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Julianes, Mary Christine Joy P.

NURS 1-3

Critical Thinking Questions

1. What are the reasons for the decision you came up with– choosing Nursing as a course?
One of the reasons is my strong urge to serve and help people by taking care of and
understanding them. Also, I needed something to hold on to for the love of humanity, that it is not
2. What is the relationship between your passion and your wants?
The difference between them is that my passion is something that will fulfil the void of me, while
my wants were just a temporary fix for my feeling of inadequacy.
3. What is the best solution to some of people’s misconception regarding Nursing course?
I believe that it’s their own mindset that needs to be fixed. Nurses are a vital part of the healthcare
team, they aren’t as shallow as what people ought to be.
4. How does online classes prepare students be ready for the next opportunity to come?
Online classes are mentally draining, but it is still something that we need to continuously
flourish our minds about different knowledge we should encounter. There should be cooperation
between the students and the faculties.
5. Why do some people do not get contented in life?
Being contented is definitely not an impossible mission, I think it’s human sometimes to not be
content but once they realize, they’re sure to lead a content life.
6. Why is there a need to be selfish at some point in our lives?
Being selfish doesn’t have to be a bad thing, at the expense of our own health, we tend to go
overboard about others by forgetting our own sake. We have to guard our walls.
7. How does a mere song speak a lot about what we feel?
We sometimes tend to incorporate what we feel on the things we see, hear, touch and smell.
Sometimes, it is the best tool for us to let things make sense.
8. What are the reasons why having an alone time is beneficial?
It gives us more time for ourselves, to ponder and be more balanced as our personal and social
life should be.
9. What is the process of becoming a better version of ourselves?
I think it is important to have self-love before hoping for a better version. If we love ourselves
enough, we can permit it to grow willingly.
10. Is it possible to learn “too much?”
I believe it is possible. Our brain is a very intricate organ which contains billions of neurons that
may help us to do so, but it has its own limitations.

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