Improving Oral Hygiene For Stroke Patients: Australasian Journal of Neuroscience

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Australasian Journal of Neuroscience Volume 27 ● Number 1 ● May 2017

Improving oral hygiene for stroke patients

Caroline Woon


In stroke nursing, oral hygiene is fundamental and should be a priority. Patients are more de-
pendent on the nursing staff due to problems with cognition, arm weakness, a reduced con-
scious level, dysphagia or aphasia. Patients rely on nurses for oral care and are at a higher risk
of xerostomia (dry mouth). Effective oral care removes plaque and prevents complications such
as pneumonia which would increase patient length of stay. A lack of knowledge exists amongst
nursing staff in the area of oral conditions and evidence based oral hygiene. Different practices
exist based on traditions or experience and education is limited. A standardised assessment
tool and oral hygiene guideline should be developed to support and ensure that effective oral
hygiene occurs.

Key Words: Oral hygiene, stroke nursing, education, assessment tool, oral hygiene guideline.

Dental plaque, xerostomia and bacte-
Oral hygiene is an important aspect of ria formation should be identified and ad-
nursing care amongst stroke patients. The dressed (Prendergast, Jakobsson, Renvert,
benefits of effective oral hygiene include im- Hallberg 2012; Prendergast, Kleiman, and
proving cleanliness, removing debris and King, 2013).
plaque, preventing complications which
would result in increased hospital length of Methods
stay (Özden et al, 2013). Patients are able to
eat and chew comfortably ensuring adequate A literature review was conducted to
nutritional intake with adequate oral hygiene identify best practice of oral hygiene for
(Chan & Hui-Ling, 2012). However, oral stroke patients. Cochrane, Cinahl plus, Med-
health is poor in this setting due to reduced line and Pubmed databases were searched
cognition, lack of awareness of their own de- using the search terms stroke nursing in oral
teriorating oral health, reduced motor func- hygiene, oral care, oral hygiene, stroke,
tion and inability to communicate effectively acute care, hospital, mouth care, dysphagia,
(Brady et al, 2011; Cohn & Fulton, 2006). nursing intervention, education and the trun-
Zhu, Mcgrath and McMillan, 2008 (cited in cation nurse. Combinations of these using
Kwok et al, 2015) found that 83.9% of stroke and/or were also searched. All articles be-
patients had difficulty brushing their own tween 2000 - 2016 were explored and arti-
teeth and are therefore dependent on nurses cles in languages other than English were
to maintain their oral health. Dysphagia is excluded.
common in stroke patients increasing the risk
of xerostomia. Certain medications also con- Barriers to Effective Oral Hygiene
tribute to xerostomia, such as syrups and anti
-hypertensives, as well as the use of oxygen Oral hygiene is considered a low priori-
and suction (Brady et al, 2011; Cohn & Ful- ty, due to other priorities, pressures and time
ton, 2006; Kwok et al, 2014). Sugar intake (Brady et al, 2011; Chan & Hui-Ling, 2012;
can also increase the risk of plaque formation Cohn & Fulton, 2006; Kwok, et al, 2015;
and therefore oral health education should be Lam, et al 2013). Furthermore, it is often del-
provided during their hospital stay (Moynihan egated to junior nurses, students or health
& Kelly, 2014). care assistants with different levels of experi-
ence (Brady, et al, 2006; Chan & Hui-Ling,
Questions or comments about this article should be 2012; Cohn & Fulton, 2006; Kwok, et al,
directed to Caroline Woon, Registered Nurse, Registered
2015). Increased attention needs to be de-
Nurse, Nurse Educator, Wellington Hospital Wellington
voted to oral hygiene as poor practice causes
harm (Cohn & Fulton, 2006; Prendergast et
Copyright © 2017ANNA al, 2013).

Australasian Journal of Neuroscience Volume 27 ● Number 1 ● May 2017
Cohn and Fulton (2006) report the Staff Training
build up of plaque from poor oral hygiene
leads to a reduction in saliva flow, resulting in The British Society of Gerodontology
a reduced clearance of debris. This causes (2010) reflects on oral hygiene and suggests
inflammation and a weakening of the muco- that there is a lack of staff training in oral as-
sal lining. As a result, bacteria can pass into sessments and oral hygiene techniques.
the tissues and increase the risk of local, sys- Without effective education of nursing staff
temic infection or pneumonia (Cohn & Fulton, and health care assistants, oral hygiene may
2006; Chan & Hui-Ling, 2012; Kwok et al, remain a lower or delegated priority of care.
2015). If these complications exist, patients Time should be given to this task as the im-
experience an increased length of hospital plications of ineffective oral health care could
stay delaying their recovery (Gosney, et al, be costly and cause unnecessary complica-
2006). tions. Brady et al, (2007) recommend train-
ing should be provided by qualified profes-
Education, Oral Hygiene Assessments sionals such as dentists. There remains a
And Guidelines lack of knowledge amongst nurses about oral
hygiene and this includes a poor knowledge
Oral Hygiene Guidelines of oral conditions (Azodo et al, 2013; Chan &
Hui-Ling, 2012; Cohn & Fulton, 2006; Kwok
Within the literature, there is a lack of et al, 2015). Therefore, education is needed
protocols and evidence for best practice alt- to improve this lack of knowledge amongst
hough standardised protocols are recom- nurses and nursing students. Locally an edu-
mended to improve oral hygiene (Brady et al, cation package was provided which was de-
2006; Chan et al, 2012; Cohn et al, 2006; signed by a nurse educator and dentist. A
Kwok et al, 2014; Özden et al, 2013; Pren- video was created of effective tooth brushing
dergast et al, 2012). According to Cohn & by the dentist and a PowerPoint presentation
Fulton (2006), traditions and different re- was delivered to identify oral conditions,
gimes exist in oral hygiene amongst nursing when to refer to the dentist and how to pro-
staff. Within the author’s area of practice, no vide effective oral hygiene. As a result prac-
guidelines, protocols or evidence-based prac- tice was standardised. This also allowed for
tice exists and nurses practices vary accord- time to reflect on current practice and under-
ing to their experience and education which stand the complications that occur as a result
may not have been updated since their nurs- of poor oral hygiene.
ing training. For some nurses this can mean
twenty years of oral hygiene practice based
on tradition. Product Choice

Need For Oral Assessments Product choice in oral hygiene is not

evidence based and there are variations in
Early oral assessment to identify oral frequency and type of care provided (Cohn &
health problems and effective oral hygiene Fulton, 2006). Some studies report tooth-
practices have been recommended to reduce brush and toothpaste are the most commonly
the incidence of pneumonia; although there is used products but others report foam swabs
a lack of oral hygiene assessments available (Cohn & Fulton 2006; Prendergast et al,
(Azodo et al, 2013; Cohn & Fulton, 2006; 2013). Toothbrushes prevent tooth decay,
Kwok et al, 2015; Prendergast et al, 2013; periodontitis and gingivitis and therefore their
Sorensen et al, 2013). Standardised proto- use is recommended but foam swabs do not
cols and daily oral assessments are recom- prevent these conditions (Chan & Hui-Ling,
mended to improve oral health (Brady et al, 2012; New Zealand Dental Association,
2011; Chan & Hui-Ling, 2012; Cohn & Fulton, 2010; Prendergast et al, 2012; Prendergast
2006; Kwok et al, 2015; Özden et al, 2013; et al, 2013). Electric toothbrush are more
Prendergast et al, 2012). Furthermore, com- effective at removing plaque and could be
pliance with assessments and protocols are considered as standard practice although
essential and these should be easy and quick they are not often provided within the hospital
to use (Berry, et al, 2007; Prendergast et al, setting (Lam et al, 2013; Yoneyama, et al,
2013). A patient’s oral health should be es- 2002). Effective oral hygiene is limited by the
tablished on admission through the use of an products provided by the hospital.
oral assessment tool, which would also en-
sure dentures are acknowledged and man- Dry mouth can be a common problem
aged appropriately. If problems are identified in stroke patients. The New Zealand Dental
early, appropriate care can be provided pre- Association (2010) report that sodium bicar-
venting complications. bonate is effective for dissolving mucus,

Australasian Journal of Neuroscience Volume 27 ● Number 1 ● May 2017
loosening debris and treating xerostomia. A
Berry, AM, Davidson, PM, Masters, J, and Rolls, K
glass of water should be mixed with half a (2007), ‘Systematic literature review of oral hy-
teaspoon of salt and half a teaspoon of sodi- giene practices for intensive care patients receiv-
um bicarbonate creating an effective xerosto- ing mechanical ventilation’, American Journal of
mia mouth rinse. However this would not be Critical Care, vol. 16, no. 6: pp. 552-562.
suitable for patients with dysphagia or facial Brady, MC, Furlanetto, D, Hunter, R, Lewis, SC, and
weakness. Oral hygiene should be carried Milne, V (2011), ‘Staff led interventions for im-
out twice daily as a minimum, but there is no proving oral hygiene in patients following stroke.
consensus on the most effective frequency of Cochrane Systematic Review, vol. 7: pp. 1-28.
oral care (Cohn & Fulton, 2006; The New British Society of Gerodontology (2010), ‘Guidelines for
Zealand Dental Association, 2010; Prender- the Oral Healthcare of Stroke Survivors’,
gast et al, 2013).

Chan, EY, and Hui-Ling, I (2012), ‘Oral care practices

Dentures require specific management among critical care nurses in Singapore: A ques-
as poor denture hygiene causes infection. tionnaire survey’, Applied Nursing Research,
They should be removed and rinsed after vol. 25: pp. 97-204.
each meal. Dentures should not be cleaned
using regular toothpaste as this degrades Cohn, JL, and Fulton, JS (2006), ‘Nursing staff perspec-
tives on oral care for neuroscience patients’,
their condition. If denture toothpaste is not Journal of Neuroscience Nursing, vol. 38, no. 1:
available, regular soap can be used with a pp. 22-30.
toothbrush and should be performed at least
Gosney M, Martin, MV, and Wright, AE (2006), ‘The role
twice a day. They should be removed and of selective decontamination of the digestive
soaked in water with a denture cleaner over- tract in acute stroke’, Age and Aging. Vol. 35,
night allowing the oral cavity important time no. 1: pp. 42-7.
to rest (New Zealand Dental Association,
2010). Kwok, C, Mcintyre, A, Janzen, S, Mays, R, and Teasell,
R (2015), ‘Oral care post stroke: a scoping re-
view’, Journal of Oral Rehabilitation. Vol. 42:
pp. 65-74.
Conclusion: Putting Evidence Into Prac-
tice Lam, OL, Mcmillan, AS, Samaranayake, LP, Li, LS, and
McGrath, C (2013), ‘Randomized clinical trials of
oral health promotion interventions among pa-
Effective oral hygiene reduces the risk tients following stroke’, Archives of Physical
of complications such as pneumonia and is Medicine and Rehabilitation. Vol. 94: pp. 435-
therefore fundamental. It is apparent that
stroke patients require tooth brushing with Moynihan, PJ, and Kelly, SA (2014), ‘Effect on caries of
toothpaste or dentures should be cleaned restricting sugars intake: systematic review to
with soap or denture paste twice daily. For inform WHO guidelines’, Journal of Dental Re
xerostomia, sodium bicarbonate and salt rins- search, vol. 93: pp. 8–18.
es could be used. However for those pa- New Zealand Dental Association (2010), ‘Healthy mouth.
tients who have dysphagia or facial weak- Healthy aging: Oral health guide for care givers
ness, this could be problematic and further of older people’, Auckland, New Zealand: New
Zealand Dental Association.
research is needed to address this problem.
Özden, D, Türk, G, Düger, C, Güler, EK, Tok, F, and
Education should be provided to nurs- Gülsoy, Z (2013), ‘Effects of oral care solutions
ing staff and health care assistants in the lat- on mucous membrane integrity and bacterial
colonization’, Nursing in Critical Care. Vol. 19,
est evidence based practice to ensure prac- no. 2: pp. 78-86.
tice is standardised and guidelines provided
to assist with this. Health promotion should Prendergast, V, Jakobsson U, Renvert, S, and Hallberg,
be given to avoid sugar as these patients are I (2012), ‘Effects of a standard versus compre-
already at risk of decay for a number of rea- hensive oral care protocol among intubated neu-
roscience ICU patients: Results of a randomized
sons. This could be provided in a leaflet form control trial’, Journal of Neuroscience Nursing.
so that patients and their family understand Vol. 44, no. 3: pp. 134-146.
the importance of effective oral hygiene. Fur-
Prendergast, V, Kleiman, C, and King, M (2013), ‘The
ther research is required for patients who bedside oral exam and the barrow oral care
experience xerostomia and have dysphagia protocol: translating evidenced-based oral care
or facial weakness, as bicarbonate and salt into practice’, Intensive and Critical Care Nurs-
mouth rinses would not be suitable. ing. Vol. 29: pp. 282-290.

Yoneyama, T, Yoshida, M, Ohrui, T, Mukaiyama, H,

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