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Abnormal psychology

- Anything that is different from normal

- Scientific study of abnormal behavior to describe, predict, explain, and change abnormal
patterns of functioning
- What is abnormal?
o The 4 Ds
 Deviance
 Examples
o culturally (eye contact
o Time
o Age
 Distress
 Dysfunction
 Danger
- even if psychological abnormality is a valid concept
o defintions aren’t applies consistently
o criteria often vague
o categories not clear out
- the elusive nature of abnormality
o even if psychological abnormality is valid conceot
how was abnormality viewed and treated in the past

anciet views and treatments

- supernatural causes
- treatment
o trephination
o exorcism
o confessing sin
Greek and roman views and treatment
Philsophers and physicans began to reject supernatural causes
Hippocrates believed illnesses

500-1350 AD

Two different perspectives

1. somatogenic
a. abnormal functionin has pyschcal effects
b. psychically
2. psychogenic

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