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Differences In The Family Tree - 25 Generation Challenge

This is a 25 generation challenge that aims to explore all the different aspects of the game,
whilst following a loose legacy based playstyle. General rules include no cheats, normal
lifespan and no rerolling. To complete one of the final optional challenges, it’s suggested you
have a portrait of each legacy heir. 

Each generation may move house freely, however it is recommended that you keep any
family urns/graves when you move or alternatively create a family graveyard lot to store

Each generation will have 4 main Generation Goals and 4 Optional Goals. If you only
complete the generation goals you will finish with a total of 100 points, but completing the
optional goals will give you a chance to finish with 200. Each generation can earn points
over their entire lifespan, so eg. goals achieved by generation 6 are still valid even if
generation 7 is already an adult.

The challenge ends when the 25th Heir completes all their generational goals, or when they
die, whichever comes first. 

1 - The Farmer
I never wanted much, just a small corner of the world to call my own and time to enjoy
nature’s bounty.

On your 18th birthday your parents gifted you with a small plot of land and enough money to
start the farm you’d always dreamt of. While others might be happy with a desk job, you
wanted nothing more than to survive off the land and live simply.

Generation Goals:

 Complete the Freelance Botanist Aspiration

 No Woohoo before marriage
 Have a boy and a girl, keep trying till you do!
 Live only off money earned through gardening, fishing (BG) and beekeeping

Optional Goals:

 Marry a sim with the Loves Outdoors trait

 Plant one of every harvestable
 Have either founder or spouse complete the Angling Ace Aspiration
 Live Off-The-Grid (IL)

Total Score - ____

2 - The Magnate
My parents liked the simple life but I was hungry for more. I wanted to live a life of luxury and
success, and I wasn’t afraid to work for it. 

You never enjoyed living hand to mouth, relying on nature to survive. You wanted the kind of
creature comforts only cold hard cash could guarantee, and you weren’t afraid to work for it. 

Generation Goals:

 Complete either branch of the Business Career

 Complete either Fabulously Wealthy or Mansion Baron Aspirations
 Wait until Adulthood to have kids, afterall your career is your priority
 Maintain a poor relationship with both parents, you never saw eye to eye.

Optional Goals:

 Avoid learning skills that provide “Fun”. Even your downtime should be used
 Move to San Myshuno and live in The Finance District (CL)
 Get divorced. You were too busy working to notice your marriage fall apart.
 Have 50,000 in family funds by death

Total Score - ____

3 - The Rockstar
Childhood was lonely for me, my parents were too busy working to pay me much attention. I
turned to music for comfort instead and now I’m surrounded by friends.

While you never wanted for anything material growing up, you were left to your own devices
most of the time and instead took solace in your instruments. Now you get all the attention
you missed out on performing on streets and stages, always happy to spend time with your
adoring fans. 

Generation Goals:

 Max out the Guitar skill

 Complete the Musician Branch of the Entertainer career
 Complete the Master Musician Aspiration
 Marry a groupie (fan (GF) or someone who tipped while busking)

Optional Goals:

 Have an affair resulting in an illegitimate child. 

 Max out all instruments (piano, violin, guitar, pipe organ)
 Play for tips at all community lots
 Marry someone with the music lover trait

Total Score - ____

4 - The Lover
There are so many beautiful and wonderful people in the world. Why settle for one?

Growing up the child of a famous musician often meant wild parties and entourages. You fell
in love with the carefree lifestyle, but most importantly the people…

Generation Goals:

 Have the Noncommittal trait

 Have at least 3 children by different sims
 Complete the Serial Romantic Aspiration
 Follow through on all whims to break up within 1 sim day

Optional Goals:

 Go on a Gold Rated date once a week 

 Collect mementos/photos of all your romantic conquests
 Attend the San Myshuno Romance Festival each time it’s in town (CL)
 Join the Mixologist (BG) or Photographer Careers (MS)

Total Score - ____

5 - The Homemaker
Commitment doesn’t have to be a dirty word, I want my children to have a sense of stability,
we’ll be a happy family.

Your parents lifestyle might have been fun for them, but as a child you hated the chaos and
drama. It’s little surprise that you rebelled in your own unique way and promised yourself you
would pursue a perfect family, complete with white picket fence. 

Generation Goals:

 Have the Family-Oriented Trait

 Either Heir or Spouse must be a stay-at-home parent
 Family cannot hire any services (maid, butler, gardener)
 Heir must complete any of the family aspirations

Optional Goals:

 Either parent must help children with homework every evening after school
 Have Twins. Keep trying until you succeed!
 Heir’s spouse should have an affair. Perhaps not all is as perfect as it might appear.
 Must marry and have 2 children before age to adult

Total Score - ____

6 - The Villain 
They say nice guys finish last, I couldn’t agree more.

Maybe you were coddled too much, or maybe you resented your parent’s willingness to lie
about how happy they truly were. All you knew was that it was time this family saw a few

Generation Goals:

 Complete the Boss Branch of the Criminal Career

 Have the ‘Evil’ Trait
 Complete the Public Enemy Aspiration
 Have only one child, they will be your perfect evil child.

Optional Goals:

 Marry someone with the mean or evil traits

 Master the Mischief skill
 Max out the Bad Reputation (GF)
 Pull at least one prank a day on your family/neighbours

Total Score - ____

7 - The Hero 
I won’t turn out like you, I’m refuse to be your perfect child!

Growing up your parent tried to mould you into their perfect evil child, but deep down you
knew they were wrong. Now that you’re grown you decided to dedicate your life to putting
monsters like them behind bars.

Generation Goals:

 Have the Good Trait

 Complete the Law Enforcement Career (GTW) or Diamond Agent branch of the
Secret Agent career
 Have a long term partner but don’t marry them until Adulthood, crime sleeps for no
one after all!
 Declare your parent your nemesis

Optional Goals:

 Donate to charity at least once a week

 Volunteer with your partner and children once a week
 Investigate your spouse thoroughly. Make sure you know all their traits before you
marry them. 
 Max out the Good Reputation (GF)

Total Score - ____

8 - The General
Protect and Serve, that’s what I was taught to believe. And I’ll make damn sure I continue
that work.

You were raised to believe in right and wrong, to trust the law and do your bit for your fellow
sim. But the life of a beat cop wasn’t for you, you wanted to make a difference on a larger

Generation Goals:

 Complete the Military Career, either branch (Strangerville)

 Master the Logic and Athletic skills
 Complete the Successful Lineage Aspiration
 Befriend all your neighbours, Neighbourhood Watch style!

Optional Goals:

 Ensure all your children max out the athletic skill, your kids need to be kept on their
 Adopt a strict parenting style for your children (Parenthood)
 Marry someone with the Good trait
 Master the Charisma skill

Total Score - ____

9 - The Jokester
Having fun isn’t a crime, some people really need to lighten up…

You always struggled living under your parents strict rules growing up. You didn’t understand
why they were so obsessed by doing things by the book. You wanted to do good as well, but
what’s so wrong with cracking a few jokes now and then?

Generation Goals:

 Complete the Comedian branch of the Entertainer Career

 Master the Comedy Skill
 Complete the Joke Star Aspiration
 Have the Goofball Trait

Optional Goals:

 Be best friends with all your children

 Perform stand up at bars once a week
 Attend the Humour and Hijinks Festival each time it’s on (CL)
 Throw a costume party once a season

Total Score - ____

10 - The Healer
They say laughter is the best medicine. I prefer actual medicine...

You grew up in a household filled with laughter, and saw first hand what good a smile and a
joke could do. You wanted to leave a positive impact as well, but while you might not have
had great comedic timing, you had a mind for nurturing and logic.

Generation Goals:

 Complete the Medicine career (GTW)

 Master the Logic and Wellness Skills
 Have the Good Trait
 Never take a sick day from work

Optional Goals:

 Play with the Doctor set as a child and achieve your dream as an adult (Parenthood)
 Have all your children grow up with the Compassionate Trait (Parenthood)
 Have an at home medical bay for any sick family members to recover (GTW)
 Respond to all out of hours work tasks (GTW)

Total Score - ____

11 - The Scientist 
Why stop there? Why not see how far science can really take us?

You were always a bright child, and with the Chief of Staff as your parent no one was
surprised. While they were happy to tend to the sick, you wanted to know what made life
work and wanted to test the boundaries known to Sim-Kind.

Generation Goals:

 Complete the Scientist Career (GTW)

 Master the Logic skill
 Create a clone of yourself (GTW)
 Visit Sixam via the Electroflux Wormhole Generator (GTW)

Optional Goals:

 Help your children with any/all science or robotics school projects (Parenthood)
 Have a child with an alien
 Have the Genius trait
 Complete the Nerd Brain Aspiration

Total Score - ____

12 - The Conspiracy Theorist   
If you’d seen half the stuff I did growing up you wouldn’t be calling me crazy!

Your parents had a bad habit of bringing their work home with them, and because of that you
saw some pretty unexplainable things. You know the truth, and the truth is that there’s a lot
more out there than most people realise. Dangerous stuff, stuff people should fear…

Generation Goals:

 Move to a secure location. Create a bunker and live underground where it’s safe!
 Have the Paranoid trait (Strangerville)
 Only sims whose traits are all known are allowed inside the bunker. 
 Work from home as a freelancer, you can’t trust the public, they’re watching you

Optional Goals:

 Have the Erratic trait

 Marry a Conspiracy Theorist from Strangerville (Strangerville)
 Plant bugs on all your friends and family (Strangerville)
 Never attend social invites from sims who aren’t Good Friends or above.

Total Score - ____

13 - The Astronaut      

There’s so much out there that’s worth exploring, I’m not spending my life hiding in the

Your upbringing was a little...odd to say the least. While your parents were content hiding
underground, you heard stories of the strange and wonderful things your grandparents
accomplished and were determined to see those things for yourself.

Generational Goals:

 Complete the Astronaut career, either branch

 Master the Rocket Science skill
 Build a collection room for all the items brought back from space, duplicates may be
 Visit all public locations - you want to see it all!

Optional Goals:

 Conceive all your children via Rocket WooHoo

 Master the Athletic and Logic Skills
 Marry someone knowing as few traits as possible, just to spite your parents!
 Don’t have any basements in your house. You still have nightmares…

Total Score - ____

14 - The Gamer
Can’t you see, the world online is so much more vast than you can even imagine.

Your parents always had their heads in the clouds and barely spent any time planet side if
they could help it. Left to your own devices you became a virtual explorer, spending hours of
time online or talking to sims across the world through your games. 

Generation Goals:

 Complete the Computer Whiz Aspiration

 Master the Gaming and Programming skills
 Complete the E-Sport Gamer branch of the Tech Guru career
 Marry someone met through a game or chat room

Optional Goals:

 Only accept invites or spend time with sims met through the computer. Must be
friends first. 
 Have a games night with your family and play multiplayer once a week.
 Go to NerdCon each time it’s in town, in fancy dress of course! (CL)
 Have a room with one of every computer and games console set up

Total Score - ____

15 - The Influencer      

Don’t forget to like, share and subscribe!

When your parents are elite e-sports competitors you realise pretty fast how lucrative the
online world can be. You were more interested in the sponsorships than the trophies though.
Through savvy editing and perfectly planned captions you plan to leave your mark in the
Halls of Internet Fame.

Generation Goals:

 Master the Media Production skill (GF)

 Complete the Internet Personality Career (CL)
 Have the Self-Absorbed Trait (GF)
 Become a Celebrity and complete the Influencer branch (GF)

Optional Goals:

 Marry a Groupie/Fan (GF)

 Upload 2 videos a week (GF)
 Have a Simstagram with over 50,000 followers
 Have a Selfie displayed in every room of your house

Total Score - ____

16 - The Politician
Why waste my time earning money when I could earn power?

You never quite saw eye to eye with your parents materialism. You only saw them as sell-
outs, using their power for fame and fortune. Instead you wanted to take that same influence
and actually achieve something tangible with it.

Generation Goals:

 Complete the National Leader branch of the Politics Career (CL)

 Max out the Charisma skill
 Complete the Friend of the World or Leader of The Pack Aspirations
 Have the Outgoing trait

Optional Goals:

 Speak publically in San Myshuno once a week (CL)

 Host a dinner party or BBQ once a week for coworkers and neighbours to network
and promote your cause
 Attend all social invites and promote your cause
 Complete the Networking branch of the celebrity perk tree (GF)

Total Score - ____

17 - The Party Animal

Life’s too short to waste it at work, and it’s not like we need the money.

Growing up as the child of a famous politician meant you were always expected to attend the
various fundraising events they threw. Unbeknownst to them you developed a taste for the
partying lifestyle. You weren’t interested in a career, you just wanted to have fun!

Generation Goals:

 The Heir can never have any form of employment, they must only live off money
earned by family
 Complete the Party Animal Aspiration
 Throw at least one party a week, preferably more
 Don’t do any chores, that’s what the help is for

Optional Goals:

 Complete any purchase related whims within 1 sim day. You want it all!
 Avoid any skills that lower fun
 Give all friends residence keys, the more the merrier! (CL)
 Earn a Gold Medal for every kind of party

Total Score - ____

18 - The Athlete
You’ve completely wasted your life away, you disgust me!

You hated your parents lavish and wasteful lifestyle growing up. While they were happy to lie
around spending money and overindulging, you had a natural sense of discipline. You’ve
chosen to dedicate your life to the pursuit of physical perfection.

Generation Goals:

 Attain the Perfect Physique

 Have a home gym with one of every form of exercise machine
 Master the Athletics Skill
 Complete either branch of the Athletics career

Optional Goals:

 Master the Wellness Skill

 Avoid ever eating cakes, baked goods or junk food (with the exception of Carob Cake
and Protein Bites)
 Workout every day
 Have at least one child grow up Physically Gifted

Total Score - ____

19 - The Academic   
Is the brain not the most powerful muscle of them all?

While your parents were focussed on their physical ability, you were always more bookish,
and preferred to expand your brain rather than your biceps. You’ve always had a thirst for
knowledge and you want to learn it all.

Generation Goals:

 Complete the Renaissance Sim Aspiration

 Have the Genius trait
 Master at least 5 skills and have 10 at Level 8
 Have all children graduate with A’s

Optional Goals:

 Enroll all children in extracurricular activities (Seasons)

 Read to your children once a week, literacy is important!
 Achieve the Most Interesting Sim Alive achievement (11 Traits)
 Master the Logic and Handiness skills

Total Score - ____

20 - The Occultist       
Of course the mundane world has much to offer, but the realm of magic and shadow has so
much more.

Your parents were obsessed for their quest for knowledge. It’s only natural that in their
studies they might come across some more...unusual writings. But while they were quick to
dismiss, you delved deeper and in doing so opened up a whole new world.

Generation Goals:

 Complete the Right Of Ascension (RoM)

 Possess a Familiar (RoM)
 Master at least two schools of magic (RoM)
 Complete either of the magic aspirations (RoM)

Optional Goals:

 Move to Glimmerbrook (RoM)

 Have your children inherit your magical abilities (RoM)
 Marry another spellcaster (RoM)
 Achieve full Magical Mastery (perks) (RoM)


Generation Goals:

 Become a Vampire
 Complete the Master Vampire Aspiration
 Master the Vampire Lore skill
 Turn 5 sims

Optional Goals:

 Conceive a child through coffin or bat woohoo

 Marry a vampire or turn your spouse
 Pass on your vampirism to your children
 Master the Pipe Organ skill

Total Score - ____

21 - The Chef
A little herblore and practical magic is all well and good, but never underestimate the power
of a good meal. 

Watching your parents concocting potions and poisons fascinated you as a child, but while
they were collecting herbs for spells, you preferred to return to the family roots and maintain
a kitchen garden instead.

Generation Goals:

 Complete the Master Chef aspiration

 Master the Cooking and Gourmet Cooking Skills
 Have the Foodie trait
 Open a bakery or restaurant (DO & GTW))

Optional Goals:

 Marry a food critic (CL)

 Cook only with produce grown in your own garden
 Cook a perfect version of every meal
 Learn every recipe

Total Score - ____

22 - The Artist
While I might not have inherited any culinary talents, I’m creative in my own way.

Despite growing up surrounded by glorious foods, you were never interested in continuing
the family business. Instead you preferred to put brush to canvas, creating colourful worlds
and filling your parents restaurant with your artistic vision.

Generation Goals:

 Master the Painting Skill

 Complete the Painter Extraordinaire Aspiration
 Earn money solely through selling your artwork
 Paint at least 5 masterpieces

Optional Goals:

 Decorate your home only with paintings created by yourself

 Marry an art critic (CL)
 Make 10,000 in royalties OR sell 10,000 worth of paintings
 Display all artwork created by your children, you always encourage creativity!

Total Score - ____

23 - The Collector       
The world is full of beauty, I want to capture it all!

Your parents instilled an appreciation for beauty and art from a young age. Growing up you
felt that the most beautiful of things were those found in the world outside your door. Some
might call it hoarding, but you call it appreciation.

Generation Goals:

 Complete 5 collectable sets

 Master the Photography Skill
 Master the Archeology skill (JA)
 Complete the Curator Aspiration

Optional Goals:

 Complete the Archaeology aspiration (JA)

 Visit every single world/destination
 Take photographs of your travels and display the prints at your home
 Have a room in your house each dedicated to a different collection

Total Score - ____

24 - The Eco-Warrior
The world is a special place, we should do what we can to protect it.

Your parents travels took you many places, but wherever you went you could only see
destruction and the selfishness of the sims living there. You’ve decided to right this injustice
and have chosen to live a kinder life instead.

Generation Goals:

 Complete the Conservationist career (IL)

 Master the Gardening skill
 Live on a lot with the Off-The-Grid trait (IL)
 Never travel outside of your home world. Flight is detrimental to the environment!

Optional Goals:

 Cultivate a garden and live off the produce

 Marry someone with the Loves Outdoors trait
 Be a Vegetarian
 Master the Herbalism skill (OR)

Total Score - ____

25 - The Historian             
Our family has truly left its mark on Simdom, we can learn so much from our past.

Over the past 25 generations your family has been led by a diverse cast of characters. You
were always eager to learn more of the sims who came before you and so you have sought
to honour their memory and achievements.

Generation Goals:
 Master the Writing skill, someone needs to write the family history up
 Hall of Ancestors: Have a room or hallways containing portraits of all the heirs before
 Legacy of taste: Mark or decorate each portrait with an item relevant to that
generations theme
 Befriend all remaining family ghosts

Optional Goals:
 Write a biography for each generation
 Bring an ancestor back to life using the Book of Life
 Complete the Bestselling Author Aspiration
 Complete the Writing career.

Total Score - ____

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