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News Briefing Do the people of Egypt deserve the right to self determination?
Story Title Goes Here
Nobel Peace laureate Mo- CAIRO (AP) -- Supporters of Presi-
hamed ElBaradei’s appearance dent Hosni Mubarak charged into
in Tahrir, or Liberation, Square Cairo’s central square on horses and

Revolutionaries now control majority of Libya!

underscored the jockeying for
leadership of the mass protest camels brandishing whips while
movement that erupted seem- others rained firebombs from roof-
ingly out of nowhere in the past tops in what appeared to be an or-
week to shake the Arab world’s chestrated assault against protesters

Gaddafi continues genocide against civilians using war machines

most populous nation. Page 4
trying to topple Egypt’s leader of 30
years. Three people died and 600
Story Title Goes Here were injured.
Nobel Peace laureate Mo- The protesters accused Mubarak’s
hamed ElBaradei’s appearance
regime of unleashing
BENGHAZI, Libyaa force
-- Col.ofGad- paid
News Summary
in Tahrir, or Liberation, Square
underscored the jockeying for dafi
thugs and plainclothes police to
was struggling
in Libya
on Thursday
hold on
as reb-
leadership of the mass protest crush their unprecedented 9-day-old
movement that erupted seem- els extended their territory by seiz-
ingly out of nowhere in the past movement,
ing important a day townsafterclose
the 82-year-
to the
week to shake
Thousands the Arab world’s
of anti-government old president refused to step down.
most populous nation. Page
protesters flood Manama’s 4
Pearl TheyTheshowed
democracy off police ID badges
movement al-
Square following the release of ready
they saidcontrolsweremajor wrestedcenters
fromintheir the
at least 100 political prisoners - east, including
attackers. Some the regional work-
government capi-
Story Title
including Goes
25 Shiite Hereon
activists tal Benghazi, and reports that the
ers said
towns their employers
of Misrata and Zuaraordered in the
trial sincePeace
last yearlaureate
for allegedly Mo-
hamed ElBaradei’s them into the streets.
west have also fallen brought the
plotting against the appearance
state. The
in Tahrir,
move or Liberation,
underlines how much Square
the Mustafa
tide el-Fiqqi,ever
of rebellion a top official
closer from
to Gad-
absolute rulers the
of thejockeying
Gulf king-for dafi’s power base.
the ruling National Democratic Par-
leadership of the mass protest
dom want tothat
movement geterupted
reform seem-talks ty, The
told town of Az-Zawiyah,
The Associated Press just that
with 50 km (30 miles) west of the capi-
ingly out of nowhere in theway.
protest leaders under past businessmen connected
tal Tripoli, may also have fallen. to the rul-
to shakeof the
theactivists was
Arab world’s ingJazeera
party were responsible for what
one ofpopulous
the majornation.
demands of the Al television broadcast pic-
most Page 4 happened.
emboldened political movement tures on Thursday of what it said
The anotion
burning police
that station
the state may there.have
seeking constitutional reform. The brief, violence
grainy pictures
Amid Title Goes that the Hereisland coordinated against were pro-
followed by footage of around 20
Nobel uprising
nation’s Peace laureate
could spread Mo- testers, most
bodies, who with had kept their ahands peaceful tied country, stubbornly proclaiming he to depict the movement as foreign- ing and lawlessness and the escape “The army is neglectful. They let
to ElBaradei’s
Saudi Arabia, whereappearance
the mon- would die on Egyptian soil. fueled. of thousands of prisoners from jails them in,” said Emad Nafa, a 52-year-
in Tahrir, or few
Liberation, behind their backs. The satellitedays,
vigil in Tahrir Square for five sta-
archy permits politicalSquare
free- prompted
tion said the a sharp
men had rebuke
beenfrom shot for the His words were a blow to the pro- After midnight, 10 hours after the in the chaos. old among the protesters, who for
underscored the jockeying for
doms, King Hamad
leadership of the mass bin Isa Al
protest refusing to shoot
Obama administration. protesters. testers. They also suggest that au- clashes began, the two sides were Soldiers surrounding Tahrir Square days had showered the military with
Khalifa holds talks on the unrest
movement that erupted seem-
with “IfAlanyArabiya televisionis said
of the violence Gad-
instigated thorities want to turn back the clock locked in a standoff at a street cor- fired occasional shots in the air affection for its neutral stance.
outSaudi king in Riyadh.
of nowhere in the past dafi would address residents of the
week to holds
the Arabimpor-world’s by the
town government, it should stop
shortly. to the tight state control enforced ner, with the anti-Mubarak protest- throughout the day but did not ap- Egyptian Health Minister Ahmed
tance to Washington
most populous nation. as Page
the host4 immediately,”
The uprising said White wiped
has virtually House before the protests began. ers hunkered behind a line of metal pear to otherwise intervene in the Sameh Farid said three people died
of the U.S. Navy’s 5th Fleet, Press
out Secretary
Libyan Robertsaid
oil exports, Gibbs. the head Mubarak’s supporters turned up on sheets hurling firebombs back and fierce clashes and no uniformed po- and at least 611 were injured in Ta-
which is the main U.S. military of
The Italy’s
clashesENI,markedLibya’s abiggestdangerous for- the streets Wednesday in significant forth with government backers on lice were seen. Most of the troops hir Square. One of those killed fell
Story Title to
counterweight Goes
Iranian Here
efforts eign oil operator. Theupheaval:
unrest has
Nobel new phase in Egypt’s the numbers for the first time. Some the rooftop above. The rain of bot- took shelter behind or inside the ar- from a bridge near the square; Farid
to expandPeace laureate
its military influenceMo- driven world oil prices up to around
hamed ElBaradei’s
into the Gulf. appearance first asignificant violence between were hostile to journalists and for- tles of flaming gasoline set nearby mored vehicles and tanks stationed said the man was in civilian clothes
$117 barrel, stoking concern about
in Tahrir, or Liberation, Square government supporters and oppo- eigners. Two Associated Press cor- cars and wreckage on the sidewalk at the entrances to the square. but may have been a member of the
underscored the jockeying for the economic recovery.
leadership of the mass protest nents.
Anti-government militias turn
The crisis took a sharp are respondents and several other jour- ablaze. “Why don’t you protect us?” some security forces.
movement authorities
that eruptedimpose
seem- in control
for the worse of Zuara,
almostabout 120 km
immediately nalists were roughed up in Cairo. The scenes of mayhem were certain protesters shouted at the soldiers,
out ban on former
of nowhere Prime
in the past (75
Mubarak westrejected
of Tripoli,
the callsfleeing for State
LibyanTV had reported
protesters stand onthattheforeign-
rooftop of to add to the
a burned fearstation,
police that isduring
alreadya demonstration
run- who repliedagainstthey
theirdid not Leader
Libyan have or- By HADEEL
Mommar Gaddafi, inAL-SHALCHI,
Tobruk, Libya, Asso-
week to Atef
shakeObeid and world’s
the Arab long- Egyptian
him to give up power or leavewho
construction workers the ers were caught
Wednesday Feb. 23,distributing
2011. Heavy anti-
gunfire ning
brokehigh inTripoli
out in this capital of loyal
as forces 18 mil- ders to
to Gaddafi do so and
tightened theirtold
grippeople to go capital
on the Libyan while anti-government protesters
serving Culture nation.
most populous MinisterPage
4 crossed into Tunisia told Reuters on ciated Press.
Thursday. claimed control
Mubarak of many
leaflets, cities elsewhere
apparently and top
trying lion government
people officials and
after a weekend diplomats
of loot- turn against the longtime leader. (AP Photo/Hussein Malla)
Hosni. The restrictions also

China says Democracy activists

cover the head of state TV and There was no sign of police
radio, Goes
well as Here
nine business- or military and the town was con- neighbors, the presidents of Tunisia
men. measureslaureate Mo-
are normal- trolled by “popular committees” and Egypt, who were brought down
hamed ElBaradei’s appearance armed with automatic weapons. by popular unrest in the past few
ly a prelude to a criminal inves- weeks.
in Tahrir,
tigation andorpossible
trial. Square “The people are in control. Po-
underscored the jockeying for lice stations have been burned and Italy’s foreign minister said as
leadership of the mass protest many as 1,000 people may have

Fed easing arrested in China

JORDAN we didn’t see any police or army in
movement that erupted seem- the past few days,” Egyptian laborer been killed in Libya. Unconfirmed
ingly outCabinet approves
of nowhere in thelaws
past reports spoke of troops and African
week toit shake
easier to
theorganize pro-
Arab world’s Ahmed Osman said after leaving
the town and crossing the border mercenaries firing on protesters.
most and will revive
populous nation.a Page
4 As in other parts of the Arab
ment body that works to ensure into Tunisia.
Separately, lawyers and judges world, protesters in Libya appear to
basic commodities remain af-

said they had the coastal city of be driven mainly by frustration with
Story Title
fordable Goes Here
to the poor. political oppression and economic
Nobel Peace laureate Mo- Misrata, 125 miles east of Tripoli, in
hamed ARABIA
ElBaradei’s appearance their grip, according to an Internet hardship, and are largely secular. BEIJING -- Jittery Chinese au- a slogan that highlights common which are well-funded and well-
SAUDI statement. Yet al Qaeda’s North African thorities staged a show of force to complaints among Chinese. equipped. A pro-democracy move-
in Tahrir,
Saudi or Liberation,
Arabia’s Square
King Abdullah
underscored the jockeying for With help from “honest” military wing threw its weight behind their squelch a mysterious online call China’s authoritarian govern- ment in 1989 that directly chal-
nearly doubles
leadership a development
of the mass protest officers, they had removed agents of cause, urging protesters to “contin- for a “Jasmine Revolution,” with ment is ever alert for domestic lenged the Communist government

& dangerous
fund that helps citizens seem-
movement that erupted buy the “oppressive regime” in Misrata, ue their struggle and revolution and hundreds of onlookers but only a discontent and has appeared un- was crushed by the military and
ingly outget married in
of nowhere andthestart
past said the statement, which could not to escalate it to oust the criminal ty- handful of people actively joining nerved by protests in Egypt, Tuni- hundreds, perhaps thousands, were
week to shakeand the
up unem-
world’s immediately be verified. rant,” according to the SITE Intel- protests inspired by pro-democra- sia, Bahrain, Yemen, Algeria and killed.
ployment assistance
most populous forPage
nation. the first
4 World leaders condemned Gad- ligence Group. cy demonstrations sweeping the Libya. It has limited media reports On Saturday, President Hu Jin-
time. The move pumps 40 bil- dafi’s bloody crackdown on the As elements of the security Middle East. about them, stressing the instabil- tao ordered national and provincial
lion Title
riyals Goes
($10.7 Here
billion) into week-long revolt that has split Lib- forces and other senior government Authorities detained activists ity caused by the protests, and re- officials to “solve prominent prob-
the fund, Peace
in a steplaureate
that appearsMo- figures defected to the protesters, it Sunday, increased the number of stricted Internet searches to keep lems which might harm the har-
hamedat ElBaradei’s appearance ya, but did little to halt the blood-
aimed shoring up popular sup- shed from the latest upheaval re- was unclear how long Gaddafi could police on the streets, disconnected Chinese uninformed about Middle mony and stability of the society.”
in Tahrir, or Liberation, Square

Heavy gunfire rings

port and fending off unrest that shaping the Arab world. hang on to power. some cell phone text messaging Easterners’ grievances against One person sitting in the Mc-
underscored the jockeying for
has spread to
leadership of neighboring Bah-
the mass protest U.S. President
Quantitative easingBarackby the Obama Federal Thousands
central bank said of foreigners
in its 59-page -- from
re- services and censored Internet their autocratic rulers. Donald’s after the brief protest in
movement that erupted seem- made his first public comments, doctors to oil contractors -- fled Lib- postings about the call to stage Though there are many simi- Beijing said he saw Sunday’s gath-
Reserve and other central banks port.
ya “It is its
through creating imported
ports and borders infla-
inglymeasures were ordered
out of nowhere by
in the past condemning as “outrageous” and protests in Beijing, Shanghai and larities between the complaints ering as a dry run.
the king
week toeven
shake before he returned
the Arab world’s cannot address fundamental eco- tion and short-term
mass emergency evacuations. capital inflows, 11 other major cities. voiced by Middle East citizens and “Lots of people in here are
“unacceptable” attacks on protest-
Wednesday to nation.
Saudi Page
Arabia. nomicthatproblems but hundreds
may lead to in ex- pressuring
In cities emerging
like Benghazi markets,”
and To-it Police took at least three people the everyday troubles of Chinese, Twitter users and came to watch

out in Cairo protest

most populous 4 ers have killed 10
The 86-year-old monarch was cessive
days. global liquidity and compet- bruk,
said. troops and police have either away in Beijing, one of whom tried Beijing’s tight grip on the coun- like me,” said 42-year-old Hu Di.
abroad for medical treatment in Washington
itive and BrusselsChina’s
currency depreciation, spoke withdrawn As aorresult,
to to place white jasmine flowers on try’s media, Internet and other “Actually this didn’t have much
the UnitedTitle Goes
States Here
and recupera- of possible and disparate opposition groups to a planter while hundreds of people communication forums poses dif- organization, but it’s a chance to
central banksanctions against a man
said on Sunday. work hard to soak up liquidity
start providing some order and ser- from
Nobel Peace laureate Mo- whose 41Inyears in power have milled about the protest gathering ficulties for anyone trying to orga- meet each other. It’s like preparing
tion in Morocco.
hamed ElBaradei’s appearance its monetary policybeen re- foreign exchange inflows in order to
vices. spot, outside a McDonald’s on the nize mass demonstrations. for the future.”
marked by idiosyncratic defiance
in Tahrir, or Liberation, Square
YEMEN port
of theforWest,the yetfinaltherequarter
seemed of 2010,little minimize
In Tobruk the there
impact wasonevidence
the domes- of capital’s busiest shopping street. Police stepped up their presence With foot traffic always heavy
underscored the jockeying for the People’s violent protest. An interior ministry
leadership stream
of the into a square
mass protest cohesion andBankurgency of China
in the(PBOC)global tic economy, it added. In Shanghai, police led away three near major public squares and can- at the Wangfujing pedestrian mall,
in the capitalthat
of Sanaa, trying to response
also confirmedto the Libyan
that it crisis.
would target building Thehas been
bank out, a Re-
reiterated CAIRO
people (AP)
near --theBursts of heavy
planned protest dead
holidays being carriedacross
for officers to- ing whipsdifficult
it was while others rained fire-
to discern who
movement erupted seem- uters correspondent there said, and
bolster anti-government
of nowhere in protest- 16 The desert
percent nationofpumps
growth the broadnearly M2 2 thatshells
it would keep the spot after
gunfire rained theyintoscuffled
an ap- 20 cities
ward in responseHeto said
an ambulance. the pro-
the showedfrom
bombs up torooftops
protest, who
in whatcameap-to
ingly out
weekafter club-wielding
to shake
the past
the Arabbackers
world’s percent of the world’s oil. the of about 15 yuan
lie in parentbefore
Square bid todawngrabThursday,
the attention
kill-of test appeal,
gunfire the Hong
came from Kong-based
at least three lo- watch to
peared andbewho was out shopping.
an orchestrated assault
measure of money supply this year, stable
its while
central making the exchange
courtyard. passers-by. Information Center for and
Human Many wondered
of President
most populousAlination.
“It is imperative that the nations
from of thethe 19.9 pct speak
growthwith re- rateBreyek,
regime more 25, flexible.
an unemployed ing at least three anti-government cations off in the distance that against protesters iftrying
there towastopple
a ce-
tried to drive them out. Amnesty and peoples world Many activists said they didn’t Rights and Democracy reported. lebrity in the area because of the
corded at the end of
one voice,” Obama said. “The suf-2010. graduate,The said:central
“With bank
1,000 saidpeopleit demonstrators
know who was among crowds
behind the still
cam- the Egyptian
Extensive military, which has
Internet filtering and Egypt’s leaderpresence
heavy police of 30 years. Three
and dozens
International says two people dead, none of the clans will go back
Story fering and The bloodshed
central bank aresaid outra-the would continue to use different trying
paignto and
the site sure
after what
an as-to ringed the square
monitoring meant with tank
that squads
most Chi- people diedreporters
of foreign in that earlier
and newsviolence
are killedTitle Goes Here
in Sanaa. to Gaddafi. We don’t know who will
Nobel Peace laureate Mo- geous.”
Fed’s monetary easing was pushing tools, including interest make
sault byofsupporters
the call to of protest, which
President nese
for dayswere unlikely
to try to keeptosome
about eras.
and 600 were injured.
Protesters also rally in the Red govern the country nowrates,
but Liby-bank
first Mubarak,
Saturdayto aonpro-
the thenot
call to protest Sunday. Boxun. The As the crowd swelledMubarak’s
and police
up French Defense Minister prices Alain
hamed ElBaradei’s appearance
Sea city of Hodeida, the south- Hosni did intervene. protesters accused
international commodity reserve requirements and
ans must act with one hand. No one open- U.S.-based Chinese-language com is from
in Tahrir, or Liberation, Square
ern port of Aden theandjockeying
the eastern Juppe said he hoped Gaddafi was
and asset test organizer. Footage AP as are Twitter
Television Newsand urged people to move
regime of unleashing a force on, 25-year-
port city of al-Mukalla.
for “living his prices
last momentsin emergingas leader.” mar- marketrule
should operations, to rein
just the east in money
or the west.” news website Facebook, which were instrumen- old Liu Xiaobai placed a white jas-
leadership of the mass protest kets, including
British ForeignChina. Secretary William In Tripoli,
supply and bank which remains
credit growth largely
as a Sustained bursts ofnotice
The unsigned automatic
called showed two bodies
tal in Egypt’s beingmovement.
protest dragged paid thugs and plainclothes
mine flower on a planter in front police
The demonstrators
movement are calling
that erupted seem- closed
for theout
ingly ouster of Saleh,inwho
of nowhere the has
Hague urged the worldeasing
“Quantitative to increase
policy way oftohandling
foreign media, localspres-
inflationary said weapons fire and powerful
for a “Jasmine Revolution” single
- the from the scene. The health
Tech-savvy Chinese can circum- minister toofcrush their unprecedented
the McDonald’s and took nine-
pressure on Gaddafi, whose gripeco- on streets were calm but that they were name
shots giveninto
rattled to the square
Tunisian protest
starting vent
did notcontrols,
answer abut fewcall
phone of the coun-
seeking photos with
day-old his cellaphone.
movement, day after the
weekfor to 32 years.the
shake Saleh’s
Arab prom-
world’s cannot fundamentally address sure.scared to go outside for fear of
mostnot to run for
populous re-election
nation. Page 4in power appeared to be
nomic problems, and it may cause slipping. at movement
around 4 a.m., - andand urged
was people
continu-“to try’s Internetofusers
confirmation seek out politi-
the deaths.
82-year-old said its website
president refused wasto
The oil exports which Gaddafi being shot by pro-government forc- take responsibility for the future.” cally subversive content.Mubarak attacked Saturday after it posted
2013 or to set up his son as an excessive liquidity ing more than an hour later. Throughout Wednesday, step down. They showed off police
used to help end hisonisolation
a globalinscale the Reporting by Zhou Xin and Michael
es. Participants were urged to shout, Anti-government gatherings in the call to protest.
heir have failed to quell the an- as well as risks of
past decade have given him meanscompetitive cur- By ALEXANDER
Martina; Editing by Simon DZIADOSZ
Rabino- Protest organizer
“We want food, Mustafa el-Nag-
we want work, we supporters
China arecharged
the square
out ID badges they said were wrested
ger. to resistdepreciation,”
rency the fate of histheimmediate Chinese (Reuters).
vitch (Reuters)Edited by Yuri Isacov. garwant
he saw the we bodies of three -
want fairness” onbyhorses and camels
its pervasive brandish-
security forces, fromBy their
CHANG Some (AP)govern-
“Death to Tyrants”

A wave of unrest has swept across the Arab world and beyond. The suicide of a street vendor in Tunisia led to a revolt that ousted that country’s dictator, and less than a month later, Egypt’s dictator was gone
as well. The revolution continues in many countries. In the wake of the overthrow of the leaders of Tunisia and Egypt, here is a look at next targets for democratic revolution. By Yuri Isacov (News Editor)

Dictator: President Zine el-Abidine Ben Ali
Status: Deposed
Zine El Abidine Ben Ali (born 3 September 1936) was the second President of the Tuni-
sian Republic. He held the office from 7 November 1987, until he was forced to step down
and flee the country on 14 January 2011. Ben Ali was appointed Prime Minister in October
1987, and assumed the Presidency in November 1987 in a bloodless coup d’état from then
President Habib Bourguiba, who was declared incompetent. Ben Ali was subsequently re-
elected with enormous majorities at every election, the final time being 25 October 2009.
Following the 2010–2011 Tunisian revolution, he fled the country. Interpol issued a war-
rant for his arrest. After initially being refused permission to land in France he went on to
Saudi Arabia, where he was residing at the time.
On 17 February 2011, it was reported that Ben Ali had suffered a stroke, and had been
hospitalised for an indefinite period. Aljazeera Satellite Channel reported that a Saudi source
has confirmed that Ben Ali has indeed sustained severe complications of a stroke and that
he is in critical condition.

Dictator: President Hosni Mubarak
Status: Deposed
Egyptian authorities impose a travel ban on former Prime Minister Atef Obeid and long-
serving Culture Minister Farouq Hosni. The restrictions also cover the head of state TV and
radio, as well as nine businessmen. Such measures are normally a prelude to a criminal in-
vestigation and possible trial.
Muhammad Hosni Sayyid Mubarakserved as the fourth President of Egypt, from 1981 to
2011. He was appointed Vice President of Egypt in 1975, and assumed the presidency on
14 October 1981, following the assassination of President Anwar El Sadat. The length of his
presidency made him Egypt’s longest-serving ruler since Muhammad Ali Pasha.
During 18 days of protests beginning on 25 January 2011, demonstrators called for
Mubarak’s resignation. On 11 February, Vice President Omar Suleiman announced that
Mubarak had resigned as president and transferred authority to the Supreme Council of the
Armed Forces. On that day Mubarak and his family left the presidential palace in Cairo and
moved to Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt.

Dictator: Col. Muammar Gaddafi
Militiamen loyal to Moammar Gaddafi clamp down in Tripoli, but cracks in his regime
spread elsewhere across the nation, as the protest-fueled rebellion controlling much of east-
ern Libya claim new gains closer to the capital.
The opposition says it has taken over Misrata, which would be the largest city in the west-
ern half of the country to fall into its hands. Protesters have claimed control all the way to the
city of Ajdabiya, about 480 miles (800 kilometers) east of Tripoli, encroaching on the key
oil fields around the Gulf of Sidra. That has left Gaddafi’s power centered around Tripoli, in
the far west and parts of the country’s center.
Clashes have broken out over the past two days in the town of Sabratha, west of the capi-
tal, where the army and militiamen were trying to put down protesters who overwhelmed
security headquarters and government buildings.
International outrage over the Gaddafi’s hardline stance and the bloodshed continues to
mount, with the U.S. and EU vowing to consider sanctions on Libya over the crackdown.

Dictator: King Hamad bin Isa al-Khalifa
Thousands of anti-government protesters flood Manama’s Pearl Square following the
release of at least 100 political prisoners - including 25 Shiite activists on trial since last year
for allegedly plotting against the state. The move underlines how much the absolute rulers
of the Gulf kingdom want to get reform talks with protest leaders under way. The release of
the activists was one of the major demands of the emboldened political movement seeking
constitutional reform.
Amid concerns that the island nation’s uprising could spread to Saudi Arabia, where the
monarchy permits few political freedoms, King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa holds talks on the
unrest with the Saudi king in Riyadh.
Bahrain holds particular importance to Washington as the host of the U.S. Navy’s 5th
Fleet, which is the main U.S. military counterweight to Iranian efforts to expand its military
influence into the Gulf.

Dictator: President Abdelaziz Bouteflika
The Algerian president’s office agreed Tuesday to lift a 19-year state of emergency in a
bid to defuse spiraling and potentially dangerous discontent across the nation.
The office of President Abdelaziz Bouteflika said the president had approved a govern-
ment decision earlier in the day to lift the restrictive measure, put in place by the army in
February 1992 to combat Islamist extremists.
Abdelaziz Bouteflika (born March 2, 1937) is the tenth President of Algeria. He has been
in office since 1999. He has continued emergency rule and presided over the end of the
bloody Algerian Civil War in 2002. More recently, thousands in Algiers have marched call-
ing for his resignation in the 2010-2011 Algerian protests.
The 2010–2011 Algerian protests are a continuing series of protests taking place through-
out Algeria from January 2011 onwards, part of similar protests across the Arab world.
Causes cited by the protestors include unemployment, the lack of housing, food-price infla-
tion, corruption, restrictions on freedom of speech and poor living conditions.

Dictator: King Abdullah II
Jordan’s Cabinet approves laws making it easier to organize protests and will revive
a government body that works to ensure basic commodities remain affordable to the
Abdullah II bin al-Hussein (born 30 January 1962) is the current King of the Hash-
emite Kingdom of Jordan. He ascended the throne on 7 February 1999 after the death of
his father King Hussein. King Abdullah is a member of the Hashemite family.
A protest turned violent in the Jordanian capital as government supporters clashed
with demonstrators calling for political change, injuring several. Antigovernment pro-
tests have become routine on Fridays in the past weeks, but this was the first time that
one ended in confrontation.

Dictator: King Mohammed VI
M6, as Mohammed VI is known, is Morocco’s third king since the country won
independence from France in 1956. Mohammed is slightly less authoritarian than other
Arab leaders, allowing token political participation. But Morocco is no democracy. Mo-
hammed considers himself Morocco’s absolute authority and “leader of the faithful,”
fostering a legend that he’s a descendant of the Prophet Muhammad. He’s more inter-
ested in power than governance, barely involving himself in domestic or international
affairs. Under Mohammed’s rule, Morocco has been stable but poor. Inequality is rife.
Prospects for change are slight.
Convened via Facebook and Twitter, thousands of demonstrators gathered in the
square outside Rabat’s El Had gate on Sunday. Shouting the now familiar slogans —
“Down with dictatorship!” “End the corruption!” “We want change!” — they slowly
marched down the city’s central artery before coming to a halt at Morocco’s Parliament

Saudi Arabia
Dictator: King Abdullah
Saudi Arabia’s King Abdullah nearly doubles a development fund that helps citizens
buy homes, get married and start businesses, and sets up unemployment assistance for
the first time. The move pumps 40 billion riyals ($10.7 billion) into the fund, in a step
that appears aimed at shoring up popular support and fending off unrest that has spread
to neighboring Bahrain.
The measures were ordered by the king even before he returned Wednesday to Saudi
Arabia. The 86-year-old monarch was abroad for medical treatment in the United States
and recuperation in Morocco.
Other measures include a 15 percent cost of living adjustment for government work-
ers, a year of unemployment assistance for youth and nearly doubling to 15 individuals
the size of families that are eligible for state aid.
King Abdullah bin Abdul-Aziz is one of the world’s wealthiest men.

Dictator: President Bashar al-Assad
In contrast to the regimes of other Arab countries, the Syrian regime has so far man-
aged to suppress the protest, and has in fact used the Middle East crisis to strengthen
its position both inside and outside the country. The regime’s firm grip is maintained
through a years-long policy of attacking and squelching any opposition forces, which
has been tightened even further in the recent weeks; a nearly absolute control of the
media and the maintaining of media obscurity regarding events in the country; and
widespread deployment of the security forces and the harnessing of popular forces.
Bashar al-Assad (born 11 September 1965) is the President of the Syrian Arab Re-
public, Regional Secretary of the Ba’ath Party, and the son of former President Hafez
al-Assad. Al-Assad is a controversial figure both in Syria and Internationally. He has
been criticized for his disregard for human rights, economic lapses, sponsorship of ter-
rorism, and corruption. Al-Assad is an outspoken critic of the United States and Israel.

Dictator: President Ali Abdullah Saleh
Thousands stream into a square in the capital of Sanaa, trying to bolster anti-gov-
ernment protesters after club-wielding backers of President Ali Abdullah Saleh tried to
drive them out. Amnesty International says two people are killed in Sanaa.
Protesters also rally in the Red Sea city of Hodeida, the southern port of Aden and
the eastern port city of al-Mukalla.
The demonstrators are calling for the ouster of Saleh, who has ruled for 32 years.
Saleh’s promises not to run for re-election in 2013 or to set up his son as an heir have
failed to quell the anger.
Also, seven lawmakers who belong to Saleh’s ruling Congress Party resign from the
group because of the situation in the country and say they will form their own indepen-
dent bloc. The resignations raise to nine the number of legislators who left the party
since protests began nearly a month ago.

Dictators: Chinese Communist Party / Hu Jintao
Jittery Chinese authorities staged a show of force to squelch a mysterious online call
for a “Jasmine Revolution,” with hundreds of onlookers but only a handful of people ac-
tively joining protests inspired by pro-democracy demonstrations sweeping the Middle
Authorities detained activists Sunday, increased the number of police on the streets,
disconnected some cell phone text messaging services and censored Internet postings
about the call to stage protests in Beijing, Shanghai and 11 other major cities.
The party was founded in May 1921 in Shanghai. After a lengthy civil war, the party
defeated its primary rival, the Kuomintang (KMT), and expanded into all of mainland
China by 1949. The Kuomintang retreated to the island of Taiwan, which it still retains
to this day.

Celebrities are Prostelitutes

Controlling the Billoins of America
Jessica Simpson’s Clothing line previously, Marilyn Monroe. of young more wholesome celeb-
makes 1 billion dollars?? Blonde It’s a prerequisite to fame to be rities are emerging from Disney
Bombshell/Mogul/YoYo Dieter/ photographed in a bikini, and scru- who hearken back to the days of
Possible Ex of Billy Corgan/mas- tinized. What they essentially are is old when it was a different Justin
terful manipulator? has successful- expensive personas that may have who was reigning over the charts
ly transformed herself into a brand arisen naturally or were whittled and our hearts. A magical, overly-
that people can identify with, with- through intensive market research. sexualized transformation occurs
out them realizing it. Clothing cer- Franchises, whorporations, com- upon the arbitrary age of eighteen,
tainly isn’t the first thing that comes plete with endorsements and not- beginning with Barney to…who
to mind when thinking about the tit- so-clandestine advertiSEMENts in knows where. Sometimes it seems
ular “popstar” (or whatever she is). music videos. Sonic Wal-Marts, like legal issues pertaining to ages
Perhaps it was her TV show, she’s symbols of our culture’s skinden- of conscent are manufactured sim-
done a good job of keeping her tured servitude to girls who are ply to promote a sense of delicious
name in the headlines somehow. Is nude. anticipation. As evidenced by ram-
it through some calculated scheme The circulation of popular “tab- pant nationalism (including sports
of hers to get us to buy things, or loid” magazines is substantial, and teams) and general stupidity of the
is it that we want her there because even if you’re not actually purchas- population due to the combined
she helps fill a void? You see her ing them, just idly reading them, force of various factors, people are
name on the cover of magazines you are still opening yourself up quite fond of arbitrary associations.
and tabloids, details of her life em- to screaming headlines, urging you Interestingly enough, there are
blazoned in the headlines as though to evaluate the best celebrity bi- tits ALL OVER the internet bare
she were relevant. Music is scarce- kini body, sordid tales of infidelity and ready to view, but it’s the scin-
ly mentioned, which is presumably and closeted homosexuality, soul- tillating nip-slip or paparazzi crotch
the “product” she is most equipped less faces shining perfect smiles at shot that creates the ultimate inter-
to sell, because it is larger than that you, challenging you to read about net rubberneck, because although
now. She’s clearly inspiring a lot of them, even if you’re feeling dis- these girls are essentially nude all
people to buy her shit. I performed gusted the whole time or “making the time and perpetually only few
a Google Image Search on her and fun” of them, you are still making millimeters away from indecent
other Starlets, based on the highest an investment of both your time exposure, the microscopic areola
earners in the last year, and at least and attention to a brand and falling shot will ignite boners and curious
50% of their photographs feature for their effective (sly) advertising. stares all throughout cyberspace be-
them in scarce amounts of cloth- I rarely even watch TV or movies, cause it takes the brand and extends
ing (exposed crotch) and excessive but I am aware of various celebrity it into another dimention where the
make-up or airbrushing. foibles through osmosis and just falsely chaste let themselves go.
It appears that these girls are re- existing in this world of McMusic- In conclusion, based on the
ally trying quite literally to capital- Makers. I have not found myself preceding arguments, I think it is
ize on their assets. inclined to purposefully put on a safe to say that popstars and other
Fame and financial success song by Beyonce (I couldn’t really such pub(l)ic figures are effectively
aren’t the result of the ‘product’ or relay to you any of her merits aside whores and prostitutes. The men
‘talent’ of a particular individual in from a highly unnatural ability to too. Read the definition in the dic-
any way at all. Lady Gaga perhaps swivel her hips and Exude an Un- tionary, and I’m sure you too will
tops the bunch because she is will- deniable “sassy diva energy” and agree. But let’s not forget, it takes
ing to show more of her azz, cross- live a life of seemingly endless red- two to prostit2t.
ing the thin line between Just Fun carpets and flawless skin designed P.S. Barbie makes more than all
and porn. Life in Hollywood is a solely for the purpose of inspiring the popstars.
constant cleavage carnival, it is put insecurity in women) but I often P.P.S. Please disregard all pRe-
on display in an exaggerated fash- find that sometimes songs of hers ceding text and spend more time at
ion. Fame becomes accelerated are just STUCK IN MY HEAD, your Local Library instead.
due to monumental body parts, and from the ether, recurring forever,
the ability to pose seductively. Jen- generating a suffocating inability to By Phyllis Bromwell (Editor)
nifer Lopez, Coco, and Kim Kar- obey my mind’s pleas for silence.
dashian are prime examples, and Simultaneously, a new breed Photo Credit: Associted Press

Can monetary policy really create jobs?

In terms of keeping stable prices, the Federal Reserve has failed miserably. According to the
government’s own CPI calculators, it takes $2.65 today to purchase what cost one dollar in 1980.
For the past three decades, the ing is leading to hot money flood- helicopter. recovery cannot begin.
Federal Reserve has been tasked ing world markets. The average In this same period of time that Labor is one of these resources
with a dual mandate: keeping prices American family sees the price of we lost seven million jobs, the to- that can be malinvested. As inflation
stable and maximizing employ- milk, eggs, and meat increasing, tal U.S. population has increased rises due to the Fed’s monetary in-
ment. Influenced by Keynesian while packaged household goods by nine million people. We would tervention, real wage rates decrease,
economics and the supposed trad- decrease in size rather than price. expect that roughly four million increasing the demand for labor and
eoff between inflation and unem- People around the world are re- of these people should have been leading to lower unemployment.
ployment, the dual mandate relies acting against the specter of sharp employed, so we are really dealing Sectors into which this new money
on the idea that a handful of experts price increases. While the focus of with eleven million fewer employed flows see hiring increases, as we
can successfully steer the Ameri- this hearing does not deal with in- people than would otherwise be recently saw in financial services,
can economy and create economic flation or even specifically with the expected. Let us put this figure in mortgage lending, and construction
growth. This has forced upon us an dual mandate, this subcommittee perspective. Eleven million people during the housing boom. When the
interventionist monetary policy that undoubtedly will hold further hear- represents almost the population bust comes, however, these work-
believes that creation of money out ings on these topics in the future. of Ohio, a figure greater than the ers end up being laid off. They find
of thin air is the cure for all that ails Today’s hearing focuses on population of 43 of the 50 states. it difficult to find employment in
us. jobs, and the inability of the Fed- Eleven million people is twice as other industries due to an inability
This policy relies not only on eral Reserve’s monetary policy many people as are currently em- to sell their houses and move, or to
the fatal conceit of believing in the to create jobs or to achieve maxi- ployed in construction, 45% more retrain for a new skilled labor po-
wisdom of supposed experts, but mum employment. The stagflation people than are currently employed sition, or for any number of other
also on numerical chicanery. Rather of the 1970s should have taught in financial activities, and almost as reasons. However the result of that
than understanding inflation in the us this lesson already The Federal many people as are currently em- initial meddling in monetary policy
classical sense as a monetary phe- Reserve’s loose monetary policy, ployed in manufacturing. is an eventual increase in the unem-
nomenon-- an increase in the mon- rather than leading to a tradeoff Unfortunately, numbers like ployment rate.
ey supply- it has been redefined as between jobs and inflation, instead these are often ignored or over- We find ourselves now in the
an increase in the Consumer Price led to both high inflation and high looked. Everyone pays attention to midst of the worst economic crisis
Index (CPI). The CPI is calculated unemployment. Hopefully we will the unemployment rate, which has in decades. Unemployment remains
based upon a weighted basket of learn the lesson this time around. just recently declined. Part of this persistently high, and the United
goods which is constantly fluctuat- Of course loose fiscal policy is due to discouraged workers who States cannot afford increased med-
ing, allowing for manipulation of has failed to create jobs too. Con- have given up looking for work and Ben Bernanke (above) is the current Chairman of the Federal Reserve. dling by the Federal Reserve. Over
the index to keep inflation expecta- sider that we had a $700 billion have taken themselves out of the la- $4 trillion in bailout facilities and
tions low. Employment figures are TARP program, nearly $1 trillion bor force, but the employment num- ployed workers into a statistical de- fact lower than the market interest outright debt monetization, com-
much the same, relying on survey in stimulus spending, a govern- bers are rigged in such a way as to crease should be met with a healthy rate, the reality is that consumer bined with interest rates near zero
data, seasonal adjustments, and ment takeover of General Motors, make it look as though the employ- dose of skepticism. preferences between consumption for over two years, have not and will
birth/death models, while the major and hundreds of billions of dollars ment situation is improving. It should not be surprising that and savings have not changed, but not contribute to increased employ-
focus remains on the unemployment of guarantees to Fannie Mae, Fred- Another curious anomaly in em- monetary policy is ineffective at businesses act as though they have. ment. I shudder to think of what the
rate. Of course, the unemployment die Mac, HUD, FDIC, etc. On top ployment data relates to seasonal creating jobs. For one thing, there The result of lower interest rates is Fed might do if the unemployment
rate can fall as discouraged workers of those programs the Federal Re- adjustments. Seasonal variations are are numerous other factors that af- an economic boom which manifests rate were to continue to increase.
drop out of the labor market alto- serve has provided over $4 trillion understandable-- for instance work- fect employment, including taxes, itself as a bubble. By falsely diagnosing the cause
gether, leading to the phenomenon worth of assistance over the past ers hired for the Christmas season labor laws, and other regulations Everything seems to go well for of the crisis, the Fed’s solution is
of a falling unemployment rate with few years through its credit facili- and laid off immediately afterward. that contribute to labor market ri- awhile until businesses realize that fatally flawed. What is needed is
no job growth. ties, purchases of mortgage-backed But such statistical adjustments are gidity and institutional unemploy- they cannot sell their newly-built liquidation of debt and of malin-
In terms of keeping stable prices, securities, and now its second round easy to manipulate. When unem- ment. But it is the effects of mon- houses, their inventories of iron vested resources. Pumping money
the Fed has failed miserably. Ac- of quantitative easing. Yet even af- ployment figures were released in etary policy itself that cause the ore, or their new cars. Low inter- into the same sectors that have just
cording to the government’s own ter all these trillions of dollars of February of 2010, non-seasonally boom and bust of the business cycle est rates have spurred production, crashed merely prolongs the crisis
CPI calculators, it takes $2.65 to- spending and bailouts, total non- adjusted figures showed an ad- that leads to swings in the unem- but because the low interest rates and ensures that the day of finan-
day to purchase what cost one dol- farm payroll employment is still ditional 1.4 million unemployed ployment rate. resulted from Fed intervention and cial reckoning that eventually will
lar in 1980. And since its creation seven million jobs lower than it workers from December 2009 to By lowering interest rates not through changes in consump- come will be far more severe than
in 1913, the Federal Reserve has was before this crisis began. Since January 2010, while the seasonally through its loose monetary policy, tion patterns, the result is overca- otherwise. Until we learn the les-
presided over a 98% decline in the employment levels bottomed out adjusted numbers showed 69,000 the Fed spurs investment in long- pacity. Resources have been “mal- son that jobs are produced through
dollar’s purchasing power. Recent last year, the government reports fewer unemployed. The most recent term projects that would not be invested,” directed into sectors of real savings and investment and not
news stories have offered numer- that roughly one million jobs have figures released in February of 2011 profitable at market-determined in- the economy which are not truly in through the creation of new money,
ous anecdotes of prices rising far been created. This means that each showed an additional 3.1 million terest rates. The signal to business- demand from consumers. These re- we are doomed to repeat this boom
faster than would be expected if job created has cost upwards of five unemployed workers from Decem- es is that consumers are increasing sources must be liquidated, and this and bust cycle.
official inflation figures were ac- million dollars. We probably would ber 2010 to January 2011, yet the savings and deferring consumption is the corresponding bursting of the Transcript from a speech given
curate. With commodities, oil, or have been better off just printing seasonal adjustment shows 367,000 in order to consume more capital- bubble. Until these resources are re- by Rep. RON PAUL (TX) on
food prices, speculation is that the out these trillions of dollars and fewer unemployed. Spinning a 22% intensive more in the future. If the directed, often with great economic 02/09/2011. Transcription source:
Federal Reserve’s quantitative eas- throwing them out the window of a increase in the number of unem- Fed-mandated interest rate is in pain for all involved, true economic

What’s behind the currency war?

In September 2010, a short time before the interna- turn provides the fuel for the next great wave of inter- the Brazilian currency appreciated drastically against moderation or restraint when it comes to interventionist
tional financial summit of the Group of Twenty (G20) national financial flows. the US dollar and other currencies. measures. As long as China’s leadership presumes that
took place in South Korea, Brazilian finance minister The weaker countries, which compete with each oth- By various estimates, Brazilian foreign trade suffers it gains from exchange-rate manipulation, its currency
Guido Mantega declared that the world is experiencing er on the basis of low prices, are getting pushed to the from an exchange-rate overvaluation of around 40 per- interventions will go on.
a “currency war” where “devaluing currencies artifi- side; it was just a matter of time until more and more cent. As a consequence, Brazil’s current account bal-
cially is a global strategy.”
By announcing the outbreak of a “currency war,”
governments would begin to intervene in the foreign-
exchange markets by buying up foreign currencies in
ance, which was still at surplus in 2007, has plunged
into a deficit of 47.5 billion US dollars in 2010. At the Global Financial Fragilities
Mantega wanted to draw attention to the problems order to try to prevent their exchange rates from appre- same time when an artificial boom is taking place as Since the abandonment of the gold standard, the
caused by the ongoing exchange-rate manipulations ciating too much, too fast. the result of massive monetary expansion, the Brazilian global financial system has been in disarray. All the
that governments put in place in order to gain economic Yet using the exchange rate as a tool in order to gain economy suffers from creeping deindustrialization. international monetary arrangements that have been
advantages. In this sense, “currency war” denotes the economic advantage or avert damage for the domestic Part of the explosion of Brazil’s current-account def- established since then have ended in crisis and finally
conflict among nations that arises from the deliberate economy is inherently at variance with a sound global icit can be explained by weak demand from its trading collapsed. For almost a hundred years now, one inter-
manipulation of the exchange rate in order to gain in- monetary order, because one country’s devaluation au- partners, which have plunged into a prolonged recession. ventionist scheme has been established and then soon
ternational competitiveness by way of currency devalu- tomatically implies the revaluation of another country’s Yet beyond this circumstance, there has been another fallen to pieces.
ation. currency and thus the advantage that one tries to obtain causal chain at work: the inflow of funds from abroad When the monetary and fiscal decision makers in
will be achieved by putting a burden on other countries. that boosts the exchange rate provides the grounds for the United States and Europe discarded all restraints
Competitive Devaluation an exorbitant increase of the country’s monetary base. against intervention in the wake of the financial market
Calling competitive devaluation a “war” may seem Escalation The combination of ample liquidity at home, weak crisis, socialist and interventionist governments around
the globe felt vindicated. They had long been convinced
like a gross exaggeration. Yet in terms of its potential By recycling the monetary equivalent of the trade demand from some trading partners abroad, and a
of destruction, the current global financial conflict may surplus into the financial markets around the globe, strong exchange-rate appreciation provides the basis that only through state control could financial stability
well rank at a level similar to that of a real war. monetary authorities in surplus countries form a symbi- for an extreme import expansion that vastly exceeds ex- be obtained. Due to the policies adopted by Western
In a wider historical perspective, the current currency osis with trade-deficit countries in fabricating a world- ports. Unlike a country such as Germany, for example, countries in their futile attempt to overcome the finan-
war is the latest conflict in a series of acute crises of the wide monetary expansion of extreme proportions. whose industry is pretty resilient against currency ap- cial-market crisis, the leaders of the so-called emerg-
modern international monetary system. In a world of The paradoxical, or rather perverse, features of the preciation, Brazil resembles in this respect the countries ing economies have become even more unscrupulous
national monetary regimes based on fiat money without current state of affairs were highlighted a short time ago of the Southern periphery of the eurozone in its inca- interventionists.
physical anchors, domestic monetary instability auto- when in January 2011 the monetary authorities of Tur- pacity to cope effectively with an overvalued currency. Political leaders around the globe have shed the little
matically transforms into exchange-rate instability. As key decided to lower the policy interest rates so as to When, in January 2011, a new government took that was left of support for free markets and set the con-
before, the current crisis of the international economic make the inflow of foreign funds less attractive, despite power in Brazil, the newly-elected president, Dilma trols for a way back on the road to serfdom.
order is mainly the result of monetary fragilities coming a booming Turkish economy that shows plenty charac- Rousseff, declared in her inauguration speech that she It is mainly due to ignorance that the modern mone-
from the unsound national monetary systems and reck- teristics of a bubble. will protect Brazil “from unfair competition and from tary system gets labeled as a laissez-faire or free market
less domestic monetary and fiscal policies. Exchange-rate policies produce the usual spiral of the indiscriminate flow of speculative capital.” Guido system. In fact not only the basic “commodity” of this
The immediate cause of the currency war entering an interventionism: the de facto consequences tend to di- Mantega, the former and new Brazilian finance minis- scheme, i.e., fiat money, but also its price and quantity
acute stage is the policy of massive quantitative easing verge from the original intentions, prompting further ter, did not hesitate to join in when he asserted that the are largely determined by political institutions such as
practiced by the US central bank. Whatever the original rounds of doomed interventions. This interventionist government has an “infinite” number of interventionist central banks.
intention of this policy may have been, the consequenc- escalation is not only limited to an incessant repetition tools at its disposal with which to protect national inter- It is more than absurd when, in the face of crises
es of the Fed’s measures include monetary expansion, of the same failed policies, but the errors committed in ests. Mantega said that the government is ready to use and conflicts, more government intervention gets called
low interest rates, and a weaker US dollar. With dollar one policy area also affect other parts of the economy. taxation and trade measures in order to stop the deterio- upon: it was state intervention in the first place that laid
interest rates approaching the “zero bound,” the United Thus, it is only a matter of time until errors of monetary ration of Brazil’s trade balance. the groundwork for the trouble to appear.
States is joining Japan in the effort to stimulate a slug- policy lead to fiscal fiascos, and exchange-rate interven- So-called “speculative” international capital flows
gish economy with massive monetary impulses. tions lead to trade conflicts. China already happened decades ago. What has changed since
then is the amount of hot money and the speed with
Until recently, the currency war was contained as a At first sight, exchange-rate intervention may appear The countries that form the favored group that gets
kind of financial cold war. The conflict entered its hot tolerable as the legitimate pursuit of national self-in- targeted by international financial flows in search of which it floats around the world. It would be wrong to
phase as a result of the expansive monetary policies that terest. But exchange-rate policies are intrinsically mat- higher yields compete among themselves in order to describe these financial movements as an expression of
were put in place in the wake of the financial-market ters that tend to stir transnational controversies. When prevent their currencies from appreciating too much, free markets. The fact, for instance, that in 2010 daily
crisis that began in 2007. In defiance of the fact that a country’s exchange rate policy collides with the in- and as a group these countries compete against China transactions on the international currency market have
the financial crisis itself was the result of the extremely terests of the trading partners, the tit-for-tat of mutual in their efforts to maintain a competitive exchange rate. reached a volume of four trillion US dollars is the result
expansive monetary policies in the years before, many retaliation automatically tends to lead to an escalation China’s position forms part of a long causal chain, of unhampered fiat-money expansion and massive state
central banks have now accelerated monetary expan- of the conflict. Once the process of competitive devalu- which includes low interest rates and monetary ex- intervention in the foreign-exchange markets.
sion in the vain attempt to cure the disease with the ation has started, a devaluation by one country invites pansion in the United States, that fuels higher import The increase in the global money supply that has
same measures that had caused it in the first place. other countries to devaluate their exchange rates as well. demand. Given that China drastically devalued its ex- been going on for many years finds its complement in a
As a consequence, the international monetary order will change rate as early as in the 1980s, this country was at global asset boom. The inflation of money drives up the
Easy Money eventually disintegrate, and sooner or later the conflict the forefront of gaining advantage of America’s import price of precious metals, natural resources, and food.
Once more, the world experiences a period of fake pros-
What has emerged in the global financial arena over will go beyond currency issues and affect a wide spec- surge; China grabbed the golden opportunity to turn it-
the past couple of years is the interplay among easy trum of economic and political relations. self into the major exporter to the United States. perity not much different from the real-estate bubble,
money, low interest rates, international trade imbalanc- Therefore, because of the unsound monetary sys- In order to maintain its currency at its undervalued and many other episodes, that led to previous financial
es, financial flows, and exchange-rate manipulations. tem, a peaceful international political system also is level, the Chinese monetary authorities must buy up the crises.
constantly at risk. Monetary conflicts provoke po- excess of foreign exchange that accumulates from its
The failure of attempts to cure overindebtedness with
more debt, and to stimulate weak economies by giving litical confrontations. Besides the immediate costs of trade surplus, preferably by buying US treasury notes Conclusion
them interest rates as low as possible, provokes a repeti- exchange-rate conflicts that come from the damage to and bonds. In this way, China became America’s main The political endeavors to gain competitive advan-
tive pattern of bubble and crash where each phase ends international trade and investment, and thereby to the creditor. Over the past decade, China increased its for- tages through exchange-rate devaluation sows mistrust
in a higher level of government debt. international division of labor, harm will also be done to eign exchange position from a meager $165 billion in among nations; and the ensuing regime uncertainties
A global search for higher yields has been going on confidence and trust in the international political arena. 2000 to an amount that was approaching $3 trillion at frustrate the business community. Over time the conflict
not unlike what happened in the late 1960s and 1970s, The dispute about exchange rates is the consequence the end of 2010. over exchange rates tends to destroy the global division
when the United States inflated and the countries that of contradictory tensions that are innate to the modern From the 1980s up to the early 1990s, China deval- of labor.
had linked their exchange rates to the US dollar suffered monetary system. In this respect the currency war is an ued its currency from less than 2 yuan to the US dollar Once again, the international monetary system is
from imported inflation. Nowadays, the formal dollar- expression of the defects that characterize an unsound to an exchange rate of 9 yuan against the US dollar. And on the brink of a breakdown. As in the past, the main
based fixed-exchange-rate system no longer exists. It and destructive financial system. The outbreak of the despite its huge trade surpluses, China has only slightly reason behind the current conflict is extreme monetary
has been replaced by a system that sometimes is called currency war is a symptom of a deeply flawed interna- revalued the yuan ever since, establishing the current expansion. Unsound monetary systems produce tur-
“Bretton Woods II”: a series of countries, particularly in tional monetary order. exchange rate at 6.56 yuan per US dollar. moil not just at home but also in the international arena.
Asia this time, have pegged their exchange rates (albeit Over the past decade, China has become the major Excessive monetary expansion, which is the cause of
without a formal agreement) to the US dollar. Brazil financier of the US budget deficit. Together with other domestic malinvestment, is also the root of economic
distortions at a global level.
If a country wants to slow down the appreciation of When Brazil’s finance minister repeated his warn- monies flowing in from abroad, the US government was
its exchange rate that comes as a consequence of the ings in January 2011 and said that “the currency war is relieved from the need to cut spending. The inflow of Without a fundamental change of the monetary sys-
financial inflows from abroad, it must intervene in the turning into a trade war,” Mantega sent a signal to the foreign capital also allowed the US government to pay tem itself, without a return to sound money, the inter-
foreign-exchange markets and monetize at least a part world that the escalation of the trade war had started. lower interest rates for its debt than it would have if national monetary system will remain in a state of per-
of the foreign exchange. This way, the monetary author- Because of the massive inflow of money from abroad, only domestic supply of savings were available. For- manent fragility — ever oscillating between the abyss
ities will automatically increase the domestic money the Brazilian currency had sharply appreciated and the eign imports put pressure on the price level, and the US of deflationary depression and the fake escape of hy-
stock. Additionally, under this system relatively poor Brazilian economy was losing competitiveness. central bank could continue monetary expansion with- perinflation. This is the fate of the world when nations
countries feel forced not only to buy the debt issued by In order to reduce the impact on is domestic econo- out an immediate effect on the price-inflation rate. implement fiat monetary systems and put them under
the relatively wealthy countries like the United States my, Brazil had been intervening in the foreign-exchange If China wants to hold its competitive position political authority.
but also to buy these bonds at their current extremely markets, diminishing the degree of currency apprecia- through an undervalued currency, the Chinese monetary
low yields. tion. In doing so, the monetary authorities had to buy authorities must continue their policy of intervention
Under current conditions, the monetary expansion foreign currencies, mainly US dollars, in exchange for in the foreign-exchange markets. As a consequence of By ANTONY P. MUELLER. Antony Mueller is a
gets globalized and invades even those countries that its domestic money. buying dollars from its exporters, the domestic money German-born economist who lives in Aracaju in North-
wish to practice restrictive monetary policy. Relatively By pursuing such a policy over the past couple of supply in China continues to rise, throwing additional eastern Brazil where he teaches at the Federal Univer-
high levels of the interest rate improve the restrictive years, Brazil has increased its foreign-exchange re- fuel on a domestic boom that is already in full swing. sity of Sergipe (UFS). He is an adjunct scholar of the
currency’s attractiveness. Thus, more and more mon- serves from around 50 billion to 300 billion US dollars. Even more so than their Brazilian counterparts, Mises Institute USA and academic director of the Insti-
etary expansion happens on a global scale, which in Yet even despite these foreign-exchange interventions, China’s political-decision makers have failed to exert tuto Ludwig von Mises Brasil.

The Truth Behind China’s Currency Peg

A focal problem is the Chinese govern- onry. It’s a sympathetic picture, but it tells will rise in the United States — but so will the things they buy will also get more ex- A weaker dollar will price many im-
ment’s policy of fixing the value of the ren- the wrong story. prices for domestic goods. As a corollary, pensive. ported products beyond the reach of most
minbi against the U.S. dollar. While many While the peg certainly is responsible for the Chinese will see falling prices across Our short-term loss will be in sharp con- Americas, giving our hollowed out manu-
correctly perceive that this ‘peg’ has con- much of the world’s problems, its abandon- the board. As anyone who has ever been trast to the gain felt by foreigners, who will facturing sector the opportunity to rebound.
tributed greatly to the current global imbal- ment would cause severe hardship in the shopping can explain, low prices are a good be rewarded with falling consumer prices However, if our industry has any chance of
ances, few fully comprehend the ramifica- United States. In fact, for the U.S., de-peg- thing. and a more abundant supply of investment getting off the mat, we must reduce taxes,
tions should that peg be discarded. ging would cause the economic equivalent In addition, credit will expand in China capital. In other words, the American stan- repeal regulations, reform our cumbersome
The common understanding is both in- of cardiac arrest. Our economy is current- while it contracts here. When China aban- dard of living will fall while that of our trad- legal system, and, most importantly, replen-
complete and naïve. Most analysts simply ly on life support provided by an endless dons the peg, it will no longer need to swell ing partners will rise. ish our savings to finance the necessary
see the peg as China’s principal weapon flow of debt financing from China. These its currency reserves by buying Treasuries However, this does not mean that I want capital investment.
in an economic struggle for global ascen- purchases are the means by which China or other dollar-denominated debt instru- the Chinese to maintain the status quo. In If we position ourselves to deal with the
dancy. The peg, they argue, offers China maintains the relative value of its currency ments. Other nations will no longer feel the the long run, the U.S. economy will ben- consequences, tough love from China will
a competitive advantage by making its against the dollar. As the dollar comes un- pressure to keep their currencies from ris- efit from the abandonment of a system that provide a path back to genuine economic
products cheaper in U.S. markets, thus al- der even more downward pressure, China’s ing, so they too could throttle down on their guarantees our dependency and inevitable growth. However, if our politicians con-
lowing Chinese firms to gobble up market purchases must increase to keep the ren- onerous dollar purchases. downfall. De-pegging will force the hand tinue to misread the problem and push us
share and steal jobs from U.S. manufactur- minbi from rising. By maintaining the peg, As demand falls for both dollars and of U.S. politicians toward pursuing realis- deeper in the red, the inevitable ‘rebalanc-
ers. The thought is that were China to al- China enables our politicians and citizens to Treasuries, prices and interest rates in the tic policies. The Chinese will come to their ing’ could be truly ruinous.
low its currency to rise, American manufac- continue spending more than they have and United States will rise. Rising rates will senses eventually because it is in their in-
tures would regain their lost edge, and both avoiding the hard choices necessary to re- restrict the flow of credit that is currently terest to do so. Meanwhile, the longer the By PETER SCHIFF, president of Euro
manufacturing firms and the jobs formerly store our long-term economic health. financing government and consumer spend- peg is maintained, the more indebted we Pacific Capital and author of The Little
associated with them would return. In this Contrary to the conventional wisdom, ing. This change will finally force a long become, the more out of balance our econo- Book of Bull Moves in Bear Markets and
narrative, the struggle centers on the United when China drops the peg, the immediate overdue decline in borrowing. So, not only my grows, and the more our industrial base Crash Proof: How to Profit from the Com-
States’ diminishing leverage in persuading benefits will flow to the Chinese, not to will Americans lose access to the consumer shrivels. In short, the longer they wait, the ing Economic Collapse.
the Chinese to lay down their unfair weap- Americans. Yes, prices for Chinese goods credit that funds their current spending, but steeper our fall.

4 American hostages killed by pirates off Somalia

NAIROBI, Kenya -- A U.S. Navy de- Killing hostages “has now become part Africa. A channel of negotiations had been rates also lay dead from gun shot wounds.
stroyer was shadowing a hijacked yacht of our rules,” said a pirate who identified Jean and Scott Adam of Marina del Rey, opened, and on Monday two pirates boarded The special forces troops tried to provide
with four Americans aboard when a pirate himself as Muse Abdi. He referred as a turn- near Los Angeles, had been sailing their 58- the USS Sterett, a guided-missile destroyer lifesaving care to the Americans, but they
fired a rocket-propelled grenade, followed ing point to last week’s sentencing of a pi- foot yacht Quest around the world since De- some 600 yards (meters) from the seized died, Fox said.
by bursts of gunfire. U.S. special forces rate to 33 years in prison for the 2009 attack cember 2004, and had been joined in recent yacht, and they stayed overnight, said Vice Fifteen pirates were taken into custody -
scrambled onto the occupied vessel only to on the U.S. cargo vessel the Maersk Ala- months by Phyllis Macay and Bob Riggle Adm. Mark Fox, commander of the U.S. 13 aboard the yacht as well as the two who
find the four Americans fatally wounded. bama - just two days before the hijacking. of Seattle. 5th Fleet in Bahrain. By the next morning, had been negotiating aboard the Sterett, Fox
The yachting enthusiasts from California “From now on, anyone who tries to rescue Four U.S. warships had been shadowing though, things quickly turned deadly, with said. In addition, two pirates were killed in
and Washington killed off the coast of East the hostages in our hands will only collect the Quest since shortly after it was seized all signs pointing to a dispute among the the operation, including one who was knifed
Africa on Tuesday were the first Ameri- dead bodies,” Abdi said. “It will never, ever south of Oman on Friday, and U.S. officials pirates. At 8 a.m. local time, Fox said, a by a member of the U.S. force, Fox said.
cans slain by Somali pirates since a wave happen that hostages are rescued and we are were in radio contact with the captors as the rocket-propelled grenade was fired from the
of attacks began six years ago. One of the hauled to prison.” pirates tried to sail it to the Somali shore. Quest at the Sterett and missed, followed By JASON STRAZIUSO and MALKHA-
American couples had been sailing around Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clin- The power behind such abductions for ran- almost immediately by the sound of small DIR M. MUHUMED (Associated Press).
the world since 2004 handing out Bibles. ton strongly condemned the killing of the som - a multimillion-dollar business - lies arms fire coming from the yacht. Associated Press writers Pauline Jelinek in
The deaths of the four travelers, all in Americans as “deplorable,” saying in a not with the pirates at sea but their financial Several pirates then appeared on the Washington; Abdi Guled in Mogadishu, So-
their late 50s or 60s, appeared to underscore statement the slayings underscored the need backers on land. And once the kidnappers yacht deck with their hands up. U.S. naval malia; and George Tibbits and Doug Esser
an increasingly brutal and aggressive shift for international cooperation in fighting the reach shore with their hostages, options for forces rushed aboard the vessel and found in Seattle, contributed to this report.
by pirates in their treatment of hostages. scourge of piracy in waters off the Horn of rescue are limited. all four Americans had been shot; two pi-

Home Rahm Emanuel elected

in most CHICAGO -- Former
White House chief of

US cities
staff Rahm Emanuel was
elected mayor of Chicago
on Tuesday, easily over-
whelming five rivals to
take the helm of the na-
tion’s third-largest city as
WASHINGTON -- down payment. it prepares to chart a new
Home prices are hitting “We’re likely to see course without the retir-
new depths in most major new lows hit across most ing Richard M. Daley.
U.S. cities and are expect- major markets at some Emanuel trounced all
ed to fall further over the point in 2011,” said Mark opponents with 55 per-
next six months. Vitner, a senior economist cent of the vote - a margin
In a majority of metro at Wells Fargo Securities. that allowed him to avoid
areas tracked by Standard “We’re afraid of all this an April runoff. He need-
& Poor’s/Case-Shiller, turning into another vi- ed more than 50 percent
prices have fallen to their cious cycle.” to win outright.
lowest points since the Housing prices in all It was the city’s first
housing bubble burst. but one of the 20 cities mayoral race in more
High unemployment, tracked by Standard & than 60 years without an
stricter lending rules and Poor’s/Case Shiller fell in incumbent on the ballot
fears that prices will con- December from Novem- and the first in more than
tinue to fall are among the ber. And the overall in- two decades without Dal-
reasons why few people dex declined for the sixth ey among the candidates.
are buying homes. A ris- straight month. Washing- Daley and his father have
ing number of foreclo- ton was the only metro led Chicago for more than
sures are also weighing area where prices rose 43 out of the last 56 years.
down prices. And as more month to month. Emanuel called the
people get stuck in depre- Eleven of the markets victory “humbling” and
ciating homes, housing hit their lowest point since said the outgoing mayor
could slow the economy. the housing bubble burst had “earned a special
Across the country, the in 2006 and 2007: Atlanta, place in our hearts and
housing industry is recov- Charlotte, N.C., Chicago, our history.”
ering unevenly. Many of Detroit, Las Vegas, Mi- But he added: “We
the cities now setting new ami, New York, Phoenix, have not won anything
lows have been struggling Seattle, Tampa, Fla., and until a kid can go to school
with high unemployment, Portland, Ore. thinking of their studies
more foreclosures and, in The housing sector and not their safety. Until
some cases, a delayed re- is struggling even while the parent of that child is
sponse to the housing bust much of the economy is thinking about their work
in 2006 and 2007. recovering slowly but and not where they are Emanuel was elected mayor of Chicago Tuesday, easily overwhelming five rivals to take the helm of the nation’s third-largest city as it
Homes in more estab- steadily. The latest evi- going to find work, we prepares to chart a new course without the retiring Richard M. Daley. (AP Photo/Charles Rex Arbogast)
lished areas - those that dence of the divide came have not won anything.”
had little room to build Tuesday when the Con- Reginald Bachus, the
during the housing boom ference Board said its 51-year-old pastor of a for six more weeks. But he takes office on May 16. He visited all 50 wards traction. ship with Obama won
- are doing a better job Consumer Confidence West Side church who they were no match for He’s a well-known figure and made regular stops Emanuel had just been him votes from a number
holding their value. Coast- Index rose in February to voted for Emanuel, said Emanuel’s momentum in national Democratic at all the city’s elevated elected to his fourth term of people who believed
al cities in California and its highest point in three the next four years will be and money. politics, having worked train stations. He talked in Congress when he re- his White House connec-
Northeast are seeing much years. The report suggest- “a very critical time for Chico had 24 percent for two presidents and confidently about local signed in 2008 to work for tions would be an advan-
smaller price declines. In ed that many people are Chicago. of the vote compared with represented Chicago’s issues - mass transit, bike President Barack Obama, tage.
Washington and San Di- more hopeful about hiring “We really need a 9 percent for both del Val- North Side in the House paths and after-school a fellow Chicagoan. It Obama political ad-
ego, home prices even and income gains over the mayor who has vision. le and Braun. Two lesser- of Representatives for programs - and refused to was a job he held until he viser David Axelrod said
rose over the past year. next six months. It’s my personal opinion known candidates got 1 three terms. be goaded. resigned in October 2010 Chicago would get “what-
Still, many people who By contrast, the out- everyone else would have and 2 percent each. He’s also known as an His lead in the polls to run for mayor. He had ever the city’s entitled to.
want to buy can’t. Nearly look for housing this year been a manager, and I The campaign began abrasive, often profane grew and so did his cam- also worked as a top aide ... And I don’t think Rahm
25 percent of households is dim. Construction of think Rahm has vision,” last fall when Daley - with political operative with a paign, becoming a $13 to Bill Clinton. will leave one dollar on
cannot move because they new homes is on pace for Bachus said. an ailing wife, six terms famous take-no-prisoners million juggernaut. Obama quickly sent the table.”
owe more on their mort- little more than half the The other major can- under his belt and a future style that was even paro- All three of his main his congratulations to the
gage than their home is million units a year that didates - former Chicago in which Chicago’s fiscal died on “Saturday Night rivals tried to put Eman- mayor-elect. “As a Chi- By DEANNA BELLAN-
worth, according to Capi- economists consider to be schools president Gery challenges loomed large - Live.” uel on the defensive, cast- cagoan and a friend, I DI and TAMMY WEB-
tal Economics. An ad- healthy. Chico, former Sen. Carol announced he would not But Emanuel was on ing him as an outsider couldn’t be prouder,” the BER (AP)
ditional 25 percent can’t Moseley Braun and City seek re-election. his best behavior on the and questioning his tem- president said in a state- Associated Press Writer
qualify for a new mort- By DEREK KRAVITZ Clerk Miguel del Valle Emanuel, a 51-year- campaign trail, where his perament. But he stayed ment. “Rahm will be a Don Babwin contributed
gage because selling their and JANNA HERRON - had hoped to force a old married father of swagger and hard edg- above the fray, and his terrific mayor for all the to this report. Edited by
homes would leave them AP Real Estate Writers runoff that would have three, will be the city’s es gave way to unusual celebrity made it hard for people of Chicago.” Yuri Isacov.
with too little money for a extended the campaign first Jewish mayor when calm. the criticism to gain any Emanuel’s relation-

Govt child welfare agency fails to care for children

FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. -- State and Carmen Barahona, who adopted the lice, DCF officials said Tuesday they were an agency that overhauled its system a de- ed child abuse for allegedly pouring chemi-
child welfare officials said Tuesday they children out of foster care, gave investiga- mistaken about notifying police. West Palm cade ago after a foster child went missing cals on his son. On Tuesday, his wife’s at-
never contacted police after receiving an tors the run-around, each one saying the Beach Police first contacted child-welfare for more than a year before anyone realized torney said she plans to file for divorce.
abuse allegation that 10-year-old twins were twins were with the other parent. Child in- investigators on Feb. 14 after finding the it. DCF officials said they expect charges will
being tied up and locked in the bathroom of vestigators never saw the twins. twin boy, coated in a toxic chemical with Department of Children and Families also be filed against Carmen Barahona.
a Florida home. The girl’s body was later The Department of Children and Fami- critical burns, in the front seat of his father’s Secretary David Wilkins has called for an Meanwhile, young Victor remains hospital-
found in her adoptive father’s truck beside lies last week detailed their attempts to truck. Only then did DCF call authorities outside review of the case. He acknowl- ized with severe burns. A biological aunt
the road. search for the children after a judge criti- in Miami, where the family lives, agency edged last week that the agency’s handling and uncle from Texas are seeking custody.
The official account differs from the ini- cized their hasty investigation. DCF region- spokesman Mark Riordan acknowledged. of the abuse allegation had raised questions. “The kids need love. We have plenty to
tial one provided by the Department of Chil- al director Jacqui Colyer said they called The boy’s sister, Nubia Docter, was “Should we have called the police be- give them,” their uncle said in one applica-
dren and Families - that the agency notified police Monday, four days after a report found dead, wrapped in plastic bags in cause we went to the house and the mom’s tion at the time. The couple’s attorney, Ste-
police four days after the alleged abuse was came to the hotline. the back of her father’s exterminator truck story was sort of odd and obviously the dad ven Grossbard, said in court last week that
reported on a Feb. 10 call to a state hotline. On Feb. 14 “we begin to realize that parked alongside Interstate 95. Jorge Bara- was gone. Should she have called police his clients had raised “red flags” about the
Child welfare investigators searched for something is amiss and we immediately be- hona was nearby on the ground, unrespon- right then and there? That’s something we Barahonas years earlier.
the twin boy and girl for four days, repeat- gin to put out all kinds of alerts to the po- sive and doused in gasoline after what po- have to look at,” Wilkins told The Associ-
edly stopping by the family’s home, visiting lice,” Colyer said last week. lice say he told them was a failed suicide. ated Press on Friday. By KELLI KENNEDY
the school and calling the father on his cell When asked by The Associated Press The case has reignited criticism of the Jorge Barahona has pleaded not guilty to (AP)
phone, officials said. But they said Jorge for records of the agency’s contact with po- state Department of Children and Families, attempted first-degree murder and aggravat-

Perpetual war is an economic drain

We have been militarily involved attention-getting attacks against the
in the Persian Gulf region now for United States. The 1998 embassy
20 years. Experts have predicted attacks in Kenya and Tanzania and
that the cost of this continuous and the attack on the USS Cole in the
expanding war will reach $6 trillion. year 2000 were warnings that the
The hostilities and our overt in- war was far from over. The horrible
volvement in Iraq can be dated back tragedy of 9/11 shouldn’t have been
to January 16, 1991, when the de- a surprise, and many believe it was
fensive Operation Desert Shield be- preventable.
came the offensive Operation Des- Currently, the war has morphed
ert Storm. Though the end of the into a huge battle for control of
Persian Gulf war was declared on the Persian Gulf region and central
April 6, 1991, with a U.S. military Asia. This involves Iraq, Afghani-
victory, the 20-year war was just be- stan, Pakistan, Yemen, Somalia,
ginning. and Iran. Foolish policies lead to
The U.S. and Britain have had an foolhardy conflicts. Foolhardy con-
intense interest in controlling the oil flicts lead to unsustainable costs and
of the Middle East dating back to a multitude of unintended conse-
the overthrow of the Ottoman Em- quences. To name a few, we have
pire during World War I. This inter- spent trillions of dollars based on
est expanded during World War II the false pretense of defending free-
with FDR’s promise to protect the dom and our Constitution. The no-
puppet governments in the Persian tion has been further solidified that
Gulf region, especially Saudi Ara- war no longer needs to be declared
bia. by Congress and can be pursued as
Though this arrangement never a prerogative of the President. We
sat well with the citizens in the re- are now seen by the world not as
gion, a fairly decent relationship a peacemaker, but rather a trouble-
remained between the Arab people maker and aggressor.
and the American public. But ani- Thousands of American service
mosity continued to build with our members have been killed and tens
ever-present military involvement of thousands wounded, with a sharp
in Iraq. increase in service-connected sui-
Our military assistance to the cides. Over 500,000 veterans are
Mujahedeen in the 1980s, now the seeking medical treatment and dis-
Taliban, helped the Muslim defend- ability benefits. Millions of citizens
ers, one of whom was Osama bin have been killed, wounded, and
Laden, oust the Soviets from Af- displaced in the countries on the re-
ghanistan. At that time we were still ceiving end of our bombs, drones,
not seen as occupiers, and the radical sanctions, and occupation. The re-
Muslims, encouraged by the U.S., gion has suffered huge environmen-
were expected to direct all their ef- tal damage as a consequence of our
forts toward the Communist threat. military occupation.
That all changed with the breakup Christians from Iraq have suf-
of the Soviet system and the end of fered the worst rout in the history of
the Cold War when, as the lone su- Christendom. Iran and Iraq are now
perpower left standing, we named better allies than ever, with strong
ourselves the world’s policeman. It anti-American sentiment. Iraqi po- Ron Paul (above) is a Republican Congressman from Texas and Chairman of the Financial Services Subcommittee on Domestic Monetary Policy (AP)
was then that the resentment by Ar- litical stability is a joke. Ending
abs and Muslims became directed hostilities in Afghanistan is a dream. of mass destruction were ever found Act-type legislation. Senseless war history will record that the sacrifices change our ways for economic rea-
toward the United States, now seen China and Iran have been drawn into in Iraq. and senseless destruction and death were all in vain. sons. It’s time to bring our troops
as an invader and occupier. a closer alliance against the United War always leads to government should not be rationalized as pro- A policy of peace, friendship, home.
Continuous bombing and crip- States. America’s uncontrolled defi- growth and the sacrifice of civil lib- viding a great service in protecting and trade is far superior to one of
pling sanctions against Iraq during cits are senselessly fueled by need- erties. In the past 10 years, this has our freedoms, our Constitution, or occupation, entangling alliances, Transcript from a speech given by
the 1990s, the appearance that the less militarism. We are now much been particularly costly to us, with maintaining peace. The only value and sanctions which guarantee war. Representative RONALD E. ‘RON’
U.S. did not care about the plight poorer and less safe. There was no the acceptance of military tribu- that can come of this is to recognize We should pursue such a policy PAUL of Texas on the U.S. House
of the Palestinians, and our mili- al Qaeda in Iraq before we invaded nals, torture, assassinations, abuse that our policies are flawed and they for moral reasons. But if we don’t, floor on 01/20/2011. Transcription
tary bases in Saudi Arabia led to in 2003. Today there is. No weapons of habeas corpus, and PATRIOT need to be changed. Without this, we will nevertheless be forced to source:

Higher oil prices will Troubled

banks rise to
hamper global economy highest level
WASHINGTON (AP) -- Just as
the U.S. and global economies are fi-
nally strengthening, they face a new
danger: Rocketing oil prices, which
topped $100 a barrel Wednesday.
The U.S. economy can likely ab-
older jets to cut fuel consumption,
Warlick said. Delta Air Lines has
already scaled back plans to add
flights this year.
Analysts estimate that over a year,
$100 oil would reduce U.S. eco-
“It would nail the economy,” said
Mark Zandi, chief economist at
Moody’s Analytics. “All the ben-
efits of the tax breaks we got in last
year’s tax-cut deal would be com-
pletely wiped out and then some.”
Ken Perkins of RetailMetrics, a
retail research firm, thinks higher
gas prices at the tank are already af-
fecting low-income shoppers who
are also paying higher grocery pric-
es. He says gas prices would have to
in 18 years
WASHINGTON -- The number savings and loan crisis. They were
sorb $100 oil and keep expanding, nomic growth by 0.2 or 0.3 of a per- One reason the United States and reach $4 a gallon or more to affect of banks at risk of failing made mostly smaller or regional banks.
even though gasoline prices would centage point. So rather than grow other developed countries can still moderate-income consumers. up nearly 12 percent of all feder- The failures compare with 25 in
rise further and growth would slow. an estimated 3.7 percent this year, grow with oil at $100 a barrel is Perkins said more people will ally insured banks in the final three 2008 and three in 2007. They cost
But it would hurt. the economy would expand 3.4 they’ve become more energy-effi- shop at neighborhood dollar chains months of 2010, the highest level the federal deposit insurance fund
Gasoline for U.S. motorists al- percent or 3.5 percent. That would cient since the oil-price shocks of or drugstores to pick up milk or in 18 years. an estimated $21 billion in 2010.
ready costs more than at any point likely mean less hiring and higher the 1970s. U.S. retailers and manu- bread and save on gas, further hurt- The Federal Deposit Insurance Smaller and regional banks de-
since 2008, despite ample supplies. unemployment. facturers that use oil-produced plas- ing Wal-Mart Stores Inc. Wal-Mart’s Corp said Wednesday that the pend heavily on making loans for
The national average for a gallon of The global economy wouldn’t tics, for example, have been shrink- sales have already been hammered number of banks on its confiden- commercial property and develop-
unleaded was $3.19 on Wednesday - be affected as much. In part, that’s ing packaging and packing more by stepped-up competition. tial “problem” list rose to 884 in ment - sectors that have suffered
53 cents more than a year ago. Ana- because emerging economies con- items onto their trucks. A new wave Fears of another unchecked jump the October-December quarter, up huge losses. Companies shut down
lysts expect the average to range be- sume less oil, per person, than in- of redesigned products, like ultra- in prices have rattled investors. from 860 in the previous quarter. in the recession, vacating shopping
tween $3.25 and $3.75 this spring. dustrialized countries do. In addi- thin plastic bottles of water, has also This week, investors have dumped Those are banks rated by exam- malls and office buildings financed
Oil prices had been rising for tion, many developing countries emerged. stocks and shifted money into the iners as having very low capital by the loans.
months, but they jumped this week regulate or subsidize the cost of gas. “Companies have been very clev- safety of Treasury bonds, causing cushions against risk. Overall, banks’ net income
as violence gripped Libya. Analysts Global growth would slip about 0.1 er in what they can do to reduce the Treasury yields to fall. Twenty-two banks have failed reached a three-year high of $87.5
say any production declines in Lib- percentage point, economists esti- production costs without affecting The rise in Treasury prices this so far this year. And more banks billion in 2010. That contrasted
ya could likely be absorbed by other mate. performance,” said Jonathan Asher week lowered the yield on the 10- are at risk, even as the FDIC re- with a loss of $10.6 billion in 2009.
producers like Saudi Arabia. Libyan But oil prices around $100 a bar- of Perception Research Services, year Treasury note to 3.49 percent. ported the industry’s highest earn- But FDIC Chairman Sheila Bair
oil accounts for less than 1 percent rel could threaten European econo- which works with consumer prod- That yield is used to peg rates on ings as a group since the financial said banks need to lend more vig-
of U.S. crude imports. mies, many of which are net im- uct companies. The latest surge home mortgages and other con- crisis hit three years ago. orously as the economy recovers.
Still, analysts say concerns about porters of oil and gas, haven’t fully in oil “will turn up the heat even sumer loans. Borrowers would face Only a small fraction of the Bank industry revenue re-
violence in North Africa and Mid- recovered from the financial crisis more.” lower costs as such rates fall. 7,657 federally insured banks - mained fairly strong through the fi-
dle East have put a “fear premium” and face heavy debt loads. Spain Marc Rosenberg, a marketing of- That said, interest rates are al- about 1.4 percent with assets of nancial crisis, Bair noted, but there
that’s added about $10 a barrel. and Italy, for example, where gas at ficial for WowWee Toys, says its ready relatively low by historical more than $10 billion - are driving is little “upward momentum.”
Consumers and businesses would the pump already goes for about $8 products use 30 percent less plastic standards. So even a sustained de- the bulk of the earnings growth. “A key reason why revenues
feel pinched by a sustained pe- a gallon, face years of a slow, grind- compared with five years ago. cline in rates, by itself, wouldn’t They are the largest banks, includ- haven’t grown faster is that loans
riod of $100-a-barrel oil - and not ing recovery. A spike in oil would “Can we live with $100 a barrel much stimulate Americans’ appetite ing Bank of America Corp., Citi- have not been growing,” she said
just motorists. Stock prices, which deal their economies another set- oil?” said economist Ken Mayland to spend, economists say. group Inc., JPMorgan Chase & Co. at a news conference. “It’s not go-
have lost more than 2 percent so far back. of ClearView Economics. “I think A persistent drop in the stock and Wells Fargo & Co. ing as at fast a pace as I would like
this week, could sink further. That Pricier oil would also push up in- so. Can that economy still grow if market, though, would likely chill The big banks accounted for to see.”
would reduce household wealth and flation in Europe, where it already oil is at $110 a barrel? Yes. But past spending, especially by wealthier about $20.6 billion of the indus- The problem is partly due to
consumer confidence. As fuel costs exceeds official targets, and in that, you start getting uncomfort- Americans. Europe’s debt crisis in try earnings of $21.7 billion in the continued uncertainty about the
price rise, so would prices for travel countries with surging food prices, ably close to the point where people the spring of 2010 jolted Wall Street fourth quarter. The total earnings economy on the part of bankers,
services and products containing like China, Brazil and India. Those start curbing their spending.” and slowed the U.S. economy as compared with a net loss of $1.8 Bair said. But she added: “I also
plastics. countries might then have to raise An example was in July 2008. Americans reined in their spending. billion in the same quarter of 2009. think that banks need to get back
This month, several airlines interest rates to cool inflation. Do- That’s when Americans faced re- “But if the price keeps going up, The agency said bank earnings to the basics of making loans.”
tacked on fuel surcharges - extra ing so, in turn, would slow growth cord-high oil prices - $147 a barrel. and it’s accompanied by falling were buoyed in the latest quar- The FDIC’s deposit insurance
fees that help cover fuel bills. in Latin America and Asia. Gasoline prices followed suit. They stock prices, then it takes on a more ter by reduced charges for soured fund, which fell into the red in
Rising oil prices have pushed jet A darker possibility - one that few hit a record $4.11 a gallon nation- sinister tone,” Hensley said. loans. 2009, posted a slight improvement
fuel close to $3 a gallon. Fuel ac- analysts expect - is that oil prices wide. Most of the big banks have re- in the October-December quarter.
counts for roughly one-third of the will keep rising until they reach The economy was already in a By JEANNINE AVERSA and covered with help from federal Its deficit narrowed to $7.4 billion
budget for U.S. airlines, up from less $150 or more and then stay there for recession in the summer of 2008. CHRISTOPHER S. RUGABER bailout money and record-low bor- from $8 billion in the third quarter.
than one-fifth a decade ago. Fitch months. Under that scenario, anoth- But consumers hadn’t yet cut their (AP Economics Writers) rowing rates. On the other side, Bair said the agency expects the
Ratings analyst William Warlick er recession is possible, economists spending much. That changed in the AP Writers Sandy Shore in Denver, many smaller banks are struggling. balance to turn positive this year.
said if jet fuel reaches about $3.20 a say. third quarter of 2008 as oil and gas Carlo Piovano in London, David Last year, 157 U.S. banks The spate of bank failures that
gallon, “the whole industry will be Gasoline prices would near $5 prices soared. Consumers slashed Koenig in Dallas and Samantha were brought down by the soured began to accelerate in 2008 are ex-
challenged to stay profitable.” a gallon. Consumers would spend spending at a 3.5 percent annualized Bomkamp, Anne D’Innocenzio and economy and mounting loan de- pected to cost the insurance fund
Airlines may soon decide to much less. So would businesses, rate. It was the sharpest drop since Chris Kahn in New York contrib- faults. That was the most in one about $100 billion through 2013.
eliminate some flights and ground which would slash jobs. 1980. uted to this report. year since 1992, the height of the By MARCY GORDON (AP)

Price tag can change the way people experience wine: study
In what will be music to the ears sor of marketing who co-authored though researchers have used fMRI as a learning signal that is used by forehead. added that the wines identified as
of marketers, the old adage that you a paper titled “Marketing Actions scans in recent years to gauge brain the brain to guide future choices,” The researchers recruited 11 more expensive tasted better. The
get what you pay for really is true Can Modulate Neural Representa- activity, the study is one of the first the paper says. Contrary to this ba- male Caltech graduate students researchers found that an increase
when it comes to that most ephem- tions of Experienced Pleasantness,” to test subjects as they swallow liq- sic assumption, several studies have who said they liked and occasion- in the perceived price of a wine
eral of products: bottled wine. published online Jan. 14 in the Pro- uid—in this case, wine—through shown that marketing can influence ally drank red wine. The subjects did lead to increased activity in the
According to researchers at the ceedings of the National Academy a pump attached to their mouths, how people value goods. For ex- were told that they would be trying mOFC because of an associated
Stanford Graduate School of Busi- of Sciences. “So, in essence, [price] a tricky complication because the ample, Shiv has shown that people five different Cabernet Sauvignons, increase in taste expectation. Shiv
ness and the California Institute of is changing people’s experiences scanner requires people to lie very who paid a higher price for an en- identified by price, to study the ef- said he expects enophiles will chal-
Technology, if a person is told he or with a product and, therefore, the still as it measures blood flow in the ergy drink, such as Red Bull, were fect of sampling time on flavor. In lenge the results, since his subjects
she is tasting two different wines— outcomes from consuming this brain. able to solve more brain teasers than fact, only three wines were used— were not professional connoisseurs.
and that one costs $5 and the other product.” According to Shiv, a basic as- those who paid a discounted price two were given twice. The first According to Shiv, the emotional
$45 when they are, in fact, the same Shiv, an expert in how emotion sumption in economics is that a per- for the same product. wine was identified by its real bottle and hedonic areas of the brain could
wine—the part of the brain that affects decision-making, used func- son’s “experienced pleasantness” Despite the pervasive influence price of $5 and by a fake $45 price be fundamental to making good de-
experiences pleasure will become tional magnetic resonance imaging (EP) from consuming a product de- of marketing, very little is known tag. The second wine was marked cisions because they serve as a navi-
more active when the drinker thinks (fMRI) to conduct the study with pends only on its intrinsic properties about how neural mechanisms affect with its actual $90 price and by a gational device. “The brain is super-
he or she is enjoying the more ex- co-authors Hilke Plassmann, a for- and the individual’s thirst. However, decision-making, the researchers fictitious $10 tag. The third wine, efficient,” he said. “There seems to
pensive vintage. mer Stanford postdoctoral research- marketers try to influence this ex- said. “Here, we propose a mecha- which was used to distract the par- be this perfect overlap in one part
“What we document is that price er; Antonio Rangel, a former Stan- perience by changing a drink’s ex- nism though which marketing ac- ticipants, was marked with its cor- of the brain between what happens
is not just about inferences of qual- ford economist; and psychologist ternal properties, such as its price. tions can affect decision-making,” rect $35 price. A tasteless water was in real time and what happens when
ity, but it can actually affect real John O’Doherty. (Both Plassmann “This type of influence is valuable they write. “We hypothesized that also given in between wine samples people anticipate something. It’s al-
quality,” said Baba Shiv, a profes- and Rangel are now at Caltech.) Al- for companies, because EP serves changes in the price of a product can to rinse the subjects’ mouths. The most acting as a GPS system. This
influence neural computations as- wines were given in random order, seems to be the navigational device

Cellular technology is
sociated with EP.” ipulating that and the students were asked to fo- that helps us learn what is the right
a person’s anticipated experience cus on flavor and how much they thing to do the next time around.”
would prompt higher activity in enjoyed each sample.
the part of the brain that experi- The participants said they could Source: Stanford University Press
ences pleasure, the medial orbi- taste five different wines, even Release
tofrontal cortex, or mOFC, in the though there were only three, and

changing our brains

CHICAGO -- Spending direct effect of cellphone
50 minutes with a cell- signals on brain function.
phone plastered to your But he said much larg-
ear is enough to change er fluctuations in brain
brain cell activity in the metabolic rate can occur
part of the brain closest to naturally, such as when a
the antenna. person is thinking.
But whether that causes “If further studies con-
any harm is not clear, sci- firm that mobile phone
entists at the National In- signals do have direct
stitutes of Health said on effects on brain metabo-
Tuesday, adding that the lism, then it will be im-
study will likely not settle portant to investigate
recurring concerns of a whether such effects have
link between cellphones implications for health,”
and brain cancer. he said.
“What we showed is People talk on their cell phones at Grand Central Station John Walls, a spokes-
glucose metabolism (a man for CTIA-The Wire-
sign of brain activity) netic radiation from cell- antenna when the phone less Association, an in-
increases in the brain in phone exposures.” was on. dustry group, said the

UK court to rule on
people who were exposed Use of the devices has Experts said the results scientific evidence so far
to a cellphone in the area increased dramatically were intriguing, but urged “has overwhelmingly in-
closet to the antenna,” since they were intro- that they be interpreted dicated that wireless de-
said Dr. Nora Volkow of duced in the early-to-mid with caution. vices, within the limits
the NIH, whose study was 1980s, with about 5 bil- “Although the biologi- established by the FCC

Assange extradition
published in the Journal lion mobile phones now cal significance, if any, of (Federal Communications
of the American Medical in use worldwide. increased glucose metabo- Commission), do not pose
Association. Some studies have lism from acute cellphone a public health risk or
The study was meant linked cellphone expo- exposure is unknown, the cause any adverse health
to examine how the brain sure to an increased risk results warrant further effects.”
reacts to electromagnetic of brain cancers, but a investigation,” Henry Volkow said her the
fields caused by wireless large study by the World Lai of the University of findings suggest the need
phone signals. Health Organization was Washington, Seattle, and for more study to see if LONDON -- A British court him to use a condom during sex. However, lawyers prosecuting
Volkow said she was inconclusive. Dr. Lennart Hardell of cellphones have a nega- is expected to rule on Thursday The second woman has said As- the case at London’s top-security
surprised that the weak Volkow’s team studied University Hospital in tive effect on brain cells. whether WikiLeaks founder Julian sange had sex with her while she Belmarsh Magistrates’ Court ar-
electromagnetic radiation 47 people who had brain Orebro, Sweden, wrote in Meanwhile, Volkow Assange should be extradited to was asleep and that he was not gued the warrant complied with the
from cellphones could af- scans while a cellphone a commentary in JAMA. isn’t taking any chances. Sweden where he is accused of sex wearing a condom. legal requirements.
fect brain activity, but she was turned on for 50 min- “Much has to be done She now uses an ear crimes. Prosecutors say the second alle- They also dismissed suggestions
said the findings do not utes and another while the to further investigate and phone instead of placing a During three days of legal argu- gation falls into the least severe of Assange could be extradited to the
shed any light on whether phone was turned off. understand these effects,” cellphone next to her ear. ment earlier this month, lawyers for three categories of rape in Sweden, United States, saying Britain would
cellphones cause cancer. While there was no they wrote. “I don’t say there is any Assange, who has angered the U.S. carrying a maximum of four years have to give its consent first to such
“This study does not overall change in brain Professor Patrick Hag- risk, but in case there is, government by releasing thousands in jail, and are seeking his extradi- a move.
in any way indicate that. metabolism, they found a gard of University Col- why not?” of secret U.S. diplomatic cables on tion from Britain under a fast-track Judge Howard Riddle is expect-
What the study does is to 7 percent increase in brain lege London said the By JULIE STEENHUY- his website, argued he would not European arrest warrant. ed to give his decision on Thurs-
show the human brain is metabolism in the region results were interesting SEN (Reuters). Editing get a fair trial in Sweden. The court, based in London, can day and if he agrees to extradition,
sensitive to electromag- closest to the cellphone since the study suggests a by Philip Barbara They also said the 39-year-old only refuse such requests for spe- Assange, who has been free under
Australian computer expert, if he is cific legal reasons, such as a war- strict conditions since he was re-
extradited from Britain, may wind rant not being properly issued, or leased him on bail in December,

Solar flares are headed

up being sent to the United States because it would breach Assange’s must be extradited within 10 days.
where he could face execution. human rights. However, the WikiLeaks found-
Swedish prosecutors want to Assange’s legal team offered a er would have seven days in which
question Assange about allegations lengthy case in which they accused to launch an appeal to London’s
of sexual misconduct, which he de- Sweden’s Prime Minister Fredrik High Court.
nies, made by two WikiLeaks vol- Reinfeldt of creating a “toxic atmo-

for EARTH this week

unteers during his time in Sweden sphere” in Sweden and damaging By MICHAEL HOLDEN (Reuters)
last August. his chances of a fair trial by portray- Editing by Michael Roddy
One alleges he sexually molest- ing him as “public enemy number
ed her by ignoring her request for one.”

CERN collider restarts

CHICAGO -- Radia-
tion from the largest solar
flare in four years is ex-
pected to reach Earth late
on Thursday or Friday.

search for mysteries

Such events can cause
radio blackouts and inter-
fere with communication
satellites, but the most
likely outcome this time
will be brilliant Northern
Lights displays, U.S. sci- GENEVA -- CERN’s Large Had- TeV -- since it first went into opera- It could also help back up the
entists said. ron Collider (LHC) is gearing up tion on March 31 last year. string theory concept which pro-
NASA scientists on to resume full-speed particle colli- “Our analyst teams are prepar- vides for extra dimensions other
Monday reported an X- sions next month aimed at resolving ing to work on ‘new physics’ data than the known four -- length,
class solar flare, the first key mysteries of the universe, sci- that will start flowing once colli- breadth, depth and time -- and for
in more than four years. entists and engineers at the research sions start up again in about three the existence of parallel universes.
X-class flares are the center said on Monday. weeks,” said Oliver Buchmueller, Black holes are collapsed stars,
most powerful of all so- The large X2 solar flare as seen in extreme ultraviolet light, the largest solar flare since 2006. They reported that the giant team leader on the LHC’s CMS de- observed in many galaxies in the
lar events that can trigger subterranean machine was in fine tector, one of the project’s four ma- known universe, around which the
radio blackouts and long- of the quietest ever 11- communications, disrupt space weather and its ef- shape after a 10-week shutdown jor experiments. force of gravity is so strong that
lasting radiation storms. year periods,” he said in a Global Positioning Sys- fects on GPS software re- and that particle beams circulating New Physics, the motto of the nothing, not even light, can escape.
It was one of a series telephone interview. tem signals and interrupt ceivers, says people who in it again since the weekend would LHC, refers to knowledge that will But scientists want to know more
of three solar flares and Solar flares are intense, civilian communications, have come to rely on their be boosted to top speed by the end take research beyond the “Standard about how they come about.
prompted speculation that short-lived releases of according to the National GPS technology during of the day. Model” of how the universe works The Higgs boson has been pos-
a new solar cycle may be energy. They show up as Oceanic and Atmospheric the period of quiet solar “Everything is going very well that emerged from the work of Al- ited for over 30 years as the agent
ramping up. bright areas on the sun, Administration, which activity may see more in- indeed. Progress has been extreme- bert Einstein and his 1905 Theory that gives mass to matter, and made
“This is one of the producing high levels of tracks solar flares. terference with their navi- ly rapid since we switched the LHC of Special Relativity. formation of the universe possible
first real solar events of radiation and charged par- NASA says the particle gation systems as solar ac- on again late on Saturday,” Mike “We will be focusing this year on immediately after the Big Bang
the next solar maximum ticles that can intensify cloud produced by Febru- tivity picks up. Lamont, head of operations at the super-symmetry, extra dimensions, 13.7 billion years ago. But proof
-- that is when you would solar winds -- electrically ary 14 event is relatively “It’s been minimum ac- LHC control room just outside Ge- how black holes are produced, and that it exists has still to be found.
see the highest number of charged particles continu- weak, and most likely will tivity, and we haven’t had neva, told Reuters. the Higgs boson. We expect some Information on all these is ex-
solar flares,” said Brady ously spewing outward only result in some beau- to really worry about GPS. The LHC was closed down on first results by the summer,” said pected to emerge as CERN -- the
O’Hanlon, a doctoral stu- from the sun. tiful sightings of the au- That may not be quite the December 6 for technical checks of Buchmueller. 21-nation European Organization
dent at Cornell University The Earth’s magnetic rora borealis -- shimmery case over the next few its hugely complex apparatus after Super-symmetry, dubbed SUSY, for Nuclear Research -- pursues its
in Ithaca, New York. field largely protects the displays of red, green and years,” he said. eight months of operations. is a theory allowing for the exis- simulations of the Big Bang with
O’Hanlon said solar planet from space weather. purple that are expected to “We hope to ramp up to full tence of unseen doubles of elemen- billions of high-energy collisions in
activity typically peaks in But massive solar flares light up the northern sky By JULIE STEEN- beam within the next few hours,” tary particles and if proven correct the LHC.
11-year cycles. “We’ve can disrupt power grids, this week. HUYSEN (Reuters). Ed- said Lamont, referring to the high- would explain the mystery of dark
been at the depths of one interfere with high-fre- But O’Hanlon, who iting by Xavier Briand est energy achieved so far in the matter, believed to make up nearly a By ROBERT EVANS (Reuters)
quency airline and military conducts research on machine -- 3.5 tera electron volts, or quarter of the known universe.

Man has 39 wives and 94 children Massive

“Even today, I am ready to expand my family and willing to go to any extent to marry” shears off
after New
A 30 million tonne block of ice
sheared off a New Zealand gla-
cier just minutes after a violent
earthquake devastated the city
of Christchurch, officials said
The huge iceberg crashed into
a lake shortly after the 6.3 mag-
nitude tremor rocked the South
Island on Tuesday and created
waves up to three metres high
for 30 minutes which rocked two
sightseeing boats on the lake at
the time.
The enormous iceberg -- esti-
mated to weigh 30 to 40 million
tonnes -- began ripping off the
Tasman Glacier at Aoraki Mount
Cook National Park accompanied
by a loud noise which sounded
like a rifle shot, a local tourism
official said.
Aoraki Mount Cook Alpine
Village tourism manager Denis
Callesen said locals had been
expecting a major iceberg to
drop from the glacier for the past
month, but the “curve ball” was
that the event was caused by an
“The earthquake that we felt
here was a swaying motion for
about a minute, then it stopped
and then it swayed for about an-
GUWAHATI, India -- The more, Bangladesh, media reports said. The wives take turns cooking, lowers. ligious sect, called the “Chana,” other minute,” he told AFP.
the merrier is certainly true for Zi- “I once married 10 women in while his daughters clean the house “Even today, I am ready to ex- which allows polygamy. Formed in “Within about a minute of that
ona Chana, a 66-year-old man in one year,” he was quoted as saying. and do washing. The men do out- pand my family and willing to go to June 1942, the sect believes it will happening, the staff at the lake
India’s remote northeast who has His wives share a dormitory near door jobs like farming and taking any extent to marry,” Ziona said. soon be ruling the world with Christ heard from five kilometres away
39 wives, 94 children and 33 grand- Ziona’s private bedroom and locals care of livestock. “I have so many people to care and has a membership of around (from the glacier) a sound that
children -- and wouldn’t mind hav- said he likes to have seven or eight The family, all 167 of them, con- (for) and look after, and I consider 400 families. sounded like a rifle shot and then
ing more. of them by his side at all times. sumes around 91 kg (200 pounds) myself a lucky man.” over the next two minutes all the
They all live in a four storied The sons and their wives, and of rice and more than 59 kg (130 Ziona met his oldest wife, who Reporting by BISWAJYOTI DAS, events started to unfold.
building with 100 rooms in a moun- all their children, live in different pounds) of potatoes a day. They are is three years older than he is, when editing by Elaine Lies (AP) “I have absolutely no doubt in
tainous village in Mizoram state, rooms in the same building, but supported by their own resources he was 17. my mind that the earthquake was
sharing borders with Myanmar and share a common kitchen. and occasional donations from fol- He heads a local Christian re- the trigger.”
The Department of Conser-

Doctors remove
vation confirmed that a “large
chunk” of the glacier fell into the

Brazil woman finds gator lake but was unable to say if this
was caused by the earthquake,
which was only felt lightly around

behind couch after flood

Mt Cook some 150 kilometres (93

knife from man’s

miles) from the epicentre.
“You could argue whether the
earthquake precipitated it or not
SAO PAULO (AP) -- After “She snatched the boy away and -- the fact is that the terminal face
floodwaters receded from her home, called us,” he said. was about due to carve anyway,”

head after 4 years

a Brazilian woman was shocked Farias said it was lucky the rep- area manager Richard McNamara
to find a most unwelcome house tile apparently wasn’t in the mood told AFP.
guest: a 5-foot (1.5-meter) alligator for a meal: “If he was hungry, he “The estimate of around 30 to
lying tamely in the living room as could have seriously hurt or even 40 million tonnes of ice would be
her 3-year-old son petted the rep- killed the boy.” at a rough estimate about right.”
tile’s head. Firefighters trapped the alligator McNamara said the one-ki-
The animal apparently was and took it to a nearby environmen- lometre long piece of ice which
washed inside by the high water tal preserve, where they set it free. carved off the glacier had broken
BEIJING (AP) -- Sur- broke off inside his head scar has been found. It is the man’s throat, having Monday night, said Luiz Claudio “Cities in this region were built into smaller icebergs, some of
geons in southern China without anyone realiz- very strange as to how the missed the carotid artery Farias, a captain of firefighters in very near rivers and the rain forests, which were now about 200 me-
successfully removed a ing it, said the director of blade got into his head,” and other key structures. the north-central city of Parauape- which is why it is not uncommon tres (650 metres) in length, and
rusty, 4-inch (10-centime- the hospital’s Communist Xu Wen, deputy director “There are planes and bas. to see animals like alligators and towering up to 50 metres above
ter) knife from the skull Party committee’s office of the hospital’s stomatol- spaces between important When the woman went to clean snakes entering people’s houses,” the lake.
of a man who said it had who would only give his ogy department, told state organs. That’s how one up the following day, she saw the Farias said. “It carved in one big lot; a face
been stuck in there for surname, He. broadcaster CCTV. does surgery - you dis- boy playing with something behind He declined to identify the wom- about a kilometre long carving
four years, the hospital Surgeons worked cau- CCTV showed footage sect in those planes, move the couch, Farias said. It turned out an or her son. is a spectacular sight,” McNa-
said Friday. tiously to remove the bad- of the rusted knife and in- the trachea one way, the to be a gator. mara said, adding that the iceberg
Li Fuyan, 30, had been ly-corroded blade without terviewed Li, who said: esophagus the other,” he would then have popped up to the
suffering from severe shattering it, He said. The “As time passed, I used said. water like a porpoise before start-

Dispute over Thin

headaches, bad breath and hospital’s website also re- injections to kill the pain “Maybe out of sheer ing to break into smaller pieces.
breathing difficulties but ported the successful sur- in my head and ears. It has luck this knife passed He said that particular face of
never knew the cause of gery. been four years already.” through” one such area, the glacier had experienced simi-

Mints gets physical

his discomfort, said the The case, which one of Dr. Eugene Flamm, Flamm said, adding that lar events in recent years and it
senior official at the Yuxi the doctors described as a chairman of neurosur- he was still surprised at was not unusual to see huge ice-
City People’s Hospital in “miracle,” has been wide- gery at New York’s Mon- the time the blade suppos- bergs in the lake. However, the
Yunnan Province. ly covered by the Chinese tefiore Medical Center, edly spent in the man’s 7.0 magnitude quake which hit
Li told doctors he had media and discussed on said X-ray images of the body. NAPLES, Fla. (AP) -- Police and hitting her repeatedly with a New Zealand in September had
been stabbed in the lower the Internet. man’s head posted on the say a brawl between roommates board and then a sign. not produced a similar event at Mt
right jaw by a robber four “We checked his hospital’s website show By GILLIAN WONG over Girl Scout cookies led to as- Police say the roommate’s hus- Cook, he said.
years ago and the blade mouth, but no wound or the knife sitting behind (AP) sault charges against one of them. band tried to separate them. The

Clown turned
According to the Naples Daily roommate said she gave the cookies
News, the Collier County Sheriff’s to Howard’s children.
Office reports that 31-year-old Her- Howard is charged with aggra-

sha Howard woke up her roommate vated battery with a deadly weapon
early Sunday and accused her of and aggravated assault with a dead-
eating her Thin Mints. ly weapon. She was released Mon-
They argued and deputies say
that it turned physical with Howard
chasing her roommate with scissors
day on $10,000 bail.
A telephone listing for Howard
could not be immediately found.
messes up
first vote
Big cleaning bill for RIO DE JANEIRO -- A clown
who won a seat in Brazil’s Con-

missing snake on train gress by a landslide has stayed

true to his former profession by
accidentally messing up his first
BOSTON (AP) -- A woman Moorhouse had traveled with the Francisco Everardo Oliveira
whose 3-foot-long snake slithered snake around her neck and lost it Silva, better known by his clown
away from her in a Boston subway between stations Jan. 6. The snake name Tiririca, had pledged to
car and hid there for nearly a month was spotted on the train earlier this back the government’s auster-
has gotten a hefty cleaning bill. month by a commuter. ity proposal for a new national
Transit officials want Allston, The Boston Globe reported minimum wage in a crucial vote
Mass., resident Melissa Moorhouse Tuesday the Massachusetts Bay on Wednesday night.AIsland on
to pay $650 to cover the costs of Transportation Authority says some Tuesday and created waves up to
disinfecting and sanitizing the Red subway riders wrote in with health three metres high for 30 minutes
Line train to protect passengers concerns. which rocked two sightseeing
from germs such as salmonella that Moorhouse says she’ll pay more boats on the lake at the time.
may have been left by a boa con- attention the next time she takes the (Reporting by STUART
strictor named Penelope. snake out in public. GRUDGINGS; editing by Philip


Dearest Dear Sex Advisor, Dearest Lacrimose with your Hos, ask yourself, is this a discotheque what I replied, she got in, so I start- with climaximum force, altering my orphanajizz to give the ripest cheeks
To solve this problem, please ingest or an infirmary? At some point ev- ed to drive. whole life’s course. a kiss and squeeze, the ones most
I’ve had numerous sex- eryone collectively transitioned and stained with tears and disease.
two bumps of sugar with your after- She said I was an imporntant man (N)WARP. The shrimp spiraled
ual partners in the past noon began to display signs of a most dire with a lot to say, so much that round and round, it was the coeF- More bang for your buck, more
six months. How is it that illness of the mind. We think we’ve needed to be heard…her fists flail- ISHnet of beauty and sound. A tummy for your tuck.
none of them seem to Issues to redress once you are come to dance away our woes, the
dressed: Crippling Loneliness and ing with forTITude, her body shak- phosphorescent odor fills the room Arriving at home, finally, I per-
have noticed my crying flashing lights…our fancy clothes, ing with her words. Her voice while we all try to remain steady
Idealistic Noceans of Morality. The blinding twinkles in our toes, is this formed some intensive homoncal-
throughout our sexual ex- desiccated sur-face of the moon. my nose or a vacuum hose? Per-
rises higher and higher, like the during the bass drum booms. The culus homuncalculus until I passed
periences? And if so, why Her kiss made me quite sick. But sines. I can feel something grow- kilograms we insufflate while we out from sexhaustion.
haps tonight is the night you will fi- ing in my spine, squealing gleefully mentally masturbate disappear with
don’t they address the is- not in my dick. nally WOO the girl of your dreams like swine, standing in an endless great rapidity, replaced with a most
sue rather than chalking it My knightrous in shining armor- and her best friend too! line stretching to the end of time. profound vapidity. Tectonically,
up to extreme physical in- phine, there is a metaphormula you A pair of wilted tits were flying in There’s the sound of a distant echo- If you take a hit of acid and then
must follow to suck at the pool of Vitus S. Hearn
timacy and/or ecstasy? the wind. She plunged her head ing chime from somewhere soft, smoke some base, will they cancel
cess. One day we will exit our bod- deep inside the passenger’s side and sweet, and sublime. She hums a
-I Spring a Leak with my ies and none of this toiling will have each other out? I’ll return home on
asked me for a ride, not listening to gentle nursery rhyme as we shiver the scenic route and stop by a few Fodder for your dreams:
Freak of the Week even mattered. Look around and

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