Personal Innovations - APCSP

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Unit 1 Lesson 1

Name(s) Abhi, Winston, Luke, Vishnu Period 2 Date 01/25/21

Activity Guide - Personal Innovations 

Technological innovation is about recognizing a problem that needs to be solved, or recognizing

something needs improving and then building a tool to solve it.

As a class we’re going to see how innovative we can be, and we’ll share our ideas through
something called “rapid prototyping.” ​(Prototype ​is a fancy word that means a preliminary sketch of
an idea or model for something new. It’s the original drawing from which something real might be built or

First​: Looking at the list of 4 interests at your table, let’s ​think about how technology is impacted by,
or related to, those interests.

How could ​technology​ improve your interest to make it ​better, faster, ​or ​easier​ to use?

What is a ​problem​, or aspect of your interest, that a ​creative or innovative technology might
help solve​, or at least make better?

Interest Improvements Problems

Video Games With screen recording technology Usually videogames are played one
we can review our games and find way. This is called the meta.
out mistakes in the game and Sometimes in video games people
correct them for the next game or we get bored of the game because the
can make a bot that explains meta is the same.So with the bot it
different things we could have done can open up different possibilities
in different situations of the game. and different ways to play.
So the bot can open up different
ways to play the game.

Hockey Tracking Technology / Cameras in Before tracking technology was

Hockey games allow the referees to introduced into hockey, calls that
make better calls or decisions and refs made during the games may not
allows the audiences / fans to see have been as accurate as it is with
what is happening in the games. the tracking technology. The refs
Tracking technologies put into pucks can only see so much out of the
and hockey jerseys allow hockey mass of bodies crowded in a certain
players and coaches to get better area on the ice. These calls could
feedback on shots and what should have been game changing. One
be improved to make the shot better. team should have won if the ref
This also helps with studying made a better call and actually saw
different games and seeing patterns what happened.
to help benefit the teams and

Computer Science Principles 1

Swimming There are boards which react to More often than not you need to
touch that help accurately record a touch the board several times to get
swimmer’s time so that they don’t it to register, so it doesn’t work all
have to rely on their timers’ reaction the time, and may be inaccurate.
speeds.Technology has also made it Plus, water and electricity don’t mix.
possible to make more streamlined Some suits actually give unfair
swimsuits to go as fast as possible. advantages over others, making
competitions less fair.

Rubik’s Cubes - Abhi Making a program to figure out the Problems with Rubik’s Cubes is
fastest way to solve a scrambled up once it’s scrambled, only if you know
cube. A program should be able to all the algorithms, you’ll be able to
run through all possibilities and solve it. However, if you use a
figure out what way is the least computer program like the MIT
amount of steps as well as what’s Robot made to figure out all possible
the fastest. algorithms, you would be able to
solve it without having to learn and
memorize all the algorithms.

Computer Science Principles 2

Next:​ As a group, nominate the idea you’ve discussed that you think would be the ​most interesting to
everyone else​ in the class.

Start to sketch it out on a poster. ​Make a visual representation of your ideas.​ ​Remember this is
a rapid prototype, just something to convey the idea. Feel free to jot down ideas or sketches in
the space below:

Brainstorming and Notes

When watching hockey there should be a tracking algorithm so that everyone no matter where they are
can see how the players and moving and where the shots are going. This way fans and players won’t
have to constantly argue with the refs about whether or no the plays that wre

Computer Science Principles 3

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