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05 RW 11

Nadiya Nur Putri


English Education Department, Faculty of Teacher and Training Education

Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto, Indonesia


This paper discusses how high school students' interest and interest in English in
Tipar Village RT 05 RW 11, Banyumas, Central Java. This paper aims to: (1) find out
whether high school students in Tipar village are interested in learning English and (2)
find out why high school students are interested in mastering English. The author
conducted an interview action research through a questionnaire in December, namely
students from Tipar Village who attended SMAN 1 Rawalo and SMK Wijayakusuma
Jatilawang in the 2020/2021 school year. The research data was collected using a
questionnaire via Google Form. The results showed that high school students in Tipar RT
05 RW 11 agreed that English was very important to master. Respondents of this study
were 10 students consisting of 2 male and female students aged 16, 17, and 18 years. This
can be seen from the percentage of respondents' answers, namely 60% of the total
respondents are interested in mastering English, 30% of respondents are still in doubt and
10% of respondents are not interested in mastering English. Not only that, they also gave
an opinion in the form of the view that English was important for them to master. That is
because they want to be able to communicate with foreign tourists, speak English
fluently, be able to study and work abroad, be able to understand people who speak
English and be able to know the meaning of a song and text in English.

Keywords: Interest in English, High School Students

Makalah ini membahas tentang bagaimana minat dan minat siswa SMA terhadap Bahasa
Inggris di Desa Tipar RT 05 RW 11, Banyumas, Jawa Tengah. Makalah ini bertujuan
untuk: (1) mengetahui apakah siswa SMA di desa Tipar tertarik untuk belajar bahasa
Inggris dan (2) mengetahui alasan siswa SMA tertarik untuk menguasai bahasa Inggris.
Penulis melakukan penelitian tindakan wawancara melalui kuesioner pada bulan
Desember yaitu siswa dari Desa Tipar yang bersekolah di SMAN 1 Rawalo dan SMK
Wijayakusuma Jatilawang tahun pelajaran 2020/2021. Data penelitian dikumpulkan
dengan menggunakan kuesioner melalui Google Form. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan
bahwa siswa SMA di Tipar RT 05 RW 11 setuju bahwa bahasa Inggris sangat penting
untuk dikuasai. Responden penelitian ini adalah 10 siswa yang terdiri dari 2 siswa laki-
laki dan perempuan berusia 16, 17, dan 18 tahun. Hal ini terlihat dari persentase jawaban
responden yaitu 60% dari total responden berminat menguasai bahasa Inggris, 30%
responden masih ragu-ragu dan 10% responden tidak berminat menguasai bahasa Inggris.
Tidak hanya itu, mereka juga memberikan pendapat berupa pandangan bahwa bahasa
Inggris itu penting untuk mereka kuasai. Yaitu karena mereka ingin bisa berkomunikasi
dengan turis asing, lancar berbahasa Inggris, bisa kuliah dan bekerja di luar negeri, dapat
memahami orang yang berbicara bahasa Inggris dan dapat mengetahui arti sebuah lagu
dan teks dalam bahasa Inggris.

Kata Kunci: Minat Bahasa Inggris, Siswa SMA

English is one of the most important aspects that every student must have.
Because English is an international language that can support communication with other
people who may be from different countries and different languages. Moreover, currently
there are lots of references to support the future where English is used as a bridge, so that
students also need to improve their ability in speaking English.
English is not only used to communicate directly, but also to support students in
increasing their knowledge and education. Currently most of the latest references are in
English, both print and online via the internet.
English is like a bridge that connects someone with others someone, or someone
with a group, or a group with groups in one language to communicate. Therefore, it is
important to know, learn and master English.

Rita Mae Brown (activist and writer) from America said that;
“Language is a road map for a culture. It tells you where the people are from and
where they are going".
From Rita Mae Brown's statement above, it can be concluded that language is the
identity of a society. From the language spoken by a community, we can find out where
they came from. For example, when a Japanese person speaks Japanese, the person who
hears it knows that the person is from Japan. Not only that, there are some Japanese who
speak English, it looks like they come from Japan because there is an accent that can be
seen when he speaks, or incorrect speech and English structure that shows that he is not a
native speaker. When someone uses English incorrectly, sometimes other people don't
understand what we are saying. There are times when you also need to be able to
understand the differences between British English and American English so you do not
get confused if you encounter these differences. Therefore, the importance of having an
interest in learning English in our lives is very beneficial.
Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe (German writer) said that those who don't know
anything about foreign languages are the same as not knowing their own language.
The purpose of Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe's statement is, every human being
in the hemisphere has a different language. Even though so many languages exist, we
must know the languages that exist in the world, at least one foreign language because all
humans are in one place to live, namely the earth. Therefore, we must know foreign
languages such as English, which is a foreign language that is patented as an international
language so that we can communicate with anyone in this hemisphere.


Based on the data obtained from this study uses a questionnaire in the form of a
Google form that can be accessed via the internet. Early data were obtained from High
School students at Tipar RT 05 RW 11.

The result of this research is High School students at Tipar RT 05 RW 11 agree

that English is very important for them to master.

Respondents of this study were 10 students consisting of 2 male students and

female students aged 16, 17, and 18 years.

Is English Important ?
Very Important Important Not Very Important Not Important





Based on the data obtained, high school students at Tipar RT 05 RW 11, most
students agree that English is very important for them.
Are you interested in learning English

60% Maybe

Based on the data obtained, most of the high school students in Tipar RT 05 RW
11 are interested and want to be able to master English even though there are some
students who are still not interested in mastering English.

The conclusion from the research analysis regarding the interest of high school
students in learning and English is quite high. Of the many respondents who answered
the questionnaire, they also stated that they wanted to master English. They want to learn
English so they can communicate in English with other people. In addition, by being able
to speak English they hope to get a better job and be able to continue their education


Tipar Village RT 05 RW 11 which is located in Banyumas Regency is a village

that can be said to be a remote village. Why? Because the existence of Tipar village
which is far from the main road and access to transportation and access to the internet
network is still difficult to reach. Even so, education in Tipar village is considered
advanced because there are several school buildings that continue to operate and continue
to develop until now. Tipar Village is also a densely populated village, reminding the
number of children or students who are still actively attending school. One of them is a
high school student. In this study, I tried to dig up information about the interests of high
school students in the village of Tipar RT 05 RW 11 in mastering English and why they
wanted to master English. In this study, I got different opinions from respondents that I
interviewed through Google Form. 60% of the total respondents were interested in
mastering English, 30% of respondents were still in doubt and 10% of respondents were
not interested in mastering English.

Most of the high school students in Tipar village RT 05 RW 11, that is 60% of the
total respondents who have answered the questionnaire, confirmed that they are interested
in mastering English. Not only that, they also gave an opinion in the form of the view that
English is important for them to master. Which mean that they agree that mastering
English is important. They also revealed their reasons why they were interested in
mastering English, some said because they wanted to be able to communicate with
foreign tourists. There are also those who say that they want to master English so that
they can speak English fluently in the hope that they can study and work abroad.
Meanwhile, one of them gave a reason because by mastering English he hopes to
understand people who speak English and can know the meaning of a song or text in

Meanwhile, 30% of the respondents still doubt their interest in mastering English.
The reason they hesitate to master English is that they have the view that English is
difficult to learn. Another reason is because at the time they feel bored in the classroom
because when the teacher delivers the material it is unpleasant and very boring, so it
makes them unsure whether they are interested in mastering English or not. On the other
hand, 10% of the respondents who answered the questionnaire said that they were not
interested in mastering English. Why is that? They say that they don't like English, they
don't have time to study English, they say that they will not be able to study or work
abroad so they think that English is not really important for them to master.


The conclusion from these data is that most high school students in the village of
Tipar RT 05 RW 11 are interested in mastering English and think that English is
important to master. Their interest in mastering English is because they want to be able to
communicate in English and be able to continue studying and working abroad.
Meanwhile, 30% of the respondents still have doubts about their interest in English. For
10% of respondents said that they are not interested in mastering English because they
think that English is difficult to learn and they do not have time to learn English.

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Burns, Anne. 1999. Collaborative Action Research for English Language Teachers.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Wallace, Catherine. 1992. Reading. New York: Oxford University Press.
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Burns C, Paul and Beety L, Broman. 1975. The Language Arts in Childhood Education.
Chicago: Rand MeNally College Publishing Company.

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