Balancing Animal Project Pages

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Balancing Animal 

Science Project 
Name: ___________________ 
Due: ____________________ 
Dear Grade 3 Families, 
Our Grade 3 class is completing a Building and Testing Designs 
Unit in Science. Students are building a variety of structures in 
class and exploring ways to ensure the designs are strong and 
stable. They also have a fun and creative home science 
project to complete.  
The challenge is to construct a model animal structure out of recyclable materials 
and simple craft supplies. ​Ideas for recyclable materials that you may have around 
your house are items such as toilet paper rolls, paper towel rolls, tissue boxes, shoe 
boxes, cereal boxes, plastic containers, cans, etc. Simple craft supplies could include 
popsicle sticks, straws, pipe cleaners, yarn, ribbon, pom poms, paint, paper, etc. 
The model animal structure must have 2 or 4 legs and must stand (balance) on its 
own. ​The students must draw a sketch of their animal and label the materials they 
used on the following pages. Students will discuss how they ensured their animal 
structure was sturdy and strong. Students will need to record advice they would give 
to someone making a balancing animal as a reflection of their process of design. 
This is a student led project however, parent help is welcome 
for tasks requiring safety measures, such as cutting cardboard, 
hot glue guns, etc. We look forward to seeing the creative 
projects! Thank you in advance for your support! 
Building a Balancing Animal 
Name: ______________________ 
Task: ​Construct a model animal structure that has 2 or 4 legs and can 
stand (balance) on its own. 
What type of animal did you make? _______________________________ 
Draw a picture of your animal and label the materials used: 


What advice would you give to someone who wanted to build a 
balancing animal? 
1. ________________________________________________________
2. ________________________________________________________
3. ________________________________________________________
Building a Balancing Animal Student Checklist 
Task Requirements: (Circle Yes or No) 
➢ Does your animal have 2 or more legs? Yes / No 
➢ Does your animal balance on its own?  Yes / No 
➢ Did you use a variety of materials?  Yes / No 
➢ Is your construction sturdy and strong? Yes / No 
Presentation: (Circle Yes or No) 
➢ Are you able to talk about how you made your animal and what sort of 
materials you used? Yes / No 
➢ Are you able to talk about advice that you would give to someone who 
was making this project? Yes / No 
➢ Will you speak with a strong, clear voice?  Yes / No 
Completion of Project Pages: (Circle Yes or No) 
➢ Complete Yes / No 
➢ Neat and Easy to Read Yes / No 
➢ Labelled Drawing Yes / No 
Balancing Animal Grading Guide 

Task Requirements  Met  Not Met 

Has 2 or more legs     

Balances on its own     

Used a variety of     


Sturdy and strong     


Presentation  Met  Not Met 

Able to talk about     

creation process and 
materials used 

Able to talk about     

project advice 

Strong, clear voice     

Project Pages  Met  Not Met 


Neat and Easy to Read     

Labelled Drawing     

Overall Grade: / 10 


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