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[SAFETY DATA SHEET (Ec 1907/2006) ] MONCAT® 1072, MONCAT® 1173, MONCAT® 1991, MONCAT® 2021, MONCAT® 2172, MONCAT®: 2173, MONCAT® 2991, MONCAT® 3921 | Revision date: ‘Specification 192349 jenene ucazor? Sect evan vee no _ _ | ‘SECTION 1: Identification of the substance/mixture and of the company/undertaking 4.1. Product identifier Trade name MONCAT® 1072, MONCAT® 1173, MONCAT® 1931, MONCAT® 2021, MONCAT® 2172, MONCAT® 2173, MONCAT® 2991; MONCAT® 3921 REACH Registraton No.: if available listed in Chapter. 3 1.2, Relevant identified uses of the substance or mixture and uses advised against Relevant applications For indusvial use Identties Function Catalyst 1.3, Details of the supplier of the safety data sheet Company Evonik Resource Efficiency GmbH RE-ES-PS Hanau Postfach 1345 -63403 Hanau Telephone +49 (0)6181 59-4787 Telefax +49 (0)6181 59-4205, E-mail adders Producer Evonik Catalysts India Pvt. Ltd F-1/2, MIDC, Phase |, Dombivi (East), Dist. Thane, 421 203 Maharashtra Telephone 4¥91-251-2471716 / 2431013, Telefax 481-251-2470269 GIN L241 10MH 1983PTC031365 Safety Officer: Emergency telephone number (INDIA) Telephone 491 251 247 1716 EXT 340 1.4. Emergency telephone number Emergency information +48 (0)7623-819191 (Interpreting service available) SECTION 2: Hazards identification 24. Classification of the substance or mixture Classification according to Regulation (EC) No. 1272/2008 [CLP] REGULATION (EC) No 1272/2008 ‘Skin Senstisation Category 1 317 Carcinogenicity Category 2 H351 ‘Specific target organ toxity - repeated exposure Category 1 Haze {Chronic aquatic toxicity Category 3 Ha12 2.2. Label elements Labelling as per (EU) 1272/2008 Stotory basis REGULATION (EC) No 1272/2008 hazard-defining component(s) (GHS) + Nicke! ‘SAFETY DATA SHEET (cc 1907/2006) MONCAT® 1072, MONCAT® 1173, MONCAT® 1991, MONCAT@ 2021, MONCAT® 2172, MONCAT® 2173, MONCAT® 2991, MONCAT® 3921 Version: 1.0/ REG_EU Material no. | Revision dat: Speciicaion 192948 @evonu ice vane _ Sigal woo Danger Hazard talent H917 - May cause an allergic skin reaction. H351 - Suspected of causing cancer. H372- Causos damage to organs through prolonged or repeated exposure. Hat2 - Harmful to aquatic life wtn long lasting effects. Procauionay satonent 201 - Obtain special instructions before use. Preventon, 260 - Do not breathe dust! fume/ gas! mist vapours! spray. 273 - Avold release tothe environment. 280 - Wear protective gloves! protective clothing eye protection face protection. Precautonsy saterent P39 + P13 - I skin iritation or rash occurs: Get medical advice! attention Rescton Precautonaysatrrant P50! - Dispose of contents/container in accordance with local regulation Disposal 23. Other hazards APBT/vPvB evaluation is not available, since a chemical safety evaluation is not required / has not been carried out SECTION 3: Composition/information on ingredients 3.4, Substances 3.2. Mixtures Information on ingredients / Hazardous components as per EU-CLP Regulation (EC) No. 1272/2008 * Glycerides, C16-18 (oils, palm, stearins, hydrogenated) ASNo — 68002-71-1 ECNe 268.084-2 Remarks Not a hazardous substance or mixture. _ Nickel <50% CASNo 7440-020 EoNe aaiatis ‘Skin Senstisation Category 1 Ha17 Carcinogenicity Category 2 381 ‘Spesifc target organ toxicity - repeated exposure Category 1 372 Chronic aquatic toxicity - Category 3 Hate = Silicon dioxide, chemically prepared \ CASNo —7631-86-9 Foo 291-545-4 Remarks Not a hazardous substance or miture, ‘= Magnesium oxide | CASNo —1900-48-4 Eco 2isans | Remares “Not a hazardous substance or mixture. | Texts of H phrases, see in Chapter 16 SECTION 4: First aid measures [SAFETY DATA SHEET (Ec 1807/2006) | | MONCAT® 1072, MONCAT® 1173, MONCAT® 1991, MONCAT® 2021, MONCAT® 2172, MONCAT® 2173, MONCAT® 2991, MONCAT® 3921 | Version: 1.0/ REG. EU Matera no. ‘Specication 192899 VAN 21.04.2017 replaces version Page: 3/10 4.1, Description of first aid measures Inhalation In case product dust is released ‘Move vietins into fresh air. Incase of discomfort: Supply with medical care. Skin contact, Wash off with plenty of water and soap. Incase of discomfon: Supply with medical care. Eye contact Rinse thoroughly with plenty of water keeping eyelid open. In case of persistent discomfort: Consult an ophthalmologist. Ingestion Have the mouth rinsed with water. After absorbing large amounts of substance: Consult a physician. 4.2, Most important symptoms and effects, both acute and delayed ‘Symptoms sensitising effects Hazards Health injuries may be celayed 4.3. Indication of any immediate medical attention and special treatment needed ‘After absorbing large amounts of substance: administration of activated charcoal ‘Acceleration of gastrointestinal passage SECTION 5: Firefighting measures 5.1. Extinguishing media Suubleexingistigmeda Water, water vapour, extinguishing powder, extinguishing foam Adapt fire-extinguishing measures to surroundings. Umiiie etree: Dono ue fulforce water Jt order to voll spores and spread of the fire, 5.2. Special hazards arising from the substance or mixture In the case of fre, the following hazardous smoke fumes may be produced: nicke! oxides. Carbon oxides ‘organic products of decomposition 5.3, Advice for firefighters Use water spray to cool unopened containers. ‘Water for fre fighting must not be introduced in the sewer system, subsoil, of surface waters. Assure that there are sufficient fre water retaining faclities Contaminated fire fighting water must be disposed of in ‘conformity withthe regulations of the local authorities. In the evont of fre, wear self-contained breathing apparatus. Employ protective equipment commonly used in the event of fire. SECTION 6: Accidental release measures 6.1, Personal precautions, protective equipment and emergency procedures Wear personal protective equipment; see section 8. 6.2, Environmental precautions Do not allow substance to enter soil, bodies of water or sewage canals. 6.3, Methods and material for containment and cleaning up SAFETY DATA SHEET (Ec 1907/2006) MONCAT® 1072, MONCAT® 1173, MONCAT® 1991, MONCAT® 2021, MONCAT® 2172, MONCAT® 2173, MONCAT® 2991, MONCAT® 3921 Revision date: Specification 192349 e acne — Sea evonik replaces version: " ‘Sweep up or vacuum up spillage and collect in suitable container tor disposal 64, Reference to other sections Disposal considerations; see section 13, SECTION 7: Handling and storage 7.1. Precautions for sate handling Ensure suitable suction/aeration at the work place and with operational machinery. 7.2. Conditions for safe storage, including any incompatibilities Advice on protection against fire and explosion Normal measures for preventive fire protection. Take precautionary measures against static charges, keep away from sources of ignition. When repairs of the production system are to be made (e.g. welding work), the section to be repaired must be essentially tree of product. Storage Keep in a dry, cool and well-ventilated place. Keep container tightly closed. Further information ‘Avoid sun rays, heal, heat effect. 7.3. Specific end use(s) We are unaware of any specilic end uses which go beyond the data reported in Section 1 SECTION 8: Exposure controls/personal protection 8.1, Control parameters 8.2. Exposure controls Engineering measures Ensure suitable suction/aeration at the work place and with operational machinery. Do not introduce suctioned air to the work rooms. It possible, transfer and handle product in closed systems only. Avoid production of dust Personal protective equipment Respiratory protection In case product dust is released or if workplace exposure limit is exeeded Suitable mask with particle fiter P3 (European Norm 143) Hand protection Wear protective gloves made of the following materials: Giove material Nitrile rubber Material thickness 0,35 mm Break trough ime > 480 min Glove material Natural rubber (NR) Material thickness 0,5 mm Broak trough ime > 480 min ‘The material thickness and rupture time data do not apply to non-solute solids / dusts. Selection of protective gloves to meet the requirements of specific workplaces. Suitability for specific workplaces should be clarfied with protective glove manutacturers. Please observe that the daily duration of usage of a chemical protective glove is in practice far shorter due to the many influencing factors (e.g. temperature, mechanical strain on the glove material) than the permeation time determined acc. EN 374. Eye protection close-fting protective goggles (e.g. closed goggles) [SAFETY DATA SHEET (Ec 1907/2006) | MONCAT® 1072, MONCAT® 1173, MONCAT® 1991, MONCAT@ 2021, MONCAT® 2172, MONCAT® | 2173, MONCAT® 2991, MONCAT® 3921 Version 0/REG EU Mata, Rowsion dt Spectcaion 192040 Seve dao zro4z017 Spec evonik replaces verso (er ano Skin and body protection Wear suitable protective clothing Remove contaminated clothing immediately and rinse clothing with water in a container to completely remove catalyst Keep working clothes separately. Hygiene measures ‘Smoking, eating and drinking should be prohibited in the application area Wash face andlor hands before break and end of work. Apply adequate skin protection agents before handling the product. Assure skin cleaning and skin care after work. Preventive skin protection is recommended. Protective measures The personal protective equipment used must meet the requirements of directive 89/686/EEC and amendments (CE certitication). it should be defined in the work place in the form of a risk analysis according to directive B9/686/EEC and amendments, ‘SECTION 9: Physical and chemical properties 9.1, Information on basic physical and chemical properties Appearance Form pellets Colour dark grey physical stata solid (dour faintly distinct (Odeut threshold rot applicable pH Ming pontrange ‘Boingpontiange => 300°C» rot determined Flash point not applicable solid Evaporation rate not determined Flamabity (sold, gas) not to be expected, given the composition employed Lower explosion iit not applicable Upper explosion iit not applicable Vapour pressure <10Pa — (<200°C) \Vepour density not determined Densty not determined Water sohbilty insoluble Partitoncoeticent n= not applicable ‘ctanolvater Auloinlarsmabity Not capable of spontaneous combustion or heating, [SAFETY DATA SHEET (Ec 190772006) MONCAT® 1072, MONCAT® 1173, MONCAT® 1991, MONCAT® 2021, MONCAT® 2172, MONCAT® 2173, MONCAT® 2991, MONCAT@ 3921 Version: 1.0 REG_EU Material no. | Reto cate — Spectetton 192348 evonik | [aot orn “OO os ‘Trermardecompestioy™=""S'4OO"G - Viscosity dynamic, not applicable solid Explosivenoss Not explosive xiizing properties not to be expected, given the composition employed. 9.2. Other information Ignition temperature => 300°C Bulk density ca. 900 kg/m Metal corrosion Not corrosive to metals SECTION 10: Stability and reactivity 10.1. Reactivity No dangerous reaction known under conditions of normal use. 102. Chemical stability Stable under recommended storage conditions. 10.3. Possibility of hazardous reactions Possbiliyofhazardous Hazardous reaction ifn contact with strong oxidizing agents reactons strong acids 10.4. Conditions to avoid No dangerous reaction known under conditions of normal use. ‘Avoid temperatures above 60°C, direct sunlight and contact with sources of heat 10.5. Incompatible materials Strong oxidizing agents, strong acids 10.6. Hazardous decomposition products No decomposition i stored and applied as directed. SECTION 11: Toxicological information 14.1. Information on toxicological effects No toxicological tests are available on the product. ete roxy {based on avaiable data the cassiaton erteria are not met sete derma oxy Based on avaiable dat, the cassficaton criteria are not met Sin iaton Based on avaiable data the cassilicaton criteria are not met ye iaten Based on avaiable dat, the cassificaton criteria are not met senizaton May cause sensitisation by skin contact fesesentotSTOT singe Based on avalablo data, the classfcationereria are rot met scsi ct STOTrepea! —Aesessrert Causes damage o organs through prolonged or repeated epoaie exposure Fisk o aspraton toxity No aspiration toxicity classification SECTION 12: Ecological inform: 124. SECTION 13: 13.1, Waste treatment methods [SAFETY DATA SHEET (Ec 1907/2006) MONCAT® 1072, MONCAT® 1173, MONCAT® 1991, MONCAT® 2021, MONCAT® 2172, MONCAT® 2173, MONCATS 2991, MONCAT® 3921 Version 1.0/REG_EU Material no. Revision date: Specification 192349 | Issue date: 21.08.2017 ae replaces version: Page: 7/10 - - - Further information ‘The properties of this product which are hazardous to health have been calculated as per regulation (EC) No. 1272/2008. See section 2 “Hazards Identification’. CMR assessment Carcinogenicity Limited evidence of a carcinogenic effect. Mutagensiy no data available Toxicity to reproduction ro data available Ecotoxicology Assessment (Chronic aquatic oxy Harmful to aquatic life with long lasting effects. 12.4. Toxicity No ecotoxicological data is available for this product. 12.2. Persistence and degradability Biodogradabity ‘The organic components of the product are biodegradable. 9 12,3, Bioaccumulative potential Bioaccumulation Bioaccumulation is not to be expected. The product is insoluble in water. 125, Results of PBT and vPvB assessment A PBT/vPVB evaluation is not available, since a chemical safety evaluation is not required / has not been cartied out 126. Other adverse effects Further Information No further information available ‘The properties of this product which are characteristics posing a threat to the environment have been calculated as per regulation (EC) No. 1272/2008. See section 2 "Hazards Identiicaton’. posal considerations Product Used catalysts may have different hazards or properties than the original products. For this reason, this safely data sheet must not be used for waste catalysts or catalysts current in use. Other countries: observe the national regulations. Uncleaned packaging Do not reuse empty containers and dispose of in accordance with the regulations issued by the appropriate local authorities. It there is product residue in the emptied container, follow directions for handling on the container's label. | SAFETY DATA SHEET (Ec 1907/2006) MONCAT® 1072, MONCAT® 1173, MONCAT® 1991, MONCAT® 2021, MONCAT® 2172, MONCAT® 2173, MONCAT® 2991, MONCAT® 3921 Version: 1.0/ REG_EU Material no. Revision date: Specification 192348 e Issue date: 21.04.2017 ° evonik VANr etree toplaces version: Page: 8/10 Waste Key Number No waste key numer as per the European Waste Types List can be assigned to this product, since such Classification is based on the (as yet undetermined) use to which the product is put by the consumer. ‘The waste key number must be determined as per the European Waste Types List (decision on EU Waste “Types List 2000/532/EC) in cooperation with the disposal firm / producing firm /offcial authority. SECTION 14: Transport information Not dangerous according to transport regulations. 14.1. UN number: 142. UN proper shipping name: ~ 143. Transport hazard class(es): 14.4. Packing group 145. Environmental hazards 14.6 Special precautions for user: Yes Not dangerous according to transport regulations. FOR USA ONLY: When shipping in, by or via USA note of the Reportable Quantity-Regulation! SECTION 15: Regulatory information 15.1. Satety, health and environmental regu National legislation jons/legislation specific for the substance or mixture Major Accident Hazard ‘Seveso Ill; Directive 2012/18/EU of the European Parliament and of the Logisiation ‘Council on the control of major-accident hazards involving dangerous substances. Ising not applicable exployment restriction ‘The employment limitations under the regulations to the protection from ‘hazardous materials of pregnant women and young mothers guideline ‘and the protection of young persons act are to be observed. Other reguiations Al national and local regulations have to be followed. 15.2, Chemical safety assessment (Chemical safety assessment No substance-relatad safety assessment is necessary has been conducted for this produ. SECTION 16: Other information Classification and applied procedure to derive the classification of mixtures according to EU Regulation (€0) No. 127212008 (CLP) Classification procedure Care, 2, H3st STOT RE, 1, H972 ‘Aquatic Chronic, 3, Hatz Relevant H phrases trom chapter 3 Hat7 May cause an allergic skin reaction. 35% ‘Suspected of causing cancer. 372 ‘Causes damage to organs through prolonged or repeated exposure. Hate Harmful to aquatic life with long lasting ettects, MONCAT® 1072, MONCAT® 1173, MONCAT® 1991, MONCAT® 2021, MONCAT® 2172, MONCAT® | [rewear DATA SHEET (Ec 1907/2006) _ Ee '73, MONCAT® 2991, MONCAT® 3921 Version: 10/REG_EU Material no | Rewsion date: Spectication 192040 evonik | | teplaces version (Page: Issue date: 21.04.2017 ana eerreat | 9/10 Further information Changes since the last version are highlighted in the margin. This version replaces all previous versions. ‘This information and all further technical advice is based on our present knowledge and experience, However, itimplies no liability or other legal responsiblity on our part, including with regard to ex'sting third party intellectual property rights, especially patent rights. In particular, no warranty, whether express ‘or implied, or guarantee of product properties in the legal sense is intended or implied. We reserve the right to make any changes according to technological progress or further developments. The customer is ‘not released from the obligation to conduct careful inspection and testing of incoming goods. Performance Of the product described herein should be verified by testing, which should be carried out only by qualified ‘experts in the sole responsibilty of a customer. Reference to trade names used by other companies is neither a recommendation, nor does it imply that similar products could not be used. Legend ‘ADR European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road ADN European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Inland Waterways ASTM ‘American Society for Testing and Materials. ATP ‘Adapiation to Technical Progress BCF Bioconcentration factor BetrSichV German Ordinance on Industrial Safety and Health ce. closed cup. cas Chemical Abstract Services CESIO European Committee of Organic Surfactants and their Intermediates Chems German Chemicals Act MR ‘carcinogenic-mutagenic-toxic for reproduction DIN German Institute for Standardization DMEL Derived minimum effect level DNEL Derived no effect level EINECS European Inventory of Existing Commercial Chemical Substances EC5O half maximal effective concentration GefStoffV German Ordinance on Hazardous Substances GGVSEB German ordinance for road, rail and inland waterway transporation of dangerous ‘goods GGvsee German ordinance for sea transportation of dangerous goods GLP Good Laboratory Practice GMO Genetic Modified Organism IATA International Air Transport Association Icao. International Civil Aviation Organization IMDG International Maritime Dangerous Goods Iso International Organization For Standardization LOAEL Lowest observed adverse effect level LOEL Lowest observed effect level NOAEL No observed adverse effect level NOEC. no observed effect concentration NOEL no observed effect level oc. ‘open cup OECD Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development OEL Occupational Exposure Limit PET Persistent, bioaccumulative, toxic PEC Predicted effect concentration PNEC Predicted no effect concentration REACH REACH registration RID Convention concerning International Carriage by Rail STOT Specitic Target Organ Toxicity SVHC Substances of Very High Concern TA Technical Instructions [SAFETY DATA SHEET (Ec 1907/2006) MONCAT® 1072, MONCAT® 1173, MONCAT® 1991, MONCAT® 2021, MONCAT® 2172, MONCAT® 2173, MONCAT® 2991, MONCAT® 3921 Version: Revision date: Issue date: replaces version: {Pa TPR TRGS ver vPvB voc vows wok WHO 1.0/REG_EU Material ro. Speciication 192349 @ evonik rs eee 21.08.2017 30/10 Third Party Representative (Ant. 4) Technical Rules for Hazardous Substances German chemical industry association very persistent, very bioaccumviative volatile organic compounds German Administrative Regulation on the Classification of Substances Hazardous to Waters into Water Hazard Ciasses Water Hazard Class World Healt Organization

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