Social Peter

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Subject: Social Analysis and Application. Submitted by: S.


5 definitions of Society

August Comte, the father of sociology defines society as a social organism processing a
harmony of structure and function.

Emile Durkheim, the founding father of the modern sociology treated society as a reality in its
own right.

G.H Mead conceived society as an exchange of gestures which involves the use of symbols.

Morris Ginsberg defines society as a collection of individuals united by certain relations or

mode of behaviour which mark them off from other who do not enter into these relations or
who differ from them in behaviour.

Robert Morrison Maclver defines society as a system of usages and procedures of authority
and mutual aid of many groupings and divisions, of controls of human behaviour and

10 Characteristics of Society

1. Likeness: The similarity is the most essential characteristics of society, because

without a sense of resemblance there could be no mutual recognition. Without
resemblance it would be impossible.

2. Differences: The family is the first society based on biological differences. Everybody
is just not the same.

3. Interdependence: No individual is self sufficient therefore we all depend on each

4. Cooperation and conflict: Cooperation avoids mutual destructiveness and allows
sharing of expenses. Conflict makes cooperation meaningful, there will always be
disagreements, but there should be tolerable limit.

5. Society is a network of social relations: Social relations are the bases of society,
without it society will not exist.

6. Sense of belonging: Belonging is the human emotional need to be accepted member

of a group.

7. The society is abstract: A various relationship develop that cannot be seen but can
be felt.

8. The society is dynamic: The very nature of society is static as it continually changes.

9. Integral culture: Each society is unique because it has its own culture which is
different from others.

10. Division of labour: It is essential for economic progress because it allows people to
specialize in particular task.

What are the factors for culture change?

1. Contact: The contact between two societies will obviously change the culture of both
the societies.

2. Technology Evolution: Changes in production technology, changes in the means of

communication, changes in the means of transportation, Technology changes things.

3. The geographical and ecological factor: The climate, rainfall or attitude of the
place decides the culture and lifestyle of the people. Any change in physical features
will automatically lead to a change in their culture, habits and way of living.

4. Religious belief: When one enters into a new religious practice, spirituality or faith
can change the culture.

Observation regarding cultural changes when the society represents what is viewed as
socially desirable and useful and if they do not clash with re-existed and still valued customs
and practices. All the Cultural changes are not equally important. Some changes are occurred
because they are considered for human survival. Some others just to satisfy socially acquired

What are Social Institutions?

A social institution is a complex, integrated set of social norms organized around the
preservation of a basic societal value. Here are the definitions of some sociologists:

According to Bertrand Moingeon, the institutions are system of social relationships for
meeting various felt human need.

Robert Morrison Maclver defines social institutions as an established form or the condition of
a procedure.

Maud A. Merrill defines institutions as the interrelated system of norms.

Lester F Ward defines institution as the means for the control and utilization of the social

After analysing all these definitions, basically social institutions consist of a group of
people who have come together for a common purpose. These institutions are a part of the
social order of society and they govern behaviour and expectations of individuals. Each area
carries out certain tasks and has different responsibilities that contribute to the overall
strength of a society.

Example: In Nagaland, there is this National Socialist Council of Nagaland, known as

the NSCN-IM. They are Naga nationalist insurgent group operating mainly in Northeast
India led by Isak Chishi Swu and Thuingaleng Muivah along with the Chief of the Naga army
and their council and comrades. They are freedom fighters and they fight for the Naga
Independence. Whenever there are issues in Manipur, Nagaland and even in North East
areas, they will approach the NSCN IM to settle their cases or issues. All issues and cases are
in their control, they try to serve it with justice. Even when someone wants to start a business,
illegal businesses are not allowed. They even control the taxes in Nagaland and Manipur and
try to solve the heavy tax problem.

What is Caste and Class?

Caste and class are both status groups. While castes are apparent as hereditary groups
with a fixed ritual status, social classes are defined in terms of the relations of production. A
social class is a category of people who have a similar socio-economic status in relation to
other classes in the society. The individuals and families which are classified as part of the
same social class have similar life chances, prestige, style of life, attitudes etc. In the caste
system, status of a caste is determined not by the economic and the political privileges but by
the ritualistic legitimation of authority. In the class system, ritual norms have no importance
at all but power and wealth alone determine one’s status

My Reflection

This caste and class thing in India, actually it started as a class system and became a
caste system over a period of time. Actually In this country why this caste system stuck on
like this, because it was the only means of transmitting skills; family was the only institutions
means of transmitting knowledge. We do not want to corrupt that, which is why it was
maintained. But now it is irrelevant, one part of the caste system has become irrelevant.
Another reason why people are sticking to the caste is because there is no social security in
the country. If something went wrong with their life the only one they can fall is their clan,
the caste. In urban it may not matter, but in rural areas if they break away, they are
completely on your own. I disagree on the outcome of what caste and class system has
become because it has become a discrimination now.

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