Iso 8528-3-2005

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INTERNATIONAL Iso STANDARD 8528-3 ‘Second ection 2006-07-01 Reciprocating intemal combustion engine driven alternating current generating sets — Part 3: Alternating current generators for generating sets Groupes dlectrogénes @ courant altenatf entainés par moteurs alfernatite 4 combustion interno — Partie 3: Atematetrs pour groupes électrogenes Refaranca number ISO 8528-3:2005(E) ‘2180 2005, ISO 8528-3:2005(E} POF disclaimer This POF Wie may contain embedded ygelaeis. In aucodancs will Adwso's Rew'eny puiey. Bis He may Ye prinied wr vowue bt shal note ected Un age the tpefacee vhich ara emaecced ere anasto and inealet on tha computer pedarming the edt. n owatuacing is Hie, paris azupl Foren Ih responsibly ol ral inlinging Adcbys eensry poiey. The ISO Conlal Scolar ccepts ratty nts area Deals ofthe softvare products used to create tris POF le ean ba found in tha Genera! Info relive ta the Ms: the POF-orztion paramates were optinze for printing, Evary cara has bean tater to ensure tha the fils festa for ee by ISO rrarnber bad. a the untkely event that a prbblon roating tos found, please irform no Canta Socrtar aa te actross gon below. 180 2008 iris reserved. Unions oineratse gpcetiod, no pat a the fubtcation may Le fosracuced er uted In any fon oF by any meats, tlectonio ar mechancal, nludng photocopying and mirain, without peission in wrtng fam ether SO ct the acess belo of |SGsmember body inne coun of ne request. SD copyrig aioe Case povlale 6 « CH-1211 Gana 20, Tel #41 2274001 11 Fax #41 227460947 Email copvtighl@iso a3 ‘ob wae rg Pubhed i Swtzattand conics ocatne tsar ae {9 180.2005 —Al rights reserved ISO 8528-3:2005(E) Contents Page Foreword 1 Scope... 1 2 Normative references... 1 2 Symbols, terms and definitions 4 Other requirements and additional regulations ... 5 Rating 54 General. - 62 Basic continuous rating (BR) 53 Peak continuous rating (PR).. 6 —_Limits of temperature and temperature rise .. 641 Basic continuous rating 62 — Peak continuous rating, 7 Rated power and speed characteristics 8 Voltage characteristics.. 2 Parallel operation 10 Special lead conditions... 10.1 General. . 10.2 Unbalanced lead current, : 10.3. Sustained short-circut current .. 10.4 Occasional excess current capability. 10.5 Telephone Harmonic Factor (THF)... 40.6 Radic interference suppression (F) 11 Effect of electromechanical frequency of vibrations when sets operate in parallel. 12 Asynchronous generators with excitation equipment. 12.1 General. 42.2 Sustained chort-cirout current 123 Rango of voltage setting. ~ 12.4 Parallel operation. - 19 Operating limit values .. 14 Rating plate Annex A (normative) Transient voltage characteristic of an a.c. generator following a sudden change in load... ISO 8528-3:2005(E} Foreword SO (the International Organization for Standardization) i a worléwide federaton of national standards bodies [ISO member bodies). The work af preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO technical committees, Each member body interested in a subject for which @ technical committes has been eslablished has ne right lo be represented on thal commnillee. Inlernational ergarizations, governmental and nongovernmental, in liaison with ISO, also taka pert in tho work. ISO collaborates closaly with the Intemational Elecsrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electratechnical standardization. Intomational Stardards are drafted In accordance wih the rules glven in the ISO/IEC Directives, Patt 2 The main task of technical committees is to prepare International Standards. Draft International Standards adopted by the ‘echnical commitees are circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication a= an Intemational Standard requires approval by at least 75 "% of the member bodies casting a vote. Attention is crawn to the possbility that some of the elements of this dacument may be the subject of patent rights. [SO shall not bs hed responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights. |$0 8628-3 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 70, Internal combustion engines. This second editon cancels and replaces tha first edtion (ISO 8528. revised. 1993), which has heen fechnicaly 180.8528 consists of the following parts, under the general title Reciprocating interral combustion engine dhiven alternating current generating sets: Part 1: Application, ratings and petonnance — Part 2; Engines = Part 3: Alternating curent generators for generating sets — Part 4: Conoigoar anc switch goa — Parl §: Generating sets — Part 6: Test methods — Part 7: Technical declarations for specification end design — Part 8; Requirements and tests for lowporer generating sets — Parl 9: Measurement and evaivation of mechanical vibrations — Part 40: Measurement of aitharne noise by the enveloping surface method — Part 111|: Retary unirtoruptibie power supply systoms — Performance requirements and tost mothods = Part 12: Emergency power supplies fo safely services 1). Par. 11 wil be publishedas ISO/IEC 8852841 {9 180.2005 —Al rights reserved INTERNATIONAL STANDARD 180 8528-3:2005(E} Reciprocating internal combustion engine driven alternating current generating sets — Part 3: Alternating current generators for generating sets 1 Scope ‘This part of ISO 8528 specifies the principal characteristics of Altemiating Current (a.c.) generators under the contral af their vatage regulaters when used in generating set applications. It supplements the requirements of IEC 60034-1 OTE AL present np International Standard is available for asynchronous generators. When such an Inernetionsl Slandatd is published, this pan af ISO 8528 wil ba revised accerdingy. ‘This part of !SO 8528 applies to a.c, generators used in a.c. generating sets driven by reciprocating intemal combustion (RIC) engines for land and marine use. excluding generating sets used on aircraft or to propel land vehicles and locomotives, For some specific applications e.g, essential hospital supplies, high-rise buildings}, supplementary requirements may he necessary. The provisions of this part af ISO 8528 should he regarded as the basis fer establishing any supplementary requirements. For ac. generating sets driven by other reciprocating-type prime mavars (e.g. steam engines) the pravisians of this patt of ISO 8528 should he used as a basis for establisting theso requirements. 2 Normative references ‘The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of ‘his document. For dated references, only the adition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document {including any amendments) applies. 180 6528-1), Reciprocating interna! combustion engine driven aitemating curent generating sets — Part 1 Application, ratings and performance IEC £00341, Rotating aloctrical machinas — Part 4: Rating and porformance CISPR 14-1, Linils and methods of measurement of ravto interference characteristics of household electrical appliances, portalle tools and similar electrical apparatus CISPR 45, Linifs and methods of measurement of radio interference characteristics of Nuorescent lamps and lumiaaires 2) To be published Iso 8528-3: :2005(E) 3 Symbols, terms and definitions For indications of technical daia for electrical equipment, IEC uses the term "rated" and the subscript "N*. For indicalions 0! technical dela fer mechanical equipment, ISO uses the lem “declared” and (he sub-seripl " Therefore. in this part of [SO 8528, the term “rated” is appied only to electrical tems. Otherwise, the term ‘deciared’ is used throughout ‘An explanation of the symbols and abbreviations used in this Intemational Standard are shown in Table 1 Table 1 — Symbols, terms and definitions ‘Symbol Tor Unit Definition u Sot voltae V_|Line-t-tine vetage for defined operation solocied by ad} Canes | Maximum steady-state wotage deviation v Cann [Minium steady-state voltage daviation v & Rated voliage V |Line-toine voltage at the terminals of the| generator a the reed equency and rated output NOTE — Halud voltage he vallags ‘ssiyiod up ine manolucarer or oporaung a Perfommancs charactowsues, Up Recovery voltege | Maximum cblainable steady-state vollage for 8 spestied lose conaiton. NOTE Rovovery valtaye = nr naly sprouse as porconlaysot the ale vulaes. I orally des iti Uw sleasylaly vl Geran bund (389, For loads in ences el Uh Folds a, aovry wllayeis ty sali) fine ewcllrreglor ill Torciey capably si FQueA2 ih Uyce | Donmevard adustatle vellage v Upward adustabic voltage v No-lead valtaga Vv |Line-totine vatage at tre terminals of tho| gareralor at rated fraquency and no-load) Maximum upward ‘ansient voltage on toad] Vv decrease Cure Minimum downward wansient vattage on] Vv fond incresae ae Stoady-tata valings tolerance band Vv |Agrosd veltage band abaut the ataady-atat| tollaga that tha voltage reaches wihin a given regulating period atar a specified sudden increase or dewease of load given by {9 180.2005 —Al rights reserved Table 4 (continuod) ISO 8528-3:2005(E) ‘Symbol Term Unit Dafinition| ab Range of voltage setting v Ranga of maximum possible upward and Jdonnward adjustment of volage al the| Jgenorstor terminslc at rated frequency, forall loads between ro-lead ard raied cutput and jvtnin the agroad range of power ‘actor givan| by: AU, Miu, Blaze Bae ‘Dowerweard range of vallage selling v Rango bowoon tha rated voltage and Jdoxmsard agjistment of votage at_the| [generator terminals ct rated frequency, fr all loads etween no-bad and rated outpul| jwtnin the sgreed range of pomer ‘acter given| by Alga, U au Upward range of voliage sating v Range bewwaen the raled voltage and upward agjustrent. af volaga at the ]generator terminals at rated frequency, fal loads etween no-bad and rated outpul| jwthin the eared rame of power ‘actor siven| by. aly © Lg “Transient vaitage deviation v B30 Transient village deviation onloadincrease® | % Transient vollags doviatcn on toad inerease| is the vollaga drop whan tho gonaratar, Jdiven at rated space and at rated voitage| under noma excitation control, is swilched Jonio rated load. expressed as a parcentage| frated voiage given by: ie Transient volage deviation on lead] % dscraase® Transient vollaye deviation onload deviease| is the vollage ist whan the generator, diver Jat rated speed and at rated voltage under| hormal excitation cancel, haa 2 auddlon Fejactin of raiod load, oxprossad as a parceriaga of rated volage qiven by te Hien 100 IF tho load change for frem the akove [defined values. then the soecifed values and| the associated power factors shal bw slated! elated range of voliage setting % ‘ohtsraserved Range of vollage selling expressed as a perceniage ofthe rated vallage given by ISO 8528-3:2005(E} Table 1 (cantinuod) ‘Symbol Term Unit Definition Olga d downward ange of voltage settina Downward range of wltsne setting expressed as a percentage af tha rated sollaga given by: Pup Related upward rarge of voltage seling % Upwerd range of vollage setting. expressed 85 3 percentage of tne rated votage gwen by: 490 BU, Sleady-stale vollage deviation Change it sleady-slate vollage (or all oad changes bosweon rodoad and raied culp taking into account the influence of lemperature. but nol considering the |fec: of uedrature-curent compensation droop. NOTE The intial set voliage is usually the alec valtage, but may be anyuinere vattin the speaied ange of at) The sleady-sale vollage devialion is expressed as a perconage of the rated voltage given by: 2s wu sh 409 & preaer Breton Maximum peak of voltage modulation Mininur peak of voltage modulaton Quas-poradic maximum voltage vanation (paakte-peak) about a steady-state vollaga Quas-poriadie minimum veitage_ variation [peakto-peak) about a sicady-state voltage ms [yotaye rrodulation| Quasrperbdie voltage aviation (peak-tc- ezk) about a steady-state voltage having Typical froquencics below the fLidamonsal generation frequency, expressed asa ercenlage of average peas vol age al raled frequency and consiant speed given by eden. 400 F mesa nod nae Fy Yotage unbatsnce Ratio of the negative sequence or the 2era sequence voltage comporents to the positive sequence yoltace component at nc-loae Voltaga unbalance is axprossad ag a atcentaga of the raved waltaga HYotage regulation characterises ‘Curves of terminal voltege as a function ef| Toad current ala given pewsr factor under stoady-stere condtians at rated snood vaithout any marwal adjustment of the sollage rogulaing syeion. Pee Grado of quacrature-curron: compensation vollage drop {9 180.2005 —Al rights reserved Table 4 (continuod) ISO 8528-3:2005(E) ‘Symbol Term Unit Dafinition| Rated slip of an asyrchronous generator ‘The difference between the synchrenous| Jscead and the rated speed of tha rote referred to tha synchronous speed, whare the generaing sel is giving its raed aclve powerand & given by tate ated frequency He Numbar ofpole pais on Rated spood of goneraror rataion ‘Speed of rotation necessary for vattaga generation atthe rated traquarcy’ ‘iatlonal speed Is given by: For an asynchronous generator, this speed is given by: f tng AE apa Fated ourput (reted ap VA [Apparent dectris power at tie tenminsls or its decmal mutisles together wth the paver| tector. Fated active power Rated apperent power multiplied by the rsted ower factar or ts decimal rutticies giver by I, 80089 Rated powar factor Ratio of the rated active power to the rated apparent power given by: b o% Rated reactive poner Geometrical difererce besween the cated apparent power and the raled avtve power or its decimal multiples given by: 6, ise HF Voltage recavary tma aflar oad incase? Tie imenval ‘rom the point at which a load inarease Is inated until the point when tha yeltage roture ta and ramane within tha| Jsceciied steady-slate voltage tolerarce| band (ee Figures A2.1 and A2.9) This tire interval appias to constant apaad| Jand depenus on the power factor. Ifthe load forange cilfers from the rated ayparent| power, the value of tre power change and the poiver factor shal be stated. ‘ohtsraserved ISO 8528-3:2005(E} Table 1 (cantinuod) ‘Symbol Term unit Definition vas |Vorane mca ime after eaddscmasa? | s | Time interval from the point at which a load cacraase & initatad unt! the poir: when the tollaga returne to and ramaing within th spediied slesdy-siaie vollage tolerance bard ice F gure A2.2), This: fre interval applies to comsiant speed anc depends on the power factor. Ifthe load change dtfere from the rated apparent power. the value of the power ciange and the power factor shell bo sta‘ 3 Roaleurrent diawnby tho loud A a Relative thanmal ifs axpactarey feazor Furtar owas ae gnon nA A, > Sco Figure S efis0 e520 & 4 Other requirements and additional regulations For a.c. gonerators for generating sats used on board ships and offshore installations which have to comply with rules of a classification sociely, the additional requirements of the classilicalion society shall be observed. The classification society name shall be stated by the customer prior to placing the order, For a.c. generators operating in non-classed equipment, such additional requirements are subject to agreement between the manufacturer and customer It special requirements from any other authority (e.g. inspectng and/or legislative authorities) have to be ret. the authority name shall be stated by the customer priar ta placing the order. Any further additional requirements shall be subject (o agreement between the manufacturer and customer 5 Rating 5.1 General The generator rating class shell be specified in accordance with the requirements of IEC 60034-1. In the case of generators for RIG engine driven generating sats, the continuaus rating (duty type $1) oF rating wth discrete constant loads (duty type $10) shail be specified. 5.2 | Basic continuous rating (BR) For the purposes of this part of ISO 8528, the maximum continucus rating based on duty type §1 is called the basic continuous cating (BR). 5.3. Peak continuous rating (PR) For duty type $10, there is a peak continuous rating (PR), where the permissble generator temperature rises are increased by 2 speciic emount according to the thonmal classification. In the case of duty type $10. operation at the PR thermally ages the generator insulation sysems at an increased rate, Factar J, far the relatve thermal fe expectancy of the insulation system is therefore an important and integral part of the rating class. Duta: sia {9 180.2005 —Al rights reserved ISO 8528-3:2005(E) 6 Limits of temperature and temperature rise 61 Basic continuous rating ‘The generator shall be capable of delivering ils BR over lhe whole range of operaling ccndilians (¢.9 ininuin to maxinum coolant temperatures) with total temperatures not exceeding 40°C plus the lemperature rises specified in Table 1 (see Noe belaw) of IEC 60034~1 6.2 Peak continuous rating At the generator PR, the otal temperatures may be increased by the amounis shown in Table 2 (see Note bolow! Table 2— Peak continuous rating temperstures Thermal classification | Rating <5 MVA Rating » 5 HVA Ane 18°6 10°C Bork 20°C 15°C H 256 20°C For ambient temperatures below 10°C. the total temperature increase allowed shall be reduced by 1 °C for each degree Celsius by which ine ambient lemperaltre is below 19 “C. ‘The RIC ongine output may vary with changes of ambiont air tamporature. The garerator total tomporature in operation will depend upon its primary eaclant temperature, which ie not neceasaril related to the RIC engine inlet air tom»perature. NOTE When the gencratar operates at these highor temperatures, the generator insulation systems wil age thermally fom vo to six times faster (depending on the temperature increase and the specific insulation systern used) than at the gararater BR tomparsiana values; js. oparatieg 1h at PR famperauura rise vaies i apeneniinately arial 10 ‘operaling 2 [1196 h al BR lengieralure ise values. ‘The oxact value for the factor 7, stall be stated by the manufacturer and merkod on the rating plate of the machine (see Clause 14) 7 Rated power and speed characteristics ‘Terms, symbcls and definitons appicable to rated pawer and speed are given in Table 1. 8 Voltage characteristics ‘Terms, symbdls and definitons appicable to voltages are aiven in Table 1 9. Parallel operation When a generator is running in parallel with other generator sets or with another saurce of electrical supply, mears shall be provided to ensure stable oparation and correct sharing of reactive power. Stable aperation is most afen zffacted by influencing the autmatic voltage ragulalor through a sensing circuit with an additional reactive current component. This causes a voltage droop characteristic to be present for reactive loads, ISO 8528-3:2005(E} The grade of quadrature-currant compensation vatage droop (vigec) I the difference between the no-load voltage (Lg) and the voltage at the rated current at the power factor zero lagging (Ug — 53) expressed as a pereantage of rated voltage (1) ard is given by the following equation: " Yo Fa 80 L499 The value of dgcg should be « 8 %. Higher values have to be considered in the case of excessive system voltege variafions. NOTE1 Unity power loads produce virtually no voltage droop, NOTE 2 Wentical a.c. gonarators with identical excitaton systors may operate in parallel without vallage draap when ‘heir flald windings are connected by equalizer links. Adsquato reactivo lags sharing is achioved in tha ease of correct act lead sharing and approximately the sameload characteristics. NOTES When generating sels are operating in paralel with their sar points direully connected together, circulating currents may occur. paricularly thre-harmaric currents 10 Special load conditions 10.1 General In tha case of more sevare load conditions than those given in IEC 6034-1, sop 10.2 to 10.4 for assistance 10.2 Unbalanced load current Gonorators with ratings up to 1000 kV.A which are intended to be loaded between ling and neutral shall be capable of operating continuously with a negative phase sequence current up to and including 10 Ys of the faled current or with @ negative phase sequence current agreed between manufacturer and customer. For all otxer generators ths requirements of Glouse 22 of IEC 60034~1 shall apply, 10.3 Sustained short-circuit current Undor short-circuit conditions on the generator, it is normally necassary to sustain a minimum value of current {aller the transient disturbance has ceased) for a sufficiant Ume lo ensure operation ef the system protective dovices. Sustained short-circuit current is not necessary in cases where spacial relaying or ater designs oF means are used to achieve selective protection, or when no selective protection is required. 10.4 Occas nal excess current capability See 18.1 of IEG 600341 10.5 Telephone Harmonic Factor (THF) Limiting values of the line-to-line terminal voltage THF shall be in accordance with the requirements of Clause 28 of IEC 60034-1 A 5% THF shall also apply to generators from 82 KVA to 30DKVA, and a THF of 8% generators below 62,5 kVA. shall apply for Duta: sia {9 180.2005 —Al rights reserved ISO 8528-3:2005(E) 10.6 Radio interference suppression (F) orforence shall ke in accordance with the Limiting values of continuous and clicking disturbance radio requirements of CISPR 14-1 and CISPR 15. ‘The grade of radio interference suppression involves the interference voltage. power and fald strength, This shall be dacided by agreement oetween the customer and manufacturer. 11 Effect of electromechanical frequency of vibrations when sets operate in parallel His the responsibilty of the generating set manufacturer to ensure that the set wil operate stably in perallel with others, The generator manufacturer shall colaborate as necessary to moot this requirement, HH there is an engine torque irregularity at a frequency close to the electrical natural frequency, resonance wil ‘occur. The electrical natural frequency usually les In the range 1 Hz to 3Hz, and hence resonance Is most likely to arise with low-speed (100 min" to 180 min~') RIC engine driven generator sets. In auch cases when resonance betwaen gets doou caour, the generating sat manufacturer shall be prepared to give advice to the customer and assist in any investigation necessary fo rescive the problem. 42 Asynchronous generators with excitation equipment 42.1 General Asynchronous generators tieed reactive power for votage generation ‘When ruming in single operation, special excitation equipment is necessary. This equipment shall also supply the reactive power demand of the connected toad All the terms defined in 122 to 124 are valid for asynchronous generators which are not connected to the power grid for supplying tho requirod reactive power but aro provided with specially incorporated oxcitation equipment. 42.2 Sustained short-circuit current Asynchronous generators deliver @ sustained snort-circuit current only with @ specially equipped excitation source (see 10.3). 12.3 Range of voltage setting Controllable special excitation is required for reaching the range of voltage adjustment for asynchronous generators (see Table 1), 12.4 Parallel operation Asynchronous generators with special excitation equipment running in parallel share the reactive power demand cl the connected lead according to their excialion oulpul capebilty (see Clause 9) Asynchronous ganerators share the active power demand of the connected lnad according to the speed of the IC engine. ISO 8528-3:2005(E} 13 Operating limit values Four performance classes are defined to describe the generator characteristics (See ISO 0528-1). The operating limit values are given in Table 3 Table 3 — Generator operating limit values ‘Operating limit values Term Symbot | unit Performance class ot 2 oo ca Retard range of valtaga sot ng a, | ar ranch Steady-siste votaae deviation ay |e =5 | =25 | +1 | auc Frransian! valtaga"™*° doviatinn on load increase % 30 | -2 | -% [| auc Frrarsian!valtage™4* deviation on load decrease i 35 B 20 | ac vellage recovery tire seas | <18 | aMC~ by sgrcemont bola ranu’selurer an eustons = Rated apparent power at ated voltage and rated frequency wit corstantinmperance load. Otter power fctors anc imi values maybe oy sgreare-t between he man.fecture ane custamer. it chou be apcrac ated that thw ctaica of w grade af tnsent votage cavition andor recovery time lower than is sctuely necessary can resulta much larger Qaneratcr. See tre i fary careistntraallons ip baleen Vansent valaga gerromancs| and ransietreac:arce ta system faut vo wil also be neraase Higher values ray bs ppled togenetors with ated outprs hiner ten SRIVA anc soeee of oben 600 min In the case of pale operation, these values ae reduced © 0.5, The values given in Table 3 apply only to the generater, exciter and regulator operating at constant (rated speed and starting from ambent tempersiure. The effect of the prima mover epeed regulation may cause these valuos ta differ irom the values gvenin Table 3. 14 Rating plate The generator rating plate shall be in accordance with the requirements of IEC 60034-1 and, in addition, the rated oulput and class of rating shall be combined as follows: a) where a cantinuaus rating based on duty type S1 is stated, the rated output shall be followed by the marking BR (e.g. 5,=22 KV-A BR) b) where aratirg with discrete constant loads based on duty type $10 is stated, the basis continuous rating based on duty 81 shall be marked as in 148). In addition, the peak rated output shall be shawn followed by: — the marking PR: — the maximum running time of 500 h or 200h per year (ges 13.3.9 and 13.3.4 of ISO 8828-1); the actor 7, (2.9. 5,— 24 KV-A PR 500 hien, 7; - 0,9) Upon request, the generatar manufacturer shall provide the set manufacturer with a capability graph or set of valuos showing the pormissible output of the genorator sot over the range of coolant tomperaturo involved. eg tata £9180 2005 —Al rights reserved ISO 8528-3:2005(E) Annex A (normative) Transient voltage characteristic of an a.c. generator following a sudden change in load Ad General When a genorator is subjected to a sudden load chango, there wil be a resultant time-varying change in terminal voltage. One ‘unction of the exciter-requlator system is to detect his change in terminal vollage and to vary tho ficld excitation as required to restore tho terminal veltags. The maximum transiort deviation in terminal voltage that occurs is 2 function of: 8) the magnitude, poner facter and rate of change af the anplied load b) the magnitude, power facter and current versus the voltage characteristic of any inital load; ©) the response time and voltage forcing capability ofthe exciter-regulator system: and d) the RIC engine speed versus time following the sudden load change. Transient voltage perarmance is therefore a system performance characteristic involving the cenetator, coxciter. regulator end RIC engine and cannot be established from the generator data alone. ‘This annex covers only the generator ard exciter-requlator system. When solectirg ar installing gonoratars, the mazimum transient voltage deviation from rated voltage (vcltage dip) following a sudden increase in load is often specified or requested. When requested by the customer, the generator manufacturer shall furnish the oxpecied transicnt voltage deviation in sithor of the two follewing cases! 3) gen ‘ator, exciter and reguatar are supplied a a whole package by the a.c. generator manufacturer: or b) complete data detining the transient performance of the regulator (and exciter. if applicable) are made available lo the generelor manufacturer. ‘Whon fumishing tho expected transient voltage clovation, the following concitions shall bo assumed unless otherwise specified: @) constant speed (rated); b) generator, exciter and regulator oporate initially at no-load, rated voltage, starting from ambiont tempsrature: ©} application of a constant load of linear impedance as specified. NOTE The expected traralant voltage aviation fram rated vollege relora to the average voltage change ofall phases a Lie generator ierminals; ie. il kes no account of asyirmelyy wtich is influenced by faclars beyond the control of the gererstor manuiacture. "1 ISO 8528-3:2005(E} A.2 Examples Strip charts cf the output vollage as a function of time demonstrate the transient performance of the generater, texciler and regulelor system lo sudden changes in lead, Theenlire vellage envelope should be recurded, Strip charts representing two types of voltago recordar ara illustrated in Figures Al. A2 and A.3. Tho labolled charts and sample calculalions shoud be used as 2 guide lo determine the generalor-exciler-regulator performance whoa subjected to a sudden load change. DU sin ay key ome voltage “Tinie at wnlen nereaced electrical loads apne. Ye ure 3.1 — Transient voltage characteristic (load increase) {9 180.2005 —Al rights reserved ISO 8528-3:2005(E) y, Di Kay i tme © voltage Tire at which increased electrical load is aprlie. Figure A2 — Transient voltage characteristic (load decrease) 13 ISO 8528-3:2005(E} | TAU OCC AVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVY® ¥ hoy oF 2 key 1 time voltage 1 Measured peal-to-ceak amplitude of recavery vakage (mim) ha oa ‘Current drawn by the lad corrected to rated voltage (A) 2) Moassred poal-o-roak ampltude of minimum transiontvaltage (mn) Time at which lad is azpliod > Tima at which the specified regulaion send returns. EXAMPLE 480 aa Gg min = 2 Ue = 2 455-994. 4 2 “7 Bayntrey te Lamm 1 pg = B34 480, 109 220.4% Vr 48 ean Figure A’3— Generator transient voltage versus time curve for a sudden load increase {9 180.2005 —Al rights reserved ISO 8528-3:2005(E) A3 Motor starting loads A341 General The Jollowing lest condilions are recommended for dernanstreling the molor starting performance of a synchronous generator, exciter and regulator system, A3.2 Load simulation ‘Test conditions for load simulation are as folows: 8) constant impedance (non-saturable reactive load): b) power faclor « 0.4 lagging. ‘The current drawn by the simulated motor starting loed should be corrected by using the ratio: shonavor the gonorator terminal voltage fale te return to rated voltage. This corrected value of currant and rated terminal voltage should be Used to cetermine the actual kVA load applied A.3.3 Temperature ‘The test should be conducted with the generator and excttation system initially at ambient temperature 8 ISO 8528-3:2005(E} ICS 27.020; 29.160.20; 29.160.40 Prieshaced an % pages

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