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The Three Little Pigs and The Big

Bad Tiger!!!
By:Skylar W

Once in a land far far away there

lived three little pigs. One was
named Bill,another was named Lin
and the last one was named
Izzy.There mom and dad passed
away last year. One day they went
off on a sunny day to camp.

They all wanted to sleep tonight.

So that day they started to try to
build tents. But they didn’t know
what to do! So they got a manual.
Then they got different coloured
tents. Bill got green,Lin got purple
and Izzy got pink. So they built
their tents.
That night they slept in the tents.
“Good night guys” said Bill. “Good
night” said Lin and Izzy at the
same time. Later in the night they
heard a “BOOM!”

“I think it's just a squirrel, said Bill.

“You sure?” Asked Izzy. But right at
that moment a tiger jumped out of
the bushes! All the pigs panicked
and ran so fast they knocked over
their tents.
But that didn't matter at all. All that
matters is that they didn't get
eaten! But unfortunately Lin got
eaten! And now it was up to Bill
and Izzy to kill the tiger.

A few seconds later the tiger

bumped into a tree, and Izzy and
Bill killed the tiger! After they killed
the tiger Lin popped up. “LIN''
shouted Bill and Izzy. Bill tried to
touch Lin but he felt nothing. Then
Lin just walked away!

They wondered why Lin walked

away. Then Lin came back and a
wolf followed behind her. Bill said,
“oh no were dead.” But another
tiger came and fought the wolf to
the ground. So Lin just walked
away again and they thought they
were dreaming!

Later that day they woke up. They

were watching Toy Stories 3. It
was just a dream after all. There
was a knock on the door. “Hello?”
Said Bill. “Can I have some
cheese?” said the mystery person.
Then Bill remembered a story from
there mom and dad. “NO!” Said
“But i need some for my diet.”
“Fine!” “Here!” Said Bill. And the
person went off. And then they
heard “BOOM!” Like in their
So they went to go and check it out
but they didn't find anything but
FAIRIES! They didn't know what to
do! They found some wings and
played with the fairies. They won
the game but there were more
games. They can't keep playing or
they’ll just lose.
So they came up with a plan. They
would trick the fairies and cheat
the game. They know that some
time they’ll figure it out. So if they
figure it out they would, just say
that it was like that when they left.
So that's their plan…
They got their plan ready and put it
into action. They won the game
and the fairies never came back
and the day went off normally and
they forgot about it and lived
happily ever after. THE END!!!

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