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Causes of disease
- Confirm experiment happened
- Relate to hypothesis and come up with new question
- Pathogenic or ediology
o You can group them
o Recognize there is some
o What is causing the illness
- We can grow and isolate them
- What u

Prevention of infection and disease

- Semmelweis and handwashing
- Lister’s antiseptiv technique
- Nightingale and nursing
- Snow- infection control and epidemiology
- Jenner’s vaccine- field of immunology
- Ehrlich’s
Defend against disease
- The study of blood serum
- Von behring and kitasato- existence in the blood of chemicals and cells that fight
- The study of body’s defenses against specific pathogens
- Fleming discovered penicillin
- Domagk discovered sulfa drugs
Pencillin came

Microbial genetics
- Avery, Macleod, and McCarty= genes are contained in molecules of DNA
- Beadle and Tatum established that a gene’s activity is related to protein function
- Transl

Chemistry of microbiology
- Property

Microorganisms in the environment

- Bioremediation uses living bacteria, fungi, and algae to detoxitfy

- Pasteur’s work on fermentation
- Buchner’s discovery of enzymes in yeast extracr
- Kluyver and van niel- microbes used as model systems for biochemical reactions

Whats the matter

- Nucleus- w/ neutrons and protons
- Electrons-subatomic particles cicling a nuclus
- Atomic number-equal to the number of protons in the nuclus
- Atomic mass (atomic weight)- sum of masses of protons, neutrons, and electrons
- Element- composed of a single type of atom
- Isotopes- atoms of an element that differ in the number of neutrons
o Stable/unstable isotopes
o Radioactive decay

Chemical bonds
- Covalent bond- sharing od a pair of electrons by two atoms
o Polar vs. non-polar
- Electronegativity- attraction of atom for electrons
o The more electronegative an atom, the greater the pull its nucleus exerts on
o Ionic bonds
o Salts
- Hydrogen bonds

Biochemistry- chemical reactions

Synthesis reactions
- Require energy (endothermic)
- Dehydration synthesis
- Anabolism
- Release energy (exothermic
- Hydrolysis
- All the decomposition reactions in the organism are called catabolism
- Putting both of them together

- 2 polar covalent bonds= special characterisitcs
- Cohevise molecules-generate surface tension
- Water has a high boiling point

Acid or bases
- Higher acid=
- Lower than 7
- Monomers-basic building blocks of macromolecules

- Function groups- contain carbon and hydrogen atoms

- Atoms often appear in arragements called functional groups

Nucleic acids
- Replace dna

Cell chemistry and nutrition

- Need a lot of carbon
- Only a little bit
Helps with our cells functioning

Carbon and nitrogen


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