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PMB : 0123080017

1. Hello, my name Priscilla Anastasya Br Bangun. I was born in Medan on January 16, 2002 and I
am now 18 years old, I am the first child of 4 siblings. I have a mother named Henny Mariaty Br
Tobing and I have not had a father since 2014. Then my mother worked in a state owned private
company. She worked from morning to night to support us 4 children. My mother age now 43
years old is arguably not young again but always trying to keep fighting for our children and I
am very proud of that. I have 3 younger siblings who are also still in school. My first brother is at
the Middle Seminary Christus Sacerdos Pematang Siantar, my second brother ia attending
Middle School SMP N 1 Sunggal and my third sister still attends Catholic St. francis Asisi Binjai
Middle School. This is my Family
2. My current condition is a person who is less able. Where my mother only works alone to
support her 4 children and the current financial condition is arguably really in need, but with a
strong desire and determination to go to collage so I want to get a scholarship at Parahyangan
University I hope I am great can get the scholarship because I really want to go to collage
3. My motivator is because I like the management businesss and because my mother I want to
boast her and want to be able to make her happy with mw being able to study in the UNPAR
management business
4. What I want to achieve when I get accepted is I want to develop my talent in the management
business because I really want to work in the office especially in the menegement world
5. I will continue to try to follow online learning as long as it is recommended and follow all the
rules that have been given for the sake of fluency and neutralize problems that occur when
learning during
NO. PMB : 0123080017

1. Saya tidak ada menempuh Pendidikan diluar sekolah saat ini

2. Pengamalan Organisasi saya:
- Pernah menjadi anggota PRAMUKA
- Pernah menjadi ketua dalam Organisasi Intra Sekolah (OSIS)
- Menjadi anggota Orang Muda Katolik (OMK) digereja
3. Prestasi yang pernah diraih:
- Mendapat ranking 1-3 setiap semester
- Menjadi juara 2 dalam olimpiade olahraga nasional tingkat kota tahun 2018-2019
4. Hobi saya adalah Traveling dan olahraga

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