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Environment International 125 (2019) 261–276

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Sustainability criteria for assessing nanotechnology applicability in T

industrial wastewater treatment: Current status and future outlook

Mohammadreza Kamalia,b, Kenneth M. Perssonc, Maria Elisabete Costab, , Isabel Capelaa
Department of Environment and Planning, Center for Environmental and Marine Studies, CESAM, University of Aveiro, 3810-193 Aveiro, Portugal
Department of Materials and Ceramics Engineering, Aveiro Institute of Materials, CICECO, University of Aveiro, 3810-193 Aveiro, Portugal
Department of Building and Environmental Technology/Water Resources Engineering, Lund University, PO Box 118, SE-221 00 Lund, Sweden


Handling Editor: Thanh Nguyen Application of engineered nanomaterials for the treatment of industrial effluents and to deal with recalcitrant
Keywords: pollutants has been noticeably promoted in recent years. Laboratory, pilot and full-scale studies emphasize the
Sustainability potential of this technology to offer promising treatment options to meet the future needs for clean water re-
Nanotechnology sources and to comply with stringent environmental regulations. The technology is now in the stage of being
Industrial wastewater treatment transferred to the real applications. Therefore, the assessment of its performance according to sustainability
Fuzzy-Delphi method criteria and their incorporation into the decision-making process is a key task to ensure that long term benefits
are achieved from the nano-treatment technologies. In this study, the importance of sustainability criteria for the
conventional and novel technologies for the treatment of industrial effluents was determined in a general ap-
proach assisted by a fuzzy-Delphi method. The criteria were categorized in technical, economic, environmental
and social branches and the current situation of the nanotechnology regarding the criteria was critically dis-
cussed. The results indicate that the efficiency and safety are the most important parameters to make sustainable
choices for the treatment of industrial effluents. Also, in addition to the need for scaling-up the nanotechnology
in various stages, the study on their environmental footprint must continue in deeper scales under expected
environmental conditions, in particular the synthesis of engineered nanomaterials and the development of re-
actors with the ability of recovery and reuse the nanomaterials. This paper will aid to select the most sustainable
types of nanomaterials for the real applications and to guide the future studies in this field.

1. Introduction drawbacks, which limit their wider application. For instance, biological
treatments are mainly limited to biodegradable compounds, being
Water is among the most abundant natural resources on the earth, sometimes hampered by the presence of toxic materials in effluents
although < 1% of water resources are directly usable for human con- such as complex halogenated organic compounds (e.g., AOXs) (Kamali
sumption (Tian et al., 2018; Anjum et al., 2016; Grey et al., 2013). et al., 2016a). Physicochemical methods have also some drawbacks:
Problems associated with human activities such as rapid industrializa- most of them are relatively expensive and may pose some undesired
tion, growth of population and urbanization are stressing the available environmental consequences. As an example, the application of filtra-
resources (Olvera et al., 2017; Zhang et al., 2018a; Feng et al., 2018; tion or adsorption processes may result in the generation of a highly
Tortajada & Biswas, 2018). Generation and discharge of industrial ef- concentrated sludge and thus transferring the toxic environmental
fluents are polluting water worldwide, not least in developing countries contaminants from one phase to another.
(Kamali & Khodaparast, 2015). In addition, stringent environmental Among the emerging technologies, the application of various types
regulations are forcing many industries all over the world to apply ef- of engineered nanomaterials (ENMs) actually available has gained a
ficient treatment technologies to reach the standards for discharging the particular attention in recent years (Yao et al., 2019; Tahir et al., 2019;
influents. In this context, the major challenge for the industries is the Khan & Malik, 2019). In this regard, a number of metallic and non-
adoption of the most efficient, economic, and environmentally friendly metallic compounds has been synthesized and used to deal with various
methods to ensure their ability for managing wastewaters in a sus- environmental contaminates (Xu et al., 2018a; Kamali et al., 2017;
tainable manner. Traditional treatment methods have evidenced some Khalaj et al., 2018). Although this technology has shown an incredible

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (M.E. Costa).
Received 11 October 2018; Received in revised form 19 January 2019; Accepted 19 January 2019
Available online 04 February 2019
0160-4120/ © 2019 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license
M. Kamali et al. Environment International 125 (2019) 261–276

potential for water and wastewater treatments, various aspects of its The consensus among experts was estimated using the vertex
sustainability remain to be discussed. For instance, Tan et al. (2015) method (Eq. (2)). For that, the distance (d (∼ m ,n͠ ) ) between the ag-
reviewed various types of ENMs that has been synthesized and utilized gregated fuzzy numbers (mL, mM, mU) computed from Eq. (3) and the
so far for the removal of dyes from polluted waters and concluded that triangular fuzzy numbers (nLi, nMi, nUi) expressed by each expert in the
the sustainability of the use of advanced ENMs in water and wastewater form of linguistic terms were computed.
treatments is still an open question.
In this paper a Delphi-based methodology is utilized in order to d (∼
m ,n͠ ) = (mL − nLi )2 + (mM − nM
i 2
) + (mU − nUi )2 (2)
identify and to rank the sustainability criteria recommended for the
If the calculated value of d (∼ m ,n͠ ) is < 0.2, this indicates that a
selection of the industrial wastewater treatment technology to be
consensus has been achieved among the experts (Cheng & Lin, 2002).
adopted. A critical discussion of the performance of ENMs according to
The stability of the results requires that 75% of group consensus among
the criteria is also presented. Developing opportunities and future di-
the experts is achieved (Chu & Hwang, 2008). The geometric mean (Eq.
rections are also discussed in detail.
(3)) (Hsu et al., 2010b) was used in order to calculate the fuzzy weights
of the criteria, where L, M and U express the fuzzy number components.
2. Methodology n
mL = Min{Lij }, mM = 1/ n ∑ Mij , mU = Max{Uij}
i i (3)
Delphi methodology is based on a group decision-making process i=1

among experts with sufficient experience and knowledge on the same This equation is used to calculate the relative importance of the
field. In the Delphi approach, a complex problem with many inter- element no. j allocated by expert no. i. In order to defuzzification of the
playing variables is divided into a number of smaller domains, within final triangular fuzzy numbers, Eq. (4) is utilized.
which the variables are identified and weighted. The weights are
ranked in such a way that it is possible to screen the variables allowing df = 1/4(L + 2M + U ) (4)
a decision to be made based on their quantification. In a fuzzy-Delphi
methodology, a set of fuzzy numbers is used to rank the variables in
3. Results and discussion
order to make it more precise. A fuzzy number is a formalism normally
used when uncertain information needs to be quantified or character-
3.1. Criteria prioritization
ized. As an example, an entity (A) may be expressed by a fuzzy number
à = (a1, a2, a3,…ai,…an) when its quantification through ai is sub-
A total of 50 experts from 19 countries participated in the survey by
ordinated to certain conditions (membership functions) that determine
expressing their opinion on the importance of the proposed criteria.
the choice of ai within the fuzzy interval (a1, a2, a3,…ai,…an) (Ban &
Fig. 2 shows the world distribution of the experts participating in the
Coroianu, 2012). Fuzzy-Delphi methodology can be applied for
study. After achieving a consensus in the second round of questionnaire
screening the criteria required to evaluate a certain technology and
distribution, the fuzzy weights of each studied criteria for selecting the
furthermore, to evaluate the performance of the technology itself
most sustainable industrial wastewater treatment were ranked as pre-
(Chang et al., 2011). There are a number of reports in the literature
sented in Table 2 and Fig. 3. According to the defuzzified values, all the
about the application of fuzzy-Delphi methodology for making sus-
criteria studied received the importance values higher than “Fair”
tainable decisions in various fields (Hsu et al., 2010a; Tahriri &
(Table 1). This can be interpreted as the necessity of including all the
Mousavi, 2014; Sánchez-lezama & Cavazos-Arroyo, 2014). In the pre-
criteria in the decision making process. Among the technical criteria
sent study, the fuzzy-Delphi methodology was selected for finding and
(i.e., treatment efficiency, combination possibility, health and safety
ranking the criteria that influence the performance of industrial was-
considerations, ease of implementation and process stability), the cri-
tewater treatment processes in general, and in particular the applica-
teria of “treatment efficiency” and “health and safety risks” were
tion of engineered nanomaterials. The results provide a basis for the
evaluated as the most important parameters among all. This conveys
evaluation of this technology.
the idea that a technology to be adopted for the treatment of industrial
A review allowed identifying the most important criteria for the
effluents has to be not only efficient but also safe enough. However,
adoption of a sustainable industrial effluent treatment. In this regard,
despite a number of comparative studies on the efficiency of various
technical, environmental, economic and social parameters were ex-
treatment technologies is available in the literature (Ashrafi et al.,
pressed in terms of 17 criteria, as described in Fig. 1. The descriptions
2015; Mata-Alvarez et al., 2014; Ozgun et al., 2013; Khandegar &
for each studied criteria are presented in Supplementary information.
Saroha, 2013), the risks (i.e., noise, electricity, biological agents, etc.)
Professional questionnaires (see Supplementary information) were
associated with the implementation of the technology to the workers in
elaborated based on these criteria and then used to assist in gathering
the treatment factory have not yet been well documented and analyzed.
the opinion of a target group. The identification of the target group, i.e.
Economic criteria (i.e., initial investments, operation and main-
the selection of the participants to be enquired was carefully performed
tenance costs) have shown to be also important when selecting the best
by inviting experts with excellent academic and/or industrial experi-
industrial wastewater treatment option. For many industries, such as
ence in the field of industrial effluents treatment in general. In order to
pulp and paper industry, there is currently a competitive market for
determine the importance of each studied criteria, linguistic variables
their product (Machani et al., 2014) where they also need to comply
and triangular fuzzy numbers (Tables 1 and 2) were utilized. A trian-
with stringent environmental regulations. In this context, they ob-
gular fuzzy number is a type of fuzzy number that is represented as
∼ viously prefer to select the more economic solutions to deal with the
follows: A = (a1, a2, a3). The membership functions that can be used to
produced effluent treatment. Criteria which reflect the environmental
interpret this representation hold the following conditions (Gani &
performance of the wastewater treatment technique such as solid waste
Assarudeen, 2012):
generation, release of chemical substances, CO2 emission, water reuse
potential, and the potential to recover by-products were also evaluated
⎧0 x < a1 ⎫
⎪ x − a1 as important in the decision making process although the emission of
a1 ≤ x ≤ a2 ⎪
⎪ a2 − a1 ⎪ CO2 received the least importance among the studied criteria. Social
y = m (x ) = a − x criteria which describe the impacts (visual, odor, and noise) of the
⎨ 3 a2 ≤ x ≤ a3 ⎬
⎪ a3 − a2 ⎪ treatment technique on the local communities together with the public
⎪ ⎪ acceptability of the technology received the least importance among the
⎩0 x > a3 ⎭ (1)
studied criteria. However, according to the weights allocated to the

M. Kamali et al. Environment International 125 (2019) 261–276

Fig. 1. Sustainability criteria for the selection of appropriate industrial wastewater treatment.

Table 1 challenges for improvement will be discussed in detail.

Linguistic variables and the relevant fuzzy scale for the relative importance of
the criteria.
3.2. Challenges and opportunities
Linguistic variable Fuzzy Scale (L, M, U) df = 1/4(L + 2M + U)

Extremely high (0.9, 1.0, 1.0) 0.975 3.2.1. Technical considerations

Very high (0.7, 0.9, 1.0) 0.875 Treatment efficiency. The results of the fuzzy-Delphi
High (0.5, 0.7, 0.9) 0.7 methodology carried out in this study indicated that the treatment
Fair (0.3, 0.5, 0.7) 0.5
efficiency is of the highest importance among the studied criteria. In the
Low (0.1, 0.3, 0.5) 0.3
Very low (0.0, 0.1, 0.3) 0.125 past decade, various types of ENMs have been synthesized and tested
Extremely low (0.0, 0.0, 0.1) 0.025 for their efficiency to deal with various contaminants in polluted water
and wastewaters. It is well-documented in the literature that the
efficiency of nanomaterials based treatments is highly dependent on
Table 2 various parameters including the type of the materials used, the
Fuzzy values and defuzzified values for the studied criteria. properties of the ENMs such as crystalline structure, particle
Criteria Fuzzy values De-fuzzy values morphology (shape, size, specific surface area), surface concentration
df = 1/4(L + 2M + U) of active sites and surface electrical charge of a specific material, and
L M U also the mechanisms involved in the degradation/removal of the
contaminants. Adsorption and oxidation are the two main phenomena
Treatment efficiency 0,50 0,90 1,00 0,83
Ease of implementation 0,30 0,79 1,00 0,72 involved in the removal/degradation of environmental contaminants by
Combination possibility 0,25 0,72 1,00 0,67 ENMs. The following sections are aimed to provide an overview on the
Process Stability 0,30 0,83 1,00 0,74 application of ENMs to deal with recalcitrant pollutants according to
Health and safety risks 0,50 0,90 1,00 0,83
the mentioned mechanisms.
Solid waste generation 0,10 0,79 1,00 0,67
Release of chemical substances 0,00 0,90 1,00 0,70
CO2 emission 0,00 0,74 1,00 0,62 a). Adsorption on nanomaterials
Water reuse potential 0,10 0,79 1,00 0,67
Potential to recover by-products 0,25 0,75 1,00 0,69 The easiness of the heavy metals adsorption on nanomaterials sur-
Initial investments 0,10 0,77 1,00 0,66
face is quantified by the adsorption coefficient (Kd) of the specific
Maintenance costs 0,10 0,80 1,00 0,67
Operating costs 0,30 0,84 1,00 0,75 pollutant which may be followed by the redox reactions of the heavy
Odor impact 0,10 0,74 1,00 0,64 metals on the ENMs to change the heavy metals oxidation state (Feng
Noise impact 0,10 0,70 1,00 0,63 et al., 2007). Metallic and non-metallic nanomaterials have been used
Visual impact 0,00 0,64 1,00 0,57
for the adsorption of heavy metals. Activated carbon and carbon na-
Public acceptance 0,00 0,75 1,00 0,63
notubes are the main examples of non-metallic compounds and TiO2,
ZnO, MnO and iron-based nanomaterials are the main types of metallic
social criteria, they should be considered when deciding on the selec- oxide nanomaterials that have been used so far for this purpose. Re-
tion of the most appropriate alternatives for the treatment of industrial garding non-metallic compounds, functionalized carbon-based nano-
effluents. In the next section, the opportunities for the application of tubes and graphene-based nanomaterials with high specific surface
nanotechnology on industrial effluents treatment and the main areas which provide large amount of adsorption sites may be cited as
representative examples. For instance, in the review of Xu et al. (2018a)

M. Kamali et al. Environment International 125 (2019) 261–276

Fig. 2. World distribution of the experts participating in this study. The number of experts from each country has been provided in parenthesis.

it was reported that functionalized carbon-based nanomaterials which between the heavy metal and the surface of nanomaterials for instance
are used for aqueous heavy metals removal show various adsorption via ion exchange process (Xu et al., 2018a) account for the physical
capacities ranging from 1.29 (mgcontaminant/gENMs) for raw carbon na- adsorption of heavy metals on nanomaterials which depends on the
notubes (Vuković et al., 2010) up to 479 (mgcontaminant/gENMs) for specific nanomaterial and the type of the pollutant under consideration.
EDTA-RGO (ethylene diamine tetra acetic acid-reduced graphene However, the efficiency of the ENMs for adsorbing environmental
oxide) corresponding up to 95% of the Pb(II) (100 mg/L) adsorption pollutants is highly dependent on environmental factors, such as con-
after 120 min of reaction time (Madadrang et al., 2012). Some poly- tact time, pH, temperature, and the dosage of nanomaterials being their
meric nanoparticles are also non-metallic compounds examples worthy best performance achieved within a narrow range of environmental
of mention. For instance, Tan et al. (2015) stated that the polymeric conditions (John et al., 2018). For instance, Mehdizadeh et al. (2014)
nanomaterials such as chitosan (Crini & Badot, 2008; Boamah et al., achieved the optimal adsorption of heavy metals (99%) at pH 7, 0.1 g/
2015) can be categorized among the best options for the adsorption of 10 mL dosage and 30 min contact time using zeolite and platinum/
dyes, although they have not been extensively studied for such pur- Zeolite nanoparticles.
poses, especially for real wastewater treatments. For instance, Peng There has also been much interest in the use of metal oxides for the
et al. (2015) achieved up to 95% removal of methylene blue dye using adsorption of heavy metals in contaminated waters. There is a number
chitosan–halloysite nanotubes composite hydrogel beads. The presence of reports in the literature for the application of various types of metal
of amino and hydroxyl groups in the surface structure of chitosan may oxide nanomaterials, alone, or supported on non-metallic nanomater-
explain its high ability for pollutants adsorption (Kyzas & Bikiaris, ials (Bakather et al., 2017a; Hong et al., 2017; Fungaro & Graciano,
2015). It is believed that mechanisms such as surface interaction 2007; Bakather et al., 2017b; Pena et al., 2006). In this regard,

Fig. 3. Calculated weights of the sub-criteria and criteria, measured as the average of the respective sub-criteria.

M. Kamali et al. Environment International 125 (2019) 261–276

magnetic oxide nanomaterials have been used efficiently due to their Ease of implementation. In spite of the huge progresses in the
attractive characteristics such as high adsorption capacity and their synthesis and application of various types of ENMs to the treatment of
collectability using a magnetic field (VanDorn et al., 2011). As an ex- polluted waters and wastewaters, there are still few examples of the
ample, Fe3O4 nanomaterials have been successfully applied for the re- commercialization of nanotechnology for such purposes. Many
moval of a variety of heavy metals (Giraldo et al., 2013). (Bakather treatment plants still rely on the traditional technologies such as
et al. (2017a) also achieved 111 mgSe/gENMs removal of Se (100%) coagulation and membrane filtration for the chemical treatment of
using iron oxide impregnated carbon nanotubes (CNTs) indicating the the influents. In general, there are some barriers for introducing a new
super adsorption capacity of the materials used towards heavy metals. technology in the industry, mainly because of the high capital costs and
stringent environmental regulations which require the technology to be
b). Oxidation with ENMs well proven in terms of its efficiency before commercialization.
Literature clearly indicates that nanotechnology can bring a number
Oxidative degradation of complex organic compounds is another of advantages over conventional technologies, including both the
field of research that has gained a lot of interest in recent years. So far, possibility to decrease the size of the reactors and to improve the
some types of photo-oxidation processes have been developed and ap- treatment efficiency (Westerhoff et al., 2016). However, there are still
plied such as ozone/hydrogen peroxide/UV radiation, photo-Fenton some issues to be addressed for accelerating the commercialization of
system and photocatalytic decomposition of organic pollutants (Bethi these technologies. Currently only few nanomaterials have already
et al., 2016). Heterogeneous photocatalysis, as an oxidation process, entered the market and are ready for large-scale applications. Nano-
occurs when a semiconductor catalyst is illuminated with a suitable sized TiO2 and iron oxides are among these materials. Large-scale
wavelength radiation (λ < 380 nm) providing a certain energy, production of the nanomaterials with the desired properties for
greater than the band gap of the semiconductor used. So far, several treatment purposes is critical, because it can considerably facilitate
semiconductors have been tested for their ability for heterogeneous the whole process. Designing the proper configurations of the reactors
photocatalysis such as TiO2, Fe2O3, ZnO, CuO, etc. (Lu & Astruc, 2018). to enable the use of nanomaterials is another step to overcome, in order
Among the studied semiconductor materials, TiO2 has demonstrated to commercialize this technology. An ideal configuration has to ensure
the greatest potential for the degradation of environmental con- the possibility to provide (i) the necessary light (ultraviolet, visible, or
taminants, especially the modified generations have shown further both) in case of advanced oxidation processes with nano photocatalysts,
advantages. As an example, the use of carbonaceous materials as sup- (ii) enough contact time between the materials and the pollutants, and
ports of TiO2 can increase the activity of these materials towards en- (iii) to recover the nanomaterials after being used. Nanomaterials can
vironmental contaminants, providing high specific surface areas and also be activated, either by an external source of light or by using
preventing the agglomeration of nanomaterials after being introduced oxidizing agents such as hydrogen peroxide (non-irradiated), as a new
to the aqueous media (Awfa et al., 2018). For instance, Orha et al. insight for the application of nanomaterials to deal with emerging
(2017) achieved 92% of humic acid (10 mg/L) degradation and mi- environmental pollutants (Wiedmer et al., 2016). In addition, providing
neralization using TiO2-Acticated carbon nanomaterials. Iron-based an external source of energy is of high importance for reactors which
nanomaterials have also gained a great attention in recent years, are dependent on the light illumination (Xu et al., 2018a). Effective
bringing many advantages when compared to the micro sized genera- penetration of the light into the system to provide enough reactive zone
tion. For instance, they have been used successfully for the treatment of in the media is a barrier that needs to be addressed in such reactors. In
contaminated groundwater (Kong et al., 2017; Kumar et al., 2016), due this regard, solar light mediated processes have attracted recently a
to their large surface area and high reactivity (Kamali et al., 2018). significant attention. Hence, the development of visible-light active
Nano sized zero valent iron and its modifications have been successfully materials can considerably help to overcome this barrier. It can be
applied for the removal of a number of environmental contaminants stated that the methods for the synthesis of visible light active
(Zhou et al., 2015; Zuhairi et al., 2012; Xiang et al., 2015; Diao et al., nanomaterials (such as nitrogen doped TiO2 NMs (Ansari et al.,
2016). The main advantage of using some iron-based nanomaterials 2016)) have been sufficiently developed and are ready to be used in
(such as Fe3O4 (Li et al., 2017a), Fe0 (Fauth et al., 2010), α-Fe2O3 such reactors (Pelaez et al., 2012; Ponraj & Danie, 2017; Mohapatra &
(Tadic et al., 2014)) for environmental clean-up purposes is the possi- Parida, 2017) but still need scaling-up to be more economic. Recovery
bility of collecting them easily with a magnet after being used, allowing of the nanomaterials after being used is another issue which demands
its re-use in further treatment cycles. However, not all the types of iron further efforts. For instance, the application of ceramic membranes to
nanomaterials (ex: ferrihydrite) may present appropriate magnetic recover the nanomaterials (Westerhoff et al., 2016), incorporation of
properties (Johari Pannalal et al., 2005) for easy recovery. It must be the nanomaterials on the surface of the membranes (Paul & Jons, 2016),
stated that the performance of ENMs can be optimized through the and also the application of magnetic nanomaterials easily collected
manipulation of operating conditions. Among the most important stu- after use can be considered as attractive solutions (Kamali et al., 2018).
died parameters including pH, temperature and NMs dosage, the effect However, no magnetic separation reactor has been yet commercialized
of pH have been emphasized in the literature. Some studies have in- for the treatment of polluted water and wastewater, so far.
dicated that slightly acidic pH is the optimum to achieve a high treat-
ment efficiency (Barik & Gogate, 2017). Basic conditions do not favor Combination with other methods. Effluents generated in many
hydroxyl radicals which play an important role in ENMs based oxida- industries such as textile, pulp and paper, etc. generally have a high
tion processes whereas acidic pH may contribute for catalysts dissolu- COD and low degree of biodegradability (Kamali & Khodaparast, 2015;
tion. For instance, Zyoud et al. (2015) achieved the highest removal of Kamali et al., 2016a). They may also induce some toxic effects in the
aqueous methyl orange using nano-ZnO catalyst under slightly acidic aquatic microorganisms. Although common biological treatment
conditions. It is important to stress that the reported judgments on the techniques have shown to have an acceptable performance for a wide
efficiency of many types of ENMs are supported mainly by laboratory range of industrial effluents, they may face difficulties while dealing
experiments. This is the case of the findings and remarks from very with non-biodegradable or hardly biodegradable and other emerging
recently published review papers on the application of various types of pollutants such as phthalates, pharmaceuticals compounds (Zhou et al.,
nanomaterials for the treatment of polluted waters and wastewaters 2018; Semerjian et al., 2018), PAHs, PCBs, etc. (Deblonde et al., 2011).
which are summarized in Table 3. The reports on scaling-up the ap- In these cases, a physico-chemical treatment using ENMs (either
plication of these nanomaterials are very few (Teow & Mohammad, through adsorption or by using advanced oxidation processes) could
2017). At this stage, it is very important to design larger scale processes be an attractive solution to remove such complicated compounds from
to test the performance of nanomaterials with real effluents. industrial effluents. There are some pieces of evidence on the successful

M. Kamali et al. Environment International 125 (2019) 261–276

Table 3
Application of ENMs for water and wastewater treatment: used nanomaterials, mechanisms, remarks and future perspectives.
Materials Mechanism(s) Remarks and future perspectives Ref.

- Functionalized carbon nanotubes - graphene - Adsorption - Higher removal can be achieved after functionalization of (Xu et al., 2018a)
- Operating parameters i.e. temperature, pH, ionic strength, etc.
are of high importance.
- Carbon-based nanomaterials - Adsorption - Carbon-based nanomaterials have shown acceptable (Sadegh et al.,
- Metal oxide-based nanomaterials performances for the removal of heavy metals and dyes due to 2017)
their nontoxicity, abundance, ease of preparation, high surface
area and porosity, stable structure and high sorption capacities.
- Carbon nanomaterials have shown significantly higher sorption
efficiency compared to commercial activated carbon (AC).
- Carbonaceous nanomaterials - Adsorption (dyes) - Application of cheaper and less toxic materials, such as nZVI is (Tan et al., 2015)
- Metallic nanomaterials highly recommended.
- Bionanomaterials - Chitosan nanoparticles seem to have the largest potential to be
used as a commercial adsorbent for dyes, because it is both non-
toxic and low cost.
- The sustainability of the application of nanomaterials to be used
for water and wastewater treatment remained unanswered yet.
- Modified chitosans - Adsorption (dyes, metals/ - Chitosan modified by grafting, cross-linking or composite (Kyzas & Bikiaris,
ions, etc.) functionalization is effective to deal with various pollutants. 2015)
- Carbon-based nanomaterials - Adsorption (arsenic) - Carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC)-stabilized Fe-Mn showed highest (Habuda-Stanić &
- Metal oxide-based nanomaterials capacity for arsenic adsorption (372 mgpollutants/gENMs) at Nujić, 2015)
pH = 3.
- Magnetite was very efficient for the removal of As (III) (188.69
mgpollutants/gENMs) at neutral pH.
- Carbonaceous-TiO2 composites - Advanced oxidation process - Carbonaceous -TiO2 materials have shown better performance (Awfa et al., 2018)
(AOP), photocatalysis when compared to bare TiO2 such as high photocatalytic
activity, activity under solar irradiation, and easy separation.
- Many methods developed for the synthesis of carbonaceous-TiO2
composites are expensive, complicated, and time consuming.
- YxFeyZr1−x−yO2 coated TiO2 - AOP, photocatalysis - NMs combined with polymer membranes can enhance the (Zhang et al.,
hydrophilic and antifouling properties of the membrane. 2018b)
- Nanoscale TiO2 film - AOP, photocatalysis - It remained unclear yet which synthesis method for TiO2 (Varshney et al.,
nanoscale films can give better performance with lower costs. 2016)
- TiO2, CdS, WO3, SnS and ZnO based composites - AOP, photocatalysis - Modification of crystallinity, morphology, band gap, particle size (Sudha &
and surface area of the catalyst can considerably improve the Sivakumar, 2015)
photocatalytic activity of the composite catalysts.
- Combined with other suitable catalytic composites may reduce
the band gap of the nanocomposite and hence enhances the
photocatalytic decomposition of complex organic molecules.
- Zero valent iron nanoparticles - Fenton-like oxidation - nZVI dosage, initial dye concentration, pH, etc. are the main (Raman & Kanmani,
(textile dyes) factors involved in the treatment of dyes by nano zero valent 2016)
- Green supports were recommended to enhance the stability of
iron nanoparticles.
- Adequate dye decolorization of 67-100% has been achieved in
the first 10 min using nZVI particles.
- Integration of nZVI with other techniques can considerably
increase the efficiency of organic matters removal from textile
dye wastewaters.
- Copper-based nanomaterials - AOP, photocatalysis - Morphology and crystalline structure are the main factors (Khalaj et al., 2018)
determining the reactivity of the nanomaterials.
- Development of economic and technical synthesis methods is
required to improve the band gap energy of the nanomaterials.
- Doping another metallic compound to the structure of
nanomaterials is a possible way to increase their efficiency and
to decrease the release of the ions to the medium.
- Biochar-based nano-composites - Adsorption/degradation - Nanomaterials can be impregnated onto raw biochars to promote (fei Tan et al., 2016)
the environmental applications of biochar and nanotechnology.
- There are some study gaps including the effect of the operating
parameters, the development of the synthesis methods, etc.
- Carbonaceous nanomaterials/metal and metal - Adsorption/degradation - Nanotechnology can offer a promising alternative to the (Adeleye et al.,
oxides/magnetic-core composite nano/ traditional treatments of polluted waters and wastewaters. 2016)
micro particles - Nanotechnology can be especially promising for the removal of
emerging environmental contaminants.
- Treatment cost using nanotechnology can be comparable to that
of traditional methods for water and wastewater treatment.
- Carbon based materials/metal oxide based - Adsorption/degradation - Although nanotechnology can be considered as a promising (Santhosh et al.,
nanomaterials technology for water and wastewater treatment, there are some 2016)
challenges such as providing large amounts of nanomaterials at
an economically viable price.

M. Kamali et al. Environment International 125 (2019) 261–276

combination of nanomaterials with biological treatment systems. cross biological membranes under specific circumstances (particle size
Algal biomass harvesting with wastewater treatment has also been and shape, surface functionalization) and may cause harmful effects to
an interesting research field in recent years for the production of re- living organisms by inducing cell oxidative stress and inflammation
newable biofuels (Bhatnagar et al., 2011; Bélanger-Lépine et al., 2018). (Wang et al., 2017). Some comparative studies (Lai et al., 2008) showed
Recovery of algal biomass is facilitated when nanomaterials are in- that toxicity of oxide nanoparticles may depend on the oxide type: ZnO
corporated in the structure of the membranes. This procedure is able to and TiO2 can induce more severe toxic effects when compared to MgO.
enhance the hydrophilicity of the membrane and minimize membrane In this case ROS (reactive oxygen species), which are able to oxidize
fouling. So, such membranes can be effectively used for the recovery of and degrade cell membrane (Wang et al., 2017), are reported to ac-
the algal biomass (Yin et al., 2013; Weiming Hu et al., 2015). Successful count for the toxicity of ZnO and TiO2 nanoparticles. In addition, na-
application of polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) hollow fiber membranes noparticles accumulation facilitated by blood systemic circulation may
decorated with TiO2 nanoparticles was reported for instance by cause adverse effects on pulmonary system and other organs such as
Weiming Hu et al. (2015) in an algal membrane bioreactor (A-MBR) for kidneys, liver, spleen or even on the brain, as found for TiO2 nano-
wastewater treatment. Self-cleaning ability is another advantage of materials in rats and mouse (Shakeel et al., 2016). Despite this
using nanomaterials in the structure of the membranes. For instance, knowledge, there is still a lack of consensus on the toxic effects of some
such a mechanism has been studied for photocatalytic self-cleaning types of nanomaterials. For AgNPs in consumer products, although
under UV irradiation (Martínez et al., 2013). there is no evidence for the direct adverse effects of such particles to
Application of nanomaterials in the structure of microbial fuel cells human cells, their bioaccumulation in the environment can increase the
(MFCs) is another possibility to accelerate the commercialization of probability of their toxicity (Walters et al., 2014; Som et al., 2011;
MFCs which currently suffer from relatively low performance when Rocha et al., 2017). Regarding carbon-based nanomaterials, Ema et al.
compared to other fuel cell technologies (Ghasemi et al., 2013). There (2017) reported very low pulmonary toxicity for graphene and gra-
have been some interesting reports in the literature for the improve- phene oxide nanomaterials after inhalation. Simon-Deckers et al.
ment of the performance of MFCs (Mohanakrishna et al., 2018a; Wu (2008) stated that carbon nanotubes are more toxic when compared to
et al., 2018; Mohanakrishna et al., 2018b; Jain & He, 2018). Nano- nano-TiO2 towards A549 human pneumocytes (Zhou et al., 2015)
materials can also be used to improve the conductivity of the electrode whereas Tsuda, et al. concluded that no carcinogenic effects were ob-
region to facilitate oxygen reduction reactions (Gajda et al., 2015). In served for single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNT) and fullerenes
this regard cheap nanocomposite materials such as carbonaceous na- (Tsuda et al., 2009). Rodriguez-Yañez et al. (2013) reviewed the me-
nocomposites can be further studied and applied to improve the per- chanisms of carbon nanotubes toxicity, and concluded that their toxic
formance of MFCs. effects to living cells are attributed to their morphology allowing their
cell membrane penetration as well as to impurities and functional Process stability. The presence of compounds such as heavy groups attached to them.
metals, sulfide, chlorides, and hardly biodegradable compounds in the In the context of toxicity, inorganic and organic (polymer) nano-
content of industrial effluents can result in process instability when they materials have been ranked in terms of their toxic effects. Iron-based
are being treated by biological processes (Kamali et al., 2016a; Chen nanomaterials such as Fe3O4, and especially zero valent iron appear to
et al., 2008). For instance, textile wastewater dyes can cause problems have low levels on toxicity on freshwater and marine organisms (Keller
during biological treatment. (Kim et al., 2007). Especially, such systems et al., 2012). There are several reports on the application of Fe3O4 in
are very sensitive to any change in the quality of the effluents in terms medical field. As an example, magnetite has been used to treat lung
of the type and the concentration of the pollutants. Therefore, the cancer (Sadhukha et al., 2013). Diamond ENMs have also shown low
application of ENMs can considerably contribute to handle the levels of toxicity in human kidney cells (Kuang-Kai et al., 2007). Re-
treatment process with a high degree of stability required for garding organic based nanomaterials, chitosan may be cited as example
continuously generated effluents from industrial activities. Hence, of an efficient drug carrier being extensively used in drug delivery
ENMs may be used efficiently to ensure a stable treatment efficiency systems (Wang et al., 2011) with unreported toxicity (Tan et al., 2015).
for the effluents. However, knowing the mechanisms involved in the toxicity of specific
types of nanomaterials, modifications in their structure can be used to Health and safety risks. Along with the progress in the considerably reduce their toxic effects. For instance, Khalaj et al. (2018)
development and implementation of ENMs for the treatment of based on in vivo and in vitro studies concluded that copper-based na-
industrial effluents, the evaluation of the exposure of workers in the nomaterials may bring some toxic effects to aquatic and terrestrial or-
various stages of manufacturing, handling and application of ENMs is of ganisms. However, by modifying the material structure either through
high importance. In this regard, various nanomaterials have been the crystallinity improvement, which may limit the material solubility and
subject for toxicological studies in order to have a better understanding thus decrease the release of ions to the media, or by doping the struc-
of the probable health and safety (H&S) risks they may bring. Various ture with another metal, their toxicity can be considerably reduced
modes have been reported regarding workers exposure to ENMs in their (Mehdizadeh et al., 2014).
workplace. Fig. 4 presents a summary of the predominant exposure It can be stated that the toxicological studies carried out so far have
routes, i.e., dermal, oral, inhalation and ocular. Basinas et al. (2018) used different in vitro and in vivo experimental models and also dif-
through a recent and systematic review on the available evidence about ferent experimental conditions such as different ENMs concentrations.
ENMs exposure routes, concluded that there is a likelihood to expose Therefore, it is still difficult to interpret and compare the existing data
the workers to ENMs through all the above- mentioned exposure routes. in order to have a conclusion on the real toxic effects of nanomaterials
However, Yokel & MacPhail (2011) in their review concluded that on living organisms as the conditions difference can be the source of
inhalation is a route of great concern when the workers are exposed to different results achieved for the toxicity of ENMs such as carbon na-
airborne ENMs. In this regard, more research is necessary to have a notubes. Although some legislation has been already implemented by
conclusion on the most important exposure routes which could benefit national organizations in order to minimize the risks associated with
the design and implementation of appropriate protective actions. These the application of nanomaterials, there is no specific international
research studies may help to apply safer materials with minimum regulation covering the issues related to the production, handling or
subsequent H&S effects (Geraci et al., 2015). application of nanomaterials (Jeevanandam et al., 2018). Therefore,
The exposure routes and properties of the nanomaterials such as there is a need for a regulatory framework considering all the health
shape, size, surface charge, solubility, together with their concentration and safety aspects of working with nanomaterials (Glisovic et al., 2017;
may condition their subsequent toxic effects. Some types of ENMs may Kamali et al., 2016b). In conclusion, more toxicological studies are

M. Kamali et al. Environment International 125 (2019) 261–276

Fig. 4. The key routes of ENMs exposure and uptake and their translocation potential in the human body. Dermal, oral, inhalation and ocular are the primary routes
of ENMs exposure. The arrows show their probable translocation pathways, redesigned from Yokel & MacPhail (2011).

necessary in order to create a poule of recommendations for framing the the optimum treatment processes for various types of pulp and paper
development of safer ENMs with minimum health and safety issues and mill effluents based on detailed analysis of initial investment costs.
also to strict engineering control in workplaces which has not been They concluded that the most appropriate method in terms of economic
addressed so far. Meanwhile, engineered controls (including treatment and technical considerations for medium strength effluents is an upflow
process change, controlling the dispersion of the ENMs in the work- anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) method followed by an aeration basin.
place, isolation of the workers, the use of robots, etc.), as well as ad- For high strength effluents they proposed a UASB method followed by
ministrative controls (when engineering controls are not feasible) such an aeration basin or by a conventional activated sludge process.
as implementation of an ENMs hygiene plan, training the workers, re- Regarding the development of nano-based wastewater treatment
ducing the exposure time to ENMs, and precise housekeeping practices technology, there is a need for more studies on the required initial
should be implemented to minimize the probable adverse effects of investments. However, there is no report in the literature on the
ENMs on the safety and health of the workers. Educated utilization of investments required by nano-based wastewater treatment plants. In
personal protective equipment such as respirators, gloves and protec- this regard, technical specifications can be helpful to determine the
tive clothing are also of high importance to block the exposure routes to amount of the initial investment required. As an example, the kinetics
ENMs (Yokel & MacPhail, 2011). Considering that health and safety of the treatment process may be used as an indicator for the design of
issues are of high importance according to the performed fuzzy-Delphi the reactor size considering the type of the nanomaterials used (Sathian
results obtained in this study, urgent actions seem to be required to et al., 2013).
provide a safe workplace for the workers. From a technical perspective, assuming that the capital costs, in-
cluding total direct plant cost (i.e., land, equipment, buildings, etc.) and
3.2.2. Economic considerations indirect investment required (i.e., engineering supervision, etc.), asso- Initial investments. Initial investments, including the cost of ciated to the nano-enabled treatment plants are comparable to the
land, civil works, equipment, etc. are of significant importance to treatment plants that utilize advanced oxidation processes, especially
decide whether a technology will be adopted by an industry or not, as is Fenton treatment process, some rough cost estimations can be made.
the case of industries dealing with the treatment of wastewaters (Ren Cañizares et al. (2009) conducted a comparative study on the invest-
et al., 2017; Molinos-Senante et al., 2010; Molinos-Senante et al., 2012; ment costs of various chemical oxidation processes for the treatment of
Kalbar et al., 2012; Jozsef & Blaga, 2014). There is a limited number of the effluents from olive oil mills and from a fine-chemical manu-
studies on the economic feasibility of various treatment technologies, facturing plant. They concluded that although the nature of the ef-
especially for the emerging ones. Buyukkamaci & Koken (2010) studied fluents can influence the investments required, the capital costs related

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to the electrochemical oxidation (15 × 103 €/m2) is comparable to the some developed countries, referring that the relatively low cost is re-
Fenton process. This capital cost, 15 × 103 €/m2, can thus be roughly lated to the use of the advanced installations newly constructed and the
assumed to stand for ENMs based treatments as well. Furthermore, low-quality requirements of wastewater treatment in Shenzhen, China.
assuming that the efficiency of ENMs based treatments might be en- Therefore, assuming that ENMs based treatments will not substantially
hanced over time (Adeleye et al., 2016), the size of the reactors can diverge from the traditional treatment methods in terms of the com-
then be reduced, thus contributing to lower the capital costs. parative weight of electricity, labor and chemical reagents in the overall
operating costs, labor cost contribution is anticipated to be ranked Operating costs. When nanotechnology-based treatments are to between energy and nanomaterials cost, safeguarding that this rank
be implemented, different contributions arising from the purchase or may vary with the region under consideration (Li et al., 2017b).
synthesis of ENMs, from energy (such as electricity required for To help judging the cost effectiveness of nanomaterials based
instance for photocatalysis treatments using ENMs), and from labor technologies, a comparative context should be provided to allow NMs
should be altogether considered for the estimation of operating costs. based technologies to be benchmarked against conventional waste-
The costs of the nanomaterials is highly dependent on material type and water treatment technologies in terms of operating costs as well. There
the desired properties such as purity level (wt%), surface are literature reports on operating costs associated to some traditional
functionalization, and particle size. TiO2 nanoparticles are available industrial effluents treatment that can be useful for that purpose. For
at prices ranging from $0.03/g to $1.21/g, with treatment costs ranging instance, Weschenfelder et al., (Weschenfelder et al., 2015) stated that
from $0.50 to $1.00 per gram of pollutant (Adeleye et al., 2016). The the operating costs of a full-scale ceramic membrane plant for the
costs of nano zero valent iron (nZVI) particles have decreased with the treatment of oilfield produced water can be estimated around US$
improvement of technology used for their production, being currently 0.23/m3. Electrocoagulation is also a widely applied method for the
around $0.05–0.10/g. However, micro and bulk zero valent iron are treatment of industrial effluents. In this case various operating costs
still considerably cheaper ($0.001/g) in terms of production (Crane & (e.g., US$ 3.4/m3 (Romero et al., 2018) to US$ 5.43/m3 (Hunsom et al.,
Scott, 2012).The cost of magnetite nanoparticles (in a continuous flow 2005) for the treatment of heavy metals from industrial effluents are
system) has been reported as well: Simeonidis et al. (2015) estimated a found in the literature. Additionally, attention has to be paid to the fact
synthesis cost around 0.0035 €/g. Despite these large scale production that operating cost may vary with the scale of the plant. For instance,
costs, there is still an urgent need not only to find cheaper feedstocks Niu et al. (2016) stated that the operating costs for the treatment of
but also to develop green and cost effective methods to synthesize paper mill effluents using a combination of conventional physico-che-
ENMs at a reasonable price. Application of nanomaterials with the mical and biological treatment methods range from US$ 0.029/m3 of
possibility of their recovery and reuse can also potentially decrease effluent (100,000 thousand m3/y) to US$ 0.99/m3 of effluent (150
their total production cost. Recovery and recirculation of nanomaterials thousand m3/y), depending on the treatment scale. Hence, regarding
can be implemented through the use of ceramic membranes (Gehrke the application of nanomaterials, besides computing the above men-
et al., 2015). Another possibility which is now raising a large interest is tioned contributions to the operating costs (i.e. nanomaterials, energy
the use of magnetic nanoparticles to facilitate their separation under an and labor costs), the treatment scale has to be addressed as well. Thus
applied magnetic field. for large-scale plants, factors like scale treatment, recovery and re-use
For a specific type of contaminant, when various appropriate ENMs of nanomaterials are expected to favor the final operating costs of NMs
are available for the treatment, it is crucial to proceed with an in- based treatments.
dividual evaluation. For instance, for phenol contaminant, Pires et al.
(2015) compared the cost of different types of synthesized nanoma- Maintenance costs. The application of ENMs for industrial
terials, i.e., copper oxide catalysts on different supports such as γ-Al2O3, wastewater treatment purposes may contribute to a substantial
pillared clay and TiO2. They concluded that CuO on γ-Al2O3 is the most reduction of the maintenance costs of treatment plants. As an
cost effective material with an estimated treatment cost of 0.07 $ at example, when using membrane systems, fouling by inorganic
0.175/g of metal) for a pollutant load removal of 80%. In this regard, suspended solids, dissolved organic compounds or biofilms due to
further comparative studies on treatment costs with different nano- biological activities are major contributors to maintenance costs. A pre-
materials are mandatory in order to have a final conclusion about the treatment with nanomaterials or the incorporation of nanomaterials in
optimized cost, allowing to leverage ENMs technologies among other the structure of the membrane are the possible ways to mitigate fouling
competitors and potentially push them for commercialization. concerns. For instance, Lifen et al. (2012) indicated that incorporation
Regarding energy costs, there are also some estimation for the price of TiO2 into polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) can considerably enhance the
of the electricity as is the case of ENMs based photocatalysis processes hydrophilicity and anti-fouling property of the composite membrane.
which are much dependent on electricity consumption. Pirkarami et al. Also, less solid waste generation can potentially lead to costs mitigation
(2014) indicated that treating 1 m3 of a dyed solution using UV/ required for the maintenance of the sludge dewatering and thickening
Ni–TiO2 system may consume 4 kWh/m3 of electricity. According to the facilities.
local electricity price (Iran, 0.042 USD/kWh), the total price of the However, the negative effects of the ENMs application for the
energy required was estimated as 0.168 USD/m3. In regions where the treatment of industrial effluents have not been addressed so far in the
electricity price is high, application of visible light active nanomaterials literature, especially under real conditions. Studies are thus encouraged
such as N-TiO2 or consumption of solar energy are advised as preferred in this regard to allow a more realistic evaluation of the overall main-
solutions (Yoshida et al., 2014). tenance costs of the systems using this technology.
Labour costs are scarcely reported or inexistent in the literature.
Given the total absence of data on the labour costs associated with 3.2.3. Environmental considerations
ENMs treatment processes, traditional industrial treatments of effluents Solid wastes generation. So far, various treatment technologies
will be here considered while attempting to rank labour cost among the included in primary, secondary, and tertiary treatments have been
various contributions to total operating costs. Long et al. (2018) re- examined for their efficiency for the treatment of industrial effluents
ported that in industrial parks in Taihu and Haihe water basins (China) and also for their capability to reduce the amount of final waste
the operating costs of centralized wastewater treatment plants may be generated. Activated sludge as one of the most common treatment
ranked as electricity > labor > used chemicals. Li et al. (2017b) technologies for the treatment of industrial effluents (Kamali &
stated that the average energy consumption for a treatment process Khodaparast, 2015), generally produces a large amount of waste
(0.20 ± 0.06 kWh/t) in China, calculated on the basis of the cost of activated sludge. Generation of solid wastes has been also considered
traditional treatment technologies is much less as compared to that of a potential for the improvement of some physicochemical methods such

M. Kamali et al. Environment International 125 (2019) 261–276

as coagulation (Tadom et al., 2018). Due to the remarkable sludge concluded that ZnO nanoparticles with lower particle size may show a
disposal costs (Balik & Aydin, 2016) and subsequent environmental higher tendency for dissolution. Avramescu et al. (2017) indicated that
drawbacks, the development of methods with a minimum solid waste the pH of the media can also influence the solubility of metallic zinc,
production is of high importance. It is evident that the mechanisms ZnO and TiO2 nanoparticles. They observed that all particles show
involved in the removal and degradation of the environmental higher solubility at pH 1.5 as compared to pH 7. Recent studies have
pollutants contained in the industrial effluents can determine the also indicated a higher dissolution of nanomaterials by increasing the
extent of the solid waste generated. When adsorption processes are temperature of the media (Koch et al., 2013). Considering the im-
involved, the pollutants, mainly heavy metals, get attached to the portance of the solubility of ENMs, especially for risk assessment pur-
surface of the nanomaterials, being thus transferred from the liquid to poses, there is a need for specific standard methods to assess their so-
the solid phase. The recovery of the adsorbed elements may prompt the lubility (Arts et al., 2016). The release of the nanomaterials itself is also
reusability of the nanomaterials, thus raising a significant interest. considered as another subject to be addressed. Although some techni-
There are some reports in the literature for the successful recovery of ques such as magnetic field separation (Kamali et al., 2018) can be a
adsorbed pollutants. For instance Yang et al. (2014) recovered Os(IV) good solution to prevent the release of magnetic nanomaterials, the
adsorbed on the γ-nano-Al2O3 in the pH range of 3–7 which could be successful application of such methods for real application should be
easily recovered with 0.1 mol L−1 HCl. They stated that the chloride ion examined. In addition, development of other technologies, such as
with smaller size can be easily exchanged with Os. As an another membrane separation to prevent the release of nanomaterials, espe-
example, carbon nanotubes (CNTs) and nZVI were utilized in order to cially non-magnetic nanomaterials, is highly recommended.
recover hexavalent chromium, selenium and cobalt, from aqueous
solutions (Vilardi et al., 2018a). In contrast, the degradation CO2 emission. The mechanisms involved in the process used for
mechanism involved in the decomposition of organic compounds the treatment of industrial effluents can also determine the extent of
either through catalytic activity of nanomaterials or Fenton-like carbon dioxide production and release. In this regard, various final
processes may lead to final products including carbon dioxide and products can be expected when different treatment methods are
water. In such circumstances no, or negligible, solid waste is expected applied. For instance, in traditional nanomaterials free methods,
to be generated. For instance, Sudha & Sivakumar (2015) stated that the methane and/or carbon dioxide are the main final products of
photocatalytic degradation of industrial effluents containing dyes anaerobic and aerobic treatment processes, respectively (Chan et al.,
generates negligible amounts of solid waste. The disposal of the 2009). In addition, pond systems, as one of the most widely used
nanomaterials can also be considered as a likelihood for the solid methods for the treatment of industrial effluents in some developing
waste generation. However, there is not currently an estimation on the countries (Sia et al., 2017) are partially aerobic and partially anaerobic,
amount of the nanomaterials released form the wastewater treatment thus probably resulting in the emission of both carbon dioxide and
plants using this technology. The disposal of the nanomaterials can be methane. However, when using nanomaterials, the catalytic activity of
conditioned by several factors such as the properties of the nanomaterials themselves may also account for the generation of
nanomaterials (e.g., magnetic properties to allow magnetic carbon dioxide as a final product in case of complete degradation. In
separation), the initial amounts of the nanomaterials used, etc. In this regard, the development of carbon dioxide capturing methods can
addition to the environmental concerns, the disposal of nanomaterials help to control its emission from nano enabled reactors.
can be prevented or minimized using innovative techniques There are several options to reduce CO2 emissions from wastewater
(nanomaterials separation by membranes) to allow the nanomaterials treatment plants. For instance, the application of photosynthetic bac-
to be re-used, rendering the process more cost-effective. teria to consume the CO2 produced can be adopted for this purpose
(Chiemchaisri et al., 2007). Recently, some innovative techniques have Release of chemical substances. The release of by-products into also been developed aiming to capture carbon dioxide and CH4 through
the effluent by the treatment process itself is another important issue to the use of advanced ENMs. The most important mechanism is the ad-
be addressed when evaluating a treatment method of industrial sorption of these gases on the nanomaterials previously stabilized on
effluents. Recently, chemical methods based on the production of porous supports. As an example, Fe3O4-graphene provides very pro-
hydroxyl radicals which are powerful agents to deal with recalcitrant mising results (Alonso et al., 2017). However, scaling up challenges and
organic pollutants, have received an enormous attention. Among the capturing costs are still the main barriers to the commercialization of
chemical methods applied so far, Fenton reactions and oxidation with these technologies.
ENMs are among the most widely investigated technologies. The basis Additionally, the synthesis and handling of ENMs may also account
of Fenton process is the reaction between iron ions and hydrogen for CO2 emission. Some factors such as the synthesis route used, the
peroxide (Hartmann & Keller, 2010) to generate hydroxyl radicals. In need for further treatments such as thermal treatment of as-prepared
spite of the inherent advantages of this method, such as short reaction nanomaterials, etc. can determine the amount of the carbon dioxide
time (Koba & Biro, 2015), there are some drawbacks including the release into the atmosphere. For instance, sol-gel method, as a con-
generation of secondary pollutants through the release of ferric ions to ventional process for the synthesis of titanium dioxide nanoparticles,
the treated effluent (Sze et al., 2005). As a result, additional treatments generally results in amorphous nanomaterials (Nasirian et al., 2017).
may be required (Kuan et al., 2015). In order to overcome this issue, Calcination of the freshly prepared nanoparticles to provide the nano-
heterogeneous Fenton reactions based on the application of iron oxide materials with the desired degree of crystallinity can be a source of CO2
(s) nanomaterials or other types of inorganic nanomaterials such as release. Some methods have been recently developed without the need
TiO2, copper-based nanomaterials, etc. have been developed in recent of calcination. For instance, Wei et al. (2018) Prepared Sn-TiO2 aerogel
years. without the need for annealing using an ultrasonic-assisted sol-gel
The dissolution of nanomaterial particles is the phenomenon that method.
may account for the ions released to the effluent during the treatment
process (Adeleye et al., 2014). However, recent studies have indicated Water reuse potential. The potential of an industrial effluent to
that some parameters can be used to control the extent of ion release. be re-used after the treatment process is highly dependent on factors
pH, particle size, crystalline structure, and temperature are among the like the treatment method(s) applied, the involved treatment stages
most important parameters. Schmidt & Vogelsberger (2009) concluded (primary, secondary or tertiary), the type of effluent, and the quality
that amorphous TiO2 NMs are more soluble than crystalline TiO2. They needed for reuse. ENMs processes can be used as a pre-treatment stage
also stated that pure nano-anatase was more soluble than a mixture of of industrial effluents in order to increase their biodegradability, as a
nano-anatase and nano-rutile phases. Mudunkotuwa et al. (2012) also single treatment or as a tertiary treatment to polish the treated effluents

M. Kamali et al. Environment International 125 (2019) 261–276

coming from biological treatment steps. The ability of nanomaterials to aluminum films on stainless steel meshes (Xu et al., 2018b) which
deal with non-biodegradable contaminants is one of the most important demonstrate their potentional for treating oily wastewaters (Velayi &
features of the application of this technology. For instance, Norouzbeigi, 2018; Song et al., 2017; Xu et al., 2018b). However, the
nanomaterials such as zero valent iron have been successfully applied recovery of the chemicals using nanomaterials depends on the
to treat chemically complex effluents, such as those from metalworking mechanisms involved. In this regard, adsorption is the recommended
(Jagadevan et al., 2012) including highly toxic compounds. As stated mechanism for the recovery of the chemicals from polluted effluents as
before (Section, treatment with ENMs may involve various discussed in detail in Section, b. In the case of advanced
mechanisms which can deal with various types of contaminants (Bethi oxidation processes, no organic matter recovery can be expected.
et al., 2016). Adsorption and oxidation may allow to remove and Nevertheless, there are many evidences for the successful application
degrade various complex organic compounds (such as AOXs) and toxic of ENMs for the recovery of inorganic materials from effluents.
inorganic compounds (such as heavy metals) which concentration has
to decrease below a standard limit in order to ensure the quality of 3.2.4. Social considerations
water resources (Nadiri et al., 2018; Vilardi et al., 2018b). Odor impact. In some biological treatments such as pond
In addition, some types of industrial effluents contain some specific systems, which is a common technology for industrial wastewater
microbial communities (de Oliveira et al., 2015) with high resistance to treatment especially in some developing countries (Sia et al., 2017),
conventional disinfection methods. Nanomaterials such as CuO the treatment process may result in the formation of malodorous
(Abramova et al., 2013), ZnO (Budama et al., 2012), Ag (Budama et al., compounds such as volatile fatty acids (VFA) with harmful olfactory
2013), and TiO2 (Lee et al., 2015) can show strong antimicrobial ac- impacts (Ronteltap et al., 2011). The release of volatile organic
tivity. Although some single-phase nanomaterials such as nano-WO3 compounds (VOCs) which is typical in effluents from industries such
(for disinfection of Escherichia coli) (Gondal et al., 2009), and nano- as pulp and paper production is normally high from the open surface of
composites such as carbon nanotubes/silver nanoparticles (for disin- the biological treatment systems (Liu et al., 2014). The ability of a
fection of Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus) (Salam et al., 2017) method for minimizing the odor impacts can increase its acceptability
have been used for polluted waters disinfection, literature reports on by local communities. There are some reports about the successful
the application of engineered nanomaterials for the disinfection of real application of ENMs for the mitigation of odorous compounds such as
effluents are yet rare. Moreover a pre-treatment with nanomaterials can TiO2 (Li et al., 2018) and ZnO (Azzouz et al., 2018) nano
significantly reduce the microbial contamination load of the effluents photocatalysts. According to the mechanisms involved in the
when discharged into receiving water bodies. Some recent studies have degradation of organic compounds, the formation of malodorous
also indicated that biologically treated effluents can be considered as a compounds is not expected when using such nanomaterials because
source of microbial pollution on surface water resources (Naidoo & malodorous compounds can be easily decomposed by the powerful
Olaniran, 2013). To overcome this drawback, a tertiary treatment with hydroxyl radicals generated under the activity of these nanomaterials.
nanomaterials can be used to improve further the treatment efficiency Designing closed-surface reactors with the ability to prevent the escape
of the system and make the effluents suitable for re-use purposes. Al- of odorous compounds can also be considered depending on the
though the potential of the water to be re-used is preliminarily attrib- distance of the industry to the local communities and on the probable
uted to the quality of the effluents after being treated with nanoma- negative impacts they may bring. Such designs can also aid to improve
terials, in terms of COD, BOD and other influencing parameters, the visual characteristics of wastewater treatment plants which have
economic considerations should be taken into account to provide clean adopted this technology. Some studies have also indicated that the
water resources at reasonable costs. In Section 3.2.2 economic con- application of caps with an internal layer of nanomaterials (zeolites)
siderations on the application of this technology for the treatment of can help to mitigate the odorous compounds released from the effluents
industrial effluents have already been mapped out, although the link (Leung & Kwok, 2012).
between the treatment costs and the quality of the treated water for
various applications is still to be addressed, thus warranting further Noise and visual impacts. Recent studies have clearly indicated
studies. that “less crowded neighbourhoods” may bring both social and
environmental advantages (Zock et al., 2018). Noise nuisance for the Potential to recover by-products. The potential of a process for nearby residents can be produced by several process units in a
the recovery of materials from industrial effluents or to convert organic wastewater treatment plant. So far, some models have been
compounds into energy can considerably prevent the release of the developed for the assessment of the sound effects (De Heyder et al.,
chemicals into the environment. The implementation of this strategy 2001). However, the noise level of a treatment plant depends on several
may also bring some economic benefits when contributing to the factors such as the operational process units, the sequences of treatment
reduction of the overall treatment costs, thus being an important steps (biological, physicochemical, or their combinations) and the
economic feature to be considered. In this context, anaerobic distance of the treatment plant from local residents. Currently, the
digestion of industrial effluents among the biological treatments, can noise impacts from the industrial treatment plants using
lead to the production of methane as an energy carrier (Kamali et al., nanotechnology has not yet been well documented. Risk assessment
2016a). Additionally, membrane technologies, as leading wastewater can help to have a better understanding on the extent of the noise
treatment strategies (Goh & Ismail, 2018) have shown high efficiency pollution that the nano-reactors may induce in the surrounding
for the treatment of industrial effluents (Peydayesh & Toraj environment. The mitigation of such pollution source may help to
Mohammadi, 2018), and also in the recovery of organic (Wang et al., attract social supports for such novel technologies.
2018) and inorganic materials (Yan et al., 2018; Daguerre-martini Visual characteristics of an industrial wastewater treatment facility
et al., 2018). Modifications in the structure of the membranes by the are highly dependent on the design parameters of the reactors such as
addition of low-cost nanomaterials have improved their overall the size, shape, etc. As stated before, the application of nanotechnology
performance while decreasing the treatment costs. For instance, for the treatment of industrial effluents may lead to reactor size re-
Scheibler et al. (2015) developed a low-cost multilayer γ-Al2O3 duction and while mitigating the need for sludge collection and pro-
ceramic membrane for ultrafiltration pre-treatment of oily cessing. Although this criterion has received the least importance
wastewater. They achieved a high oil/water separation capability among the studied criteria, it should be considered when designing the
using the developed membrane. There are also other reports in the industrial wastewater treatment plants using nanotechnology.
literature for the successful separation of oil/water using ENMs ZnO
(Velayi & Norouzbeigi, 2018), SiO2 (Song et al., 2017), and nano- Public acceptance. Social acceptability is one of the important

M. Kamali et al. Environment International 125 (2019) 261–276

Table 4
Release, fate, and environmental expected concentrations of some widely used ENMs.
ENMs Application Comments on the release, fate, and environmental concentrations of ENMs Ref.

- CeO2, CuO, TiO2, and ZnO - General applications - There is a possibility even for soluble metal oxides to accumulate in the (Garner et al., 2017)
- The NMs concentrations may exceed the minimum toxic threshold, especially for
high production materials such as TiO2 and ZnO.
- Ag, Au, Cu, ZnO, TiO2, FxOy - Not specified - The behaviour of ENMs in the environment is not yet fully understood. (Krzyzewska et al., 2016)
- It is important to distinguish the source of differences in the results of various
studies on the toxicity of nanomaterials in the environment.
- Toxic effects of the nanomaterials in the environment is not yet a common
- It is necessary to determine and standardize the toxic dose of nanomaterials in the
- Graphene-Based NMs - Biomedical - The majority of the toxicological studies is at the cellular level rather than genetic (Dasari Shareena et al.,
Applications level. 2018)
- More studies on the fate, transport and ecological risks of nanomaterials are
required to provide a basis to control the use of NMs.
- Not specified - Not specified - There is a knowledge gap on environmental concentrations of NMs. (Lead et al., 2018)
- There are some evidence on the specific effects of some types of NMs on the
environment in terms of fate, bioavailability and toxic effects.
- ENMs seem to be less toxic than equivalent dissolved materials.
- Metal and metal oxides NMs - Not specified - The fate of NMs in the atmosphere has not yet been well understood. (Garner & Keller, 2014)
- It seems that NMs may have limited transport in the atmosphere because of rapid
- The stability of ENMs in freshwater and stormwater is higher than that in
seawater or groundwater. It may enhance the transportation of ENMs in
- CeO2, SiO2, and Ag - Commercial activities - The concentrations of CeO2-ENMs in freshwater may range from 1 pg/L(2017) to (Giese et al., 2018)
a few hundred ng/L (2050).
- The concentrations of SiO2-ENMs are estimated to be 1000 times higher than
- The concentrations of Ag-ENMs are estimated the 10 times lower than CeO2.
- The risks of the nanomaterials in most environmental conditions are relatively
- Not specified - Not specified - There is a need for alternative methods to assess the environmental exposure to (Selck et al., 2016)
NMs to decrease the uncertainty in ecological risk assessment.
- TiO2, ZnO, Ag, fullerenes, CNT - Five different types of NMs including ENMs, bulk-derived NMs, and abrasion (Gottschalk et al., 2013)
and CeO2 produced NMs, combustion-generated NMs and natural NMs are present in the
- The current methods predict the concentration of NMs are only based on the
release of ENMs. So, the expected the concentration may be higher than

criteria to push a technology for commercialization. So, in order to realistic estimations of the extent of the opportunities that can be cre-
achieve a sustainable development of wastewater treatment plants it ated by the commercialization of this technology. Awareness of the
would be necessary to consider social benefits, besides technical, general public on the footprint(s) of the nanotechnology for effluents
environmental and economic performance of a given technology (Ren treatment can also aid to reinforce the scientific-based orientation of
et al., 2016). However, the current society has still a lack of knowledge the community towards this technology. In this regard, there is also a
on nanotechnology, and public debates on nanotechnology for water need to trace the effects of the nanomaterials in case they are released
and wastewater treatment are rare according to literature (Ronteltap into the environment from the wastewater treatment plants and to
et al., 2011). Gupta et al. (2012) conducted structured interviews to perform comparative studies on the effects of various types of nano-
identify opinion makers in the North West Europe and the factors that materials after being released. However, there is not yet a consensus
may influence the societal response to various applications of among the scientific community on the release, fate, environmental
nanomaterials. They concluded that a technology should be concentrations and nanomaterials behaviour in real environmental
beneficial, useful, and necessary enough to attract the support of the conditions. Table 4 presents the current status of the release, fate, en-
society. According to experts judgment, the drug delivery and water vironmental expected concentrations of some widely used nanomater-
treatments are the most beneficial and necessary applications among ials based on recently published review papers.
the studied fields. Cook & Fairweather (2006) by distributing
questionnaires to randomly selected household addresses in New
4. Conclusion
Zealand examined the acceptability of 12 potential applications of
nanotechnology. They concluded that the treatment of wastewater
The application of nanotechnology for water and wastewater
using nanomaterials was assessed as acceptable by the community.
treatment needs to be transferred from lab and pilot scale to real ap-
However, the public acceptance towards a technology for the treatment
plications. At this stage, the evaluation of the technology, according to
of industrial wastewater can be highly influenced by other factors.
the criteria that may lead to its sustainable development and im-
The effectiveness of a technology can positively affect the percep-
plementation, is inevitable. In this study, it was adopted a fuzzy-Delphi
tion of the general public which may result in the improvement of the
approach to have a better understanding of the criteria involved in the
economic situation. In case of the treatment of industrial effluents using
selection of an industrial wastewater treatment process, based on the
nanotechnology, the large-scale production of the nanomaterials,
consensus of experts. 17 criteria were ranked according to their relative
transportation and application of nanomaterials in the treatment pro-
importance, being the treatment efficiency and health and safety risks
cess may produce new job opportunities. However, there is a need for
associated with the application of the most important criteria, although

M. Kamali et al. Environment International 125 (2019) 261–276

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