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The Use of Derivatives by Investment

Managers and Implications for Portfolio

Performance and Risk

Kingsley Fong
David R. Gallagher
Aaron Ng*

School of Banking and Finance, The University of New South Wales,

Sydney, N.S.W. 2052 AUSTRALIA


This study provides an empirical examination of derivative instruments used by

institutional investors. Our analysis provides a unique insight into the role of
derivative securities within portfolios, and the potential benefits from their use. We
contribute to the literature using a database that comprises the periodic portfolio
holdings and daily trades of active equity managers. The consequence of derivative
use is analysed using a number of performance and risk measures. Overall, we find
the use of derivatives have a negligible impact on fund returns. This finding is
attributed to low levels of derivative exposure relative to total fund size. We also
evaluate how derivatives are used by considering the trading strategies executed by
investment managers. The option trading patterns of active institutional investors are
shown to be consistent with the execution of momentum trading strategies. The study
also documents that active investment managers prefer not to use options markets to
engage in informed trading.

JEL classification: G11, G23

Keywords: Derivatives, Managed Funds, Investment Performance, Portfolio Risk

* Corresponding author. Email: 1

The Use of Derivatives by Investment
Managers and Implications for Portfolio
Performance and Risk


This study provides an empirical examination of derivative instruments used by

institutional investors. Our analysis provides a unique insight into the role of
derivative securities within portfolios, and the potential benefits from their use. We
contribute to the literature using a database that comprises the periodic portfolio
holdings and daily trades of active equity managers. The consequence of derivative
use is analysed using a number of performance and risk measures. Overall, we find
the use of derivatives have a negligible impact on fund returns. This finding is
attributed to low levels of derivative exposure relative to total fund size. We also
evaluate how derivatives are used by considering the trading strategies executed by
investment managers. The option trading patterns of active institutional investors are
shown to be consistent with the execution of momentum trading strategies. The study
also documents that active investment managers prefer not to use options markets to
engage in informed trading.

JEL classification: G11, G23

Keywords: Derivatives, Managed Funds, Investment Performance, Portfolio Risk


Recent decades have witnessed a dramatic shift in the nature of risk in global

financial markets, in which the volatility of many asset classes has increased.1 In an

environment in which investors are continuously exposed to a broad range of dynamic

risks, derivatives have become a valuable tool used in the risk management practices

of institutions. As a product of developments arising from the literature, derivative

markets have experienced significant growth in both the size and scope of the

securities available to traders.2 These innovations have provided users with a wide

range of alternatives in managing their financial market exposures.

Despite the potential for derivatives to effectively manage the risks faced by

institutions, public opinion concerning these instruments suggests the general public

view derivative securities as inherently dangerous (McGough (1995)). This view has

been argued to have arisen due to the recent high-profile corporate losses that have

been attributed to derivative use, as well as recent episodes of rogue trading scandals.

Such examples include Long–Term Capital Management (LTCM) in the U.S.,

Barings Bank in the U.K., and the recent foreign exchange episode at National

Australia Bank. These anecdotes highlight the potential hazards of derivative use, and

have attracted the close attention of risk management executives, investors,

governments and market regulators, as well as the media.

In attempting to prevent corporate failure resulting from the use of derivatives,

regulators have generally approached the matter from a disclosure perspective.3

Campbell, Lettau, Malkiel, and Xu (2001) document the upward trend in idiosyncratic volatility in
equity markets. Gross (1997) also notes the increase in the volatility of U.S. bond yields.
Seminal papers include Black and Scholes (1973), the binomial option pricing model by Cox, Ross,
and Rubinstein (1979), American option pricing methods by Baroni-Adesi and Whaley (1987), pricing
of compound options by Geske (1979), and the constant elasticity of variance (CEV) model by Cox
Accounting regulators have formulated standards which require the disclosure of nominal contract
exposures and fair value of derivative instruments in financial accounting statements.

Regulation of derivative use in the Australian investment management industry has

not required quantitative disclosure, but rather the design and implementation of risk

management policies, and constraints on the use of derivatives.4 The Australian

Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) prescribes that derivatives may not be used

for speculative purposes, and funds may not hold uncovered positions in derivatives.

Derivative use must also be conducted within the confines of the trust deed.5

Theoretical literature proposes that derivatives provide users with efficiency

benefits, in the form of reduced transaction costs and improved risk control (Merton

(1995)). Despite these alleged benefits, several studies from both the corporate and

investment management literature (Hentschel and Kothari (2001), Koski and Pontiff

(1999)) have found that the risk and return characteristics of derivative users are

indeed similar to that of non-users. This gives rise to an apparent puzzle of why

institutional investors might use derivative instruments. If derivatives provide no

observable benefit in terms of either portfolio performance or risk, then one may

question what the purpose of derivatives really is. This intuition also raises further

questions as to why market participants continue to engage in large volumes of

derivative transactions.

The primary contribution of this study is to better understand how derivatives

are used by institutional investment managers. The extant literature on derivative use

has largely focussed on corporate hedging, which is likely to display considerable

differences from the use of derivative instruments within the investment management

For a detailed discussion of risk management practices in the Australian investment management
industry, see Brown, Gallagher, Steenbeek, and Swan (2005). The governance mechanism is most well
known among superannuation funds, which are required to maintain a Part B Risk Management
Statement (RMS) outlining their response to how risks are monitored.
APRA Circular (No. II.D.7)

industry.6 There are only a few studies which directly analyse the use of derivatives

by investment managers. Koski and Pontiff (1999) examine the distribution of mutual

fund returns partitioned according to whether derivatives are used or not, and they

conclude that derivatives do not lead to significant differences in performance or risk.

Pinnuck (2004) shows that Australian equity managers utilise options to both increase

or decrease exposure to underlying stocks held in the fund, however Pinnuck (2004)

does not attempt to infer the motivation for derivative use by portfolio managers. The

empirical literature has therefore been unable to characterise how derivatives are used

by investment managers, and our study therefore approaches this issue with respect to

the trading strategies executed by managers in derivative securities.

This study benefits significantly from a unique and confidential dataset of

equity manager transactions and holdings. Prior studies examining U.S. funds have

typically analysed the portfolio holdings of investment managers observed at quarter-

end periods, where this data only includes equity holdings and not other instruments

such as derivatives (Moskowitz (2000)).7 To evaluate the use of derivatives, Koski

and Pontiff (1999) conduct telephone interviews to determine whether or not mutual

funds are permitted to trade derivatives, however this binary approach is unable to

capture the size of derivative exposures held by funds. While the data used by

Pinnuck (2004) includes the month-end holdings of options, the sample did not

include data showing holdings of futures contracts. Our study offers a significant

improvement to Pinnuck (2004) given our database contains the month-end portfolio

holdings and daily trades of all securities, including derivatives, and also investigates

derivative use in considerably finer detail.

While the motivation to use derivatives as a part of a risk management strategy still exists for
investment managers, derivatives also represent a direct alternative to investment in underlying asset
The portfolio holdings of U.S. institutional investors have been derived from 13F disclosure forms
reported on a quarterly basis to the Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC).

In evaluating the impact of derivatives on the returns of active equity

managers, tests are employed to measure the differences in the distributions across a

range of widely used performance and risk measures (see Koski and Pontiff (1999)).

Consistent with the literature, we document few observable differences in either

performance or risk between derivative users and non-users. We attribute this result to

the low level of derivative exposure relative to the total size of fund portfolios.

We next examine the propensity for active equity managers to transact in

options on stocks exhibiting momentum by analysing the proportion of option trades

on stocks whose future price movements are expected to follow momentum patterns.

Investment managers are shown to uniformly avoid trading options on stocks with

relatively poor past returns, while some funds also trade disproportionately heavily in

options on stocks with relatively strong past price performance. This provides

empirical support that investment managers indeed use options to capture momentum

returns. We also examine the information content of option trades by active equity

managers and document no abnormal price movements in the underlying stocks over

short-run event windows, both immediately prior and subsequent to option trades. We

interpret these findings as evidence that investment managers do not execute informed

trading in options markets.

Overall, this study provides evidence that the trading strategies that are widely

known to be implemented in stock markets are also executed using option securities.

Contrary to public perception that derivatives are inherently risky financial

instruments, our results confirm previous academic research that the use of derivatives

by institutional traders does not lead to significant differences in the performance or

risk between derivative users and non-users.

The remainder of the paper is structured as follows. Section 2 summarises the

relevant extant literature and formulates the hypotheses that are addressed in this

paper. Section 3 outlines the empirical methodologies employed in testing the

hypotheses. Section 4 presents the results and provides a discussion of the key

findings. The final section concludes.


Derivatives provide potential benefits through reduced transaction costs, both

explicit costs of trading (in imperfect markets) and implicit costs such as liquidity-

motivated trading. Conversely, the potential costs of derivative use arise from the

leveraged exposure to market risks, which may be exploited by investment managers

in response to agency incentives.8 However, little empirical evidence exists to verify

the actual costs and benefits that arise from the use of derivatives.

H1: The use of derivatives causes significant impacts on the performance

and risk of Australian investment managers.

Since the payoffs of equity derivatives are determined by the performance of

the underlying share price, they may be used as alternatives in implementing equity

trading strategies. In particular, this study focuses on the momentum strategy outlined

by Jegadeesh and Titman (1993). Previous studies have shown that mutual funds do

engage in momentum strategies in their equity stock holdings.9

Several factors in the Australian institutional environment make derivatives

potentially more appropriate than shares in implementing momentum strategies. The

sale of poorly performing stocks triggers a capital loss, which may be undesirable if

Brown, Harlow and Starks (1996) and Chevalier and Ellison (1997) find that fund flows are
significantly driven by past fund performance, which creates incentives for investment managers to
adjust portfolio risk in order to maximise expected funds-under-management.
See Grinblatt, Titman and Wermers (1995) and Carhart (1997).

the fund is forced to offset the loss against long-term capital gains.10 Regulations

restricting fund borrowings prevents a manager’s ability to short-sell downside

momentum stocks, or purchase upside momentum stocks where a fund is at full

investment. Also, funds are often mandated to invest a minimum proportion of fund

assets in specified markets.11 This hinders the ability of a fund to sell stocks

exhibiting downside momentum. In each of these circumstances, derivatives may be

used to gain exposure to expected price momentum, overcoming constraints in

underlying stock markets.

H2: Active investment managers are using options markets to implement

momentum-based trading strategies.

Investment managers, through their skills in stock selection and market timing,

are theoretically able to generate private information which it may use to trade and

gain abnormal returns. Prior studies have found mixed evidence of informed trading

in option markets at an aggregate market level;12 however, there is no evidence to

support informed trading in options at an individual stock level.

Option contracts provide leverage and inherent insurance, which will be

desirable to an informed trader. Further, Share Price Index futures provide traders

exposure to an underlying asset that is not directly tradeable.

H3: Active investment managers are using options markets to engage in

informed trading.


3.1 Data

In Australia, capital gains tax is only paid on 50% of the total long-term capital gains amount.
Capital losses are offset against total capital gains, which erodes tax benefits from long-term holdings.
This floor is commonly set at 90% of a fund’s total net assets.
Easley, O’Hara, and Srinivas (1998) show that option volumes lead stock prices, whilst Chakravarty,
Gulen and Mayhew (2004) provide evidence of price discovery in options markets.

We study Australian equity funds sourced from the Portfolio Analytics

Database. This unique database, containing month-end portfolio holdings and daily

trading data, was formed on an invitation basis to the largest investment managers

operating in Australia.13 The sample period for this study is 1 January 1993 to 31

December 2003. Further details concerning the construction of the database can be

obtained from Brown et al. (2005), Gallagher and Looi (2005) and Foster et al.

(2005). These studies also show that the sample of funds drawn from the database is

not significantly different from the universe of funds in terms of performance.

In addition to the managed fund data, daily stock price data and details of

dividends paid are collected from the SEATS system, sourced from the Securities

Institute Research Centre of Asia-Pacific. The All Ordinaries Accumulation Index

was used as the market proxy, whilst the Reserve Bank of Australia short interest rate

was used as the risk-free rate.14

The initial sample consists of 48 equity funds, across all fund styles. We

sample only actively managed funds that have the discretion to trade in derivatives.

There are no exchange traded derivatives listed on shares of companies outside of the

largest 100. Therefore we exclude index funds, enhanced passive funds and small-cap

equity funds. Of the remaining 34 funds, 50% are classed as derivative users.15 Value

funds accounted for 11 of the total sample funds, of which 3 were derivative users.

Growth-At-a-Reasonable-Price (GARP) funds represented 9 of the sample funds, of

which 5 were derivative users.

Table I reports descriptive statistics of the month-end portfolio holdings by

security type across the sample of active equity funds. We convert all derivative

The size of investment managers was measured by total funds under management.
The daily compounded RBA cash rate was converted to a continuously compounded annual rate.
A derivative user was defined as a fund that had holdings of derivatives any time during the sample

contracts into dollar exposures before computing a fund’s percentage holdings. In

computing the mean values we first calculate, for each fund, the mean number of a

particular type of securities held across month ends, and then we take the mean of

these fund specific values. For instance, in Panel A the low number of call options

relative to the number of stock holdings shows that managers do not hold diversified

portfolios of options. N less than 1 shows that there are months in which funds have

no option holdings at all.

Panel B and Panel C contrast the holdings of derivatives users and non-users

and shows that whilst derivative users still hold large exposures to stocks for which

there are options, the size of exposures to these stocks taken by non-users are smaller

as a proportion of the fund. This suggests that derivative users utilise options as a

direct alternative to taking exposures in stock markets. At any given time, derivative

users hold positions in a small number of different futures contracts, suggesting that

holdings in futures are confined to single maturities. This may also imply that since

futures holdings are limited to few maturities, contracts are rolled-over as they

mature. Across the entire sample, funds trade only in Share Price Index futures, and

do not trade in individual share futures. Funds are on average net short in call options

when measured at the market price, providing some evidence that they are writing call

options to generate income.

Table II reports descriptive statistics of the daily trading data for the sample

funds. The distribution of average trade value is considerably positively skewed

across all securities. This suggests that managers occasionally trade in significantly

large parcels in stock, futures, and options markets. The number of trades per month

exhibits similar trends to the average trade value, being highly positively skewed,

suggesting that funds experience months of significantly large trading activity in

stock, futures, and options markets. The distribution of time to maturity of derivatives

is relatively symmetric. Degree of moneyness shows that option trades are relatively

close-to-the-money, however the median call trade is slightly out-of-the-money and

the median put option trade is slightly in-the-money. The high standard deviation of

moneyness for call options is consistent with the purchase of Low-Exercise-Price-

Options (LEPOs), which have a high degree of moneyness (close to 100%). In

addition, funds may be writing out-of-the-money call options, which have a low

degree of moneyness, providing further evidence of selling call options to generate


3.2 Research Design

3.2.1 Risk metrics

We use a broad range of risk measures to capture distinct elements of risk.

These metrics include the variables examined by Koski and Pontiff (1999) and

additional variables as proposed by other studies.

Distributional parameters characterise the performance and risk of a fund

relative to the fund’s mean return. The first four moments of the fund return

distribution are examined.

Market model parameters are used as measurements of fund performance and

risk relative to market factors. The alpha and beta of each fund are derived from a

single factor model, and idiosyncratic risk calculated as the standard deviation of the

residuals.16 In addition, a market timing variable is included to capture the ability of

managers to utilise portfolio insurance to protect the portfolio against adverse market


The single-factor model is estimated from the equation rt − r f ,t = α + β (rMkt ,t − r f ,t ) + ε t , where rt is
the return for month t, r f ,t is the risk-free rate at the end of month t, and rMkt ,t is the ex-post return on
the market during month t. A continuously compounded RBA cash rate is used to proxy for the risk-
free rate, and the logarithmic change in the All Ordinaries Index used as a proxy for the market return.

Sortino (2001) stresses the importance of considering the risk of falling below

a “minimal acceptable return” (MAR). A downside risk metric is included to capture

both the likelihood and magnitude of underperforming the relevant benchmark


3.1.2. Classifying momentum trades

In order to analyse the proportions of trades that follow momentum patterns,

each trade must be classified as a momentum or non-momentum trade. Jegadeesh and

Titman (1993) show that stocks exhibit persistent returns based on past 3-to-12 month

performance. Carhart (1997) shows that the persistence of mutual fund performance is

attributable to the 12-month momentum effect. For this reason, this study defines

momentum based on past 12-month performance. Recent studies, such as Badrinath

and Wahal (2002), continue to use momentum windows ranging from 3-to-12 months.

Demir, Muthuswamy, and Walter (2004) find significant momentum effects in

Australian equities over both short-term (1-week to 1-month) horizon, and

intermediate-term (3-to-12 month) horizon. Therefore, the 12-month momentum

effect should provide trading opportunities to investment managers where it may be

appropriate to transact in options markets.

To derive momentum rankings, the constituents of the All Ordinaries Index

are taken at each month-end of the sample period. Taking these constituents at each

month-end captures the entry of new firms into the market, and removes firms as they

are delisted from the ASX. The 12-month buy-and-hold return is calculated for each

stock at each month-end date, which is then used as the basis of ranking.

Downside risk is defined by the equation  (R − MAR )2 Pr  , where Rt is the return of the fund
17 MAR 2

∑ t t 
 −∞ 
during month t , MARt is the minimal acceptable return for month t , and Pr is the probability
associated with observing that level of return. The MAR for each month is set at the return on the All
Ordinaries Accumulation Index

Two alternative classifications of momentum are defined. Jegadeesh and

Titman (1993) construct a zero-cost trading strategy to profit from the momentum

effect, which involves buying a portfolio of stocks consisting of the top decile firms

based on past performance, and selling a portfolio of stocks consisting of the bottom

decile of firms. Therefore, stocks in the “Loser” portfolio are firstly defined as firms

in the bottom decile of the performance ranking, while stocks in the “Winner”

portfolio are defined as firms in the top decile of the performance ranking. As an

alternative measure, the “Loser” portfolio is also defined as the bottom quintile of

firms, and the “Winner” portfolio defined as the top quintile of firms.

Individual options trades are then classified as either loser momentum trades,

winner momentum trades, or non-momentum trades. Loser momentum trades are

options on any underlying stock that fell within the loser portfolio as at the previous

month-end date. Similarly, winner momentum trades are option trades on any

underlying stock that fell within the winner portfolio as at the previous month-end

date. Non-momentum trades are all remaining trades which were not considered

winner or loser trades.

The momentum strategy proposed by Jegadeesh and Titman (1993) profits

from upside exposure to the winner portfolio, and downside exposure to the loser

portfolio. Options provide linear price exposure to either upside or downside price

movements. Furthermore, options may be both written or bought, providing opposite

price exposures. Therefore, the sample of option transactions are separated by both

call option and put option trades, and by buy trades and sell trades. This yields a total

of four trade types. In addition to this, two trade types are defined in order to capture

similar exposures gained by different trade types:

1. Delta increasing trades are transactions that profit from upside price changes

in the underlying stock, and consist of call option buy trades and put option

sell trades; and

2. Delta decreasing trades are transactions that profit from downside price

changes in the underlying stock, and consist of call option sell trades and put

option buy trades.

The total number of option transactions for each trade type in the loser, winner

and non-momentum categories are calculated for each fund over the entire sample

period. These totals form the basis of the tests of proportions. For each fund, the

distribution of trades over the three categories is compared against the expected

number of trades in each category using a chi-squared goodness-of-fit test.

For the goodness-of-fit tests over decile-based momentum trades, the expected

number of trades in winner and loser categories are each equal to 10% of the total

number of option trades, while the expected number of non-momentum trades is equal

to 80% of total option trades. Similarly for the goodness-of-fit tests over quintile-

based momentum trades, the expected number of trades in winner and loser categories

are each equal to 20% of the total number of option trades, while the expected number

of non-momentum trades is equal to 60% of total option trades.

Tests of the nominal number of trades will not incorporate relative differences

in trade size, and the level of exposure generated by each trade. For this reason, a

measure of the value-weighted number of trades is introduced. This variable is

calculated for each trade category as:

Total exposure of tradesi (1).

Value − weighted number of tradesi = Total number of tradesi × k

∑ Total exposure of trades

i =1

The exposure of each trade is calculated as the equivalent ordinary share exposure

(see Appendix). The chi-squared goodness-of-fit tests are then conducted, as

described, over the value-weighted number of trades.18

3.1.3.Event study of option trades

The literature approaches the use of options for informed trading at a market

level, by comparing aggregate variables such a prices and volumes between stock and

option markets. Much of this literature has utilised high-frequency intraday data to

establish lead/lag relationships between option and stock markets, finding mixed

support for informed trading using options. Easley, O’Hara and Srinivas (1998) show

that price changes in stock markets lead option volumes with a lag of 20 to 30

minutes, whilst option volumes affect stock price changes more rapidly. Jarnecic

(1999) shows that stock volumes on the ASX lead option volumes on the ASX

Options market. Cairney and Swisher (2004) represent one of few studies which

analyse informed trading in options markets on a lower-frequency basis, showing

abnormal volume in Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE) options for three days

prior to earnings announcements.

This study benefits from high granular data comprising the daily transactions

in option securities on the Australian Stock Exchange Derivatives market (ASXD) by

institutional Australian equity investment managers. As such, the tests employed in

evaluating informed trading are not confined to market level analysis, and therefore

enables an assessment of the information content for individual trades by specific

market participants. Importantly, prior studies have found evidence that mutual funds

possess private information (Daniel, Grinblatt, Titman, and Wermers (1997),

In order to ensure that the chi-squared distribution adequately approximates the discrete sampling
distribution, the goodness-of-fit tests must conform to the rule of five. As a consequence, funds with an
insufficient number of trades were excluded from these tests (less than 50 trades for decile-based tests,
and less than 25 for quintile-based tests). Across all option trade types, 8-to-9 funds were excluded
from the decile based tests, and between 3-to-8 funds were excluded from the quintile based tests.

Wermers (2000)). Therefore, this study provides an evaluation of the decision to

disseminate private information in options markets as opposed to stock markets.

The information content of investment manager option trades is assessed by

examining the behaviour of the share price of the underlying stock, both before and

after option transactions are executed. An event study methodology is employed to

measure the significance of share price movements around a specific period in time,

for which an event is defined as an option trade by an active investment manager.

Standard event study methodologies typically pool abnormal returns across all

observed events, and test the hypothesis that the mean abnormal return is equal to

zero (Kritzman (1994)). This approach is inappropriate in this study for several

reasons. Firstly, there are many factors influencing the decision by investment

managers in choosing to transact in options markets, such as equitising fund flows,

attempting to add value through hedging, or by implementing trading strategies based

on public information.19 Thus, not all option trades will be motivated by acting upon

private information. Pooling option trades will create significant noise in the event

study model by including trades initiated by different motivations, and may distort the

underlying share price impacts of option trades. Secondly, since options are short-

term trading instruments (given that they are financial contracts with expiry dates),

investment managers are likely implement further trades to reverse initial trading

positions. The timing of this reversal trade will be influenced by factors other than

information motives, such as managing the loss of time value of the option exposure.

This effect also prevents a pooled analysis of investment manager option trades. To

overcome these issues we study the underlying share price behaviour around option

trades at daily intervals.

Trading on the basis of public information will not result in any abnormal share price reaction in the
underlying stock. An example of a trading strategy based on public information is the momentum
strategy, where the trading decisions are formed solely on historical performance.

To implement the event study, daily abnormal returns are calculated from 10

days prior to the option trade, to 10 days subsequent to the option transaction. For

each day, the market-adjusted abnormal return is calculated as the difference between

the daily simple compounded return on the stock minus the contemporaneous daily

return on the All Ordinaries Accumulation Index.20 Cumulative abnormal returns for

the post-event windows are then formed by summing the abnormal returns across

each relevant event days.

CARt ,t + k −1 = ∑ ( Rt + j −1 − RMkt ,t + j −1 ) (2),
j =1

where CARt ,t +k −1 = the cumulative abnormal return from day t to t + k − 1

Rt + j −1 = the return on the underlying stock on day t + j − 1

RMkt ,t + j −1 = the return on the All Ordinaries Index on day t + j − 1

k = 1, 3, 5, 10.

Cumulative abnormal returns for the pre-event windows are formed exclusive of the

return on the day of the option trade.

CARt −k ,t −1 = ∑ ( Rt − j − RMkt ,t − j ) (3),
j =1

where CARt − k ,t −1 = the cumulative abnormal return from day t − k to t − 1

Rt − j = the return on the underlying stock on day t + j

RMkt ,t − j = the return on the All Ordinaries Index on day t + j

k = 1, 3, 5, 10.

For each event date, we estimate the standard deviation of returns as the

square root of the sample variance of returns from t − 100 to t − 11 , where t is the

Daily stock returns are adjusted for dividends and capital distributions.

day of the option trade. The estimation of the standard deviation prior to the event

window ensures that estimates of the standard error are not biased by the effects of the

event. The standard error for each event window is then calculated as:

s.e.(CARt ,k ) = σ t −100,t −11 k (4),

where s.e.(CARt ,k ) = the standard error on day t for a k -day event window.

σ t −100,t −11 = the standard deviation of daily stock returns, calculated

from day t − 100 to t − 11 .

k = the length of the event window, taking the values of 1,

3, 5, and 10.

For option trade, the test statistics for post-event windows are calculated as:

CARt ,t + k −1
Z= (5),
s.e.(CARt ,k )

Similarly for pre-event windows, the test statistic is:

CARt − k ,t −1
Z= (6).
s.e.(CARt ,k )

This test statistic follows a standard normal distribution, and tests the null hypothesis

that the cumulative abnormal return equals zero.


4.1. Distributional moments and risk measures

4.1.2. Results of difference-in-means tests

[Insert Table III here]

Table III presents the results for the difference in cross-sectional mean tests

for the distributional moments and risk measures. Broadly, these tests do not identify

any significant differences in the performance or risk between funds that use

derivatives and those that do not.

Panel A of Table III shows that during the sample period, active equity funds

yield positive mean returns that are negatively skewed and leptokurtic. This is

consistent with previous studies that have found similar non-normality in the return

distributions of equities and fixed income funds in Australian and international

markets (Bird and Gallagher (2002)). Across the entire sample of funds, derivative

users display insignificantly higher mean returns, and insignificantly lower standard

deviation, skewness and kurtosis. In the subsets of fund styles, Growth and Growth-

At-a-Reasonable Price (GARP) funds show the same trends as the full sample. Value

funds using derivatives yield insignificantly lower mean returns than those that did

not use derivatives, and otherwise follow the trends found in the full sample. The

behaviour of Style Neutral funds opposed the trends of the full sample, with

derivative users yielding insignificantly lower mean returns, insignificantly higher

standard deviation, and were more negatively skewed and platykurtic. Therefore,

whilst these results are of the correct sign to suggest that derivatives improve

performance and reduce risk, they are of insufficient magnitude to conclude these

inferences with statistical significance.

Panel B of Table III shows that on average, funds display positive alphas.

Growth and GARP funds that did not use derivatives are the only group to derive

negative alphas. There is weak evidence indicating a difference in the mean alpha

between derivative users and non-users for Growth and GARP-style funds, with the

Wilcoxon rank-sum test significant at the 10% level. For Value and Style Neutral

funds, derivative users are documented as having insignificantly lower alphas. Higher

betas (measuring systematic risk) are found for Growth, GARP, and Style Neutral

funds that used derivatives, and lower mean beta for Value funds using derivatives.

Idiosyncratic risk is insignificantly lower for derivative users across all fund styles,

with the exception of Style Neutral funds. Timing beta is found to be negative across

funds on average, with derivative users showing insignificantly smaller negative

coefficients. GARP funds that did not use derivatives displayed a positive mean

timing beta, though insignificantly different to derivative users. Style Neutral funds

that use derivatives also display a positive mean timing beta, which is also

insignificantly greater than for non-user funds. Downside risk is insignificantly

smaller for derivative users across all fund styles except the Style Neutral category.

4.1.3. Results of difference-in-standard-deviation tests

[Insert Table IV here]

Table IV reports the results for the tests of difference in cross-sectional

standard deviation of distributional moments and risk measures.21 There is some

evidence that the dispersion of the performance and risk parameters between

portfolios that include and exclude derivative securities are different. Panel A of

Table IV reveals the standard deviation of all distributional moments are lower for

derivative users across all funds. The standard deviation of the mean is significantly

different in the test of all equity funds, however, the difference is only weakly

significant for GARP funds and insignificant for all other fund styles. This suggests

that the observed differences across the aggregate sample are attributable to cross-

sectional differences in fund style. The dispersion of the mean is significantly smaller
Cross-sectional standard deviation is computed by taking the standard deviation of the moment of
interest. Note that the standard deviation of mean here is different from the mean standard deviation in
Table III.

across all funds, which is largely driven by a lower dispersion of derivative users in

the Value funds category. GARP and Style Neutral funds also suggest evidence of

lower dispersion. The standard deviation of skewness is lower for derivative users

across all funds, but similar to the dispersion of the mean, is likely caused by

differences in fund style rather than derivative use. The dispersion of kurtosis is lower

for derivative users in the Growth, and GARP fund styles.

Panel B of Table IV provides further evidence for the dispersion of risk

between derivative users and non-users. The dispersion of alpha is insignificantly

lower for derivative users across Growth, GARP and Value funds, and insignificantly

high for Style Neutral derivative users. The significant difference in the standard

deviation of all funds is not robust after controlling for fund style. The standard

deviation of beta is mixed across fund styles, being lower for derivative users in

Growth and Style Neutral funds, and higher in GARP and Value funds. The

dispersion of idiosyncratic risk is significantly lower for All Funds and Growth funds

that use derivatives, and significantly higher for derivative users in the Style Neutral

category. Timing beta exhibits lower standard deviation for all fund styles except for

Style Neutral funds. Downside risk shows a generally lower dispersion for derivative

users, and is significantly lower for Growth funds.

4.1.4. Interpretation of results

The results in Table III show no systematic difference in the means of

distributional moments and risk measures. This result is consistent with the findings

of Koski and Pontiff (1999), who conclude that derivative use is not cross-sectionally

related to risk exposure and the higher moments of fund return distributions. We find

differences in the means of the parameters across fund style, but find no evidence of

significant differences between derivative users and non-users after controlling for

fund styles. We conclude that derivative use, on average, has no observed impact on

fund performance or risk.

The discussion for the descriptive statistics of fund holdings in section 4.1.3

observes that the size of derivative exposures is small as a proportion of the total

portfolio. Mean futures exposure represents 6% of portfolio exposure to derivative

users, and mean options exposures contributing to less than 1% of portfolio exposure.

This presents a likely reason for the lack of observed impact of derivative use on

performance and risk. Since investment managers are not engaging heavily in

derivative exposures, the effects of derivative use are masked by analysis of aggregate

fund performance and risk.

The results of Table IV add depth to the inference drawn from the analysis of

the mean values of performance and risk parameters in Table III. The use of

derivatives reduces the level of cross-sectional dispersion in each of the first four

moments of the distribution of returns. This suggests that active investment managers

are using derivatives for common purposes, causing the returns of these funds to

follow similar distributions. In particular, the lower dispersion in the standard

deviation and kurtosis of derivative user funds is symptomatic of portfolios

employing derivatives for hedging. Derivative use causes fund returns to be more

homogenous. The strongest relationship in the market-based risk measures is a lower

dispersion of timing beta for derivative users. This indicates that the use of derivatives

allows funds to respond to changes in the market, and consequently, positive market

movements have less impact on the fund’s market timing ability. As an alternative

explanation, the literature has established that fund flows initiate liquidity-motivated

trading, which creates a drag on fund performance (Edelen (1999)). During periods of

strong stock market performance, funds would experience large inflows. The use of

derivatives may assist in equitizing fund flows, which would reduce the impact of

liquidity-motivated trading following strong equity markets. The weak evidence of

lower dispersion of downside risk indicates that growth funds may be using

derivatives to manage exposures to downward price changes in stock markets.

4.2. Analysing the proportions of option trades

4.2.2. Results of goodness-of-fit tests

[Insert Table V here]

Table V presents the results of the chi-squared goodness-of-fit tests over the

equally-weighted proportion of option trades for stocks in momentum and non-

momentum portfolios. Broadly, funds on average trade disproportionately less

frequently in options over stocks in loser portfolios. There is evidence of some funds

trading more frequently in options over stocks in winner portfolios.

Panel A reports the empirical findings where momentum portfolios are defined

by upper and lower return deciles of the All Ordinaries Index. Across all option trade

types, there is evidence that active equity funds trade disproportionately in option

securities on momentum stocks. The chi-squared tests of goodness-of-fit (actual

versus expected proportions) are found to be significant for a substantial majority of

funds across all option trade types. This shows that the observed number of trades in

each category are significantly different to the expected number of trades. In

particular, active equity managers avoid exposure to the loser portfolio, as shown by

the shortfall in the observed proportion of trades in this category below the expected

proportion. The median proportion of trades in the loser portfolio is less than 2% for

all trade types. For call option trades, the median proportion of option trades in the

winner portfolio was less than the uniform expectation, suggesting that overall funds

are also avoiding upward momentum exposure. However, the maximum proportion of

buy trades in call options over the winner portfolio was 18.4%, signifying that some

funds use options to generate exposures to winner momentum stocks. In contrast, the

small proportion of put option trades over winner stocks shows that these options are

inappropriate in gaining upward momentum exposure.

Panel B presents the results of the momentum portfolios which are defined by

upper and lower quintiles. These results provide stronger evidence that active equity

funds trade disproportionately in options on stocks which exhibit momentum

characteristics. Similar to the decile-based ranking results, the chi-squared goodness-

of-fit tests are significant for substantially all of the sample funds. This is largely due

to funds trading lower proportions of options over loser stocks. In contrast to the

decile based results, the majority of funds trade disproportionately in call options over

winner stocks, representing around 30% of the median fund’s trades. Furthermore, at

the maximum, funds place close to half of their call option trades over stocks in the

winner portfolio. The same phenomenon is less acute in put option securities, where

the median proportion of fund trades is close to the expected 20%, and the maximum

proportion is not substantially greater (at around 27%).

[Insert Table VI here]

Table VI reports the results of the chi-squared goodness-of-fit tests over the

value-weighted number of option trades for stocks in momentum and non-momentum

portfolios. These tests incorporate the relative size of each option trade, measuring the

value of each transaction as the equivalent ordinary share exposure. These results

confirm the findings of the equally-weighted momentum tests in Table V.

Substantially all equity funds trade disproportionately around these momentum


Panel A of Table VI shows that the value of option trades over stocks in loser

portfolios is substantially lower than expected, and to an even greater degree than for

the results of the equally-weighted proportions. Some funds are shown to completely

avoid portfolio exposures to loser stocks, as shown by the 0% minimum proportions

across call option trades, and for put option sell trades. The median value-weighted

proportion of trades over winner stocks is lower than the equally-weighted proportion,

providing further evidence that funds are, on average, also avoiding options exposure

to winner stocks. Further, there is evidence that some funds acquire exposure to the

winner portfolio using option securities, with the maximum proportion of trades over

winner stocks exceeding the expected value of 10%. Funds unanimously trade

disproportionately less in put options over winner stocks. This is consistent with the

findings of Pinnuck (2004), which show that funds prefer to hold stocks that are past

winners. Therefore, investment managers would not require the right or the obligation

to sell the stocks in their portfolio with strong past performance, making put options

redundant for this purpose.

The results in Panel B of Table VI exhibit the same characteristics of the

equally-weighted trade proportions, but are much more pronounced. For call option

trades, funds both under-invest in options over loser stocks, and over-invest in options

over winner stocks. The maximum proportion of loser trades is 10%, while the

maximum proportion of winner trades is 60-80%. The table clearly shows that funds

trade disproportionately higher volume in winner stocks. Put option trades show no

such effects, with the median fund trading close to the expected values.

4.2.3. Interpretation of the results

Overall, the goodness-of-fit tests reveal that funds trade relatively infrequently

in options over stocks with poor past performance, and relatively frequently in options

over stocks with strong past performance. These results may be interpreted as

showing that equity funds use options to gain exposure to “winner” momentum

stocks, and this is partially consistent with implementing a momentum trading

strategy. Disproportionately large trading in options over winner stocks is consistent

with a momentum trading strategy which requires taking long exposure in stocks with

strong past performance. However, investment manager trading behaviour in options

does not show signs of the opposing side of the momentum strategy that prescribes

taking short exposure in stocks with poor past performance. That is, the option trades

of investment managers are consistent with purchasing exposure to the winner

portfolio, but do not simultaneously sell exposure to the loser portfolio.

Although these results are consistent with momentum trading, they may also

be symptomatic of other forms of trading behaviour. As such, whilst the results are a

necessary condition of implementing momentum strategies, they are not a sufficient

condition to prove momentum trading.

One aspect which is not captured by these tests is the timing of option trades.

The timing of option trades is important in indicating the purpose of a particular trade.

That is, an option trade of opposite direction to previous trades in the same option

security may be performed to reverse out an exposure that the fund currently holds.

Since multiple trades are required to conduct a round trip into and out of an exposure

to an option security, this would inflate the relative proportion of trades over

particular stocks.

Another aspect that is not captured by the level of trading activity by fund

managers is the relative level of exposure to a particular stock which is currently held

in the portfolio. Jegadeesh and Titman (1993) show that the momentum anomaly is

evident over a 3-to-12 month holding period. Therefore, investment managers

attempting to implement a momentum strategy may simply buy-and-hold an exposure

to the momentum portfolios, and not trade continuously across these stocks. In these

circumstances, a test of trading activity will not consider the ongoing level of

exposure that a manager holds.

Despite the existence of possible alternative explanations, the tests employed

clearly identify a systematic trend that the options trades of investment managers are

cross-sectionally related to the past performance of the underlying stock.

4.3. Event study of option trades

4.3.2. Results of event study

[Insert Table VII here]

Table VII presents the results of the event study examining the impact of

investment manager option trades on underlying stock returns. These results show that

the options trades of investment managers are not as a response to, or do not trigger

abnormal share price reaction in the underlying stock. This suggests that the market

interprets little or no private information content in option trading.

The results shown in Table VII are the percentiles of the t-statistics for the

cumulative abnormal returns (CARs) in the underlying stock calculated for each

option trade. If investment managers engage in informed trading in options markets,

the information will quickly flow from the option price through to the price of the

underlying stock, driving abnormal stock returns around an option transaction. The

results in Table VII do not show such reaction. Whilst many of the 1st percentile and

99th percentile of the t-statistics are significant at the 1% level, this is not indicative of

abnormal share price reaction. The significance of the t-statistic reveals that the

likelihood of observing an observation of this magnitude is 1% probability. Since this

only occurs for less than 1% of the observations, the effects of an option transaction

are equivalent to a random stock price change, therefore this does not signify an

abnormal stock return. To demonstrate that some proportion of option trades contain

private information content, it is necessary to show a significant CAR for a proportion

of option trades substantially greater than the level of significance. We do not find

such evidence.

An interesting outcome of these tests, however, is the general consistency of

the sign of CARs for particular option trade types. Call option buy trades exhibit a

consistent positive mean CAR prior to an option trade, and a negative mean CAR

subsequent to an option trade. Call option sell trades display consistently positive

mean CARs during both pre-event and post-event windows. Put option buy trades

show a general trend of positive CARs around option trades, with only negative CARs

seen 3-to-5 days before the event. Put option sell trades show a consistently negative

CAR for all event windows, except for the 10 day post-event window. CARs around

Delta Increasing trades are negative immediately prior to and following and option

trade, and positive otherwise. CARs around Delta Decreasing trades are consistently

negative for all event windows.

4.3.3. Interpretation of results

The results of the event study suggest that there is no informed trading in the

options trades by active equity managers. This is a lack of observable abnormal share

price reaction around option trades. This result is consistent across all option trade


At first instance, it appears that this result conflicts with some of the results

found in the prior literature (Easley, O’Hara, and Srinivas (1998), Chakravarty,

Gulen, and Mayhew (2004)). Previous studies have provided mixed support for the

operation of informed trading in options markets. Whilst it should be noted that the

issue of whether informed trading occurs in options markets is still unresolved, the

bulk of this research has been conducted on a market level. To our knowledge, this is

the first study to investigate informed trading in options markets conducted

specifically by investment managers, and which utilises a unique dataset of daily

institutional trading data. Thus, while some degree of informed trading may be

performed using options, the results of this study suggest that investment managers do

not transact in options markets as a means of trading on private information. This

implies that the informed trading in options markets found by prior studies is

conducted by traders other than active equity managers. Therefore, the findings of this

study complement the findings of the market level informed trading research (Easley,

O’Hara, and Srinivas (1998), Chakravarty, Gulen, and Mayhew (2004)) by identifying

a specific group of institutions that do not use options for informed trading.

The sign of CARs provides further insight into the trading behaviour of

investment managers. For call option buy trades, the mean CARs are steadily

decreasing from 10 days prior until the day of the event. The abnormal share price

return on the day of the call purchase is the largest negative mean return around the

period. The CARs steadily increase from the day after the trade. This suggests that

funds may be able to locate profitable opportunities to purchase call options during

days in which the share price has fallen. The behaviour after the trade may suggest a

stable correction in the market. Likewise, the mean abnormal return on the day of a

call option sell trade is positive, and largest in the days around the event. Investment

managers may be selling call options following a rise in the share price during the

day, since it would be seen as less likely to rise further and into a loss position for the

fund. The mean contemporaneous CAR for put option buy trades is positive, which

would be consistent with funds buying put options following a share price rise during

the day on the expectation of a future share price fall. Put option sell trades show an

opposite effect in the underlying share price, and is therefore consistent with selling

put options in expectation of a future share price rise. Overall, this contrarian

(liquidity provision) strategy in options trading better explains a manager’s motivation

in participating in the option market than simply a pure risk management or informed

trading explanation.


This study uses a unique and confidential database comprising the monthly

holdings and daily trades of investment managers to study derivatives use by active

fund managers. It contributes to the literature in two ways. Firstly, it provides

evidence showing that the use of derivatives in portfolios lead to no significant

difference in either the performance or risk across funds. Secondly it investigates

how derivatives are actually used by investment managers.

Our results generally shows insignificant differences in both performance and

risk across derivative users and non-users. This suggests that derivatives use by

investment managers does not achieve higher returns, or reduce portfolio risk relative

to other investment managers. However, the lower dispersion of these performance

and risk measures provides evidence that derivatives improve managers’ ability to

control fund risk, and leads to more homogeneity in fund returns. The small size of

derivative exposure relative to fund size limits the impact of derivatives on aggregate

fund portfolios.

We find evidence that investment managers trade disproportionately less in

options on stocks with relatively poor past price performance. Some funds are also

found to trade heavily in options on stocks with relatively strong past performance.

This observed option trading pattern is indicative of using options to generate

exposure to momentum stocks. In addition, the options trading behaviour is consistent

with prior research on fund manager stock trades (Grinblatt, Titman, and Wermers


No abnormal price movements in underlying stock prices are found in short-

term windows around the option trades of active investment managers. The lack of

market reaction suggests that options are not used to execute informed trades.

However this result is consistent with managers using option trading, particularly call

options, to capture short term contrarian opportunities.


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Table I
Descriptive Statistics of Fund Holdings
This table provides descriptive statistics of the month-end portfolio holdings sourced from Portfolio Analytics Database for
the period 1 January 1993 to 31 December 2003. Exposures are reported as a proportion of fund size. Contract exposure is
measured as the number of securities multiplied by the market price of the securities. The measurement of delta exposure
differs by security. For stocks, delta exposure is equal to contract exposure. For futures, delta exposure is equal to (number
of contracts x futures price x delta of the future). For options, delta exposure is measured as (number of option contracts x
number of shares per contract x spot stock price of the underlying asset x delta of the option). Figures are reported for net
holdings, long only, and short only positions. Stocks (All) refers to exposures to all holdings of stocks. Stocks (sub) refers
to the subset of stocks over which options were traded. Panel A reports statistics for the full sample of funds, Panel B
reports statistics for funds that use derivatives, and Panel C reports statistics for funds that do not use derivatives.

Panel A - All Funds

Stocks (All) Stocks (Sub) Futures Call Options Put Options
N % N % N % N % N %
Mean contracts net 74.93 90.2459% 24.25 54.3645% 0.19 0.1243% 0.07 -0.0017% 0.02 -0.0001%
Mean contracts long 73.98 90.2521% 23.77 54.3706% 0.17 0.1131% 0.04 0.0003% 0.01 0.0001%
Mean contracts short 0.95 -0.0061% 0.48 -0.0061% 0.02 -0.0112% 0.03 -0.0020% 0.00 -0.0002%
Mean net delta exposure 74.93 90.2459% 24.25 54.3645% 0.19 3.1345% 0.07 0.0165% 0.02 0.0001%
Mean long delta exposure 73.98 90.2521% 23.77 54.3706% 0.17 2.8525% 0.04 0.0278% 0.01 -0.0012%
Mean short delta exposure 0.95 -0.0061% 0.48 -0.0061% 0.02 -0.2820% 0.03 -0.0113% 0.00 0.0013%
Mean Fund Size $346,065,932
Number of Funds 34

Panel B - Users of Derivatives

Stocks (All) Stocks (Sub) Futures Call Options Put Options
N % N % N % N % N %
Mean net contract value 94.40 86.2450% 32.16 62.9843% 0.39 0.2487% 0.14 -0.0034% 0.04 -0.0001%
Mean long contract value 94.40 86.2518% 32.16 62.9912% 0.35 0.2262% 0.08 0.0006% 0.03 0.0002%
Mean short contract value 0.00 -0.0068% 0.00 -0.0068% 0.04 -0.0224% 0.06 -0.0040% 0.01 -0.0003%
Mean net delta exposure 94.40 86.2450% 32.16 62.9843% 0.39 6.2689% 0.14 0.0329% 0.04 0.0002%
Mean long delta exposure 94.40 86.2518% 32.16 62.9912% 0.35 5.7050% 0.08 0.0556% 0.03 -0.0025%
Mean short delta exposure 0.00 -0.0068% 0.00 -0.0068% 0.04 -0.5639% 0.06 -0.0226% 0.01 0.0026%
Mean Fund Size $345,827,554
Number of Funds 17

Panel C - Non-Users of Derivatives

Stocks (All) Stocks (Sub) Futures Call Options Put Options
N % N % N % N % N %
Mean net contract value 55.45 94.2469% 16.33 45.7446% - - - - - -
Mean long contract value 53.55 94.2523% 15.39 45.7500% - - - - - -
Mean short contract value 1.90 -0.0054% 0.95 -0.0054% - - - - - -
Mean net delta exposure 55.45 94.2469% 16.33 45.7446% - - - - - -
Mean long delta exposure 53.55 94.2523% 15.39 45.7500% - - - - - -
Mean short delta exposure 1.90 -0.0054% 0.95 -0.0054% - - - - - -
Mean Fund Size $346,304,310
Number of Funds 17

Table II
Descriptive Statistics of Fund Trades

This table provides descriptive statistics of the daily trades sourced from the Portfolio Analytics Database
for the period 1 January 1995 to 31 December 2002. For stocks and options, trade value refers to the
number of securities traded x the price per security. For futures, trade value refers to the number of
contracts trade x the SPI futures value x $25. Degree of moneyness is measured as the spot price of the
underlying asset minus the strike price of the option, divided by the spot price of the underlying asset.

Panel A - Stocks
Mean Std. Dev. Median
Average trade value ($) 564,667 2,405,018 185,429
Number of trades per month 117 125 81
Proportion of buy trades 57.01% 20.74% 55.56%

Panel B - Futures
Mean Std. Dev. Median
Average trade value ($) 757,198 3,721,481 39,720
Number of trades per month 33 54 19
Proportion of buy trades 51.29% 24.39% 50.00%
Time to maturity (Days) 35.63 23.74 33.42

Panel C - Call Options

Mean Std. Dev. Median
Average trade value ($) 85,648 188,579 26,200
Number of trades per month 20 43 5
Proportion of buy trades 41.66% 31.46% 43.10%
Time to maturity (Days) 75.43 53.21 68.24
Degree of moneyness 3.95% 18.62% -1.20%

Panel D - Put Options

Mean Std. Dev. Median
Average trade value ($) 29,694 42,989 17,834
Number of trades per month 15 21 5
Proportion of buy trades 44.76% 32.71% 45.86%
Time to maturity (Days) 83.24 68.72 73.42
Degree of moneyness 2.92% 8.58% 2.97%

Table III
Location of Distributional Moments and Risk Measures
This table reports the mean of distributional moments and risk measures of fund returns. Panel A reports the mean, standard
deviation, skewness, and kurtosis for the full sample of funds, then separated by derivative users and non-users. Panel B reports the
alpha, beta, idiosyncratic risk, timing beta, and downside risk of fund returns. Tests of Differences tests the null hypothesis that the
mean estimates are equal for nonusers and users of derivatives. The t test is a parametric test, whilst the Wilcoxon rank sum test is a

Panel A - Moments of the Distribution of Returns

Aggregate Nonusers Users Tests of Differences
Fund Style N Mean N Mean N Mean t-test (p -value) Wilcoxon (p -value)
Mean All Funds 34 0.0108 17 0.0107 17 0.0108 -0.05 (0.9643) 0.57 (0.5698)
Growth 5 0.0095 2 0.0075 3 0.0109 -0.83 (0.5571) -0.58 (0.5637)
GARP 9 0.0068 4 0.0036 5 0.0092 -0.89 (0.4294) -0.25 (0.8065)
Value 11 0.0135 8 0.0142 3 0.0117 0.82 (0.4438) 0.82 (0.4142)
Neutral 6 0.0129 3 0.0131 3 0.0127 0.16 (0.8833) -0.22 (0.8273)
Other 3 0.0105 - - 3 0.0105 - - - -
Standard All Funds 34 0.0386 17 0.0401 17 0.0370 1.16 (0.2601) -0.16 (0.8768)
Deviation Growth 5 0.0436 2 0.0516 3 0.0383 1.15 (0.4511) 1.16 (0.2482)
GARP 9 0.0409 4 0.0433 5 0.0391 0.57 (0.602) -0.49 (0.6242)
Value 11 0.0364 8 0.0374 3 0.0336 1.39 (0.2081) 1.23 (0.2207)
Neutral 6 0.0361 3 0.0354 3 0.0367 -0.47 (0.6795) -0.66 (0.5127)
Other 3 0.0361 - - 3 0.0361 - - - -
Skewness All Funds 34 -0.3251 17 -0.3756 17 -0.2747 -0.78 (0.4438) -0.64 (0.524)
Growth 5 -0.6265 2 -0.8558 3 -0.4736 -0.72 (0.5917) 0.00 (1)
GARP 9 -0.1104 4 -0.1604 5 -0.0704 -0.29 (0.786) 0.25 (0.8065)
Value 11 -0.3931 8 -0.4736 3 -0.1785 -2.50 (0.0415) ** -1.63 (0.1025)
Neutral 6 -0.1436 3 -0.0808 3 -0.2064 0.42 (0.7106) 0.66 (0.5127)
Other 3 -0.5807 - - 3 -0.5807 - - - -
Kurtosis All Funds 34 0.4339 17 0.5059 17 0.3619 0.55 (0.5899) 0.91 (0.3614)
Growth 5 0.6853 2 0.8092 3 0.6028 0.21 (0.8657) 0.00 (1)
GARP 9 0.4235 4 0.6088 5 0.2752 0.36 (0.7428) 1.23 (0.2207)
Value 11 0.3754 8 0.5244 3 -0.0219 2.21 (0.0598) 1.43 (0.153)
Neutral 6 0.2267 3 0.1170 3 0.3365 -0.49 (0.6577) -0.22 (0.8273)
Other 3 0.6747 - - 3 0.6747 - - - -

Panel B - Risk Measures

Aggregate Nonusers Users Tests of Differences
Fund Style N Mean N Mean N Mean t-test (p -value) Wilcoxon (p -value)
Alpha All Funds 34 0.0022 17 0.0020 17 0.0024 -0.28 (0.7822) 0.02 (0.9863)
Growth 5 0.0015 2 -0.0006 3 0.0029 -2.00 (0.2539) -1.73 (0.0833) *
GARP 9 -0.0005 4 -0.0030 5 0.0015 -1.12 (0.3261) -1.72 (0.0864) *
Value 11 0.0047 8 0.0048 3 0.0044 0.12 (0.9116) 0.82 (0.4142)
Neutral 6 0.0027 3 0.0030 3 0.0024 0.46 (0.6684) 0.66 (0.5127)
Other 3 0.0015 - - 3 0.0015 - - - -
Beta All Funds 34 0.9208 17 0.9044 17 0.9371 -0.85 (0.3991) -1.05 (0.2935)
Growth 5 0.9181 2 0.8695 3 0.9505 -0.53 (0.68) -0.58 (0.5637)
GARP 9 0.9444 4 0.9594 5 0.9324 0.31 (0.7709) 0.00 (1)
Value 11 0.8607 8 0.8620 3 0.8573 0.05 (0.9621) -0.41 (0.6831)
Neutral 6 0.9698 3 0.9676 3 0.9721 -0.13 (0.9053) -0.22 (0.8273)
Other 3 0.9762 - - 3 0.9762 - - - -
Idiosyncratic All Funds 34 0.0159 17 0.0179 17 0.0139 1.05 (0.3019) 0.91 (0.3614)
risk Growth 5 0.0226 2 0.0349 3 0.0144 0.78 (0.5773) 0.00 (1)
GARP 9 0.0184 4 0.0185 5 0.0184 0.01 (0.9953) -0.25 (0.8065)
Value 11 0.0157 8 0.0167 3 0.0131 0.72 (0.5249) 1.02 (0.3074)
Neutral 6 0.0103 3 0.0091 3 0.0115 -1.07 (0.3874) -0.66 (0.5127)
Other 3 0.0090 - - 3 0.0090 - - - -
Timing All Funds 34 -0.0505 17 -0.0519 17 -0.0491 -0.02 (0.9828) -0.33 (0.7435)
beta Growth 5 -0.2037 2 -0.4359 3 -0.0488 -0.87 (0.5433) 0.00 (1)
GARP 9 0.1624 4 0.3814 5 -0.0128 0.91 (0.4244) 0.49 (0.6242)
Value 11 -0.1486 8 -0.1835 3 -0.0558 -1.53 (0.1616) -0.82 (0.4142)
Neutral 6 0.0162 3 -0.0229 3 0.0553 -1.76 (0.1562) -1.53 (0.1266)
Other 3 -0.2077 - - 3 -0.2077 - - - -
Downside All Funds 34 0.0108 17 0.0126 17 0.0090 1.19 (0.2439) 1.40 (0.163)
risk Growth 5 0.0149 2 0.0241 3 0.0088 0.81 (0.5659) 0.00 (1)
GARP 9 0.0141 4 0.0153 5 0.0131 0.28 (0.7873) 0.00 (1)
Value 11 0.0100 8 0.0108 3 0.0080 0.79 (0.489) 1.02 (0.3074)
Neutral 6 0.0063 3 0.0060 3 0.0067 -0.34 (0.7543) -0.22 (0.8273)
Other 3 0.0057 - - 3 0.0057 - - - -

Table IV
Dispersion of Distributional Moments and Risk Measures
This table reports the standard deviation of distributional moments and risk measures of fund returns. Panel A reports the
mean, standard deviation, skewness, and kurtosis for the full sample of funds, then separated by derivative users and non-
users. Panel B reports the alpha, beta, idiosyncratic risk, timing beta, and downside risk of fund returns. F-Test is a
comparison of variance of the parameters between nonusers and users of derivatives. Results for each parameter are also

Panel A - Moments of the Distribution of Returns

Aggregate Nonusers Users
Fund Style N Std. Dev. N Std. Dev. N Std. Dev. F-Test (p -value)
Mean All Funds 34 0.0060 17 0.0081 17 0.0029 7.72 (0.0002) ***
Growth 5 0.0035 2 0.0059 3 0.0008 58.07 (0.1092)
GARP 9 0.0085 4 0.0120 5 0.0043 7.84 (0.0988) *
Value 11 0.0053 8 0.0058 3 0.0038 2.28 (0.5119)
Neutral 6 0.0026 3 0.0036 3 0.0018 3.86 (0.4116)
Other 3 0.0007 - - 3 0.0007 - -
Standard All Funds 34 0.0078 17 0.0104 17 0.0033 10.33 (0) ***
Deviation Growth 5 0.0110 2 0.0162 3 0.0023 49.78 (0.1192)
GARP 9 0.0096 4 0.0142 5 0.0049 8.55 (0.0871) *
Value 11 0.0066 8 0.0077 3 0.0001 9073.40 (0.0001) ***
Neutral 6 0.0029 3 0.0044 3 0.0008 29.61 (0.0653) *
Other 3 0.0001 - - 3 0.0001 - -
Skewness All Funds 34 0.3757 17 0.4650 17 0.2637 3.11 (0.0294) **
Growth 5 0.4435 2 0.7283 3 0.2013 13.09 (0.2604)
GARP 9 0.3931 4 0.5841 5 0.2208 7.00 (0.1163)
Value 11 0.2555 8 0.2463 3 0.1377 3.20 (0.3617)
Neutral 6 0.3355 3 0.4981 3 0.1463 11.59 (0.1588)
Other 3 0.2303 - - 3 0.2303 - -
Kurtosis All Funds 34 0.7598 17 0.9816 17 0.4648 4.46 (0.0047) ***
Growth 5 0.6986 2 1.3618 3 0.1527 79.59 (0.0913) *
GARP 9 1.1822 4 1.8175 5 0.5056 12.92 (0.0469) **
Value 11 0.5335 8 0.5410 3 0.2711 3.98 (0.2855)
Neutral 6 0.5075 3 0.6788 3 0.3833 3.14 (0.4836)
Other 3 0.7062 - - 3 0.7062 - -

Panel B - Risk Measures

Aggregate Nonusers Users
Fund Style N Std. Dev. N Std. Dev. N Std. Dev. F-Test (p -value)
Alpha All Funds 34 0.0044 17 0.0058 17 0.0026 5.06 (0.0024) ***
Growth 5 0.0023 2 0.0023 3 0.0010 5.39 (0.4374)
GARP 9 0.0057 4 0.0075 5 0.0033 5.11 (0.1803)
Value 11 0.0045 8 0.0050 3 0.0038 1.72 (0.6635)
Neutral 6 0.0015 3 0.0015 3 0.0017 0.71 (0.8282)
Other 3 0.0015 - - 3 0.0015 - -
Beta All Funds 34 0.1109 17 0.1086 17 0.1141 0.91 (0.8445)
Growth 5 0.1226 2 0.2083 3 0.0665 9.81 (0.3088)
GARP 9 0.1355 4 0.0750 5 0.1791 0.18 (0.1554)
Value 11 0.1109 8 0.1091 3 0.1406 0.60 (0.6835)
Neutral 6 0.0391 3 0.0451 3 0.0420 1.15 (0.9287)
Other 3 0.0106 - - 3 0.0106 - -
Idiosyncratic All Funds 34 0.0112 17 0.0137 17 0.0078 3.12 (0.029) **
risk Growth 5 0.0218 2 0.0371 3 0.0028 173.85 (0.0593) *
GARP 9 0.0120 4 0.0136 5 0.0121 1.26 (0.8449)
Value 11 0.0064 8 0.0061 3 0.0078 0.61 (0.6855)
Neutral 6 0.0027 3 0.0008 3 0.0037 0.04 (0.0831) *
Other 3 0.0028 - - 3 0.0028 - -
Timing All Funds 34 0.3676 17 0.5036 17 0.1584 10.10 (0) ***
beta Growth 5 0.3795 2 0.6278 3 0.0320 384.19 (0.0386) **
GARP 9 0.5784 4 0.8453 5 0.2165 15.24 (0.0365) **
Value 11 0.1925 8 0.2165 3 0.0580 13.95 (0.0721) *
Neutral 6 0.0648 3 0.0483 3 0.0599 0.65 (0.7879)
Other 3 0.2040 - - 3 0.2040 - -
Downside All Funds 34 0.0088 17 0.0106 17 0.0063 2.83 (0.0451) **
risk Growth 5 0.0158 2 0.0267 3 0.0014 385.53 (0.0386) **
GARP 9 0.0108 4 0.0129 5 0.0102 1.59 (0.6929)
Value 11 0.0046 8 0.0043 3 0.0055 0.62 (0.6972)
Neutral 6 0.0023 3 0.0023 3 0.0027 0.73 (0.8427)
Other 3 0.0017 - - 3 0.0017 - -

Table V
Momentum by Proportion of Trades

This table reports descriptive statistics on the proportions of investment manager trades in options over stocks
exhibiting momentum and non-momentum behaviour. Chi-squared is a goodness-of-fit test on the number of option
trades in the Loser, Non-momentum, and Winner categories. In Panel A, loser and winner stock portfolios are defined
as the lower and upper deciles based on past 12 month buy-and-hold returns. The expected proportions of loser, non-
momentum, and winner trades are 10%, 80% and 10% respectively. In Panel B, loser and winner stock portfolios are
defined as the lower and upper quintiles based on past 12 month buy-and-hold returns. The expected proportion of
loser, non-momentum, and winner trades are 20%, 60%, and 20% respectively. Tests are performed by fund.

Panel A - Momentum on Upper and Lower Deciles by Performance

% Non-
No. of Trades % Loser Momentum % Winner Chi-squared p-value
Call Option Buy Trades
Mean 520.90 1.32% 90.30% 8.37% 56.01 0.0187
Median 275.00 0.93% 90.45% 7.18% 32.32 0.0000
Min 56.00 0.00% 79.75% 0.00% 4.36 0.0000
Max 2950.00 5.04% 100.00% 18.40% 297.97 0.1132
No. significant @ 10% 9
No. significant @ 5% 8
Total funds in sample 10
Call Option Sell Trades
Mean 563.67 0.69% 91.25% 8.06% 62.23 0.0047
Median 247.00 0.72% 90.63% 8.97% 35.98 0.0000
Min 78.00 0.00% 84.78% 2.58% 6.94 0.0000
Max 3044.00 1.28% 97.13% 14.13% 294.38 0.0312
No. significant @ 10% 9
No. significant @ 5% 9
Total funds in sample 9
Put Option Buy Trades
Mean 296.83 1.40% 92.47% 6.13% 39.22 0.0073
Median 193.00 1.51% 92.52% 5.70% 14.82 0.0065
Min 56.00 0.00% 88.50% 3.91% 8.31 0.0000
Max 972.00 3.30% 95.78% 9.73% 157.61 0.0157
No. significant @ 10% 6
No. significant @ 5% 6
Total funds in sample 6
Put Option Sell Trades
Mean 321.33 0.29% 93.73% 5.98% 42.47 0.0048
Median 166.50 0.22% 93.78% 5.82% 22.60 0.0004
Min 59.00 0.00% 90.28% 3.02% 8.16 0.0000
Max 1218.00 0.81% 96.55% 9.72% 151.99 0.0169
No. significant @ 10% 6
No. significant @ 5% 6
Total funds in sample 6
Delta Increasing Trades
Mean 716.00 1.06% 90.75% 8.19% 79.41 0.01
Median 361.50 0.75% 91.07% 6.88% 44.05 0.00
Min 59.00 0.00% 81.56% 0.00% 5.77 0.00
Max 4168.00 3.37% 100.00% 16.76% 432.54 0.06
No. significant @ 10% 10
No. significant @ 5% 9
Total funds in sample 10
Delta Decreasing Trades
Mean 693.90 1.00% 91.39% 7.61% 76.30 0.01
Median 382.00 0.86% 91.53% 7.48% 47.19 0.00
Min 50.00 0.33% 88.51% 4.33% 4.90 0.00
Max 4016.00 2.00% 95.02% 10.81% 420.10 0.09
No. significant @ 10% 10
No. significant @ 5% 9
Total funds in sample 10

Panel B - Momentum on Upper and Lower Quintiles by Performance
% Non-
No. of Trades % Loser Momentum % Winner Chi-squared p-value
Call Option Buy Trades
Mean 358.87 5.81% 64.72% 29.47% 69.49 0.07
Median 119.00 3.68% 66.96% 30.80% 26.72 0.00
Min 25.00 0.00% 47.37% 10.00% 0.08 0.00
Max 2950.00 18.75% 80.00% 50.00% 532.89 0.96
No. significant @ 10% 14
No. significant @ 5% 14
Total funds in sample 15
Call Option Sell Trades
Mean 431.67 6.18% 63.35% 30.47% 78.51 0.01
Median 200.00 2.56% 65.04% 31.67% 28.77 0.00
Min 26.00 1.09% 38.46% 17.39% 5.03 0.00
Max 3044.00 30.77% 76.09% 45.71% 512.22 0.08
No. significant @ 10% 12
No. significant @ 5% 11
Total funds in sample 12
Put Option Buy Trades
Mean 260.00 7.89% 74.18% 17.92% 37.54 0.06
Median 113.00 4.53% 74.39% 19.86% 15.16 0.00
Min 39.00 0.00% 61.95% 7.69% 1.97 0.00
Max 972.00 23.01% 92.31% 26.92% 155.88 0.37
No. significant @ 10% 6
No. significant @ 5% 6
Total funds in sample 7
Put Option Sell Trades
Mean 321.33 5.43% 73.47% 21.10% 53.98 0.02
Median 166.50 3.11% 73.24% 21.38% 22.44 0.00
Min 59.00 1.69% 69.31% 13.86% 3.87 0.00
Max 1218.00 16.83% 79.31% 27.78% 209.21 0.14
No. significant @ 10% 5
No. significant @ 5% 5
Total funds in sample 6
Delta Increasing Trades
Mean 490.73 5.42% 64.51% 30.07% 91.06 0.07
Median 178.00 3.51% 67.57% 26.89% 29.40 0.00
Min 27.00 0.00% 44.90% 14.05% 0.18 0.00
Max 4168.00 18.18% 78.57% 52.54% 730.92 0.91
No. significant @ 10% 13
No. significant @ 5% 13
Total funds in sample 15
Delta Decreasing Trades
Mean 506.29 6.32% 65.47% 28.21% 83.60 0.02
Median 170.50 3.35% 67.53% 27.58% 29.17 0.00
Min 27.00 0.00% 40.74% 7.69% 4.17 0.00
Max 4016.00 29.63% 92.31% 51.11% 634.09 0.12
No. significant @ 10% 12
No. significant @ 5% 12
Total funds in sample 14

Table VI
Momentum by Value-weighted Proportion of Trades

This table reports descriptive statistics on the value-weighted proportions of investment manager trades in options over
stocks exhibiting momentum and non-momentum behaviour. The number of trades are weighted by the value of
equivalent ordinary share exposure of the trade. Chi-squared is a goodness-of-fit test on the value-weighted number of
option trades in the Loser, Non-momentum, and Winner categories. In Panel A, loser and winner stock portfolios are
defined as the lower and upper deciles based on past 12 month buy-and-hold returns. The expected proportions of loser,
non-momentum, and winner trades are 10%, 80% and 10% respectively. In Panel B, loser and winner stock portfolios
are defined as the lower and upper quintiles based on past 12 month buy-and-hold returns. The expected proportion of
loser, non-momentum, and winner trades are 20%, 60%, and 20% respectively. Tests are performed by fund.

Panel A - Momentum on Upper and Lower Deciles by Performance

Total Value-
Number of % Non-
Trades % Loser Momentum % Winner Chi-squared p-value
Call Option Buy Trades
Mean 520.90 0.99% 90.60% 8.41% 63.94 0.00
Median 275.00 0.26% 93.36% 5.81% 31.25 0.00
Min 56.00 0.00% 75.79% 0.00% 8.39 0.00
Max 2950.00 5.26% 100.00% 18.96% 295.88 0.02
No. significant @ 10% 8
No. significant @ 5% 8
Total funds in sample 8
Call Option Sell Trades
Mean 563.67 0.66% 92.18% 7.16% 69.42 0.00
Median 247.00 0.34% 92.97% 6.62% 35.22 0.00
Min 78.00 0.00% 83.15% 1.91% 9.00 0.00
Max 3044.00 3.04% 98.05% 13.81% 304.92 0.01
No. significant @ 10% 8
No. significant @ 5% 8
Total funds in sample 8
Put Option Buy Trades
Mean 296.83 0.68% 96.67% 2.66% 57.92 0.00
Median 193.00 0.14% 96.64% 2.31% 33.87 0.00
Min 56.00 0.02% 95.46% 1.65% 20.12 0.00
Max 972.00 2.41% 97.94% 4.36% 143.84 0.00
No. significant @ 10% 4
No. significant @ 5% 4
Total funds in sample 4
Put Option Sell Trades
Mean 321.33 0.20% 95.72% 4.08% 54.69 0.00
Median 166.50 0.24% 95.87% 3.90% 34.45 0.00
Min 59.00 0.00% 92.20% 1.02% 11.36 0.00
Max 1218.00 0.54% 98.98% 7.80% 177.55 0.00
No. significant @ 10% 5
No. significant @ 5% 5
Total funds in sample 5
Delta Increasing Trades
Mean 716.00 0.86% 91.47% 7.67% 90.18 0.00
Median 361.50 0.25% 93.78% 5.73% 53.54 0.00
Min 59.00 0.00% 78.45% 0.00% 6.67 0.00
Max 4168.00 4.68% 100.00% 16.87% 421.93 0.04
No. significant @ 10% 8
No. significant @ 5% 8
Total funds in sample 8
Delta Decreasing Trades
Mean 693.90 0.67% 92.74% 6.59% 94.69 0.00
Median 382.00 0.28% 93.47% 6.28% 67.34 0.00
Min 50.00 0.03% 83.76% 1.93% 8.98 0.00
Max 4016.00 2.89% 98.04% 13.35% 413.03 0.01
No. significant @ 10% 8
No. significant @ 5% 8
Total funds in sample 8

Panel B - Momentum on Upper and Lower Quintiles by Performance
Total Value-
Number of % Non-
Trades % Loser Momentum % Winner Chi-squared p-value
Call Option Buy Trades
Mean 358.87 3.84% 60.59% 35.57% 104.40 0.00
Median 119.00 2.94% 62.14% 33.90% 26.43 0.00
Min 25.00 0.00% 39.16% 8.80% 8.71 0.00
Max 2950.00 10.49% 86.97% 58.43% 519.97 0.01
No. significant @ 10% 11
No. significant @ 5% 11
Total funds in sample 11
Call Option Sell Trades
Mean 431.67 3.40% 61.14% 35.46% 102.67 0.00
Median 200.00 3.27% 66.08% 32.57% 57.63 0.00
Min 26.00 0.00% 20.14% 10.20% 7.73 0.00
Max 3044.00 10.35% 85.72% 79.86% 541.64 0.02
No. significant @ 10% 11
No. significant @ 5% 11
Total funds in sample 11
Put Option Buy Trades
Mean 260.00 6.57% 78.77% 14.65% 48.32 0.01
Median 113.00 3.06% 78.07% 16.56% 18.85 0.00
Min 39.00 0.00% 69.61% 4.08% 6.17 0.00
Max 972.00 24.47% 95.92% 25.01% 177.48 0.05
No. significant @ 10% 6
No. significant @ 5% 6
Total funds in sample 6
Put Option Sell Trades
Mean 321.33 6.55% 73.64% 19.81% 62.69 0.18
Median 166.50 3.18% 76.96% 19.86% 32.84 0.00
Min 59.00 2.56% 60.78% 12.88% 0.17 0.00
Max 1218.00 18.37% 84.04% 28.06% 222.63 0.92
No. significant @ 10% 4
No. significant @ 5% 4
Total funds in sample 5
Delta Increasing Trades
Mean 490.73 0.87% 84.36% 14.77% 131.92 0.00
Median 178.00 0.22% 89.47% 10.31% 39.81 0.00
Min 27.00 0.00% 42.26% 0.00% 8.41 0.00
Max 4168.00 4.68% 100.00% 55.05% 719.51 0.01
No. significant @ 10% 11
No. significant @ 5% 11
Total funds in sample 11
Delta Decreasing Trades
Mean 506.29 0.56% 88.27% 11.16% 114.77 0.00
Median 170.50 0.21% 93.47% 6.28% 54.11 0.00
Min 27.00 0.00% 41.32% 0.00% 8.43 0.00
Max 4016.00 2.89% 100.00% 58.68% 671.38 0.01
No. significant @ 10% 12
No. significant @ 5% 12
Total funds in sample 12

Table VII
Event Study of Informed Trading

This table reports the mean and percentiles of the t -statistics of the cumulative abnormal returns for underlying stocks in event
windows around investment manager option trades. For cumulative abnormal returns, the numbers in the brackets represent
the period of the event window. The first number in the brackets is the day in which the event window begins, and the second
number is the day in which the event window ends. These days are relative to an option trade event, set at day 0.

Panel A - Call Option Buy Trades

Mean 1st 10th 25th 50th 75th 90th 99th
CAR [-10, -1] 0.14 -2.15 ** -1.01 -0.40 0.12 0.72 1.33 2.42 **
CAR [-5, -1] 0.10 -2.25 ** -1.05 -0.51 0.04 0.73 1.38 2.77 ***
CAR [-3, -1] 0.07 -2.42 ** -1.10 -0.51 0.03 0.67 1.37 3.03 ***
CAR [-1, -1] 0.03 -2.34 ** -1.05 -0.53 0.00 0.62 1.24 2.93 ***
CAR [0, 0] -0.11 -2.78 *** -1.31 -0.70 -0.08 0.55 1.27 2.79 ***
CAR [0, 2] -0.06 -2.69 *** -1.29 -0.65 -0.06 0.61 1.26 2.70 ***
CAR [0, 4] -0.05 -2.57 *** -1.14 -0.60 -0.02 0.54 1.22 2.63 ***
CAR [0, 9] -0.02 -2.41 ** -1.09 -0.54 0.00 0.58 1.12 2.40 **

Panel B - Call Option Sell Trades

Mean 1st 10th 25th 50th 75th 90th 99th
CAR [-10, -1] 0.12 -2.67 *** -1.04 -0.43 0.15 0.75 1.36 2.50 **
CAR [-5, -1] 0.10 -2.58 *** -1.08 -0.51 0.06 0.73 1.42 2.69 ***
CAR [-3, -1] 0.11 -2.64 *** -1.10 -0.51 0.07 0.75 1.43 2.98 ***
CAR [-1, -1] 0.09 -2.95 *** -1.10 -0.49 0.06 0.69 1.33 2.88 ***
CAR [0, 0] 0.19 -2.91 *** -1.16 -0.51 0.16 0.85 1.56 3.42 ***
CAR [0, 2] 0.07 -2.51 ** -1.20 -0.58 0.06 0.71 1.36 2.88 ***
CAR [0, 4] 0.09 -2.34 ** -1.02 -0.50 0.06 0.66 1.28 2.45 **
CAR [0, 9] 0.05 -2.39 ** -1.08 -0.48 0.04 0.61 1.23 2.57 ***

Panel C - Put Option Buy Trades

Mean 1st 10th 25th 50th 75th 90th 99th
CAR [-10, -1] 0.00 -2.62 *** -1.22 -0.53 0.05 0.59 1.18 2.21 **
CAR [-5, -1] -0.02 -3.20 *** -1.18 -0.59 0.03 0.57 1.16 2.37 **
CAR [-3, -1] -0.04 -3.14 *** -1.26 -0.60 -0.02 0.61 1.19 2.57 ***
CAR [-1, -1] 0.00 -3.41 *** -1.18 -0.52 0.02 0.57 1.23 2.76 **
CAR [0, 0] 0.19 -3.47 *** -1.05 -0.36 0.27 0.90 1.54 3.25 ***
CAR [0, 2] 0.18 -2.92 *** -1.01 -0.40 0.17 0.83 1.47 2.83 ***
CAR [0, 4] 0.10 -2.63 *** -0.94 -0.41 0.13 0.80 1.44 2.74 ***
CAR [0, 9] 0.06 -2.51 ** -1.06 -0.43 0.10 0.71 1.25 2.52 **

Panel D - Put Option Sell Trades

Mean 1st 10th 25th 50th 75th 90th 99th
CAR [-10, -1] -0.10 -2.85 *** -1.31 -0.66 -0.06 0.47 1.10 2.32 **
CAR [-5, -1] -0.11 -2.89 *** -1.25 -0.68 -0.10 0.47 1.06 2.43 **
CAR [-3, -1] -0.08 -3.01 *** -1.33 -0.66 -0.09 0.55 1.20 2.77 ***
CAR [-1, -1] -0.09 -3.52 *** -1.14 -0.63 -0.09 0.45 1.09 2.58 ***
CAR [0, 0] -0.12 -3.37 *** -1.39 -0.75 -0.19 0.54 1.24 3.19 ***
CAR [0, 2] -0.02 -2.92 *** -1.22 -0.62 -0.02 0.56 1.16 3.55 ***
CAR [0, 4] -0.01 -2.63 *** -1.16 -0.57 -0.02 0.50 1.22 2.86 ***
CAR [0, 9] 0.01 -2.61 *** -1.14 -0.51 0.01 0.59 1.15 2.60 ***

Panel E - Delta Increasing Trades

Mean 1st 10th 25th 50th 75th 90th 99th
CAR [-10, -1] 0.06 -2.40 ** -1.13 -0.48 0.06 0.65 1.27 2.40 **
CAR [-5, -1] 0.03 -2.48 ** -1.12 -0.57 0.00 0.63 1.28 2.68 ***
CAR [-3, -1] 0.03 -2.69 *** -1.14 -0.55 -0.01 0.62 1.32 2.95 ***
CAR [-1, -1] -0.01 -2.63 *** -1.08 -0.56 -0.04 0.58 1.20 2.83 ***
CAR [0, 0] -0.11 -2.84 *** -1.33 -0.72 -0.11 0.55 1.26 2.82 ***
CAR [0, 2] -0.05 -2.74 *** -1.27 -0.64 -0.05 0.59 1.21 2.80 ***
CAR [0, 4] -0.03 -2.61 *** -1.15 -0.59 -0.02 0.53 1.22 2.67 ***
CAR [0, 9] -0.01 -2.51 ** -1.11 -0.53 0.00 0.58 1.13 2.47 **



Since derivative exposures contain leverage, the cost of the option does not

represent the level of exposure to changes in the underlying stock price. Thus,

measuring the level of exposure by the market price of the derivative securities will

significantly underestimate the true level of exposure to the underlying stock. Due to

the availability of data from accounting disclosures, research into corporate derivative

use has typically measured the level of exposure by the notional principal of the

contracts (see Geczy, Minton and Schrand (1997), Hentschel and Kothari (2001)).

Whilst this measure incorporates the leverage of derivative securities, it does not

capture the price sensitivity relative to the underlying asset, and is therefore an

incomplete proxy for the level of derivative exposure.

Pinnuck (2004) suggests a measurement of the price sensitivity of an options

exposure by evaluating the holdings on an “ordinary share equivalent” basis. This

involves replacing the value of options exposures with the equivalent holding of

ordinary shares which would yield the same level of share price exposure. In this

paper, a similar approach is taken and expanded across both options and futures


The equivalent ordinary share exposure is the value of a position in the

underlying stock that would result in the same change in value following a price

change in the underlying stock. For derivatives, this price sensitivity is measured by

delta, the rate of change of the derivative price with respect to a change in the

underlying asset price. Generally, delta is defined as:


where ∆ = delta of the derivative

∂D = an instantaneous change in the price of the derivative

∂P = an instantaneous change in the price of the underlying asset

Futures contracts

Since futures contracts are marked-to-market on a daily basis, a change in the

price of the underlying asset results in an immediate gain to the futures holder.

Consequently, Hull (2003) shows that the delta of a futures is equal to:

∆ FUTURE = e (r − q )T

where r = risk free rate of return

q = yield on the underlying asset

T = Time to maturity

The funds in this sample confine their trading in futures to Share Price Index (SPI)

futures, and do not trade futures over individual shares. Thus, the delta of these

futures contracts is e rT , since the SPI does not pay a yield. The equivalent ordinary

share exposure of a futures holding is equal to:

No. of futures contracts × Futures Price × $25 × ∆ FUTURE 22

Option contracts

The delta of a European option on a non-dividend paying stock can be found

from the Black-Scholes option pricing model.

For a European call option on a non-dividend paying stock:

∆ CALL = N (d1 )

For a European put option on a non-dividend paying stock:

∆ PUT = N (d1 ) − 1

Share Price Index futures on the Sydney Futures Exchange (SFE) are priced at $25 per point. The
futures price is quoted as an index value.

ln (S 0 / K ) + (r + σ 2 / 2)T
where d 1 =
σ T

S0 = Spot price of the stock

K = Strike price of the option

r = risk free rate of return

σ = volatility of the underlying stock

T = Time to maturity

N (x ) = the value of the cumulative standard normal distribution at x

The options listed on the Australian Stock Exchange Derivatives (ASXD)

market are American style exercise. Furthermore, stocks on the ASX typically pay

relatively high dividend yields.23 As a result, the Black-Scholes solutions for delta

may no longer be applied. Whilst methods have been found to adjust the Black-

Scholes model for early exercise (Black (1975)), no closed form solution can be found

for pricing American put options. These options can be valued using numerical

procedures. In this paper, we employ a 50-step binomial option pricing model from

Cox, Ross and Rubenstein (1979). The value of the ith node of the tree is adjusted for

dividends using a process outlined by Hull (2003):

S 0*u j d i − j + De − r (τ −iδt ) , j = 0, 1, …, i

when iδt < τ ; and

S 0*u j d i − j , j = 0, 1, …, i

when iδt > τ .

where S * = S − De − r (τ −iδt ) , when iδt ≤ τ

S * = S , when iδt > τ

In a study of gross dividends per share across major stocks markets around the world, Australia
ranked ninth with an average dividend yield of 3.4% per annum. In comparison, the United States
ranked 40th, with an average dividend yield of 1.4%. Source: Wren Research, August 2002.

D = the dollar amount of the dividend

τ = the ex-dividend date of the stock

u = eσ δt

d = 1

In this model, both the timing and amount of dividends are assumed to be

known with perfect foresight. Furthermore, the volatility of the underlying stock is

approximated by annualising the standard deviation of the daily stock returns for the

past 30 trading days.24 Finally, delta is calculated from this model as:

Pu ,1 − Pd ,1
S 0*u − S 0* d

where Pu ,1 = Value of the option on the “up” change of the first node

Pu ,1 = Value of the option on the “down” change of the first node

The equivalent ordinary share exposure of an options position is then

calculated as:

No. of options contracts × No. of shares per contract × Underlying stock price × ∆ OPTION 25

Several issues must be noted regarding the appropriateness of using delta in

transforming options exposures into equivalent ordinary share exposures. Firstly,

delta measures the price sensitivity of the option price at the current spot stock price.

The value of delta will change over time, and with changes in the spot stock price.

It should be noted that the correct measure of volatility used to value options is expected volatility.
The market consensus of expected volatility is observable through calculating implied volatility.
However, this measure is only observable at the precise time in which a trade occurs, and only applies
at the current stock price. Since options are thinly traded securities, and we require valuation as at each
month-end in the sample period, implied volatility is unable to be computed. The implied volatilities
computed as at each month-end were suffer significant misspecification due to stale option prices.
Hence, we utilise a measure of historical volatility.
Exchange-traded options on the ASXD are written over 1000 shares, however this is adjusted in the
event of a capital distribution.

Secondly, delta is an instantaneous measure of price sensitivity. The level of exposure

computed by delta will only apply to small changes in the stock price.


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