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Gómez Romero Andrea Del Pilar

ID 663686

Leidy Carolina Guerrero Restrepo

NRS: 2037
Ingles II

Bogotá D.C 1 de septiembre de 2019

The Tell Tale Heart” written by Edgar Allan Poe.

 The discomfort he had when he saw the eye of the vulture of his neighbor was too
much and he could not control his constant hatred towards that celestial eye he had
and was similar to the vulture, his hatred led him to have a decision.
What he had done had given his life peace of mind and, in the end, would give him
the opposite result

 He have planned a plan to kill his neigbor and be able to rest from that eye, hed had
been spent seven days whatching him at midinight netx to his bed, on eighth he had
executed his plan to kill him and then he have place the neighbor on the floor and
he have placed the mattress on the neigbor until his horrible herat had stopped
He had came to feel peace and then he hid the body under the floor and he had felt
the most intelligent man beacuse there was no trae of him and in the end his Sharp
ear and his sense of guilt made that he had told the truth.

leon, e. (19 de julio de 2016). Edgar Allan Poe - The Tell Tale Heart with subtitles (Read by
Christopher Lee).[ Obtenido de archivo de video] : recuperado de

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