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What Would You Do? T

Directions: E
In each of the following scenarios, an individual requires medical intervention. T
Determine the correct therapy or diagnostic tool needed for each. If necessary, you A
may use available research materials to assist. Answer the questions following each C
scenario in complete sentences. T
1. An elderly patient is brought into the emergency room due to increasing bouts of V
cardiac arrhythmia. She states this problem began approximately two months I
ago, during a time when she was walking with a neighbor. That day, her heart was Y
beating at an increased pace, just as it should because of the increase in physical
movement. Her heart stopped beating for a moment, causing her to gasp, and
then began beating very quickly for the duration of approximately one minute.
Since that time, she says, she has been experiencing the episodes approximately
three times a week, until now. The current episode began as usual; however, the
arrhythmia did not stop, but has continued for over 7 minutes. This is a cause of
great concern. Upon examination, her heart rate was 185 beats per minute while
at rest. What are the most significant symptoms causing concern for this patient?
Which diagnostic tool would best help with the diagnosis of her condition and
The main cause for concern is the increased heart rate when at rest for the patient. A diagnostic test that
could be used is a echocardiogram to provide an outline of the heart using ultrasound which could help
determine is any irregularities are present in the hearts structure or action besides the increased heart rate

2. Robert has type 2 diabetes and suffers from diabetic neuropathy as a result. At
times, he will develop tingling in various parts of his body, most often in his right
leg. He is strongly against taking any kind of pharmaceutical medication to help
with this. What are the most significant symptoms causing concern for this
patient? What therapy may provide relief, even if only temporary? Why?

The tingling in an extremity is very concerning. Physical therapy with a professional can provide
some relief to the leg and also the supplement Niacin can help aid the symptoms. The therapy can
help activate some parts of the leg and Niacin can help suppress the symptoms but it isn't a
permanent solution.

Accompanies: Body Systems: Electrical Conduction Processes & Interactions 1


What Would You Do? T

3. A patient just arrived in the emergency room with a complaint of chest pain. The E
patient began walking to the waiting area and collapsed on the floor, not N
breathing. Once health providers positioned the patient for further evaluation, they T
discovered that the patient had no heartbeat. What may be the problem? What A
should be done? Why? C
Some potential problems with the patient could be a heart attack or cardiac arrest. CPR should be V
administered immediately until he either recovers life or he can be transported into the ER for surgery. The I
CPR could potentially be the difference between life or death and then if needed he could be saved T
surgically by doctors.

4. Marie, a toddler, has been suffering from fever-induced seizures, and this has her
parents greatly concerned. She has otherwise been a healthy child, unless she
spikes a fever (meaning her body temperature gets very high very quickly), at
which time her body will go into a state of convulsions and she will sometimes
even foam at the mouth. Doctors have been concerned as well and want to
perform diagnostic testing in an attempt to uncover the problem. What would be
their best option and why?

One main diagnostic test would be an electroencephalogram that measures brain activity or an MRI
could be done on the head also. The EEG can measure the brain activity of the kid and the doctor can
go further from there and the MRI can simply determine if the brain is unusually large of some sort.

Accompanies: Body Systems: Electrical Conduction Processes & Interactions 2

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