Cardiovascular Disorders Worksheet

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NR 324 Cardiovascular Disorders Ch.


• Hypertension, Coronary Artery Disease ([CAD]), Atherosclerosis, Anginas [Chronic Stable, Prinzmetal’s, Unstable], Acute Coronary Syndrome, Myocardial InfarcMon
(MI), Coronary Artery Bypass GraP (CABG) surgery; and Heart Failure

Cardiovascular Disorders E0ology/Pathophysiology Clinical Manifesta0ons Diagnos0c Tests Nursing Management and Complica0ons of
Interven0ons/Treatments CollaboraMve Management

Please fill-up the columns below with major take-away or focus points for each topic/disorder. Review materials from previous courses such as Pathophysiology, etc.
HYPERTENSION Chronic blood pressure Increased heart Usually read by a Management depends on Include talking with family,
with a systolic reading rate, headache, blood pressure reasoning for high BP. support, dieMcian, stress
over 139, and or a weak, nausea cuff, can be done Could use medicaMons, management.
diastolic over 89 manually or with a reducing stress, exercise,
dynamap. or changing diet.
ComplicaMons would
include MI, stroke, or
organ damage.

ATHEROSCLEROSIS The narrowing of an Increased heart Can be assessed Management is about Exercise, low sodium diet,
artery due to buildup of rate, increased on ECHO or reducing buildup whether low LDL diet (DASH), stress
plaque that causes blood pressure, cardiac through medicaMons or management, drug therapy.
hypertension, high weakness in catherizaMon. diet or exercise. This is the
heart rate and can lead extremiMes. common cause of CAD.
to CAD.

NR 324 Cardiovascular Disorders Ch. 32-34

• Hypertension, Coronary Artery Disease ([CAD]), Atherosclerosis, Anginas [Chronic Stable, Prinzmetal’s, Unstable], Acute Coronary Syndrome, Myocardial InfarcMon
(MI), Coronary Artery Bypass GraP (CABG) surgery; and Heart Failure

Cardiovascular Disorders E0ology/Pathophysiology Clinical Manifesta0ons Diagnos0c Tests Nursing Management and Complica0ons of
Interven0ons/Treatments CollaboraMve Management

Please fill-up the columns below with major take-away or focus points for each topic/disorder. Review materials from previous courses such as Pathophysiology, etc.
ANGINAS Chronic angina is chest Chest pain ECG, ECHO, Stress Treatment is based on Drug educaMon and teaching
pain that occurs test. pain management with about expected symptoms
intermicently over a drugs. Assessing for
long Mme ischemia. Sign of CAD.

Prinzemtal’s angina is Chest Pain ECG, ECHO, Stress Treatment is based on Drug educaMon and teaching
chest pain at rest in test. pain management with about expected symptoms
response to major drugs. Assessing for
coronary artery spasm ischemia. Sign of CAD.

ANGINAS cont… Unstable angina can be Chest Pain ECG, ECHO, Stress Treatment is based on Drug educaMon and teaching
acute or chronic that test. pain management with about expected symptoms
has chest pain with drugs. Assessing for
higher frequency that ischemia. Sign of CAD.
cant go away.
MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION Abrupt stoppage of Severe and ECG for STEMI or Heart failure and Bed rest, constant
blood flow in a coronary persistent chest NSTEMI, cardiac dysrhythmias are assessment of vitals every
artery due to a pain not relived by biomarkers, complicaMons. Treatment 2-3 minuets. Raising head of
thrombus. rest. RadiaMng is usually cardiac bed. Assessment of cardiac
pain. Weakness, catherizaMon and drugs. and respiratory.
faMgue, nausea.

NR 324 Cardiovascular Disorders Ch. 32-34

• Hypertension, Coronary Artery Disease ([CAD]), Atherosclerosis, Anginas [Chronic Stable, Prinzmetal’s, Unstable], Acute Coronary Syndrome, Myocardial InfarcMon
(MI), Coronary Artery Bypass GraP (CABG) surgery; and Heart Failure

Cardiovascular Disorders E0ology/Pathophysiology Clinical Manifesta0ons Diagnos0c Tests Nursing Management and Complica0ons of
Interven0ons/Treatments CollaboraMve Management

Please fill-up the columns below with major take-away or focus points for each topic/disorder. Review materials from previous courses such as Pathophysiology, etc.
CORONARY ARTERY Surgery for MI that Related to surgery Would need and CORONARY ARTERY CORONARY ARTERY BYPASS
BYPASS GRAFT SURGERY opens the chest to get would be drop in ECG to asses if it a BYPASS GRAFT SURGERY GRAFT SURGERY
to heart, diverts blood oxygen, blood STEMI of NSTEMI
through a machine, and pressure, and heart
then bypasses the rate.
affected artery.

ACUTE CORONARY Prolonged myocardial Symptoms would ECHO, ECG, and Drug therapy, monitor PaMent educaMon on causes
SYNDROME ischemia that is not include unstable cardiac vitals, bed rest, of disease. EliminaMon of risk
easily reversible. angina and an MI. catherizaMon. supplemental oxygen. factors, exercise and diet

NR 324 Cardiovascular Disorders Ch. 32-34

• Hypertension, Coronary Artery Disease ([CAD]), Atherosclerosis, Anginas [Chronic Stable, Prinzmetal’s, Unstable], Acute Coronary Syndrome, Myocardial InfarcMon
(MI), Coronary Artery Bypass GraP (CABG) surgery; and Heart Failure

Cardiovascular Disorders E0ology/Pathophysiology Clinical Manifesta0ons Diagnos0c Tests Nursing Management and Complica0ons of
Interven0ons/Treatments CollaboraMve Management

Please fill-up the columns below with major take-away or focus points for each topic/disorder. Review materials from previous courses such as Pathophysiology, etc.
HEART FAILURE Inability of heart to Depends on leP Chest x-ray, ECHO, Constant monitoring, drug PaMent teaching about
provide enough blood sided or right sided ECG, nuclear therapy, supplemental symptoms, drug
supply to meet oxygen heart failure. imaging. oxygen, assessing for maintenance. Exercise,
demand. Coughing cause. ComplicaMons are change in diet, emoMonal
wheezing, high death, stroke, pleural support.
respiratory rate, effusion.
high heart rate and

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