Macromolecules Labster-Lab Notebook

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Your name Anita Amao

Points to address (40 pts total) Your response

Title of the topic/exercise (1 pt) Macrimolecules labster

Date experiment was 02/09/2020

performed (when you did the
simulation; 1 pt)

List all of the macromolecules Carbohydrates-which include

found in food (3 pts) simple and complex sugars.
They are the source of energy
for the body
Proteins-are found throughout
our bodies. They build our
enzymes, cells, hormones, and
Lipids-include fats. Fats function
is to store energy
Nucleic acids
What question are you We were trying to find out what
addressing in this labster? (1 pt) types of macromolecules are
present in food. We were
focused on the girl’s salad
What is a polymer? (1 pt) Polymers are materials that are
made up of long repeating
chains of monomers
What are the two types of Amylose-is slowly digested and
starch and how do they differ? absorbed
(2 pts) Amylopectin-is a larger
molecule. It is easily digested
Cellulose is a polymer of what? glucose
(1 pt)
What is the difference between Starch is mainly used for
cellulose and starch? (1 pt) energy. Cellulose has an
opposite orientation and is used
in plants for protection and
Why can’t humans digest Humans are unable to digest
cellulose? (1 pt) cellulose because the enzymes
needed to breakdown are
What is the difference between There are primary, secondary,
levels of protein structures? (1 and teirtart structures
Lipids are not true polymers. Lipids are predominantly
What do all the molecule class hydrophobic molecules that do
of lipids share in common? (1 not dissolve with water
What are fats composed of? (1 Fats molecules consists of two
pt) kinds of parts. Glycerol and acid
Are lipids composed of polar or Lipids are non polar which
nonpolar regions, which make makes it hydrophobic. Water
them hydrophobic? (1 pt) mixes with hydrophilic because
it is polar
What is the difference between Saturated fats are found in
saturate and unsaturated fats? whole foods tightly packed are
Which one is the worst for your found in dairy products.
health? (2 pts) Unsaturated fats are loosely
packed and are found in nuts
and seeds.
saturated fats are the worst for
your health
What are the results of the Her salad contains complex
indicator tests for Alice’s salad? carbohydrates
(1 pt)
What important It is lacking proteins and fats
macromolecule(s) is/are the
cabbage salad missing? (1 pt)

• Fill out this table as you work through the labster (20 pts)

Macromolecules Example of Indicator test Negative result Positive result What are the positive
food type and negative controls?
Simple sugars milk Orange none Developed a Shows it is only a simple
orange color sugar
Complex carbohydrate salad blue brown Developed a Shows it a complex carb
blue color
Protein Baked potato Pale purple red Developed a Shows it contains both
pale purple proteins and fats
Lipid Vegetable oil orange black Developed a Shows fatty acids
orange color

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