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A visit to a dentist

Every person should go to the dentist from time to time in order

to prevent future problems and solve the present ones. Teeth
are most likely to be damaged because everyday people eat
different food, which may harm the structure of the tooth.
Sometimes, due to genetics, gum or teeth may be not in a very
good condition, so its necessary to keep watching it.

First of all, one need to make an appointment with a dentist.

Usually there are two options: for a check-up or for a dental

If it is a check-up, the doctor asks if there something that bothers

the patient and examines the mouth cavity. In case when the
problem is discovered, there are two ways: if it is a quick work, it
could be done immediately after the check-up; if the work
requires much time, the patient is made an appointment on the
other day. On that day one need to come again to receive the
necessary treatment.

If it is a dental care, then it goes in a little bit different way. The

patient comes on an appointment day, enters the room, places
in the seat and gets the treatment.

Most frequently people go to a dentist with caries, pulpitis or

just regular cleaning.

The treatment of caries looks like this: the patient gets an

injection of pain relievers, such as novocaine or lidocaine (the
injection is made in the gum) and waits till it starts working, then
the doctor checks if the pain reliever is working properly and
starts the treatment. To cure the caries the dentist removes the
damaged part of the tooth and restores natural form of it by
filling. If the caries is deep, it may require up to two visits: on the
first a temporary filling is placed, on the second – a permanent
one. If the caries is under the filling, an X-ray is used to diagnose

To cure the pulpitis the dentist removes the pulp, makes an X-ray
to learn the length and form of canal and then cleans it through.
After all the cleaning the patient has the tooth filled.

The cleaning is also very popular procedure. Though a normal

person brushes teeth at least twice a day, it is still necessary to
go through the cleaning at the dentist. Only this way one can get
his teeth fully and deeply cleaned, which will help to keep it
healthy much longer.

In conclusion, I’d say that going to a dentist must be regular in

order to keep teeth healthy. Though most people are afraid of
such procedures, one can’t avoid it at all. Sooner or later there
will be problems with it, so its better to check teeth regularly and
treat it in time.

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