Transcription of 1986.038.027

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Transcription of 1986.038.

Transcribed with assistance from user Jannyp
This Indenture Made this the 10th of october
1848 between Delitha Armfield and Nancy
Sanders Harman Armfield and John
Sanders all of the state of Tenesee and
County of Maury of the one part and
Solomon Armfield of the State of North
Carolina and the County of Guilford of
of the other part for and in Consider-
ation of the same of twenty five dollars
to them in hand paid [Ecnoledge?]
and him Aquit and him Discharge [illegible]
given Granted bargend and sold A certain
parcell of Land being in the County of
Guilford and State of North Carolina
on the waters of Deep River Ajoining
the Land that used to belong to Thomas
Kirks and others soposed to be forty five
Acres be the same More or Less giving him
the said Solomon Armfield full and
free position of said Land and all the
Mines Minerals and herediterments there unto
belonging Apart of the said Land that
the said Solomon Armfield now holds [illegible]
shares in the shares of Henry and Wm
Willson we give grant Bargain and
sell the said Land to said Solomon
Armfield to [have?] for Ever his heirs
and Asigns the Lines and Corners not
[illegible] sined sealed and delivered
in presence of
George Adams
Geo [?] Armfield

H. Armfield (seal)
Delitha Armfield (seal)
Nancy Sanders (seal)
John Sanders (seal)

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