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Physical Development of early Teenagers

During the ages of ten through fourteen young people experience the effects of puberty. Puberty is a
time when the adolescent matures sexually and also the stage where a person is capable of procreating
offspring. During puberty young people experiences a rapid and uneven rate of growth. As a result of
growth this early teenage group experiences lack of coordination. Their acute sensitivity has made any
changes in their body a small crisis. Teenagers are self-conscious they assume that everyone around
them is concerned about the same thing they are concerned about themselves it is also referred to as
adolescent egocentrism. Teens feel that they are always on stage and everyone is concerned about
their appearance and behaviour.

Adults can help self-conscious adolescents by avoiding public criticism and ridicule, and to be more
sensitive about public exposure. Pointing out physiological features can bring negative impacts in the
adolescent’s life because they are well aware of their physical shortcomings. This kind of public
scrutiny does nothing but damage both internally as well as rationally.

Youth workers must have real patience in working with teenagers who are growing into adolescence.
Physiological changes sometimes trigger psychological problems the early teenagers concern for
physical appearance is so complete that it over shadows all else. Teenagers must learn to accept
themselves as they are. Teenagers must learn to accept their bodies as given by God.

Since fluctuations of mood and energy are characteristic of the teenage period of life it does lead good
to lecture teenagers. The teenager is extremely serious about him and wants to be taken seriously.
Fear of radicle concerning his appearance can shut the teenager off to any and all outside help.
Teenager desires his leader to have a sense of humour. But this sense of humour must never be turned
upon the physic of the teenager. During the early stage of physical development, young people are
experiencing the breakdown of many old habit; they are left wide open to acquiring new habits.
Physical adjustment and maturity constitute the first and important steps toward spiritual adjustment
and maturity.

The young people love to daydream and this mental pre-occupation involves thought and will lay the
basis for forming character and openings as the year pass on. Daydreams can be healthy in building
the aspiration of teenagers. Daydreams, at the same time can be harmful. The teenager may set ideas
for himself that are way out proportion to his personality, physical build, and ability.

At this stage of life, present Christ-the most valid Hero of all. If teenagers pattern their lives after
Christ, they will have a successful and fruitful development of Christian maturity. In the early teenage
years their memories are keen, so supply them with memory work that will build good foundation. In
order to stimulate good memory work give them reasons that you are asking them to memorise.
Teenagers would not memorise to obtain a price-if they are typical teenagers. But they will memorise
towards the end that their lives will be more like the Christ with whom they seek to identify. 1

Lee Vukich & Steve Vandegriff, Timeless Youth Ministry (Chicago: Moody Press, 2002), 114-119.

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