Latihan Soal Ujian Nasional SMA Bahasa Inggris 2019 Dan Pembahasannya

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Latihan Soal Ujian Nasional SMA Bahasa Inggris 2019 dan Pembahasannya

1) Topik : Expression

Sub Topik : Topic of the Dialog

Indikator : Peserta didik dapat mengidentifikasikan topik dialog secara tepat

Rina : What are you thinking about?

Dino : I’m thinking about my plan after graduating from Senior High School.

Rina : Can you tell me your plan?

Dino : My parents asked me to study in Turkey since its higher education there is cheaper than here.
But, it’s kind of hard for me to live far away from my family. What about yours?

Rina : I think it’s a good idea. Living far away from your parents will teach you how to be an independent
man. I’ll be studying at IIUM majoring in international relations. I want to be a diplomat.

Dino : That sounds great. It means that you’re going to live far away from your parents as well?

Rina : Yes. I want to be independent. Of course, I’ll be missing them, but I think it’s going to be a great
challenge for me.

What is the main topic of the conversation above?

A. Studying in Turkey is cheaper

B. Asking suggesting about study

C. Discussing about plan after graduation

D. Living far away from parents is difficult

E. Majoring in politics is great

Jawaban: C


Yang dibahas kedua orang pada dialog di atas adalah mengenai rencana setelah kelulusan mereka,
secara spesifik rencana studi di perguruan tinggi, maka jawaban C yang tepat.

2) Topik : Expression

Sub Topik : Topic of the Dialog

Indikator : Peserta didik dapat mengidentifikasikan topik dialog secara tepat

Aziz : Did you go to the National Library yesterday?

Azka : Yes, I did. How did you know?

Aziz : Actually, I also went to the National Library. But, when you arrived, I was about to leave since I
went there with my sister and she asked me to go home soon.

Azka : I see. Do you go there a lot?

Aziz : 4Not really. I just accompanied my sister because she is doing her thesis now. Do you often go the
National Library?

Azka : Yes. I always go there whenever I have free time. I love reading books. It’s also cosy.

Aziz : Cool. That’s why you’re a very smart student. You read a lot.

Azka : Well, reading books always opens mind. Anyways, how do you spend your free time?

Aziz : I play football with my friends. I also love cooking in my free time.

Azka : You can cook? What food can you cook?

Aziz : Yes, I can. Normally, I cook western food like pizza and spaghetti.

Azka : You should give me your cooking.

Aziz : Sure. Please come to my house tomorrow. I’ll cook for you.

Azka : I wish I could. I need to go to Bogor tomorrow. Maybe, next time.

What does the man imply by saying “not really”?

A. He often goes to the National Library.

B. He doesn’t like the National Library.

C. He has never been to the National Library.

D. He loves going to the National Library.

E. He seldom goes to the National Library.

Jawaban: E


Maksud kata tersebut adalah ia tidak sering atau jarang ke perpustakaan nasional, petunjuknya adalah
dialog sebelumnya yaitu “Do you go there a lot?”, maka jawaban E yang tepat.

3) Topik : Short Functional Text

Sub Topik : Topic of Passage

Indikator : Peserta didik dapat mengidentifikasi topik pada teks pengumuman

Sumber gambar:

What is the topic of the announcement above?

A. Students’ association

B. Teachers’ gathering

C. Students’ association office

D. School’s gathering

E. Students’ gathering

Jawaban : E

Pembahasan :

Petunjuknya adalah kalimat “The Students’ Association will hold a student gathering for students…”,
maka yang tepat pengumuman tersebut mengenai “students’ gathering”, yaitu jawaban E.

4) Topik : Recount Text

Sub Topik : Specific Info

Indikator : Peserta didik dapat menjelaskan permasalahan yang muncul pada teks

My first time experience in Bali

At 55 I have just gone to Bali for the first time with my husband. We stayed in Seminyak and had a
wonderful time. We took Jetstar in economy over and were in 2nd last row and even then by time off
plane purchasing VOA and Immigration took about 1 hour - wasn't too bad. Departing last night, Jetstar
was late by one hour but we had paid to go Business class so it was not that bad. We sat in Premier
Lounge - not a great selection of food or wine (wine is my thing) but it was enjoyable anyway. Of course,
new airport is underway and things may be different once that is up and running. We didn't get sick or
robbed or bitten. Yes, footpaths are broken and or missing and some smells but that didn't 16deter  us.
People were friendly and so polite. The weather was just fantastic. When asked to take what looked like
post cards we politely said "no thank you " and that was the last of it. Bintang beer mostly $2.50 very
cheap and was the food and we ate in good restaurants - La Lucciola, Breeze, Sardine, Sarong and Metis.
As we had breakfast supplied at The Samaya we didn't need lunch and we were given fruit salad by the
pool and afternoon tea so only dinner was required. We enjoyed Sarong in particular. We used hand
sanitizer and luckily for us we didn't get the dreaded dire - rear. A driver took us to Ubud and Jimbaran
Bay and through Kuta. Mostly this was a relaxing one week there. Manicures, pedicures, hair, massage
were so cheap - roughly $8 - we had these done at Body Works in Seminyak. I also had Wendy the
dressmaker come to our hotel and made me skirts which I was very happy with. This morning in Sydney
airport, it took us just 30 minutes to be off the plane and into a taxi. Jetstar made up time flying home -
only 5 hours and 10 minutes. It was all a breeze. Bali had never been on my to do list, but I will be going
back that is for sure. Sumber: 

What happened when they were about to leave for Bali?

A. They needed to cancel their trip.

B. They needed to put their trip off.

C. The plane crashed.

D. The adverse weather prompted the plane to delay.

E. The plane was late for an hour.

Jawbaan: E


Pada bagian awal teks terdapat kalimat “… and even then by time off plane purchasing VOA and
Immigration took about 1 hour - wasn't too bad” yang artinya ketika mereka akan berangkat ke Bali
dengan pesawat, keberangkatannya harus tertunda selama 1 jam, maka jawaban E yang tepat.

Text for questions number 5-6


Visit the PayPal website or open the PayPal app. You can create an account from the PayPal homepage
or from the app. You can install the app for free from your device's app store. The account creation
process is largely the same for both the website and the app.

Click "Sign Up for Free" or tap "Sign Up". This will begin the account creation process.

· For business accounts, there are two different options, each of which has different cost structures and
benefits. Standard accounts are free, but customers must route through PayPal in order to check out.
Pro accounts cost $30 per month, but you get to full control over how you want to design the checkout

· The Standard free business account is the same as the old PayPal Premier account. This account is best
suited for users who do lots of buying and selling on eBay.

Enter your email address and create a password. Make sure that you create a strong password so that
nobody else can access your financial information.
· Make sure that you enter a valid email address, as you'll need to use it to verify your account.

Fill out the form with your personal information. You'll need to enter your legal name, address, and
phone number. All of this information is required in order to create your account.

Enter your credit or debit card (optional). After entering your personal information, you'll be prompted
to enter your credit or debit card. You can enter this now or later, but you'll need to at some point if you
want to verify your PayPal account.

· If you don't want to enter your card information now, click "I'd rather link my bank first".

Enter your bank account information (optional). You'll need a bank account linked if you plan on
receiving money and want to be able to transfer it to your bank. You don't have to do this now if you
don't want to. Just click "I'll link my bank later" to skip it for now. You'll be prompted to confirm that you
want to skip the process.

Apply for PayPal credit (optional). Before you're taken to your account's Summary page, PayPal will
prompt you to sign up for a line of credit. This is optional, and you should read all of the terms carefully
before applying. If you'd rather not apply for credit, click "No thanks".


5) Topik : Procedure

Sub Topik : Purpose of Text

Indikator : Peserta didik dapat mengidentifikasikan tujuan teks prosedur

What is the purpose of the text above?

A. To describe what the PayPal website is

B. To give a brief hint how to use PayPal credit

C. To explain how to register a new bank account

D. To explain how to verify your PayPal account

E. To explain how to create a PayPal account

Jawaban: E


Judul yang diawali dengan kata “How to…” biasanya merupakan teks procedure. Tujuan dari teks ini
adalah untuk menjelaskan cara untuk membuat atau menjalankan sesuatu, maka jawaban yang tepat
adalah E (menjelaskan cara membuat akun PayPal).

6) Topik : Procedure

Sub Topik : Sentence Restatement

Indikator : Peserta didik dapat membandingkan makna yang setara dengan kalimat yang muncul pada
teks prosedur
The sentence ‘You can create an account from the PayPal homepage or from the app.’ could possibly
restated as…

A. You need to create an account with both the PayPal homepage and the app.

B. You can make an account either from the PayPal homepage or the app.

C. You don’t need to create an account from the PayPal homepage or from the app.

D. You are obliged to create an account on the PayPal homepage and the app.

E. You can only create an account from the PayPal homepage not the app.

Jawaban: B


Maksud dari kalimat tersebut adalah anda dapat membuat akun dari halaman situs PayPal atau dapat
melalui aplikasinya, maka kalimat yang sama artinya dengan kalimat pada soal adalah jawaban B (anda
dapat membuat akun baik dari situs PayPal maupun aplikasinya), jadi dapat dari keduanya, jawaban lain
bermakna hanya dapat dari salah satu channel saja.

Text for questions number 7-8

The Real Reason Why TV Is Bad for the Kids

"Books are good for children." "TV is bad for children." Everyone seems to know this. In the same way
that we know that we should be eating lots of fruits and vegetables and limiting sweets, we all know
that kids should spend a lot of time with books and relatively little time with TV.

But why? Can't kids learn just as much from TV as they do from books? There is no doubt that TV can be
educational. But one of the unforeseen consequences of TV viewing is reducing how much parents talk
with their children. And diminished parent-child interaction can have negative effects on children,
especially when they are young.

In a recent study of toddlers and pre-schoolers, we observed mothers and their children while they read
books, watched a pro-social TV program, or played with toys. We found TV viewing suppressed both the
amount and quality of mother-child communication. That is, moms made relatively few comments to
their children while co-viewing. When they did speak, their comments were often unrelated to what
their child said, thereby creating an unproductive exchange that could hinder children's opportunity for

Moms who read books to their children, however, not only talked significantly more but also used a very
high-quality form of communication that included asking questions, labelling objects, affirming their
child, and responding to their child's statements or questions with relevant information. It is important
to note that the increased quantity and quality of communication was not due to the fact that moms
were reading the words on the pages. Instead, this difference reflected the communication that
occurred above and beyond the actual reading that the mother did with the child.
Playing with toys also elicited a high amount of communication, including some high-quality forms of
interaction. Although not better than books, toy playing was significantly better than shared TV viewing
at encouraging communication.

With these results in mind, let's consider the child who spends a good chunk of the day watching TV.
From this perspective, the problem is not necessarily what content, either good or bad, the child has
experienced (of course content does make a difference too). Instead, the problem is what this child is
missing. Young children who watch lots of TV may be missing out on valuable - even crucial - interactions
with parents during a critical point in their development. Parent-child interaction, even with children
who can't yet speak, is vital to children's healthy development.

The American Academy of Pediatrics just released their updated TV guidelines for children ages 2 and
under. In their statement, they discourage all TV viewing for children in this age group. Part of the
justification for their recommendation is that TV viewing reduces parent-child communication.

Some parents may believe that they can't offer their children the kinds of educational experiences that
TV provides. But they are wrong. Children learn the best from real people, especially people who are
important to them. When parents talk with their children, they not only promote their language
development but also teach their children that they are valued and important. Reading books and
turning off the TV can facilitate these positive interactions.

Written by Amy Nathanson Ph.D


7) Topik : Exposition

Sub Topik : Topic of Passage

Indikator : Peserta didik dapat mengidentifikasi topik pada teks eksposisi

What is the topic of the passage above?

A. TV isn’t good for children.

B. TV isn’t educational enough for children.

C. Books are better for children.

D. Books and TV aren’t good for children.

E. Toy playing is better than TV for kids.

Jawaban: B


Topik dari teks di atas yaitu mengenai TV yang kurang edukatif bagi anak-anak karena mengurangi
frekuensi komunikasi dengan orang tua. Disebutkan pada paragraf 2 bahwa TV itu edukatif tetapi tidak
cukup edukatif bagi anak-anak, maka jawaban B yang tepat

8) Topik : Exposition
Sub Topik : True/False

Indikator : Peserta didik dapat menganalisis pernyataa yang sesuai/tidak sesuai dengan informasi
yang disampaikan pada teks eksposisi

Which of these following sentence is true about TV?

A. TV increases interaction between children and their mothers.

B. TV is worse than toy playing for kids.

C. TV doesn’t diminish how much children talk to their parents.

D. TV decreases interaction between children and parents.

E. TV isn’t worse than toy playing for kids.

Jawaban: D


Yang benar tentang TV adalah jawaban D yaitu mengurangi interaksi anak dengan orang tua, jawaban
lainnya salah karena justru memaparkan fakta (pada teks) yang sebaliknya.

Text for questions number 9-10

A volcano is an opening in the Earth’s surface where molten rock can escape from underneath. The
Earth’s surface is made up of tectonic plates, which are spreading apart, crunching into each other, or
sliding beside one another. Volcanoes are typically found at the fault lines between these plates. There
can be active volcanoes, which are currently, or have recently erupted. There are also dormant
volcanoes, which haven’t erupted recently, and extinct volcanoes, which will never erupt again.

There are 4 major types of volcanoes:

Cinder Cone Volcanoes

These are the simplest type of volcano. They occur when particles and blobs of lava are ejected from a
volcanic vent. The lava is blown violently into the air, and the pieces rain down around the vent. Over
time, this builds up a circular or oval-shaped cone, with a bowl-shaped crater at the top. Cinder cone
volcanoes rarely grow larger than about 1,000 feet above their surroundings.

Composite Volcanoes

Composite volcanoes, or strato volcanoes make up some of the world’s most memorable mountains:
Mount Rainier, Mount Fuji, and Mount Cotopaxi, for example. These volcanoes have a conduit system
inside them that channels magma from deep within the Earth to the surface. They can have clusters of
vents, with lava breaking through walls, or issuing from fissures on the sides of the mountain. With all
this material coming out, they can grow thousands of meters tall. As we’ve seen with the famous Mount
Saint Helens, composite volcanoes can explode violently.

Shield Volcanoes
These are large, broad volcanoes that look like shields from above – hence the name. The lava that
pours out of shield volcanoes is thin, so it can travel for great distances down the shallow slopes of the
volcano. These volcanoes build up slowly over time, with hundreds of eruptions, creating many layers.
They’re not likely to explode catastrophically. Perhaps the best-known shield volcanoes are the ones
that make up the Hawaiian Islands, especially Mauna Loa and Mauna Kea.

Lava Domes

Volcanic or lava domes are created by small masses of lava which are too viscous (thick) to flow very far.
Unlike shield volcanoes, with low-viscosity lava, the magma from volcanic domes just piles up over and
around the vent. The dome grows by expansion of the lava within, and the mountain forms from
material spilling off the sides of the growing dome. Lava domes can explode violently, releasing a huge
amount of hot rock and ash.


9) Topik : Report Text

Sub Topik : Topic of Passage

Indikator : Peserta didik dapat mengidentifikasi topik pada teks laporan

What is the topic of the passage above?

A. The definition of volcano

B. The classification of volcano

C. The meaning of volcano

D. The classification of shield volcano

E. The definition of composite volcano

Jawaban: B


Teks di atas membahas mengenai gunung api beserta pengelompokkannya secara umum, maka jawaban
yang tepat adalah B. Jawaban A dan C berarti hanya membahas definisinya saja, D dan E hanya
membahas jenis gunung api tertentu.

10) Topik : Report Text

Sub Topik : Specific Info

Indikator : Peserta didik dapat menganalisis informasi mengenai objek yang terdapat pada teks

Which volcano has low-viscosity lava?

A. Composite volcano

B. Shield volcano
C. Explosion volcano

D. Cinder Cone

E. Lava volcano

Jawaban: B


Kalimat kunci dari pertanyaan di atas adalah : Unlike shield volcanoes, with low-viscosity lava …  yang
bermakna ‘Tidak seperti gunung berapi shield, dengan lava viskositas rendah….’ Berdasarkan hal ini,
dengan jelas bisa kita ketahui bahwasanya jawaban dari pertanyaan di atas adalah B (shield volcano).

11) Topik : Expression

Sub Topik : Detail Question

Indikator : Peserta didik dapat mengidentifikasikan topik dialog secara tepat 

Budi : Excuse me. I’d like to borrow this book.

Librarian : Can you show me your library card?

Budi : Here it is… How many days can I borrow this book?

Librarian : You can borrow this book for one week. If you return this book late. You’ll be fined Rp. 2.000
per day.

Budi : Okay. Thanks, Sir. I’ll try to return this book on time.

 Where does the dialogue take place?

A. In the principle’s room

B. At office

C. In the library

D. In the classroom

E. In the teachers’ room

Jawaban: C


Kalimat kunci dari pertanyaan di atas adalah: Can you show me your library card?  (Bisakan Anda
tunjukkan kartu perpustakaan Anda.) Berdasarkan hal ini, kita bisa lihat bahwa jawaban yang paling
tepat adalah C (in the library).

12) Topik : Expression

Sub Topik : Expression of Surprise/Shocked

Indikator : Peserta didik dapat mengidentifikasikan jenis ungkapan yang digunakan untuk menyatakan
rasa terkejut

Fadli : Look at this, Putri! I passed the math test with an A.

Putri : … You finally conquered the test! Congratulations.

Fadli : I would not make it without you, Putri. You’re a very excellent teacher. You taught me how to
pass the test.

Putri : Don’t mention it. That’s what friends are supposed to do.

What is the appropriate sentence to fill the gap above?

A. That's too bad!

B. I can’t believe this!

C. You could do much better!

D. I can’t trust you!

E. How bad it is!

Jawaban: B


Konteks di atas menceritakan bahwa Fadli yang mendapat nilai ujian dengan predikat A. Lalu, Putri
merasa terkejut mendengarnya: You finally conquered the test! (Akhirnya, kamu bisa menakhlukkan
tesnya!) Di sini, kita bisa dapati bahwa jawaban yang tepat untuk melengkapi dialog di atas adalah B (I
can’t believe this!) atau ‘Aku tidak bisa mempercayai ini!’

13) Topik : Jumbled

Sub Topik : …

Indikator : Peserta didik dapat mengurutkan kalimat acak sehingga menjadi paragraf yang padu

1. Anies Rasyid Baswedan was born on 7 May 1969.

2. He was also a rector of a private university before being appointed as a minister.

3. He is an Indonesian academic, activist, and politician.

4. Before being a governor, he served as Minister of Education and Culture.

5. He has currently served as Governor of Jakarta since October 2017.


Arrange the sentences above based on the appropriate procedural text….

A. 1 – 3 – 5 – 4 – 2

B. 1 – 3 – 5 – 2 – 4

C. 1 – 3 – 4 – 5 – 2

D. 3 – 1 – 5 – 4 – 2

E. 3 – 5 – 1 – 4 – 2

Jawaban: A


Jawaban yang paling tepat adalah A (1 – 3 – 5 – 4 – 2) karena urutan pertama memiliki arti: Anies Rasyid
Baswedan lahir pada 7 Mei, 1969. Kalimat ini cocok sebagai pembuka paragraph. Lalu, kita ketahui
bahwa beliau seorang politisi, aktivis dan akademisi. Maka, urutan 3 merupakan urutan beriutnya.
Setelah itu, seperti yang kita ketahui bahwa saat ini beliau menduduki kursi nommor satu di DKI Jakarta.
Maka, urutan berikutnya yang tepat adalah 5. Kemudian, sebelum menjadi gubernur beliau merupakan
Mentri Pendidikan dan sebelum menjadi Mentri Pendidikan beliau merupakan rektor salah satu
universitas swasta, jadi urutan terakhir adalah 4 dan 2.

14) Topik : Jumbled

Sub Topik : …

Indikator : Peserta didik dapat mengurutkan kalimat acak sehingga menjadi paragraf yang padu

1. Ong’s lawyer Eddie Koh will be making representations to the court. The case will next be mentioned
in December.

2. The incident was captured in a two-minute video and uploaded on YouTube.

3. The man who pushed an old woman down a bus along Upper Thomson Road has been charged in

4. Ong is said to have used his right hand to push the old woman on her back, causing her to fall on the
steps of the bus.

5. Twenty-five-year-old Ong Kok Hao is accused of hurting 76-year-old Hwang Li Lian Nee Lye on bus
service number 167 at about 3pm on June 5 this year.

6. A shouting match then ensued and during the heated spat, Ong threatened to slap the woman, before
pushing her down the bus.

7. The video shows Ong suddenly flying into a rage at Madam Hwang for pressing the bell at the last-
minute along Upper Thomson Road.


Arrange the sentences above based on the appropriate procedural text….

A. 3 – 4 – 5 – 2 – 7 – 6 – 1
B. 3 – 4 – 5 – 2 – 7 – 1 – 6

C. 3 – 5 – 4 – 2 – 7 – 6 – 1

D. 3 – 5 – 4 – 2 – 7 – 1 – 6

E. 5 – 3 – 4 – 2 – 7 – 1 – 6

Jawaban: C


Jawaban yang paling tepat adalah C (3 – 5 – 4 – 2 – 7 – 6 – 1) karena urutan 3 tepat untuk membuka
suatu paragraf terkait dengan sebuah perkara yang mana berarti: Orang yang mendorong seorang
wanita tua menyusuri sebuah bus di sepanjang Upper Thomson Road telah didakwa di pengadilan. Lalu,
kalimat berikutnya pasti menjelskan siapa terdakwa dan korbannya. Maka, urutan yang berikut yang
tepat adalah 5 karena bermakna: Ong Kok Hao yang berusia 25 tahun dituduh menyakiti Hwang Li Lian
Nee Lye yang berusia 76 tahun pada nomor layanan bis 167 sekitar pukul 17:00 pada tanggal 5 Juni
tahun ini.Dan urutan yang terakhir yang pas adalah nomor 1 karena kalimat ini tepat untuk menutup
sebuah paragraf yang bermakna: Pengacara Ong Eddie Koh akan membuat pernyataan ke pengadilan.
Kasus selanjutnya akan disebutkan pada bulan Desember.

Text for question number 15-17

Ibn Sina's first appointment was that of physician to the emir, Nuh II, who owed him his recovery from a
15… illness (997). Ibn Sina's chief reward for this service was access to the royal library of the Samanids,
well-known patrons of scholarship and scholars. When the library was destroyed by fire not long after,
the enemies of Ibn Sina accused him of burning it, in order for ever to conceal the sources of his
knowledge. Meanwhile, he assisted his father in his financial labors, but still found time to write some of
his earliest works.

When Ibn Sina was 22 years old, he lost his father. The Samanid dynasty came to its end in December
1004. Ibn Sina seems to have declined the offers of Mahmud of Ghazni, and proceeded westwards to
Urgench in modern Turkmenistan, where the vizier, regarded as a friend of scholars, gave him a small
monthly stipend. The pay was small, however, so Ibn Sina wandered from place to place 16… the
districts of Nishapur and Merv to the borders of Khorasan, seeking an opening for his talents. Qabus, the
generous ruler of Tabaristan, himself a poet and a scholar, with whom Ibn Sina had expected to find
asylum, was on about that date (1012) starved to death by his troops who had revolted. Ibn Sina himself
was at this time stricken by a severe illness. Finally, at Gorgan, near the Caspian Sea, Ibn Sina met with a
friend, who bought a dwelling near his own house in which Ibnu Sina 17... on logic and astronomy.
Several of Ibn Sina's treatises were written for this patron; and the commencement of his Canon of
Medicine also dates from his stay in Hyrcania.


 15) Topik : Cloze

Sub Topik : Vocabulary

Indikator : Peserta didik dapat menggunakan kosakata yang tepat pada bagian teks yang rumpang 
Which of these following words is appropriate to fill the gap above?

A. dangerous

B. rare

C. benevolent

D. malevolent

E. mischief

Jawaban: A


Who owed him his recovery from a 15… illness (997) bermakna ‘yang berhutang padanya untuk
pemulihannya dari penyakit … (997).’ Berdasarkan hal ini, jawaban yang paling tepat adalah
A (dangerous) karena kata ini bermakna ‘berbahaya’, sehingga kalimat di atas akan bermakna ‘yang
berhutang padanya untuk pemulihannya dari penyakit yang berbahaya(997)’

16) Topik : Cloze

Sub Topik : Preposition

Indikator : Peserta didik dapat menggunakan kata depan yang tepat pada bagian teks yang rumpang

Which of these following prepositions is appropriate to fill the gap above?

A. through

B. during

C. throughout

D. for

E. by

Jawaban: A


So Ibn Sina wandered from place to place 16… the districts of Nishapur and Merv to the borders of
Khorasan, seeking an opening for his talents. Kalimat rumpang ini bermakna: ‘jadi Ibnu Sina berkeliaran
dari satu tempat ke tempat 16 ... distrik-distrik di Nishapur dan Merv sampai ke perbatasan Khorasan,
mencari pembuka jalan untuk bakatnya.’ Dari arti kalimat ini, kita akan bisa mendapati bahwa jawaban
yang paling tepat untuk mengisi kalimat rumpang di atas adalah A (through) yang bermakna ‘melalui’.

17) Topik : Cloze

Sub Topik : Part of Speech

Indikator : Peserta didik dapat menggunakan kata berdasarkan kelas kata yang tepat pada bagian teks
yang rumpang

 Which of these following words is appropriate to fill the gap above?

A. lecture

B. lecturer

C. lecturing

D. lectured

E. lectureship

Jawaban: D


In which Ibn Sina 17... on logic and astronomy.bermakna ‘di mana Ibnu Sina 17 ... tentang logika dan
astronomi.’ Kita bisa lihat bahwa kalimat rumpang tersebut haruslah diisi dengan bentuk  verb atau kata
kerja karena datang setelah subjek, yakni Ibnu Sina. Oleh karena itu, jawaban yang paling tepat adalah D
(lectured) karena ini merupakan bentuk  verb dan sesuai dengan tense  yang menunjukkan waktu yang
telah berlalu (past).

18) Topik : Descriptive

Sub Topik : Suitable Picture for Things Described

Indikator : Peserta didik dapat menjelaskan gambar yang disajikan pada soal

The colour of the bag is black. It does not have any picture on it. It has two straps to be worn on
shoulders. There is no zip in front of the bag.

Which one of these pictures is appropriate based on the description above?






Jawaban: A

Kalimat kunci dari pertanyaan di atas adalah: There is no zip in front of the bag.  ‘Tidak ada ritsleting di
depan tas.’. Di sini, kita bisa lihat bahwa hanya ada satu gambar yang tidak menampilkan ritsleting di
depannya, yaitu A.

19) Topik : Descriptive

Sub Topik : Suitable Picture for Situation Described

Indikator : Peserta didik dapat menjelaskan gambar yang disajikan pada soal 

The woman looks tired and sleepy. She is now pouring some coffee to her glass.

Which one of these pictures is appropriate based on the description above?






Jawaban: C


Deskripsi di atas adalah: The woman looks tired and sleepy. She is now pouring some coffee to her
glass.  ‘Wanita itu terlihat lelah dan mengantuk. Dia sekarang menuang kopi ke gelasnya.’. Di sini, kita
bisa lihat bahwa hanya ada satu gambar yang memperlihatkan seorang wanita yang sedang menuang
kopi, yaitu C.

20) Topik : Short Functional Text

Sub Topik : Topic of Passage

Indikator : Peserta didik dapat mengidentifikasi topik pada teks pengumuman

 Sumber gambar:


What is the topic of the announcement above?

A. The presentation of the Fairmount Community Health Plan

B. How to be a councilperson

C. The invitation of gathering

D. Virginia Commonwealth University

E. Celebrating students’ ideas and visions

Jawaban: A


Kalimat kunci dari pertanyaan di atas adalah:Please join us for the presentation of the Fairmount
Community Health Plan  atau ‘Silakan bergabung dengan kami untuk presentasi the Fairmount
Communty Health Plan’.  Jadi, jawaban yang paling tepat adalah A (The presentation of the Fairmount
Community Health Plan)

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