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System Manual Navigation 1

The following are the basic instructions for viewing and navigating within the system manuals.

Icon Navigation
To return to either the World Page (for language selection) or Manual Selection
Page, select the appropriate icon:

Return to World Page:

Return to System Manuals Page:

Acrobat Reader Tool Bar and Status Bar Navigation

The Acrobat Reader tool bar instructions include the following:
1. The tool-bar icon.
2. The title of the icon.
3. A brief summary of the icon functions. Also, below this description, is the pull-
down menu equivalent for the same task and the keyboard shortcut keys.

The Acrobat Reader status bar instructions include the following:

1. The icon or status area.
2. A brief description the icon function or the information shown in the status
For more detailed instructions about using Acrobat Reader, please select
Acrobat Reader Help Guide, or when viewing a manual within Acrobat Reader,
select the guide from the Help pull-down menu.
System Manual Navigation Using the Reader Tool Bar

Open Click the Open icon to open a new document. In the Open dialog
box, select the filename, and click Open. PDF documents usually
have the extension.pdf.
From the menu bar select: File > Open.
(Ctrl + O)

Print Click the Print icon to print a document or a specific portion of the
document. Specify the printer, page range, number of copies, and
other options, and click OK.
From the menu bar select: File > Print.
(Ctrl + P)

Navigation Click the Show/Hide Navigation Pane icon to display the bookmarks
and thumbnails, which can be used for navigating within the docu-
From the menu bar select: Window > Show Bookmarks. (F5 key)
Window > Show Thumbnails. (F6 key)
System Manual Navigation Using the Reader Tool Bar

Hand Clicking the Hand icon changes the cursor to a hand icon. Use this
tool to move around in a page that is too large for viewing within the
window screen.
From the menu bar select: This option is not available.

Zoom Click the Zoom icon to magnify or reduce the view on the window
screen. Selecting the small triangle in the bottom right corner lets
you change between the magnify or reduce tool. Clicking on the
icon increases or decreases the view by a factor of two.
From the menu bar select: View > Zoom (In, Out, To)
(Ctrl + +) to zoom in (Ctrl + -) to zoom out

Text Select Click the Text Select icon to highlight text which you can copy and
paste into another document. Selecting the small triangle in the bot-
tom right corner lets you chose a different method of selecting text or
selecting graphics.
From the menu bar select: This option is not available.
System Manual Navigation Using the Reader Tool Bar

First Page Click the First Page icon to go to the first page of the document.
From the menu bar choose: Document > First Page.
(Ctrl + Shift + Page Up)

Previous Page Click the Previous Page icon to move backward through the docu-
ment, one page at a time.
From the menu bar choose: Document > Previous Page
(Ctrl + Page Up)

Next Page Click the Next Page icon to move forward through the document,
one page at a time.
From the menu bar choose: Document > Next Page
(Ctrl + Page Dn)

Last Page Click the Last Page icon to go to the last page of the document.
From the menu bar choose: Document > Last Page.
(Ctrl + Shift + Page Dn)
System Manual Navigation Using the Reader Tool Bar

Previous View Click the Go To Previous View icon to retrace your path within the
PDF document or documents. Repeated clicking will take you back
through each page visited, in order, and to previous documents if a
link has moved you to a different document.
From menu pull-down choose: Document > Go Back.
(Ctrl + ←)

Next View Click the Go To Next View icon to retrace your path forward from
pages in the PDF document or documents you have already viewed.
Repeated clicking will take you forward through each page visited, in
order, and to documents you have already viewed.
From menu pull-down choose: Document > Go Forward.
(Ctrl + →)

Actual Size Click the Actual Size icon to view the document at 100%.
This is the size of the original document.
From menu pull-down choose: View > Actual Size.
(Ctrl + 1)
System Manual Navigation Using the Reader Tool Bar

Fit in Window Click the Fit in Window icon to scale the page horizontally and verti-
cally to your window.
From menu pull-down choose: View > Fit in Window.
(Ctrl + 0)

Fit Width Click the Fit Width icon to scale the document horizontally within
your window, you may have to scroll to view entire pages with this
From menu pull-down choose: View > Fit Width
(Ctrl + 2)

Rotate CCW Click the Rotate View 90° CCW icon to rotate the entire document
in 90° increments counterclockwise.
From menu pull-down choose: View > Rotate View 90° CCW
(Ctrl + Shift + -)
System Manual Navigation Using the Reader Tool Bar

Rotate CW Click the Rotate View 90° CW icon to rotate the entire document in
90° increments clockwise.
From menu pull-down choose: View > Rotate View 90° CW
(Ctrl + Shift + +)

Find Click the Find icon to start the Find dialog box and search for words
or phrases within the document. This allows you to search only
within the document that you are currently viewing.
From menu pull-down choose: Edit > Find
(Ctrl + F)
System Manual Navigation Using the Reader Status Bar

This icon performs the same function as the Navigation Pane icon
in the tool bar.

This status area shows the current screen magnification in relation

to the original size of the document. At 100% you are viewing the
document at its original size. You can enter any magnification from
8.33% to 1600% by clicking inside the box area and entering the
desired percentage.

Clicking this icon displays a menu box from which you can pick pre-
set zoom magnifications or preset screen sizes, such as Fit in Win-

This icon performs the same function as the First Page icon in the
tool bar.
System Manual Navigation Using the Reader Status Bar

This icon performs the same function as the Previous Page icon in
the tool bar.

This status area shows the current page and total number of pages
in the manual. You can jump to any page within the document by
placing your cursor within the status area and typing the number of
the page you would like to view.

This icon performs the same function as the Next Page button in
the tool bar.

This icon performs the same function as the Last Page button in the
tool bar.
System Manual Navigation Using the Reader Status Bar

This status area shows the original size of the manual and is for
information only. You cannot modify this.

Clicking this button allows you to change the way in which the
pages are displayed in the document pane. There are three options
to select:

Single Page layout displays one page in the document pane at a

time. When navigating, the pages will jump page by page.

Continuous layout arranges the pages in a continuous vertical col-

umn. More than one page may be visible, with some pages
partially viewable. When navigating, the pages will scroll.

Continuous - Facing layout allows you to view two pages

simultaneously, side by side. More than one pair of pages may be
visable, with some pages partially viewable. When navigating, the
pages will scroll.

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