Tugas Bahasa Inggris Peta

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Bhayangkara Polda Jatim Hospital

I will explain the map from the East Java Regional Police Bhayangkara Hospital. First, there's an
emergency department up front. There is a door in front of the emergency department's patient
entrance, and next to it is an ambulance entrance. After the emergency department we walk on the left,
there is an Acute Medical Unit room and on the right is a Radiology Day Case. Then the next room on the
right is the Diabetes & Endocrinology Room, next to the Diabetes & Endocrinology Room is the Medical
Photography Room and then in front there is the Pharmacy room. Then we continue walking there is a
room to the right of Rheumatology Outpatients and next to the Orthotics & Blood test room. If we turn
right there is a Charity Shop and a Caffe, next to it there is a north entrance. Then if you turn right we
will find the Orthopedic & Fracture room, Respiratory Outpatients, and X-Ray room. Then turn right
again, there is a room on the right, namely the Cardiology, Vacular Tests room and next to it are rooms
C5, C6 and C7. Then turn right again there is the scanning room and on the left is the Nuclear Medicine
room. And when we turn right we will return to the Emergency Department.

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