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The Family With Powers!

By Trista W. (Has my own family in

Once there was a family that all
had powers! But all except for one.
Her name is Trista. And her sisters
are Skylar, Sydney, and
Trinity.And her parents' names
were Suzane and Jason.

“Mom can I please have wings and

powers''? Whined Trista. “You're
not old enough” said her mom.
So Trista went upstairs crying and
saw that her window was open.
“Why is this open?” So she closed
it and thought to herself.
“Why don’t I have powers?” thought Trista.
All of a sudden a kidnapper
jumped out and got Trista and
jumped out of the window.”
AHHHH!” yelled Trista. But when
the mom got up there she was
already gone.”TRISTA!” yelled her

The Mother and Father were

thinking of a way to save their
daughter. “ Wait, I have an idea.”
said Trinity. “What if you and dad
go flying to find her?” “That's a
great idea,” said the mom. So the
mom and dad flew to where they
thought she would be. Because it
was always so creepy.

“Hey little girl.You want powers?

You gotta listen to me”. “ Ok,” said
Trista. So the kidnapper made a
promise that if she worked for him
she would get powers. So she
agreed. All of a sudden she felt evil
and she saw her parents.

“HONEY!” they yelled at the same

time! But she didn’t answer and
just walked away. But sooner than
later they shot her with their good
powers which turned her good and
also gave her good powers. And
now she has her dream POWERS!
She used them for good to fight
bad! The family was so happy that
Trista now had powers!
Sometimes they would pretend to
fight bad by fighting each other but
they didn’t hurt each other! So
Trista was so happy! But
sometimes her sisters would get
jealous of Tristas powers and they
would say....”Hey that's not fair you
get fire powers i want fire powers”!
Or maybe they'll say “That's not
fair can i have powers like that and
can you give all your powers to
me”? And sometimes they’ll be
rude to Trista. But then they’ll get
in trouble but then they’ll say sorry
and then they will be free!” Hey
you wanna play fighting again”?
Asked Trista.”umm maybe not
because i just got an alert that we
need to do some real fighting.
Come on”! Said Trinity “Ok said
Trista,Skylar, and Sydney at the
same time. So then the family went
out to see what was going on and
there was an…. ZOMBIE
yelled Skylar. So the family went to
fight the zombies and then as
Sydney was trying to fight a
zombie she got bit and now she's a
zombie and so the family tried to
fight the zombies and they won but
there was only one left which was
SYDNEY! They tried to run away
and they did but they couldn't
leave sydney out there. So they
remembered a drink that will make
Sydney not a zombie anymore. So
they got it and turned sydney into a
real person again.”Omg your ok”.
Said Trista but then Sydney died
and then the family looked at the
drink and its and dieing
drink.”Whatever. We don’t even
like her”. Said the mom. But the
others did ​NOT​ agree. They loved
Sydney so much. Her sisters even
cried.” WHAT THE HECK”! Yelled
the dad.”We love Sydney so much.
I can't believe you said that. We
are breaking up!” said the dad. So
the mom and dad broke up and the
dad took their kids and then the
dad saved up some money and
then they got a mansion. But the
fighting is still here. More and more
zombies came and they killed all of
them. They used their powers and
killed them all. Sometimes they did
a special force that they all worked
together and made a family power
that they all can make and make a
bomb to explode zombies. And
finally all the zombies stopped and
they hoped they wouldn’t use their
powers ever again. And they didn’t
use them. They loved their powers
but they use them all the time.
They never used their powers ever
again and they lived happily ever
​ THE END!!!

Special sponsor to ​Mrs.Barker ​for

giving me this idea to do my own
(You're the best grade
three teacher ever Mrs.Barker.)

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