25 Hidden Things in Fallout 76 That Are Too Awesome For Words

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Home ! Lists ! 25 Hidden Things In Fallout 76 That Are Too Aw…

25 Hidden Things In Fallout 76

That Are Too Awesome For
Fallout 76 is loaded with hidden quests and awesome
things that most fans missed out on.
DEC 07, 2018
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Despite recent controversies surrounding

Bethesda's multiplayer Fallout mashup, insatiable
hordes of enthusiastic survivors are nonetheless
blazing a trail through West Virginia in fine
fashion, uncovering what secrets the bombs have
buried beneath the rubble. And with Fallout 76
boasting a larger map than even Fallout 4, it
shouldn't surprise anyone that they're in incredibly
ample supply. Really, did you expect anything less?
It's still a Fallout title, after all.


It could be a nook or cranny into which a stash of

loot has been tucked away, or the thread of a plot
that's been stored on an out of the way holotape. It
could be a new and rare breed of irradiated
wildlife, or it could just be something really, really
weird. Bethesda has a habit of getting that way
sometimes. In any case, Fallout 76 definitely does
its part to keep the wasteland wild.

That all being said, we thought we'd share twenty-

five of the more interesting, out of the way bits of
this massive game. Of course, you could just scroll
through the article, nod your head, stroke your
beard and adjust your monocle, but it's way more
fun if you decide to pop into Appalachia and hunt
them down yourself afterward. Unless you don't
have the game, or you refunded it, or something.
But in those cases, you can feel absolutely free to
live vicariously through us! Anyway, let's dive in.

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The Random "Winning The

Lottery" Encounters

via: screenshot

Ever wish someone would just walk up and hand

you a fat stack of cash? Well, apparently dreams do
come true in Appalachia, even if they're a little bit
too late. It seems to be a purely random encounter,
but on occasion, a Mr. Handy "Prize Bot" will track
you down to inform you that you've managed to
get lucky.

Whether his sensors are fried or you really

did enter the lottery before being tucked
away in the Vault is anyone's guess.

So far I've collected a few hundred in Pre-War

money from him. While it's practically useless, it's
nice to know that I could've hit it big. I mean,
before the bombs fell, anyway.


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Getting A Head Start

via: screenshot

A short walk north from the entrance to Vault 76,

and we do mean a very short walk, you'll encounter
a survivalist's shack absolutely packed with
supplies that would be vital to any vault resident
just taking their first steps outside. How

Among the loot you can snag is a pile of non-

perishable foods, water, and even a pipe firearm
with a bit of ammunition. It may not be a
goldmine, but for getting started it'd may as well

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Halloween Party Animals

via: screenshot

You'll find the North Mountain Lookout tower in

the far north end of the Savage Divide, northeast
from the Sunnytop Ski Lanes and northwest from
the Pumpkin House. The first thing you might
notice as you approach is the pile of furniture
laying at the bottom.

After arriving at the top, it looks like someone's

had a wild Halloween party. Booze, decorations,
even a nifty skeleton costume. A few faxes
scattered across the table inform you that the
rangers manning this tower really did have a wild
Halloween party, having stolen the Halloween
decorations from all the other lookout towers,
throwing the furniture from the top and probably
losing their jobs in the process. Worth it, from the
look of things.


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The Mothman

via: youtube.com (ShoSho)

Fallout 76 is pretty big on cryptids, or mythical

creatures primarily based in real-world folklore.
Among the most interesting and fleshed out is the
Mothman, who as you might guess, is a gigantic,
man-sized moth.

You can encounter several variations of this

guy, but the easiest way to see him is to
complete the event at Landview Lighthouse,
just east of Vault 76.

After you've squashed some fireflies and lit the

beacon, you'll be treated to a visit from the Wise
Mothman. This one is actually sort of friendly, and
will be more than happy to bless you with a 5%
experience bonus for the next hour if you interact
with him. Oh, and don't miss the opportunity for a


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Confession Time

via: screenshot

Just across the river in Flatwoods, you might

notice a small camp set up with a lady that's passed
on sitting near the long burnt-out fire. There are
some little bits of loot scattered around, including
chems, water and an always welcome first aid kit.

But looting the woman reveals a holotape, and

listening might actually bum you out a bit. Her
story's pretty sad, weaving a tale of chem addiction
and love gone incredibly wrong. Wow, Bethesda.
Way to get a little too real on that one. Seriously
though, it's nice to uncover a bit of humanity once
in a while when it comes to a world devoid of


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Responder On Ice

via: screenshot

In Flatwoods, take a minute next time you're

around the local tavern to open all of the
refrigerator doors on the ground level. Surprise!
One of them contains a particularly unfortunate
Responder. Dig through his belongings to find a
holotape recording of his final desperate moments,
during which he reveals the location of his "life

Well? Go on, it's not like he'll be needing

them any longer.

Following the exact instructions he provides, you'll

find a lockbox lodged into a tree stump. It isn't
much, but a nice sum of caps, ammunition and a
shiny new gun are always welcome finds, even if
you end up just scrapping the gun for parts.

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Dapper Radroach

via: screenshot

Sitting near the crossroads between the Kanawha

Nuka-Cola Plant and Camden Park, on the western
side of the map, is a small, unmarked house. There
are plenty of incredibly weird things within, but
chief among them is this well-dressed radroach
seated prominently on the porcelain throne.

He's got a nice hat, a stylish walking cane, and on

his person is an expensive wedding band. Clearly
an irradiated insect of discerning taste and the
utmost class. We can only wonder who the lucky
lady is.


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The Creepy Nancy Dearest


via: screenshot

If you're scavenging around the Charleston Train

Yard, take a few extra minutes while you're
combing the catwalks - you'll notice a skeleton
along with a written note and a shotgun hanging
out on top of one of the shipping crates.

Leap onto the hanging crate to claim the small

cache of loot and treat yourself to the
heartbreaking tale of lost, or perhaps misplaced
love scrawled across the note. Poor guy. Ah well,
he won't be needing that shotgun anymore, at


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Living On A Rock

via: screenshot

I have to admit, I had to wonder whether or not

this was a bug when I first stumbled across it. But
all the placement just seems too purposeful for
that to be true. What you see is what you get with
this one, but it's certainly odd enough to bear

It's literally all the regular furnishings for a house,

even a door with a door frame, sans walls, a roof,
and a floor. Unless the rock somehow counts as a
floor. I guess it does, really. Maybe a play on living
on the rock rather than under it? Who knows. Take
a short hike northeast from Camp McClintock if
you'd like to get a load of this one, just look for the
big metal tower.


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A Little Detour From Camp


via: screenshot

You'll need to head to Camp Venture at some point

for one of the main quests anyway, so why not go a
little out of your way to snag some sweet loot?
Head west from there, you'll see a big, tall metal
tower about halfway between there and the
National Radio Astronomy Research Center.

Look towards the nearby cliffs - there's an easy

pathway up, and you should be able to make out
the shack we're looking for from there. This one's
absolutely packed with rare crafting materials,
lootable containers, workbenches and even
crafting recipes. Just be wary, as this one's usually
guarded by a high-level turret.

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A Little On The Nose

via: screenshot

The developers tend to have a lot of fun with the

lettered wooden blocks scattered throughout the
game. Granted this isn't new, but it's definitely a
trend that has held firm for Fallout 76.

They range from typical to bizarre, like a couple of

blocks spelling out "HI" on top of a terminal, or
arranged to spell "PWEASE" in front of a skeleton
holding a toaster and a fork sprawled out in a
bathtub. Then you have this particular setting
found in the Winding Path Temple. It's uh, rather
telling to say the least.


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The Explosive Scarecrow Shrine

via: screenshot

East and just a touch north from the National

Isolated Radio Array, nestled among the cliffs, you
can bear witness to this weird scene. Or maybe
take a knee and offer it a few prayers? I mean, you
do you.

The explosives crates propping up this pumpkin-

headed scarecrow are still full to the brim with
goodies, so make sure to check them out if you're
in need of grenades, mines and things that go
"boom" while you're paying him a visit.


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Scorchbeasts Are... What Now?

via: fallout.wikia.com

Scorchbeasts are pretty much the big bads of

Fallout 76. They're high leveled, flying
monstrosities capable of unrelenting volleys of
high damage, surface penetrating ranged attacks.
You'd be forgiven for thinking you're actually
playing Skyrim with guns when they strike.

Although the gameplay might make you think

dragons, would you believe they're actually just
gigantic, irradiated bats? According to a terminal
entry in Ella Ames' bunker, towards the northern
part of the Mire, they're essentially radbats. Weird.


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