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My Lady,
B Burlington Books

Anne Boleyn
Heather Caldwell

T E A C H E R ’ S M AT E R I A L


To the Teacher 3

Before Reading 5

After Reading: Extra Challenges 6

Final Test 7

Answers to Final Test 8

Answers to Activities in the Reader 9

Answers to Cross-Curricular Focus 11

Before using the following teacher’s material, we recommend that you visit the Teacher’s Zone
at and consult the Burlington Activity Reader Series general
information leaflet. The Final Test in this teacher’s material is also available in editable Word
format from the website. The Student’s Zone on the site offers additional activities.
My Lady, Anne Boleyn
to the teacher
List of Main Chara c ters

Anne Boleyn: King Henry VIII’s second wife. Queen Catherine of Aragon: King Henry VIII’s first wife.
Meg: Anne’s servant. Sir Thomas Boleyn: Anne’s father.
King Henry VIII of England: the King. Mary Boleyn: Anne’s sister.
Pl ot Summ ary

Thirteen-year-old Meg came to Hever Castle as a servant to Anne, the younger daughter of the Boleyn
family. Anne was intelligent and talented, but she wasn’t very pleasant and people were afraid of her. Soon
after Meg arrived, Thomas sent Anne to Brussels to be a lady-in-waiting and Meg went with her. While
there, Anne became popular at court so her father decided to take her to the wedding of King Henry VIII’s
sister to the King of France. She saw King Henry there for the first time and couldn’t take her eyes off him.
After the wedding, Anne stayed in France as a lady-in-waiting and became an impressive, attractive young
After a few years in France, Anne and Meg returned to Hever Castle. Sir Thomas planned to send Anne to
Ireland to marry her cousin James Butler and unite their families. But Anne refused and soon after that, she
went to the English court to become a lady-in-waiting to Queen Catherine. When Anne arrived at court,
Mary, her married sister, was wearing a beautiful diamond necklace. Obviously the necklace was a gift
from the King. Queen Catherine hated Mary because she was pregnant with the King’s baby.
Anne enjoyed life at court. She was the best dancer and attracted the attention of young men, including
Henry Percy. They fell in love and became secretly engaged. But Cardinal Wolsey had plans for Percy
to marry a woman from a richer family than the Boleyns and he ordered Sir Thomas to take Anne home.
Anne’s heart was broken and she hated Wolsey after that.
A few months later, Anne returned to court and the King began to notice her. He saw that she was elegant
and clever, and he began to spend time with her in the Queen’s apartments. They talked and played cards,
and Anne played the lute for him. One night at a banquet, Meg noticed Anne and the King weren’t in the
room. Anne returned late to the Queen’s apartments, very angry. The next day, she returned to Hever Castle
without the King’s permission. Her parents weren’t pleased and ordered Anne to return to court.
Soon after, Mary gave birth to a boy, but Henry refused to acknowledge the child as his son. King Henry
was now in love with Anne and wanted to divorce Catherine. Henry and Catherine had a daughter, Mary,
but the King wanted a son to carry on the Tudor dynasty. He needed to annul his marriage to Catherine, but
this was very difficult because they were Catholics and only the Pope could annul a marriage and the Pope
was also influenced by Catherine’s nephew, King Charles of Spain, the most powerful man in Europe.
Despite this, Henry proceeded with the annulment plans. Cardinal Wolsey promised to help him get a
fast annulment, but the cardinals thought of new reasons to delay it and in the end the plan failed. Henry
blamed Wolsey for this and ordered his arrest. Anne was happy to hear of Wolsey’s downfall.
Renouncing the Catholic Church, Henry became head of the Church of England and all the churches and
monasteries were now his property. The mainly Catholic population in England were devastated by these
changes and they blamed Anne. The royalty in Europe also refused to accept Anne as the future Queen of
By now, Anne was pregnant, and sure the baby was a boy. On 25th January 1533, Henry and Anne were
married in secret. On 1st June 1533, Anne was crowned Queen after the Archbishop of the Church of
England declared Henry and Catherine’s marriage invalid. In September of that year, Anne gave birth to
a daughter, Elizabeth. Henry became angry with Anne for the first time. Henry and Catherine’s daughter,
Mary, returned to court. She didn’t accept Anne as Queen and refused to accept the new Church of
England. Henry punished Mary severely for her insolence and disobedience, but the people blamed Anne
for the King’s cruelty to his older daughter. Henry ordered the executions of important Catholics to make
the new church strong and they blamed Anne for this as well.

My Lady, Anne Boleyn

After Elizabeth was born, Anne lost two more babies. During her last pregnancy, she received some
shocking news – Henry was killed in a jousting match. She was so upset about it that although she later
discovered he was just injured, she lost the baby. Henry said to her, “You will get no more children from
me”. Henry found a new favourite lady-in-waiting at court, Jane Seymour. Meg noticed the King’s attention
to Jane and understood that Anne’s life was now in danger. Unlike Catherine, she had no royal connections
or powerful family to protect her.
Anne continued living in the palace but the King ignored her. One day, soldiers arrested Anne’s brother,
George Boleyn, and put him in the Tower of London. Soon, guards came to take Anne to the Tower, too.
There was a trial and the court found Anne and her brother guilty of treason and condemned them to die.
In the Tower on the day of the execution, Anne sent a letter to Henry. Then she told her ladies-in-waiting to
leave her. Only Meg remained. Anne hugged Meg and said goodbye, and told her to return to Hever Castle
to comfort her mother. Then Anne went with the guards to her execution.

• King Henry VIII (1491-1547): Henry was considered an attractive, educated and accomplished king in
his early years on the throne. Generally, Henry is remembered for two things: his six marriages and the
English Reformation, which made England a mostly Protestant nation. In later life, he became very fat and
his health suffered. He is frequently portrayed as lustful, egotistical and merciless.
• Catherine of Aragon (1485-1536) was a Spanish princess. She was the daughter of King Ferdinand and
Queen Isabella. In 1501, she married Prince Arthur, the heir to the English throne, to promote an alliance
between Spain and England. However, Arthur died a few months later. In 1509, she married Arthur’s
brother Henry, after he beame King. Her only child, Mary, became Queen Mary I of England. She
remained a devout Catholic all her life.
• Establishment of the Church of England: The separation of the Church of England from the Roman
Catholic Church in 1534 began with the dispute over the annulment of the marriage of Henry VIII to
Catherine of Aragon. The Church of England became the established church by Acts of Parliament. These
acts had far-reaching consequences. The Pope had no more authority in England. All payments to the Pope
stopped and the money went to the King instead. Parliament declared Henry the “Supreme Head on Earth
of the Church of England”. The authorities closed many monasteries and gave their lands to the King.
Many people were against these changes. A number of dissenting monks were tortured and executed. Two
well-known opponents were John Fisher, Bishop of Rochester, and Sir Thomas More, Henry’s former
Lord Chancellor. They were convicted of treason and beheaded.
• Cardinal Wolsey (circa 1473-1530) was a political figure and a Roman Catholic Cardinal. Henry VIII
became King of England in 1509 and chose Wolsey as an important advisor. Wolsey was an intelligent
and ambitious man. By 1513, he had become the controlling figure in almost all matters of state and was
extremely powerful in the Church. Wolsey was not able to secure the Pope’s agreement for Henry to annul
his marriage to Catherine of Aragon, and therefore lost his influence with Henry. He died on the way to
his trial for treason.
• Jane Seymour (circa 1509-1537) was the third wife of Henry VIII. She was the only one of Henry’s six
wives to receive a Queen’s funeral because only she had a son who survived infancy. The King considered
her his true wife and she is the only one of Henry’s six wives to be buried with him. Jane Seymour died
two weeks after she gave birth to her son, Edward, the future King of England.

My Lady, Anne Boleyn
Before reading
Ask the questions and elicit the answers from the whole class. Some possible answers are provided in italics.
If you prefer, students can work in pairs or small groups.

Suggestions for Lead-in Activities

1. Do you like reading about or watching films about the past? If so, which time period do you like the
best? (Medieval times, the French Revolution, 20th Century, the Second World War, etc.)
2. What do you know about life in England in the 1500s? (The King and other nobility were rich and
powerful; they had many servants; the King sometimes ordered his enemies to be put in prison or killed;
clothes and hairstyles were very different from today; poor people had a very difficult life; people made
their own clothes and food.)
3. What qualities do you think are important for a servant? (patience, loyalty, physical and emotional
strength, dedication to the master / mistress)
4. In your opinion, should parents try to influence their son / daughter about love and marriage? (Yes,
parents have experience in life and might have good advice; young people are sometimes “blinded by
love”. / No, this is a personal subject and the son / daughter should have his / her own ideas.)
5. How do you think life is different today for a king or queen in England? (Today, kings and queens don’t
really control the country. They serve the country as a representative and they don’t make political
6. What did rich people like to do hundreds of years ago before TV? (They played cards, chess and other
games; they sang and danced; many people played musical instruments; they enjoyed banquets and

Before Reading Ac tivities

1. Look at the picture on the cover of the book. Describe the woman in the picture. Who do you think
is the man in the background? What is the connection between them? (The woman has got long dark
hair and she is attractive. She is from the past. The man is an executioner. He’s waiting to execute the
2. Read the paragraph beginning “I took the skirt … ” on page 9. What do you learn about Anne? (She was
very clever; she could read and write in English, Latin and French. She was good at cards and chess
and she could sing beautifully and play the lute. She wasn’t very pleasant and she never let anybody win
an argument.)
3. Read the last paragraph in Chapter 1 on page 11. Describe the change in Anne during her time in France.
(She grew from a thin child to an impressive young woman. She wasn’t beautiful, but she knew how to
make herself attractive.)
4. Look at the picture on page 31 and read the caption. What do you think Queen Catherine is thinking?
(She is probably angry because her husband only wants to be with Anne. It’s humiliating for a queen to
serve food like a servant.)
5. Look at the picture on page 37. The women are screaming at Anne Boleyn. Now, read the first two
sentences in paragraph 3. Why are the women angry with Anne? (Because for them, Catherine is still
their Queen and Anne is like a prostitute.)
6. Read the paragraph beginning “Mary looked at Anne … ” on page 42 and look at the picture on page 43.
Why are the King and Queen angry with the girl? (Because she won’t bow to the Queen and she doesn’t
respect her.)

My Lady, Anne Boleyn
After reading: Extra challenges
Make Y our Students Think
Here are some points that more advanced students can be asked to consider after reading the book.
1. Describe the character of King Henry VIII.
2. Discuss the difference between Mary Boleyn’s relationship with King Henry and Anne’s relationship
with him.
3. Why were the common people unhappy about Henry’s annulment of his marriage to Catherine?
4. Why did Anne warn Meg to be careful if the King’s men came to ask her questions?
5. Discuss the change in Anne’s personality after she lost the King’s love.
6. Write a short paragraph to compare the difference in power and influence of a king like Henry VIII
in the 16th century and a king in Europe today.

Dram a Act ivities and Proje c t Suggestions

You may want to present some of these activities in the students’ own language.
1. Imagine you are Meg. Write a letter to your family describing your first day in the Boleyn household as
Anne’s servant. Use your imagination and the information in the story.
2. Work with a partner. Henry is in love with Anne. One of you is Anne and the other is Henry. Write your
conversation as you are walking in the gardens one night. Then act it out for the class.
3. Make an invitation to a masquerade at court. Include details about what to wear. Use your imagination
to include the date, the name of the palace and the location.
4. Work with a partner. One of you is King Henry and the other is Queen Catherine. Henry wants to annul
their marriage. Catherine refuses. Act out the scene.
5. Imagine you are Princess Mary, Henry’s daughter. You return to court and see Anne as Queen. Write
about your feelings in your diary.
6. Work with a partner. One of you is Henry VIII and the other is one of Henry’s advisors. Discuss the
plan for Henry to get rid of Anne and marry Jane Seymour. Use your imagination and act out the scene.
7. Imagine you are Anne on the last day of her life. Write a letter to King Henry.
8. Act out the scene between Anne and Meg in the Tower of London before Anne’s execution.
9. Describe a scene from the story. Your partner must try to find the scene in the book.
10. Search on the Internet for information about one of Henry VIII’s other wives. Write a paragraph about
her and read it to the class.

My Lady, Anne Boleyn
A  ho is it? Complete the sentences with the names below. You can use a name more
than once.
King Henry • Meg • Sir Thomas Boleyn • Queen Catherine • Mary Boleyn
Princess Mary • Cardinal Wolsey • Anne Boleyn

1. threw a red skirt at Meg.

2. received a diamond necklace from the King.
3. took Anne to Mary Tudor’s wedding.
4. sent Mary Boleyn and her son to live in another part of the castle.
5. refused to divorce King Henry.
6. took Catherine’s ladies-in-waiting hunting.
7. died on the way to a trial in London.
8. heard the King was dead and fainted.
9. combed Anne’s hair in the Tower of London.
10. was in the Tower, waiting for execution.
11. refused to bow to Anne.
11 points (1 point each)

B Complete the sentences according to the story.

1. Anne’s father ordered her to marry James Butler, but Anne .
2. Henry wanted to annul his marriage to Catherine and .
3. Anne never went out alone in London because .
4. After Anne lost more babies, Henry began to pay attention to .
5. George Boleyn was accused of .
6. Anne gave a gold coin to a guard and told him “Make sure the King receives this .”
7. Before her execution, Anne said to Meg “You must return to .”
14 points (2 points each)

C Answer the questions about the story.

1. How was Anne different from the other ladies at court?
2. What happened to Henry Percy?
3. Why did the annulment hearing not succeed for Henry?
4. Why did the people of England hate Anne Boleyn?
5. Why did Anne lose Henry’s love?
10 points (2 points each)

D Choose one topic and write a paragraph. Your paragraph should be at least 30 words long.
1. Explain Princess Mary’s (Henry and Catherine’s daughter) feelings about Anne.
2. Describe how Meg’s feelings for Anne changed.
3. Describe Anne’s last day in the Tower of London.
15 points

My Lady, Anne Boleyn
answers to FINAL TEST

A 1. Anne Boleyn
2. Mary Boleyn
3. Sir Thomas Boleyn
4. King Henry
5. Queen Catherine
6. King Henry
7. Cardinal Wolsey
8. Anne Boleyn
9. Meg
10. Anne Boleyn
11. Princess Mary

B 1. refused
2. marry Anne Boleyn
3. it was dangerous for her / the common people hated her
4. Jane Seymour
5. treason
6. letter
7. Hever Castle

C 1. A nne was better educated; she liked reading and had strong opinions about everything. She talked a
2. Cardinal Wolsey arranged a marriage between him and Mary Talbot.
3. Because the cardinals found excuses for delays and finally the Italian cardinal returned to Rome.
4. They felt that because of Anne, Henry was trying to destroy their Church. Henry was creating a new
religion because of Anne. They loved Catherine and hated Anne.
5. Because Anne didn’t give birth to a son.

D Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.

Possible points for inclusion:
1. Mary hated Anne. After Henry married Anne and his marriage to Catherine was declared invalid,
Mary wasn’t a princess and her mother wasn’t Queen any more. Also Mary was a strong Catholic
and refused to accept the new Church of England. She was very angry and blamed Anne for the
2. At the beginning, Meg didn’t like Anne. She wasn’t pleasant and Meg was afraid of her. But, in the
end, Meg started to respect her. After Anne lost the King’s love, she wasn’t arrogant any more, she
became sadder and wiser and she and Meg became closer.
3. Anne wrote a letter to the King. Then Meg helped her get dressed and combed her hair. She wanted
her hair high up on her head. Meg wanted to go with Anne, but Anne refused. Meg must return to
Hever Castle to comfort Anne’s mother. Then Anne left with the guards and went to her execution.
She made a short speech and knelt in front of the executioner.

My Lady, Anne Boleyn
answers to activities in the reader
PRE-READING ACTIVITIES (page 7) 4 Meg is the narrator. This limits our information
1 1. necklace 4. worried because she doesn’t hear or understand
everything that is happening.
2. pregnant 5. death
3. maid 6. royalty 5 1. She is Anne’s servant and her only friend.
2. She says, “Take this” and puts something in
2 A
 ccept all logical and grammatically correct
Meg’s skirt.
Possible points for inclusion: 3. Because she was popular with the
The picture is from many years ago. The women Archduchess, she was the best card player
are wearing dresses from centuries ago and and she spoke French well.
sitting and sewing. No, they don’t like the lady 4. She was bored. Her sister and brother were
in the red dress. Because they are sitting away both at court.
from her and they look unfriendly. 5. She was not going to Ireland to marry James
Butler. She was going to court to be a
CHAPTERS 1-2 ACTIVITIES (pages 14-15) lady-in-waiting to the Queen.

1  p d e h v b e w u 6. Because the diamond necklace wasn’t a

present from her husband.
b e h a v i o u r
n a y n y r f d a
CHAPTERS 3-4 ACTIVITIES (pages 24-25)
b d r d d j t e r
t x e s r q n s g 1 Sentences 1, 2 and 5 are logical.
u s h o u t e d u 3. The dress was in dark colours. It was grey
k f s m w a j g e and black.
t d g e n t l e d 4. My heart is broken. I’m very unhappy.

1. behaviour 4. dead 6. I was hurt by the things you said. They were
very cruel.
2. gentle 5. argued
3. handsome 6. shouted 2 surpriselockedwarningangerenviouslypale

2 1. chess 4. daughter 1. locked 4. surprise

2. bored 5. clever 2. anger 5. warning
3. marriage 6. quietly 3. pale 6. enviously

3 1. In the housekeeper’s opinion, Anne 3 1. c 2. b 3. a 4. c 5. a

was an easy mistress. – severe
4 1. Because Mary was carrying the King’s baby.
2. Anne always let other people win
an argument. – never 2. They sat, sewed and prayed happily. They
followed the Queen around like little ducks.
3. Anne was the best artist at court. – card
player 3. She loved reading, was never silent during
a political discussion, and had strong
4. At Mary Tudor’s wedding, Anne couldn’t take
opinions on everything. She liked showing her
her eyes off Thomas Boleyn. – King Henry
4. She stood up very slowly and behaved like the
5. Anne refused to marry James Butler. She
King was just an ordinary visitor.
wanted to marry for money. – love
5. Because she was not a princess.
6. Mary’s diamond necklace was a present from
her husband. – King Henry VIII

My Lady, Anne Boleyn

Answers to Activities in the Reader continued

CHAPTERS 5-6 ACTIVITIES (pages 32-33) 4 1. Because King Charles of Spain, Catherine’s
nephew, controlled both the Vatican and the
1 1. power 5. free
2. agree 6. nephew
2. King Henry VIII became the head of the
3. illness 7. hunt English Church and the clergy must obey
4. pick 8. healthy him, not the Pope in Rome. All the money
collected for the Church belonged to him. All
2 1. without 3. quickly churches, monasteries and convents became
2. joining 4. loneliest his property.
3. They didn’t like her. They were loyal to
3 1. The King played cards with Anne.
Queen Catherine.
2. Mary gave birth to a son.
4. It was the happiest time in her life.
3. Queen Catherine was too old to have
5. He left the room without saying a word
another child.
to Anne.
4. The Queen and her ladies were listening to
a priest reading lessons in Latin.
CHAPTERS 9-10 ACTIVITIES (pages 46-47)
5. A group of men came to see Queen
1 1. got into trouble 5. kissed
Catherine and discussed divorce.
2. hung 6. forgot
6. Meg didn’t like seeing noble Catherine
behaving like a servant. 3. surrounded 7. killed
4. safe
4 1. She sang to her and played the lute.
2. No, he didn’t. King Henry said, “He’s not the 2 1. thieves 3. blood
son of a king”. He sent Mary and the baby to 2. pain 4. crown
live in another part of the castle.
3 1. f 2. c 3. e 4. b 5. d 6. a
3. Because she was not beautiful like Mary.
4. They looked at her with hate in their eyes. 4 1. She had royal blood.
They made her sit alone. 2. She bowed to her father but she ignored the
5. Because Catholics didn’t annul marriages new Queen.
or believe in divorce and they must obey the 3. She refused to accept the new Church of
Pope. She said, “The Pope will never agree to England because she was a strong Catholic.
such a thing”. 4. Because he wanted to get rid of the
opposition and make the new Church of
CHAPTERS 7-8 ACTIVITIES (pages 40-41) England strong.
1 1. crowd 4. delighted 5. King Henry was dead after a violent battle in
2. lucky 5. ignore a jousting match.

3. promise 6. doubt 6. She felt nervous and more insecure.

2 1. e 2. b 3. d 4. a 5. c

3 1. a. The soldiers rescued Anne.

2. a. Wolsey died.
3. b. The Archbishop declared Henry and
Catherine’s marriage invalid.
4. b. A
 nne returned to the palace to wait for the
birth of her baby.

My Lady, Anne Boleyn


(pages 54-55)
1 1. surface 5. fear 8. event
2. chats 6. tightly 9. get dressed
3. comfort 7. truth 10. neck
4. Earlier

2 1. a, b 2. a, c 3. a, b 4. a, c 5. b, c

3 1. Catherine’s ladies-in-waiting loved and

respected her and they comforted her. Anne’s
ladies-in-waiting didn’t love her and did not
try to help her.
2. He gave it to Jane Seymour’s brother.
3. They accused her of treason and adultery.
4. At Catherine’s trial, there were bishops,
cardinals and a King. At Anne’s trial, there
were clerics, secretaries and men of law, but
the King didn’t come.
5. She found money / 25 gold coins.

answers to cross-curricular focus

Tudor Monarchs (page 63) (page 65)
1 1. F 3. T 5. F 7. F 9. T
2 1. a 2. d 3. e 4. b 5. e 6. c
2. F 4. T 6. T 8. T
1 2 3 3 1. the Roman Catholic religion
2. ‘Bloody Mary’
3. Calais
4 5 6 4. glorious / a glorious era
5. sea

7 8 9 6. prison


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