ﺍﻹِ�ﺴﹶﺎﻥﹶ ﻟﹺﺮﹶﺑﱢﻪﹺ ﻟَﻜَﻨﹸﻮﺩﹲ‬.6
his Lord;
7. And to that (fact) he bears ‫ ﻭﹶﺇِ�ﱠﻪﹸ ﻋﹶﻠَﻰ ﺫَﻟﹺﻚﹶ ﻟَﺸﹶﻬِﻴﺪﹲ‬.7
witness (by his deeds);
8. And he is violent in his love ‫ ﻭﹶﺇِ�ﱠﻪﹸ ﻟﹺﺤﹸﺐﱢ ﺍﻟْﺨَﻴﹾﺮِ ﻟَﺸﹶﺪﹺﻳﺪﹲ‬.8
of wealth.
9. Does he not know when what ِ‫ ﺃَﻓَﻼ ﻳﹶﻌﹾﻠَﻢﹸ ﺇِﺫَﺍ ﺑﹸﻌﹾﺜﹺﺮﹶ ﻣﹶﺎ ﻓﹺﻲ ﺍﻟْﻘُﺒﹸﻮﺭ‬.9
is in the graves is scattered
10. And that which is (locked ِ‫ ﻭﹶﺣﹸﺼﱢﻞَ ﻣﹶﺎ ﻓﹺﻲ ﺍﻟﺼﱡﺪﹸﻭﺭ‬.10
up) in (human) breasts is made
11. That their Lord had been ‫ ﺇِﻥﱠ ﺭﹶﺑﱠﻬﹸﻢ ﺑِﻬِﻢﹾ ﻳﹶﻮﹾﻣﹶﺌﹺﺬﹴ ﻟﱠﺨَﺒِﲑﹲ‬.11
well-acquainted with them,
(even to) that Day?

SŪRA 101 The Day of Noise and Clamor [Al-Qāri`a]

11 ‫ عدد آياتھا‬- 101 ‫ سورة‬- ‫سورة القارعة‬

In the name of Allāh, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. ‫بسم ﷲ الرحمن الرحيم‬
1. The (Day) of noise and ُ‫ ﺍﻟْﻘَﺎﺭِﻋﹶﺔ‬.1
2. What is the (Day) of noise ُ‫ ﻣﹶﺎ ﺍﻟْﻘَﺎﺭِﻋﹶﺔ‬.2
and clamor?
3. And what will explain to you ُ‫ ﻭﹶﻣﹶﺎ ﺃَﺩﹾﺭﹶﺍﻙَ ﻣﹶﺎ ﺍﻟْﻘَﺎﺭِﻋﹶﺔ‬.3
what the (Day) of noise and
clamor is?
4. (It is) a Day on which men ‫ ﻳﹶﻮﹾﻡﹶ ﻳﹶﻜُﻮﻥﹸ ﺍﻟﻨﱠﺎﺱﹸ ﻛَﺎﻟْﻔَﺮﹶﺍﺵِ ﺍﻟْﻤﹶﺒﹾﺜُﻮﺙﹺ‬.4
will be scattered about like
5. And the mountains will be ِ‫ ﻭﹶﺗَﻜُﻮﻥﹸ ﺍﻟْﺠِﺒﹶﺎﻝُ ﻛَﺎﻟْﻌﹺﻬﹾﻦِ ﺍﻟْﻤﹶﻨﻔُﻮﺵ‬.5
like carded wool.
6. Then, he whose balance (of ‫ ﻓَﺄَﻣﱠﺎ ﻣﹶﻦ ﺛَﻘُﻠَﺖﹾ ﻣﹶﻮﹶﺍﺯِﻳﻨﹸﻪﹸ‬.6
good deeds) will be (found)
7. Will be in a life of good ‫ ﻓَﻬﹸﻮﹶ ﻓﹺﻲ ﻋﹺﻴﺸﹶﺔﹴ ﺭﱠﺍﺿﹺﻴﹶﺔﹴ‬.7
pleasure and satisfaction.
8. But he whose balance (of ‫ ﻭﹶﺃَﻣﱠﺎ ﻣﹶﻦﹾ ﺧﹶﻔﱠﺖﹾ ﻣﹶﻮﹶﺍﺯِﻳﻨﹸﻪﹸ‬.8
good deeds) will be (found)
9. Will have his home in a ٌ‫ ﻓَﺄُﻣﱡﻪﹸ ﻫﹶﺎﻭِﻳﹶﺔ‬.9
(bottomless) pit.

10. And what will explain to ‫ ﻭﹶﻣﹶﺎ ﺃَﺩﹾﺭﹶﺍﻙَ ﻣﹶﺎ ﻫﹺﻴﹶﻪﹾ‬.10
you what this (pit) is?
11. (It is) a Fire fiercely ٌ‫ �َﺎﺭﹲ ﺣﹶﺎﻣﹺﻴﹶﺔ‬.11

SŪRA 102 Piling-up (Accumulation) [Al-Takāthur]

8 ‫ عدد آياتھا‬- 102 ‫ سورة‬- ‫سورة التكاثر‬

In the name of Allāh, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. ‫بسم ﷲ الرحمن الرحيم‬
1. The mutual rivalry for piling ‫ ﺃَﻟْﻬﹶﺎﻛُﻢﹸ ﺍﻟﺘﱠﻜَﺎﺛُﺮﹸ‬.1
up (the good things of this
world) diverts you (from the
more serious things),
2. Until you visit the graves. ‫ ﺣﹶﺘﱠﻰ ﺯُﺭﹾﺗُﻢﹸ ﺍﻟْﻤﹶﻘَﺎﺑِﺮﹶ‬.2
3. But Nay! You will soon know ‫ ﻛَﻼﱠ ﺳﹶﻮﹾﻑﹶ ﺗَﻌﹾﻠَﻤﹸﻮﻥﹶ‬.3
(the reality).
4. Again, you will soon know! ‫ ﺛُﻢﱠ ﻛَﻼﱠ ﺳﹶﻮﹾﻑﹶ ﺗَﻌﹾﻠَﻤﹸﻮﻥﹶ‬.4
5. Nay! Were you to know with ‫ ﻛَﻼﱠ ﻟَﻮﹾ ﺗَﻌﹾﻠَﻤﹸﻮﻥﹶ ﻋﹺﻠْﻢﹶ ﺍﻟْﻴﹶﻘﹺﲔﹺ‬.5
certainty of mind, (you would
6. You shall certainly see Hell- ‫ ﻟَﺘَﺮﹶﻭﹸﻥﱠ ﺍﻟْﺠﹶﺤﹺﻴﻢﹶ‬.6
7. Again, you will see it with the ‫ ﺛُﻢﱠ ﻟَﺘَﺮﹶﻭﹸ�ﱠﻬﹶﺎ ﻋﹶﻴﹾﻦﹶ ﺍﻟْﻴﹶﻘﹺﲔﹺ‬.7
certainty of sight!
8. You will then be questioned, ِ‫ ﺛُﻢﱠ ﻟَﺘُﺴﹾﺄَﻟُﻦﱠ ﻳﹶﻮﹾﻣﹶﺌﹺﺬﹴ ﻋﹶﻦِ ﺍﻟﻨﱠﻌﹺﻴﻢ‬.8
that Day, about the joy (in
which you indulged yourselves)!

SŪRA 103 Time through Ages [Al-`A¥r] 3 ‫ عدد آياتھا‬- 103 ‫ سورة‬- ‫سورة العصر‬

In the name of Allāh, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. ‫بسم ﷲ الرحمن الرحيم‬
1. By (the token of) time ِ‫ ﻭﹶﺍﻟْﻌﹶﺼﹾﺮ‬.1
(through the ages),
2. Truly man is in loss, ٍ‫ ﺇِﻥﱠ ﺍﻹِ�ﺴﹶﺎﻥﹶ ﻟَﻔﹺﻲ ﺧﹸﺴﹾﺮ‬.2
3. Except those who have faith ،‫ ﻭﹶﺗَﻮﹶﺍﺻﹶﻮﹾﺍ ﺑِﺎﻟْﺤﹶﻖﱢ‬،‫ ﺇِﻻﱠ ﺍﻟﱠﺬﹺﻳﻦﹶ ﺁﻣﹶﻨﹸﻮﺍ ﻭﹶﻋﹶﻤﹺﻠُﻮﺍ ﺍﻟﺼﱠﺎﻟﹺﺤﹶﺎﺕﹺ‬.3
and do righteous deeds and
(join together) in the mutual ِ‫ﻭﹶﺗَﻮﹶﺍﺻﹶﻮﹾﺍ ﺑِﺎﻟﺼﱠﺒﹾﺮ‬
teaching of truth, and of
patience and constancy.

SŪRA 104 The Scandal-Monger [Al-Humaza] 9 ‫ عدد آياتھا‬- 104 ‫ سورة‬- ‫سورة الھمزة‬

In the name of Allāh, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. ‫بسم ﷲ الرحمن الرحيم‬
1. Woe unto every (kind of) ‫ ﻭﹶﻳﹾﻞٌ ﻟﱢﻜُﻞﱢ ﻫﹸﻤﹶﺰﹶﺓﹴ ﻟﱡﻤﹶﺰﹶﺓﹴ‬.1
scandal-monger and backbiter,
2. Who piles up wealth and lays ‫ ﺍﻟﱠﺬﹺﻱ ﺟﹶﻤﹶﻊﹶ ﻣﹶﺎﻻ ﻭﹶﻋﹶﺪﱠﺩﹶﻩﹸ‬.2
it by.
3. Thinking that his wealth ‫ ﻳﹶﺤﹾﺴﹶﺐﹸ ﺃَﻥﱠ ﻣﹶﺎﻟَﻪﹸ ﺃَﺧﹾﻠَﺪﹶﻩﹸ‬.3
would make him last forever!
4. By no means! He is sure to ‫ ﻛَﻼﱠ ﻟَﻴﹸﻨﺒﹶﺬَﻥﱠ ﻓﹺﻲ ﺍﻟْﺤﹸﻄَﻤﹶﺔﹺ‬.4
be thrown into that which
breaks to pieces.
5. And what will explain to you ُ‫ ﻭﹶﻣﹶﺎ ﺃَﺩﹾﺭﹶﺍﻙَ ﻣﹶﺎ ﺍﻟْﺤﹸﻄَﻤﹶﺔ‬.5
that which breaks to pieces?
6. (It is) the Fire of (the Wrath ‫ �َﺎﺭﹸ ﺍﻟﻠﱠﻪﹺ ﺍﻟْﻤﹸﻮﻗَﺪﹶﺓﹸ‬.6
of) Allāh kindled (to a blaze).
7. Which mounts (right) to the ‫ ﺍﻟﱠﺘﹺﻲ ﺗَﻄﱠﻠﹺﻊﹸ ﻋﹶﻠَﻰ ﺍﻷَﻓْﺌﹺﺪﹶﺓﹺ‬.7
8. It shall be made into a vault ‫ ﺇِ�ﱠﻬﹶﺎ ﻋﹶﻠَﻴﹾﻬِﻢ ﻣﱡﺆﹾﺻﹶﺪﹶﺓﹲ‬.8
over them,
9. In columns outstretched. ‫ ﻓﹺﻲ ﻋﹶﻤﹶﺪﹴ ﻣﱡﻤﹶﺪﱠﺩﹶﺓﹴ‬.9

SŪRA 105 The Elephant [Al-Fīl] 5 ‫ عدد آياتھا‬- 105 ‫ سورة‬- ‫سورة الفيل‬

In the name of Allāh, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. ‫بسم ﷲ الرحمن الرحيم‬
1. Do you not see how your ِ‫ ﺃﻟَﻢﹾ ﺗَﺮﹶ ﻛَﻴﹾﻒﹶ ﻓَﻌﹶﻞَ ﺭﹶﺑﱡﻚﹶ ﺑِﺄَﺻﹾﺤﹶﺎﺏِ ﺍﻟْﻔﹺﻴﻞ‬.1
Lord dealt with the fellows of
the elephant?
2. Did He not make their ٍ‫ ﺃﻟَﻢﹾ ﻳﹶﺠﹾﻌﹶﻞْ ﻛَﻴﹾﺪﹶﻫﹸﻢﹾ ﻓﹺﻲ ﺗَﻀْﻠﹺﻴﻞ‬.2
treacherous plan go astray?
3. And He sent swarms of birds َ‫ ﻭﹶﺃَﺭﹾﺳﹶﻞَ ﻋﹶﻠَﻴﹾﻬِﻢﹾ ﻃَﻴﹾﺮﹰﺍ ﺃَﺑﹶﺎﺑِﻴﻞ‬.3
against them,
4. Striking them with stones of ٍ‫ ﺗَﺮﹾﻣﹺﻴﻬِﻢ ﺑِﺤﹺﺠﹶﺎﺭﹶﺓﹴ ﻣﱢﻦ ﺳﹺﺠﱢﻴﻞ‬.4
baked clay.
5. Then He made them like an ٍ‫ ﻓَﺠﹶﻌﹶﻠَﻬﹸﻢﹾ ﻛَﻌﹶﺼﹾﻒﹴ ﻣﱠﺄْﻛُﻮﻝ‬.5
empty field of stalks and straw,
(of which the corn) has been
eaten up.

SŪRA 106 Ka`ba Custodians [Quraish] 4 ‫ عدد آياتھا‬- 106 ‫ سورة‬- ‫سورة قريش‬

In the name of Allāh, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. ‫بسم ﷲ الرحمن الرحيم‬
1. For the covenants (of ٍ‫ ﻟﹺﺈِﻳﻼﻑﹺ ﻗُﺮﹶﻳﹾﺶ‬.1

security and safeguard enjoyed)
by Quraish,
2. Their covenants (covering) ‫ ﺇِﻳﻼﻓﹺﻬِﻢﹾ ﺭِﺣﹾﻠَﺔَ ﺍﻟﺸﱢﺘَﺎﺀﹺ ﻭﹶﺍﻟﺼﱠﻴﹾﻒﹺ‬.2
journeys by winter and summer,
3. Let them adore the Lord of ‫ ﻓَﻠْﻴﹶﻌﹾﺒﹸﺪﹸﻭﺍ ﺭﹶﺏﱠ ﻫﹶﺬَﺍ ﺍﻟْﺒﹶﻴﹾﺖﹺ‬.3
this House,
4. Who provides them with food ‫ ﺍﻟﱠﺬﹺﻱ ﺃَﻃْﻌﹶﻤﹶﻬﹸﻢ ﻣﱢﻦ ﺟﹸﻮﻉٍ ﻭﹶﺁﻣﹶﻨﹶﻬﹸﻢ ﻣﱢﻦﹾ ﺧﹶﻮﹾﻑﹴ‬.4
against hunger, and with
security against fear (of danger).

SŪRA 107 Neighborly Needs [Al-Mā`ūn] 7 ‫ عدد آياتھا‬- 107 ‫ سورة‬- ‫سورة الماعون‬

In the name of Allāh, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. ‫بسم ﷲ الرحمن الرحيم‬
1. Do you see one who denies ‫ ﺃَﺭﹶﺃَﻳﹾﺖﹶ ﺍﻟﱠﺬﹺﻱ ﻳﹸﻜَﺬﱢﺏﹸ ﺑِﺎﻟﺪﱢﻳﻦِ؟‬.1
the Judgment?
2. Such is the (one) who ‫ ﻓَﺬَﻟﹺﻚﹶ ﺍﻟﱠﺬﹺﻱ ﻳﹶﺪﹸﻉﱡ ﺍﻟْﻴﹶﺘﹺﻴﻢﹶ‬.2
repulses the orphan (with
3. And does not encourage the ‫ ﻭﹶﻻ ﻳﹶﺤﹸﺾﱡ ﻋﹶﻠَﻰ ﻃَﻌﹶﺎﻡِ ﺍﻟْﻤﹺﺴﹾﻜﹺﲔﹺ‬.3
feeding of the indigent.
4. So woe unto the worshippers, ‫ ﻓَﻮﹶﻳﹾﻞٌ ﻟﱢﻠْﻤﹸﺼﹶﻠﱢﲔﹶ‬.4
5. Who are neglectful of their ‫ ﺍﻟﱠﺬﹺﻳﻦﹶ ﻫﹸﻢﹾ ﻋﹶﻦ ﺻﹶﻼﺗﹺﻬِﻢﹾ ﺳﹶﺎﻫﹸﻮﻥﹶ‬.5
6. Those who (want only) to be ‫ ﺍﻟﱠﺬﹺﻳﻦﹶ ﻫﹸﻢﹾ ﻳﹸﺮﹶﺍﺅﹸﻭﻥﹶ‬.6
seen (by men),
7. But refuse (to supply even) ‫ ﻭﻳﹶﻤﹾﻨﹶﻌﹸﻮﻥﹶ ﺍﻟْﻤﹶﺎﻋﹸﻮﻥﹶ‬.7
neighborly needs.

SŪRA 108 The Abundance [Al-Kawthar] 3 ‫ عدد آياتھا‬- 108 ‫ سورة‬- ‫سورة الكوثر‬

In the name of Allāh, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. ‫بسم ﷲ الرحمن الرحيم‬
1. We have granted the fount ‫ ﺇِ�ﱠﺎ ﺃَﻋﹾﻄَﻴﹾﻨﹶﺎﻙَ ﺍﻟْﻜَﻮﹾﺛَﺮﹶ‬.1
(of abundance) to you.
2. Therefore turn to your Lord ‫ ﻓَﺼﹶﻞﱢ ﻟﹺﺮﹶﺑﱢﻚﹶ ﻭﹶﺍ�ْﺤﹶﺮﹾ‬.2
in prayers, and (offer) sacrifice.
3. For he who hates you will be ‫ ﺇِﻥﹶ ﺷﹶﺎ�ﹺﺌَﻚﹶ ﻫﹸﻮﹶ ﺍﻷَﺑﹾﺘَﺮﹸ‬.3
cut off (from all hope).

SŪRA 109 Those Who Reject Faith [Al-Kāfirūn]

6 ‫ عدد آياتھا‬- 109 ‫ سورة‬- ‫سورة الكافرون‬

In the name of Allāh, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. ‫بسم ﷲ الرحمن الرحيم‬
1. Say: “O you who reject faith! ‫ ﻗُﻞْ ﻳﹶﺎ ﺃَﻳﱡﻬﹶﺎ ﺍﻟْﻜَﺎﻓﹺﺮﹸﻭﻥﹶ‬.1

2. “I do not worship what you ‫ ﻻ ﺃَﻋﹾﺒﹸﺪﹸ ﻣﹶﺎ ﺗَﻌﹾﺒﹸﺪﹸﻭﻥﹶ‬.2
3. “Nor will you worship what I ‫ ﻭﹶﻻ ﺃَ�ﺘُﻢﹾ ﻋﹶﺎﺑِﺪﹸﻭﻥﹶ ﻣﹶﺎ ﺃَﻋﹾﺒﹸﺪﹸ‬.3
4. “And I will not worship what ‫ ﻭﹶﻻ ﺃَ�َﺎ ﻋﹶﺎﺑِﺪﹲ ﻣﱠﺎ ﻋﹶﺒﹶﺪﺗﱡﻢﹾ‬.4
you have been wont to worship,
5. “Nor will you worship what I ‫ ﻭﹶﻻ ﺃَ�ﺘُﻢﹾ ﻋﹶﺎﺑِﺪﹸﻭﻥﹶ ﻣﹶﺎ ﺃَﻋﹾﺒﹸﺪﹸ‬.5
6. “To you is your religion, and ِ‫ ﻟَﻜُﻢﹾ ﺩﹺﻳﻨﹸﻜُﻢﹾ ﻭﹶﻟﹺﻲﹶ ﺩﹺﻳﻦ‬.6
to me is mine.”

SŪRA 110 Victory [Al-Na¥r] 3 ‫ عدد آياتھا‬- 110 ‫ سورة‬- ‫سورة النصر‬

In the name of Allāh, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. ‫بسم ﷲ الرحمن الرحيم‬
1. When God's help comes, and ‫ ﺇِﺫَﺍ ﺟﹶﺎﺀﹶ �َﺼﹾﺮﹸ ﺍﻟﻠﱠﻪﹺ ﻭﹶﺍﻟْﻔَﺘْﺢﹸ‬.1
2. And you see the people enter ‫ ﻭﹶﺭﹶﺃَﻳﹾﺖﹶ ﺍﻟﻨﱠﺎﺱﹶ ﻳﹶﺪﹾﺧﹸﻠُﻮﻥﹶ ﻓﹺﻲ ﺩﹺﻳﻦِ ﺍﻟﻠﱠﻪﹺ ﺃَﻓْﻮﹶﺍﺟﹰﺎ‬.2
into God's religion in crowds,
3. Celebrate your Lord's praises ‫ ﻓَﺴﹶﺒﱢﺢﹾ ﺑِﺤﹶﻤﹾﺪﹺ ﺭﹶﺑﱢﻚﹶ ﻭﹶﺍﺳﹾﺘَﻐْﻔﹺﺮﹾﻩﹸ ؛ ﺇِ�ﱠﻪﹸ ﻛَﺎﻥﹶ ﺗَﻮﱠﺍﺑﹰﺎ‬.3
and pray for His forgiveness,
for He is oft-Returning (in
grace and mercy).

SŪRA 111 (Fellow of the) Flame [Abū Lahab] 5 ‫ عدد آياتھا‬- 111 ‫ سورة‬- ‫سورة المسد‬

In the name of Allāh, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. ‫بسم ﷲ الرحمن الرحيم‬
1. Perish the hands of Abu ‫ ﺗَﺒﱠﺖﹾ ﻳﹶﺪﹶﺍ ﺃَﺑِﻲ ﻟَﻬﹶﺐٍ ﻭﹶﺗَﺐﱠ‬.1
Lahab! Let him perish!
2. All his wealth and all his ‫ ﻣﹶﺎ ﺃَﻏْﻨﹶﻰ ﻋﹶﻨﹾﻪﹸ ﻣﹶﺎﻟُﻪﹸ ﻭﹶﻣﹶﺎ ﻛَﺴﹶﺐﹶ‬.2
gains will never avail him!
3. Soon will he be burnt in a ٍ‫ ﺳﹶﻴﹶﺼﹾﻠَﻰ �َﺎﺭﹰﺍ ﺫَﺍﺕﹶ ﻟَﻬﹶﺐ‬.3
Fire of blazing flame!
4. His wife shall carry the ِ‫ ﻭﹶﺍﻣﹾﺮﹶﺃَﺗُﻪﹸ ﺣﹶﻤﱠﺎﻟَﺔَ ﺍﻟْﺤﹶﻄَﺐ‬.4
(crackling) wood as fuel!
5. A twisted rope of palm-leaf ‫ ﻓﹺﻲ ﺟِﻴﺪﹺﻫﹶﺎ ﺣﹶﺒﹾﻞٌ ﻣﱢﻦ ﻣﱠﺴﹶﺪﹴ‬. 5
fiber round her (own) neck!

SŪRA 112 The Unity (of Allāh) [Al-Ikhlā¥] 4 ‫ عدد آياتھا‬- 112 ‫ سورة‬- ‫سورة اإلخالص‬

In the name of Allāh, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. ‫بسم ﷲ الرحمن الرحيم‬
1. Say: “He is Allāh, the One ‫ ﻗُﻞْ ﻫﹸﻮﹶ ﺍﻟﻠﱠﻪﹸ ﺃَﺣﹶﺪﹲ‬.1
and Only;
2. “Allāh the Eternal, the ‫ ﺍﻟﻠﱠﻪﹸ ﺍﻟﺼﱠﻤﹶﺪﹸ‬.2

3. “He does not beget, nor is ‫ ﻟَﻢﹾ ﻳﹶﻠﹺﺪﹾ ﻭﹶﻟَﻢﹾ ﻳﹸﻮﻟَﺪﹾ‬.3
He begotten;
4. “And there is none like unto ‫ ﻭﹶﻟَﻢﹾ ﻳﹶﻜُﻦ ﻟﱠﻪﹸ ﻛُﻔُﻮﹰﺍ ﺃَﺣﹶﺪﹲ‬.4

SŪRA 113 The Dawn [Al-Falaq] 5 ‫ عدد آياتھا‬- 113 ‫ سورة‬- ‫سورة الفلق‬

In the name of Allāh, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. ‫بسم ﷲ الرحمن الرحيم‬
1. Say: “I seek refuge with the ِ‫ ﻗُﻞْ ﺃَﻋﹸﻮﺫُ ﺑِﺮﹶﺏﱢ ﺍﻟْﻔَﻠَﻖ‬.1
Lord of the dawn,
2. “From the mischief of ‫ ﻣﹺﻦ ﺷﹶﺮﱢ ﻣﹶﺎ ﺧﹶﻠَﻖﹶ‬.2
created things;
3. “From the mischief of ‫ ﻭﹶﻣﹺﻦ ﺷﹶﺮﱢ ﻏَﺎﺳﹺﻖٍ ﺇِﺫَﺍ ﻭﹶﻗَﺐﹶ‬.3
darkness as it overspreads;
4. “From the mischief of those ‫ ﻭﹶﻣﹺﻦ ﺷﹶﺮﱢ ﺍﻟﻨﱠﻔﱠﺎﺛَﺎﺕﹺ ﻓﹺﻲ ﺍﻟْﻌﹸﻘَﺪﹺ‬.4
who practice secret arts;
5. “And from mischief of the ‫ ﻭﹶﻣﹺﻦ ﺷﹶﺮﱢ ﺣﹶﺎﺳﹺﺪﹴ ﺇِﺫَﺍ ﺣﹶﺴﹶﺪﹶ‬.5
envious one as he envies.”

SŪRA 114 Mankind [Al-Nās] 6 ‫ عدد آياتھا‬- 114 ‫ سورة‬- ‫سورة الناس‬

In the name of Allāh, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. ‫بسم ﷲ الرحمن الرحيم‬
1. Say: “I seek refuge with the ِ‫ ﻗُﻞْ ﺃَﻋﹸﻮﺫُ ﺑِﺮﹶﺏﱢ ﺍﻟﻨﱠﺎﺱ‬.1
Lord and Cherisher of
2. “The King (or Ruler) of ِ‫ ﻣﹶﻠﹺﻚﹺ ﺍﻟﻨﱠﺎﺱ‬.2
3. “The Allāh (or Judge) of ِ‫ ﺇِﻟَﻪﹺ ﺍﻟﻨﱠﺎﺱ‬.3
4. “From the mischief of the ِ‫ ﻣﹺﻦ ﺷﹶﺮﱢ ﺍﻟْﻮﹶﺳﹾﻮﹶﺍﺱِ ﺍﻟْﺨَﻨﱠﺎﺱ‬.4
whisperer (of evil), who
withdraws (after his whisper),
5. “(The same) who whispers ِ‫ ﺍﻟﱠﺬﹺﻱ ﻳﹸﻮﹶﺳﹾﻮِﺱﹸ ﻓﹺﻲ ﺻﹸﺪﹸﻭﺭِ ﺍﻟﻨﱠﺎﺱ‬.5
into the hearts of mankind,
6. “Among the jinns and among ِ‫ ﻣﹺﻦﹶ ﺍﻟْﺠِﻨﱠﺔﹺ ﻭﹶﺍﻟﻨﱠﺎﺱ‬.6

The world’s largest Qur’an is kept at the mosque of Russian city
Kazan's Qolsharif and is awarded a Guinness World Records
certificate for being the world's largest.

‫ﻭ ﺁﺧﺮ ﺩﻋﻮﺍ�ﺎ ﺃﻥ ﺍﳊﻤﺪ ﻪﻠﻟ ﺭﺏ ﺍﻟﻌﺎﳌﲔ‬


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