Civil Welfare Training Service

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Submitted by: Conrado Badua

Submitted to: Richard Briones
Before anything else, I want to say
thank you to our kind professor Sir.
Richard Briones for giving us a
quality education and his best. thus,
always giving consideration to his
beloved student even though we
don’t deserve this much. This
portfolio contains a compilation of
my insights and learnings from the
subject Civil Welfare Training
Service (CWTS).
As a transferee
student, the first
meeting is the scariest
one because I had no I got a better understanding
idea what to expect
from my teachers and
about the importance of
classmates. Thankfully being conscious about who I
I had been blessed with
a kind and a caring am as a Filipino citizen in my
teacher that never
country and thinking what
failed to amaze me on
how passionate he is can I do for my country
on teaching his
instead of always asking
students. Because of
this I always look “what can my country do for
forward on meeting this
class. me”. Because I’ve realized
that the foundation of the
country is the citizen itself.
For that, the change should
start within ourself.

Date: October 20, 2020


From my perspective, the most important duty and obligation of
a Filipino citizen is to abide and follow the laws of the
constitution of the Philippines. As a Filipino citizen, It is sad to
know that on our daily everyday life, lots of us does not even
notice that we break the law. These law that I’m talking about
might even be considered by many as a not relevant law such
as “Asking for a receipt.” or “Walk on the pedestrian line.”
Because these laws are so simple that we don’t even bother to
follow them. Not knowing the consequences. Imagine a
thousand Filipino jaywalking. There would be a huge traffic, or
even worst accidents. Asking for a receipt is a huge help for the
economy and wealth of the country. What I’m saying is every
law in our constitution has a can make a big impact on the
growth of our country. And as a Citizen of the nation, we all
should abide and follow the rules at all times no matter how
simple or complicated it is.

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