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To Family, friends or associates… whichever you may be,

I can only assume my demise has finally come, hopefully it was a meaningful
death… but I guess I will never know. Pointless brooding and pondering upon the
meaning of life have never been my way and I don’t intend to change them now…
so let’s get to it then shall we.

You are probably wondering what I, the local town drunk, coward and general
ne’er do well could possibly have to offer anyone in the town of Sorrow’s Rest and
more importantly why I chose you as my beneficiaries. Know this, sight can often
be deceiving, especially when we look no deeper than the surface and I have used
this to my advantage here in Sorrow Falls. My true name is Abrihm Hollow only
son of Berkham & Liza Hollow as well as the sole heir to the Hollow family estate. I
was no drunkard, no beggar and no lay about…I was the last surviving member
of the Dusk Society. An organization founded by my ancestors to study and if
possible, prevent the coming end times of our world. The Dusk Society under my
care is no longer what it once was but there are still resources and knowledge
enough in the Hollow manor house to continue my families mission, manuals of
training in various arts, strong steel weapons and more importantly contacts who
have pledged themselves to helping the Dusk Society whenever and however they
can. But alas I move to fast and without proper explanation in my eagerness to
see my family’s work continue you are probably wondering Why I’ve chosen you to
take up this burden that will no doubt involve its fair share of pain suffering and

Simple, because you have already stood against the callousness and darkness
creeping into our world. The first is already there and rather than let the world
be devoured by the coming maelstrom I choose to stoke said fire, to arm you with
knowledge and steel and to hope that you can succeed where I have failed.
Perhaps I have chosen incorrectly and if so walk away from Hollow Manor and all
it offers to lead a normal life, consigning the fate of your doom as well as the
doom of those you love to others brave enough to fight against what is to come. I
would not judge you harshly or less favorably… but if you are the type of women
and men I guessed you to be… take the key and begin your journey by taking
possession of my ancestral family home. And all it represents


Abrihm Hollow

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