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Powder Technology xxx (2016) xxx–xxx

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A coupled FEM/DEM model for pipe conveyor systems: Analysis of the

contact forces on belt
Q.J. Zheng a,⁎, M.H. Xu a, K.W. Chu a, R.H. Pan b, A.B. Yu a,c
Laboratory for Simulation and Modelling of Particulate Systems, Department of Chemical Engineering, Monash University, Clayton, Vic 3800, Australia
Longking Bulk Materials Science and Engineering Co., Xiamen 361000, China
Monash University-Southeast University Joint Research Institute, Suzhou, China

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The use of Pipe Belt Conveyor (PBC) has gained more and more popularity in bulk solids handling. Compared to
Received 30 May 2016 the traditional trough conveyors, PBC can allow tighter curves and steeper gradients of conveyor routes and thus
Received in revised form 20 September 2016 better suits the applications in difficult terrains. It has many unique mechanical characteristics which are not well
Accepted 27 September 2016
understood yet. This paper proposes a coupled finite element model (FEM) and discrete element method (DEM)
Available online xxxx
model to investigate the mechanics of a PBC system, with particular reference to the distribution of contact force
in the pipe section. This FEM/DEM model considers comprehensively the formation of pipe from a flat belt and
Bulk solids handling the microscopic structure of discrete particles under gravity, and thus can well describe the states of both convey-
Pipe belt conveyor or belt and bulk solids. The predictions of the contact forces are shown to agree well with the previous experi-
Finite element method mental data under different conditions. Using this approach, the distribution of contact forces under different
Discrete element method load conditions, i.e. zero gravity (ZG), empty pipe (VF 0%), volume fill of 40% (VF 40%) and 80% (VF 80%) are ob-
Contact force tained and their dependencies on the rotation angle of pipe are investigated.
Granular materials © 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction [5–13]. Nuttall et al. [9] derived an analytical model of the rolling resis-
tance between roller and belt by taking into account the viscoelasticity
The Pipe Belt Conveyor (PBC), invented by Japan Pipe Conveyor of the cover material. Wheeler et al. [14] studied another type of resis-
(JPC) in early 1980's, has become more and more popular in bulk solids tance in PBC, i.e. flexural resistance, resulting from the successive lift/
handling [1–3]. This type of conveyor uses a pipe-shaped belt to enclose sag of granular material when passing through the idler panel. The sec-
granular materials during conveyance, which can effectively prevent ond important issue is mainly related to the dynamic characteristic of a
dust emission or other environmental pollutions. It is particularly suit- PBC. Such a belt may be deemed as a long elastic spring supplemented
able for difficult terrains due to its high adaptability to tight curves with viscous dampers and distributed masses, including the masses of
and steep gradients of conveying route. However, PBC differs from the belt and bulk material as well as the rotational inertia of idlers and ac-
conventional trough conveyor in many mechanical aspects and requires cessories. Therefore, a large stress wave is often generated in the belt
special considerations in design. For example, the choice of the trans- when starting or braking the conveyor, which should be properly
verse stiffness of belt is more important in PBC than in trough smoothed by adjusting the loading curve [15–18].
conveyor—insufficient stiffness may result in undesirable collapse and Investigating the contact force between belt and idler rolls is of fun-
misalignment of pipe while over large stiffness can significantly in- damental significance to understand the behaviours of conveyor, be-
crease the energy requirement and capital investment [4]. More funda- cause these forces determine the value of rolling resistance [7] and
mental researches are needed in this area in order to achieve better affect the overall energy consumption and dynamic behaviours of PBC.
operational safety and economic profits. It is also useful to understand the mechanism behind the abnormal ro-
In designing a PBC, several points are usually important: the coeffi- tation of pipe during conveyance [19]. Hötte et al. [20] measured the
cient of main friction between belt and rolling idlers, and how to ensure quasi-static contact forces in a curved pipe and quantified their depen-
the electric motor and belt run steadily without abrupt fluctuations. The dencies on the radius of curve, the belt construction, and the belt ten-
main friction is mainly concerned in the power calculation of PBC, which sion. Michalik and Zajac [21] designed a computer integrated system
is in theory determined by the properties of belt and granular material for the evaluation of the contact forces on idlers and the strains at differ-
ent locations of a belt. Using a similar test rig, Molnar et al. [22,23] sur-
⁎ Corresponding author. veyed the idler forces in the transition region of conveyor and
E-mail address: (Q.J. Zheng). formulated an empirical equation based on the measured data. Another
0032-5910/© 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article as: Q.J. Zheng, et al., A coupled FEM/DEM model for pipe conveyor systems: Analysis of the contact forces on belt, Powder
Technol. (2016),
2 Q.J. Zheng et al. / Powder Technology xxx (2016) xxx–xxx

work by Molnár et al. [24] highlighted the asymmetrical distribution of This paper investigates the contact forces of pipe conveyor by use of
contact force due to the asymmetry of the belt tension. Zamiralova and a coupled FEM/DEM approach, in which the conveying belt is modelled
Lodewijks [25–27] reviewed the usable experimental devices for deter- by FEM and granular materials by DEM. In what follows, we will present
mining the contact force including the six-point bending test, the quasi- in sequence the theory and the implementation of FEM/DEM approach,
static test equipped with different frames and the dynamic test. Using the model validation against previous experiments, the outcome of con-
the six-point bending test device, Zamiralova and Lodewijks [19] inves- tact forces under a variety of loads, and finally a summary of the major
tigated the influences of pipe diameter and overlap location on the spa- findings.
tial distribution of contact force. The force behaviours of pipe were
shown to be rather complex and sensitive, although the effects of fric- 2. Model setup
tion and longitudinal tension had been excluded in their measurements.
Recently, Liu et al. [28,29] also proposed a stress discontinuity approach 2.1. FEM model of conveying belt
to predict the pressure profile on conveying belt and verified their ap-
proach against experimental measurement. The belt manufactured for conveying purpose is usually a composite
Many studies of PBC have been conducted by means of finite ele- of steel cord (or fabrics) and rubber covers, as shown in Fig. 1. The steel
ment method (FEM) in the literature. del Coz Díaz [30] investigated cord serves mainly to carry the longitudinal tension, while the rubber
the warping effect of belt in a curved pipe and its correlation to the together with some lateral reinforcements sustains the transverse
stress and strain distributions. Fedorko et al. [31] simulated the mould- bending of belt. The conveying belt has three major mechanical features
ing process of belt and estimated the contact forces acting on the idler that need to be reflected in FEM model. First, the belt is in essence
rolls. Pang and Lodewijks [32] utilised FEM to calculate the contact orthotropic, with disparate stiffness in the longitudinal and transverse
forces of a short pipe and compared the numerical results with experi- directions as mentioned above. Secondly, the belt has remarkable vis-
mental measurements. However, all these FEM studies accounted for cosity due to the constituent of rubber, and can dissipate energy when
the structural components of conveyor only, i.e. the belt and idlers, dynamically tensioned or bent. This viscosity comes into play mainly
but not granular materials and their dynamics during conveying. Re- in dynamic conditions, whilst is relatively less important in quasi-static
cently, a coupled FEM and discrete element method (DEM) approach situations where the strain rate of material is slow. Thirdly, the bending
has been used to predict the belt deflection of conventional trough con- stiffness is non-uniform along the belt width, but usually reduced in the
veyor [33] and the bulk flexural resistance [34]. However, to date no edge area in order to ensure a good seal of pipe. However, there is by far
such attempts have been made for pipe conveyors. no standard with regard to the reduced value of stiffness and how wide

Fig. 1. (a) Industrial installation of pipe conveyor; (b) the loading point and (c) the general concept and structural arrangement [3].

Please cite this article as: Q.J. Zheng, et al., A coupled FEM/DEM model for pipe conveyor systems: Analysis of the contact forces on belt, Powder
Technol. (2016),
Q.J. Zheng et al. / Powder Technology xxx (2016) xxx–xxx 3

the edge area should be. In this work, it is approximately estimated by a The contact force between particles is described by a spring-dashpot
calibration against experimental results [19]. model in the normal direction, and a spring-dashpot-slider model along
Based on the above considerations, the belt is treated as an the tangential direction. The normal contact stiffness kn derived from
orthotropic elastic shell in FEM, described by the laminate constitutive the Hertzian theory [40] varies with the relative approach of particles,
model [35]: given by
8 9 2 38 9
ε 11 >
1=E1 −υ21 =E2 −υ31 =E3 0 0 0 >
σ 11 >
> 4  pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
> ε > 6 −υ12 =E1
22 >
> 1=E2 −υ32 =E3 0 0 0 7 >
> σ >
> kn ¼ E Re δn ð4Þ
< = 66 < 22 > = 3
ε 33 −υ13 =E1 −υ23 =E2 1=E3 0 0 0 7 σ
¼6 7 33
> > 6
> γ 12 > 6 0 0 0 1=G12 0 0 7 7>
> σ 12 >
> 4
γ 13 >
> 0 0 0 0 1=G13 0 5>
> σ >
> where E⁎ = 1/((1 − ν2p1)/Ep1 + (1 − ν2p2)/Ep2) is the effective contact
: ; : 13 > ;
γ 23 0 0 0 0 0 1=G23 σ 23 modulus and Re = Rp1Rp2/(Rp1 + Rp2) is the effective contact radius. Ep1,
Ep2, νp1, νp1 are the Young's moduli and Poisson's ratios of contacting
where εij, σij denote the logarithmic strain and Cauchy stress respective- spheres. δn denotes the overlapping distance between two spheres.
ly. E1, E2, E3 are the elastic moduli along the length, width, and thickness In theory, the tangential contact between two elastic frictional
of belt. There is little information about the Poisson's ratios υ12, υ23, υ13 spheres involves a complicated stick-slip mechanism. In DEM simula-
and shear moduli G12, G13, G23 of conveying belt in the literature [19] be- tion, however, some simplified models are also usable without much in-
cause it is impractical to perform a standard shear test on an inhomoge- fluence on the accuracy of contact force [41,42]. The initial tangential
neous thin belt. For simplicity, the Poisson's ratios are taken to be the stiffness derived by Cattaneo [43] and Mindlin [44] under condition of
same as that of usual rubbers, and the shear moduli are evaluated in constant normal force is adopted here, given by
terms of the Poisson's ratio and the transverse modulus E2 using the
equation G12 = E2/2(1 + υ12). The geometrical parameters and density kt ¼ 8G Re δn ð5Þ
of the belt are listed in Table 1, which are the same as those used in
the experiment of Zamiralova and Lodewijks [19]. where G⁎ = 1/((2 − νp1)/Gp1 + (1 − νp2)/Gp2) is the effective shear
The idler rolls are treated as rigid shells in the FEM model since the modulus. Gp1 , Gp2 are the shear moduli of the two spheres in contact.
idlers are usually made of steel and far stiffer than the belt. According The damping coefficient used is a dimensionless fraction of the critical
to the Hertzian contact theory, the shape of idler may influence the pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
damping 4mkn , and has the same value in the normal and tangential
area and stiffness of the contact with belt [36]. However, since such con-
directions [35]. The rolling friction is not used in the DEM model. In-
tact details are not the focus of this study, the cylindrical idlers are sim-
stead, a mild non-sphericity of particle is introduced to provide resis-
plified to plates to reduce the computational cost.
tance to particle rotation and decrease the flowability of granular
system, which is implemented by adhering two component spheres
2.2. DEM model of granular materials
with a rigid coupling constraint. For details, see Table 2 and Section 3.3.
It is noted that a granular material conveyed by PBC may also be
The DEM proposed by Cundall and Strack [37] in 1980's is a first-
modelled as a continuum and described with elastoplastic theory [45–
principle approach to simulate granular materials. It takes into account
47]. The continuum modelling is more efficient than DEM in terms of
the interactions between particles or between particles and surround-
computational cost although it may disregard some microscopic infor-
ing media and tracks the mobilization of each particle in light of the
mation of granular flow. Such a continuum approach is not used here
Newtonian law. No assumptions on the constitutive relationship of
but may be an attractive option for industrial applications.
granular materials are needed in this approach. A good review of its the-
oretical background and major applications has been presented by Zhu
2.3. Interaction between structural and discrete elements
et al. [38,39]. Briefly, the governing equations of DEM are expressed as

dV i X In the FEM/DEM, as mentioned above, the structural components of

mi ¼ F ij þ mi g ð2Þ PBC such as belt and idler rolls are simulated by FEM, while the granular
dt j materials inside the pipe are handled with DEM. The finite elements and
discrete particles interact mainly through the contacts at the interfaces/
dωi X boundaries. In the previous coupled DEM and FEM simulation [48,49],
Ii ¼ M ij ð3Þ
dt j there is usually a need to communicate information between DEM
and FEM solvers, i.e. passing the ‘deformed mesh’ of FEM into DEM as
where mi, Ii are respectively the mass and rotational inertia of particle i.
Vi and ωi are the translational and rotational velocities. g is the gravity Table 2
acceleration. Fij and Mij denote respectively the force and torque on Parameters of the glued-sphere particles used in DEM.
particle i resulting from neighboring particle j. Baseline Ranges of
Parameters values variation

Radius of component sphere, Rp (mm) 8 –

Table 1 Aspect ratio of DEM particle, dmax/dmin 1 1–1.25a
Parameters of conveying belt. Density of component sphere, ρ (kg/m3) 2500 2050–2500b
Particle elastic modulus, Ep (MPa) 10 –
Parameters Baseline values Ranges of variation
Poisson's ratio, νp 0.3 –
Nominal diameter of pipe, D (mm) 500 450–530 Interparticle sliding friction, μp 0.3 0.1–0.7
Belt width, w (mm) 1794 – Normal and tangential damping coefficients, cn 0.3 –
Belt thickness, h (mm) 22.2 – and ct
Belt length, L (mm) 152 – a
Note that the rolling friction is not available in the package of Abaqus. To overcome the
Belt density, ρ (kg/m3) 1267 –
excessive rotation of spheres, a moderate non-sphericity of particles is introduced in the
Transverse elastic modulus, E2 (MPa) 23 –
simulation via a glued-sphere approach, i.e. rigidly coupling the translational and rotation-
Longitudinal elastic modulus, E1 (MPa) 400 –
al freedoms of two component spheres to form a non-spherical particle shape.
Poisson's ratio, ν12 0.4 – b
In the glued-sphere assembly, some volumetric overlap may exist between the com-
Shear modulus, G12, G13, G23 8.3
ponent spheres leading to an increase in the apparent density of DEM particle. The weight
Coefficient of friction at belt surface, μ 0.05 0.01–0.3
of bulk solids is important in this study; to keep it comparable for different particle shapes,
Decrease ratio of modulus at belt margin, ς 0.5 0.3–1
the density of sphere ρ is varied in accordance with the aspect ratio.

Please cite this article as: Q.J. Zheng, et al., A coupled FEM/DEM model for pipe conveyor systems: Analysis of the contact forces on belt, Powder
Technol. (2016),
4 Q.J. Zheng et al. / Powder Technology xxx (2016) xxx–xxx

a boundary for particles, and exerting the DEM results of ‘wall forces’ on impenetrable. The concept of contact stiffness is introduced mainly for
the structural elements in return. In doing so, correctly treating the a numerical reason, i.e. to decide the tolerance of penetration of two sur-
boundaries and wall forces is important to ensure the smooth transfer faces in the numerical algorithm. Likewise, the contact damping is used
of momentum and energy between particles and structures. In this sim- to ensure the stability of numerical solution only. By contrast, in DEM,
ulation, since the DEM particles and FEM structures are handled with the contact stiffness and damping have explicit physical
the same software package (Abaqus 6.14), the coupling procedure can meanings—they stand for the mechanical response of a particle under
be simpler. What a user needs to do is to define particles as an ele- external loads. Therefore, defining the contact properties is no longer
ment-based surface and explicitly include this surface in the general a trivial numerical issue when DEM particles are included. They must
contact domain of the model (it is not included by default) [35]. This be determined based on the contact mechanics described in Eqs. (4)
is done in the input file prior to the simulation. Then the general contact and (5).
algorithm will monitor the displacements of the nodes (both DEM and The time increments in FEM and DEM should be approximately
FEM) during the simulation looking for possible penetrations into sur- matched; otherwise, the coupling method will choose the smaller
faces. When penetrations are detected, the contact forces will be deter- time increment to ensure the numerical stability causing great waste
mined according to the defined contact stiffness/damping and exerted of computational resource. The elastic modulus of DEM particles and
onto relevant contacting bodies. One question here might be exactly the characteristic length of FEM elements can be adjusted to meet this
how the contact forces are applied to the FEM mesh, because normally goal without much influence on the reliability of simulation results.
the contacting point of particles and structure is not right on the
‘node’ of FEM mesh, thus some re-distribution of the force is required. 2.4. Simulation conditions and procedures
There is a routine methodology in FEM to handle this issue, using the
so-called shape function to transform the concentrated force acting on Fig. 2 illustrates the procedures for simulating pipe conveyor with
the elemental surface to equivalent forces on the elemental nodes. A de- coupled FEM/DEM approach. To faithfully represent the mechanical
tailed discussion of this treatment can be found in [48,50]. Upon know- state of the belt, it is important to note that the belt is stress-free
ing the nodal forces, the nodal displacements of structural mesh at the when it is flat and involves stresses when it is bent to form a pipe.
new time step can be calculated with FEM. In this way, a real-time Thus the modelling should start with a flat belt; otherwise, if the belt
and two-way coupling of FEM and DEM can be realized. is initially a pipe, the stress resulting from belt bending should be spec-
It should be borne in mind when setting up the coupled model that ified simultaneously which is, however, unknown. There are several
the definitions of contact in FEM and DEM are somewhat different. In ways to mould the flat belt into a pipe in FEM, for example, by exerting
FEM, the contact surfaces of solids and structures are physically two torques at the belt edges [31]. The moulding process is here

Fig. 2. The coupled FEM/DEM simulation of a finite-length model PBC: (a) initial configurations of DEM particles (blue), belt (green) and an auxiliary cylinder (red) to aid the moulding of
belt (the idler rolls are placed beyond the viewpoint initially and will be moved inward later). Although not shown, two rigid planes exist in the front and rear of the PBC model to prevent
the longitudinal flow of particles, playing a similar role to the periodic boundary condition used in DEM; (b) bending the belt around the cylinder by imposing a pressure on the top surface;
(c) rotating the pipe to a certain angle; (d) shifting the idlers to enclose the pipe; (e) removing the red cylinder and applying gravity; (f) the final configuration of PBC. (For interpretation of
the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

Please cite this article as: Q.J. Zheng, et al., A coupled FEM/DEM model for pipe conveyor systems: Analysis of the contact forces on belt, Powder
Technol. (2016),
Q.J. Zheng et al. / Powder Technology xxx (2016) xxx–xxx 5

Table 3 is rather difficult to quantitatively validate the FEM/DEM approach.

Load cases. Comparatively, the static set-up is well-controlled, allowing to explore
Loads Particle number Effective gravity force some important factors, e.g. the belt stiffness and friction, and gain
Zero gravity (ZG) Nil Nil
more insights into the pipe conveyor system.
Volume fill 0% (VF 0%) Nil Belt mass 101.9 N
Volume fill 40% 2890 Belt mass 101.9 N + 3. Results and discussion
(VF 40%) bulk solids 150.8 N
Volume fill 80% (VF 80%) 5920 Belt mass 101.9 N + bulk solids
3.1. Stress and force information obtained by FEM/DEM
310.4 N

Fig. 3 shows the mechanical states of the belt and bulk solids simu-
completed with the help of an auxiliary cylinder and a pressure acting lated by FEM/DEM under the load condition of VF 80%. The structural
on the top surface of the belt as shown in Fig. 2a–e (the radius of the cyl- components and DEM particles are shown separately in this figure be-
inder is somewhat smaller than that of pipe to tolerate the thickness of cause their mechanical states are represented by different qualities, i.e.
belt). The idlers are arranged far away from the belt at the beginning so the bulk stress and inter-particle force respectively. Special attention
as not to impede its movement. They are shifted later on to enclose the is paid to the transverse stress σ22 of the belt because of its close rele-
belt at the end of moulding step. Thereafter, the pressure on the belt top vance to the contact force between belt and idlers. As seen, a remarkable
and the auxiliary cylinder are dismissed as they are no longer necessary transverse stress is produced along the width of belt except for the over-
for retaining the pipe shape. To account for the effect of overlap location lapping area around Idler 1 where, as mentioned in Section 2.1, a small-
on contact force, the pipe may be rotated by a certain angle during this er stiffness is used. It is also found that the belt stress often undergoes
process as shown in Fig. 2b and c. local decreases in the immediate vicinity of the contact points with
The spherical particles are placed loosely inside the cylinder at the idlers, e.g. Idler 3, 4, 5 while reaching local maximums in the corners be-
initial stage as illustrated in Fig. 2a. Due to the absence of gravity and tween idlers, much like the localised deformation of a thin structural
the protection of the auxiliary cylinder, these particles keep stationery shell under indentation [51].
in the course of belt moulding. Upon the removal of cylinder and the ap- Fig. 4 plots the profile of transverse stress along the belt width. It is
plication of gravity, the particles settle down quickly on the conveying seen that the stress equals zero at the free ends of belt near Idler 1,
belt and form a relatively dense packing, as shown in Fig. 2e–f. Different then it increases rapidly from Idler 1 to Idler 2 (or 6), and varies period-
filling ratios of the pipe have been considered in this work as shown in ically across the three bottom idlers (3, 4, 5). Of particular interest, the
Table 3. stress profile seems not affected by the filling level of bulk solids— the
The model of pipe conveyor considered here is basically quasi-static. stress curves of VF 0%, VF 40% and VF 80% are almost coincident, al-
Some dynamic effects are neglected in this model, such as the periodic though the difference in the gravity of bulk solids between the three
sag/opening of the belt and active/passive state transition of granular cases can be as large as 300 N. It is suggested that although the bulk
materials when passing the idler hexagon. The practical background of solids impose a distributed pressure on the carrying-side surface of
this static set-up is the six-point bending test device used in industries belt, the pressure is largely transmitted to the idlers through the contact
to assess the fitness between the transverse stiffness of belt and pipe di- points without much influence on the belt deformation and stress.
ameter. Studying the belt-idler interaction in this static situation can Therefore, the belt-idler contact force Fi can be regarded as a superposi-
provide general guidelines for industrial design. Furthermore, we con- tion of two independent terms—one resulting from the elastic recovery
sider that the dynamic effects mainly come from the sag of the belt. In of belt, and the other from the gravity of bulk solids and belt, as shown
conventional trough conveyor, the belt sag is relatively large and the in subsequent sections.
vertical jumps and rearrangement of particles are significant. In pipe
conveyor, however, the sag ratio is very small because of the circular 3.2. Validation of contact force in case of VF 0%
shape and the dynamic forces should be insignificant. More important-
ly, we select this set-up for the convenience of model validation. In a dy- This subsection validates FEM/DEM approach against the experi-
namic situation, many factors can come into effect, and consequently, it ment of Zamiralova and Lodewijks [19] under the condition of an

Fig. 3. (a) The conveyor belt simulated by FEM (colors show the transverse stress σ22 on the outer side of belt in units Pa); (b) the spherical particles modelled by DEM in case of volume fill
80% (colors shows the resultant normal contact forces of particle in units N).

Please cite this article as: Q.J. Zheng, et al., A coupled FEM/DEM model for pipe conveyor systems: Analysis of the contact forces on belt, Powder
Technol. (2016),
6 Q.J. Zheng et al. / Powder Technology xxx (2016) xxx–xxx

is approximately 0.25 m from the edge. Fig. 5b shows the results of con-
tact forces obtained with different reduced moduli. As seen, the reduced
modulus in overlap effects a decrease of contact force at Idler 2 and 6
and a sharp rise at Idler 1. Reducing the transverse modulus by half
can satisfactorily reproduce the experimental results of contact force,
which is therefore adopted in all subsequent simulations.
Fig. 6 shows the variation of belt-idler contact force with the change
in the diameter of the pipe. Normally, for a given belt, the smaller pipe
diameter causes the larger bending curvature of the belt and thus re-
quires greater contact force from the idler. But this trend does not
apply to all the cases and the change of overlap length can also exert
complicated influences. For example, the force on Idler 2 in the pipe of
500 mm is lower than that of either bigger pipe (530 mm) or smaller
pipe (450 mm). But such complex behaviours in the empty pipe may
become secondary in loaded pipes as will be shown later.
Fig. 7 shows the variation of belt-idler contact forces with the rota-
tion angle of pipe Θ. Θ , in fact, measures the angular position of the
overlap relative to the vertical direction. When Θ = 0°, the overlap is lo-
cated on the top of the pipe, and if Θ = 180°, the overlap is rotated to the
Fig. 4. Distributions of transverse stress σ22 along the belt width for different volume fills. bottom. The vast change of contact force with the rotation of pipe shows
the high sensitivity of this hyperstatic problem. Solving this problem
usually requires a predictive model that can take into account the belt
empty pipe, i.e. VF 0%. For comparison, the simulation parameters take deformation. Using one set of parameters, the current FEM model quan-
values from the experiment whenever possible. The transverse modulus titatively captures the complex variation of contact force shown in Figs.
E2 of belt is approximated as 5 and 6. The good agreements between simulation and experimental re-
sults justify the validation of the FEM model and the estimation of belt
K parameters discussed above.
E2 ¼ 12  3

where K=21.23 Nm is the uniform bending stiffness measured in ex- 3.3. The contact forces of loaded pipes
periment [19]. h=22.2 mm is the thickness of belt.
The coefficient of friction between belt and idlers is not explicitly The contact forces under load conditions of ZG, VF 0%, VF 40% and
given in the paper [19]. Several values are therefore tried in this work 80% are presented in Fig. 8. As discussed in Section 3.1, the contact forces
with the results presented in Fig. 5a. It can be seen that the existence mainly come from two mechanisms: the elastic deformation of belt and
of friction does have an influence on the contact forces, and the experi- the gravity of material and belt. In the ZG situation, the gravity is zero,
mental data can be well reproduced with a small friction coefficient thus the contact forces result exclusively from the bending deformation
such as μ = 0.01 or 0.05. This is reasonable because in the experiment of belt. The largest contact force occurs on the top idler, where the belt
the idlers were wrapped with foil papers and thus the coefficient of fric- opens most widely and hence require the strongest constraining force.
tion ought to be small [19]. Unless otherwise stated, μ = 0.05 is used In the VF 0% condition, the slag of belt under self-weight to a certain ex-
throughout this work. tent compensates the opening tendency and alleviates the forces on
As mentioned, the belt often involves inhomogeneous transverse upper idlers (1, 2, 6). On the other hand, the forces on the lower idlers
stiffness E2 along the width to enable a good seal of pipe. Therefore, a re- (3, 4, 5) increase in order to balance the additional belt weight. In
duced modulus E2 is used in our model for the overlapping area, which cases of VF 40% and VF 80%, the forces on lower Idler (3, 4, 5) are further

Fig. 5. The contact force evaluated by FEM/DEM: (a) for different friction coefficients of belt surface; and (b) for different transverse moduli of the overlapping area (approximately 0.25 m
from the edge).

Please cite this article as: Q.J. Zheng, et al., A coupled FEM/DEM model for pipe conveyor systems: Analysis of the contact forces on belt, Powder
Technol. (2016),
Q.J. Zheng et al. / Powder Technology xxx (2016) xxx–xxx 7

Fig. 6. The distributions of contact force varying with the diameter of pipe. The same belt is used for the three cases.

increased in proportion to the volume content of bulk solids as shown in VF 0%. In practices, other subtle factors including the length of overlap
Fig. 8, fulfilling approximately the principle of superposition. and the hysteresis of belt could also come into effect, posing a significant
difficulty for precisely evaluating the contact forces. This however
Fig. 9 shows the distribution ratio of contact forces in the pipe, i.e. F i
seems not a serious problem in heavily loaded pipe. As shown in Fig.
=∑1 F i , where Fi denotes the force on the i idler. We see that the distri- 9c and d, with the increase of solid fill, the relative ratio of force on
bution ratio is very sensitive to the pipe rotation angle in cases of ZG and upper Idler (1, 2, 6) decreases and becomes less sensitive to the pipe

Fig. 7. The distributions of contact force varying with the pipe rotation angle.

Please cite this article as: Q.J. Zheng, et al., A coupled FEM/DEM model for pipe conveyor systems: Analysis of the contact forces on belt, Powder
Technol. (2016),
8 Q.J. Zheng et al. / Powder Technology xxx (2016) xxx–xxx

Fig. 10 further shows the effects of particle properties such as sliding

friction and particle shape on the distribution of contact forces. The non-
sphere is created by adhering two component spheres through a multi-
ple point constraint (MPC) in Abaqus, which rigidly couples all the
translational and rotational freedoms of two component spheres. Its
shape is controlled by the aspect ratio, dmax/dmin where dmin and dmax
are respectively the longer and shorter side length of the particle. Aspect
ratio varies from 1.0 and 1.25 to produce a moderate non-sphericity of
particles in the system. It can be observed that the particle friction and
shape exert a mild influence on the contact force. A notable difference
between the systems of high (μ = 0.1 or 0.5) and low flowability
(μ = 0.7 or non-sphere) occurs at the bottom idler 4. The former is
more like the hydrostatic situation so that the bottom idler is subjected
to the highest pressure. In the latter case, the material is more frictional
and can form some ‘force arches’ to alleviate the pressure at the bottom.
But in general, the effect is not so strong in the scope of this study. It is
perhaps because the curved shape of belt (boundary condition for par-
ticles) is not favorable for the formation of force arch, and the particles
considered in this work are relatively coarse. More studies are needed
Fig. 8. The contact forces under different load conditions. to explore the cases of finer particles in the future.

rotation. It is therefore easier to establish the model of contact force 4. Conclusions

when the gravity dominates. According to the current FEM/DEM results,
for a normal PBC with a fill rate of about 80%, the force ratios on Idler 1– This work proposes a coupled FEM/DEM model for simulating pipe
6 are roughly [0.1, 0.0, 0.25, 0.4, 0.25, 0.0], or [0.0, 0.0, 0.3, 0.4, 0.3, 0.0] conveyor systems and utilises this model to investigate the fundamental
depending on the stiffness of belt. The FEM/DEM model should be useful contact force acting between conveying belt and structural components.
in many practices where the mechanical behavior of belt and the parti- The obtained results are compared with the previous experimental
cle flow are both important. measurement in case of an empty pipe. Different load conditions are

Fig. 9. The distribution ratios of contact force in pipe of different rotation angles under various loads: (a) ZG, (b) VF 0%, (c) VF 40%, (d) VF 80%. The ratio is given by F i =∑1 F i where Fi
denotes the force on the i idler roll.

Please cite this article as: Q.J. Zheng, et al., A coupled FEM/DEM model for pipe conveyor systems: Analysis of the contact forces on belt, Powder
Technol. (2016),
Q.J. Zheng et al. / Powder Technology xxx (2016) xxx–xxx 9

Fig. 10. Effects of particle properties on the contact force distribution. The aspect ratio of the non-sphere is 1.25, as shown in the right inset figure. More details are described in text and
Table 2.

considered in the simulation and their influences on the contact force Acknowledgement
are discussed. The following conclusions can be drawn from this work:
The authors are grateful to the financial supports of this work from
1) The FEM/DEM model is an effective tool to analyse the mechanics of Australian Research Council and Longking Bulk Materials Science and
pipe conveyor. It considers comprehensively the formation of pipe Engineering Co. (Project ID: LP130100365). This research was under-
from a flat belt and the microscopic structure of discrete particles taken with the assistance of resources from the National Computational
under gravity, and thus can well describe the states of both conveyor Infrastructure (NCI), which is supported by the Australian Government.
belt and conveyed bulk solids. As an application, it is employed in
this work to evaluate the contact forces between the belt and
supporting idlers. The obtained results agree qualitatively with the References
previous experimental measurements in a variety of pipe diameters
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Please cite this article as: Q.J. Zheng, et al., A coupled FEM/DEM model for pipe conveyor systems: Analysis of the contact forces on belt, Powder
Technol. (2016),

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