Signed Proclamation of Sovereignty For M S I Seminole Nation

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I SEMINOLE NATION New Amexa = Proclamation of Sovereignty February 19,2021 For the Establishment Moorish Sovereign Indigenous Nation Government MS Seminole Nation - Proclamation of the Seminole Nation ‘As we gather, On this 19" day of Jumada al-Akhirah-Rajab 1442, I come as Her Royal Majesty Empress Nzingha-“Bluefoot”-Dey©. As a Natural He-Man, a womb-man of the Original Creator. As an heir to Original Seminole Nation© It comes as truth of the Seminole people the oppression and tyranny delivered by foreign powers . To take upon themselves to act with immediate effect of favor of the of total Sovereignty and establish freedom for themselves and theit De jure government. It is destiny of the People that has been injured and harm. done to them by those who has ruled over them without there consent. To dissolve the powers that bind them under the illegal acts of war and GENOCIDE of a race of people by sickness and disease, vaccines, water supply and food. My Ancestors forced to leave Alabama, Geotgia, Arkansas, Texas ‘Territory. Taking away our land by illegal powers of force and by the Removal of our families thru the Trail of Tears to new unfamiliar grounds of all Sovereign Territory (U S named “Indian Territory”). Taken away the natural culture of our people describing them as “Uncivilized”. The use of The Curtis Acts to weaken and dissolve tribal governments and abolish the tribal courts. Names of our Ancestors was given to foreigners and history erased only stories told by generations of families of who we are. I am the heir of “ Bluefoot”. The Seminole Tribe In many stages of history did they 3 Seminole Wars rebelled against the tyranny De-facto Governments while adopting from other Tribal Nations to form as one Nation. The foreign invaders have continuously refused our reconciliation of peace standing in law . They enslave us the Policies, ACT’”s and Statues. As we gather, we the people Moorish Sovereign Indigenous Seminole Nation© we are not affiliated with any of The De-Facto Tribal Curtis Act or Dawes Roll Impersonators. We stand as the TRUE Sovereign of the Land from Ancient History . MS Seminole Nation ‘As we gather, we the people of Moorish Sovereign Indigenous Seminole Nation we hold the Blood title of the Original Hunter from Ancient History the O Bloodline of The Human Race. ‘As we gather, we the people of Moorish Sovereign Indigenous Seminole Nation© we seized up our divine tights to organized vaties forces to protect our Creator rights as the Original Hunters. ‘To recreate and establish the De-Jure Government on the Land. AAs the history of the Unconquered Tribal Nation by our Ancestors . Making the people of the New Tribal Moorish Sovereign Indigenous Seminole Nation the heirs of the Unconquered Tribe. By way of the People of the Mootish Sovereign Indigenous Seminole Nation® Her Royal Majesty Nzingha- Bluefoot:Dey 2024© AUL Righty Reserved Copyright of the Moorish Sovertign Indigenous Nation

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