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INTERNATIONAL Iso STANDARD 8528-10 Fst edition 1998-10-01 Reciprocating internal combustion engine driven alternating current generating sets — Part 10: Measurement of airborne noise by the enveloping surface method Groupes Slectogénes & courant alteratit enirainés par moteurs alternatts A cambustion interne — Partie 10; Meurage du bruil aérien par la méthode de [a surlsee envelope Relerence number I80 8528-10:12981E) ISO 8528-10:1998(E) Foreword ISO (the International Organization for Standarcization) is a worldwide ‘ederaton of naiional standards bodies (ISO member bodes}. The werk ef preparing intersational Stardarés is normally carried aut thraugh ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has the right to be represented an that commitze. International organizations, governmental and non-yovernmental, in liaison with ISO. also taco part in tho work. ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization. Intemational Standards are dra‘ted in accordance wich the rules given in the ISOVIEC Directives, Part 3 Drall Inlernaional Slandards adopled by the lechnical commillees are ciculaled Io the member bedies for voting, Publication as an Intematianal Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote. This part of ISO 8528 was prepared by ISO Technical Commitee ISO‘TC 70, hteraal combusticn engines. 1S 8528 consisis of the following parts under the gereral lille Reciprocating infesnal combustion engine driven allemating owen! generaling sels: — Part 1: Application. ratings and performance — Part 2: Engines Part 3: Altercating current generators for generating sets — Part 4; Controlgear and switchgear — Part 8: Generating sets — Part 6: Tesi methods — Part: Techical declarations tor soectioation end desion — Part 8: Requirements and tests for low-power generating sets — Part 9: Measurement and evatuation of mechanical vibrations — Part 10: Measurement of airborne noise by the enveloping surface method Part #1: Dynamic, uninterapted power supply systems — Part 12: Emergency power supply to selety senices Annex A and the Bibliography of this part of ISO 8528 are for infomation only. 2 180 19—0 Alrshts reserved. Uness otherwise spected, no can cf-his publlston mey be reproduced orulized in ay form ar by any mean, or merhancal, solide protroxpying and mic, whaut per ssn in sting fee he pls namatanal Orgaizalion for Slantardiaton Gago piste 86 «CI 1211 Genaie 21+ Swtzorand rome fiisech Printed in Setar ecwenie INTERNATIONAL STANDARD 10 1S0 8528-10:1998(E) Reciprocating internal combustion engine driven alternating current generating sets — Part 10: Measurement of airborne noise by the enveloping surface method 1 Scope This part of ISO 8523 defines measurement methods for the determination of airbome noise emitted by reciprocating internal combustion engine driven generating sets in such a way that the total of relevant noise emissions, e.g. exhaust and cooling system noise, ‘ogether wit all other sources of enghe noise. are evaluated on similar basis to yield comparable results. However, when the exhaust and coaing systems are cucted to a remote siie their noise cantribuion is not to be included in this part of ISO 8528, ‘Tho oscantial noise omission characiorictic valuo is the cound power lava. The results of measurement taken in accordance with this part of ISO 8528 are classified as elthar accuracy grade 2 or grade 3 depending on which acoustic measurement conditions are complied with, Accuracy grade 2 (|. 2, engineering method in accordarce with ISO 3744) requires the measuring area to be a substanially accustic-free field over a rellecting plane (wih an environmental correction Kz, = 2dB) and wih negligble dackground noise level dbackground nolae correction \q + 1,9 dB). Accuracy grade 2 (i.e. survey method in accordance with ISO 3746) requires the ensironmenial correction Kzq lo be less ar equal than 7 dB, and the background noise correciion K;, "0 be less or equal than 3 4B. For the operation of a generating set under steady conditions this part of ISO 8528 allows for the caleulaton of the Acweighted sound power level as well a5 appropriate actaye cr one third octave sound pawer level for the ‘appropriate accuracy giade. ‘This part cf ISO 6528 applies to RIC engine criven AC generating sets for fixed! and mobie applications wih rigid or flexible mountings. It is appicable for land and marine use, excluding generating sets used on arcraft or to propel land vahicles and locomatives. NOTE 1 This pert af ISO. 520 has boa" davaloped for FC angna ekivan AC ganarating sats, bu it can alo be appli 19 PIG ‘engine driven DC generating set. NOTE 2 For some specific applications (e. g. essantil hospital aunplies, aigh rise buildings, ete.) supplemetary requirements may be necessary. The provisions 0 this pert of ISO 8528 should be -egerdedas a basis. NOTE3 To comparisons can only bo mado botwaen generating sets when ths measurement aro classified in the sama accuracy grade, ISO 8526-10:1898(E) 2180 2 Normative references The following normative documents contain provisions which, through reference in this text, corstitue provisions of this part of ISO 8528, For dated relerences, subsequent amencrments to, or ravisions of, any cf these publications do rat apply. However, parties to agreaments bacad an this part of ISO 8528 ate oneauragad to investigate tho poseibiliy of applying the most recent editions of tie normative documents indicated below. For undated relerences, tne latest edition of the normative document referred to applies. Members ai [SO and IEC maintain registers of currently valid Intemational Standards, '80700—", Are welding equement — Welding power sources. |80.2048-11995, Reciprocating infemal combustion engines — Perlarmance — Pad 1: Standard reierence conditions, declarations of power, fuel and lubricating ail consumptions and test methods. 1$03744:1904: Acoustics — Determination of sound power levale of noise saurces using sound pressure — Engineeting method in an essentially free field aver a refecting plane. 180.9746:1995, Acoustics — Detonmination of sound gowsr levels of nolse scurces using sound pressure Survey method using an enveloping measurement surface over a reflecting plane. 180 8528-11995, Aeciorocatng intemal combustion engine driven atematng current generating sets Part 1: Application, ratings and pertormance, |S08528.211993, Reciprocating intemal combustion engine driven altemating current generating sets — Part2: Engines. 1S0.9614-1:1993, Acoustes — Datermination of sound power ievels of noise sources using sound intensity — Part t: Measurement at discreta points. 150.9614-2:1996, Acoustcs — Determination of sound power ievels of noise sources using sound intensity — Part 2: Measurement by scanning. 180 11203:1995, Accusties — Noise emilied by machinery and equjament — Determination of emission sound pressure levels ala work stavion and at other speciliad positions fron) the sound power level. IEC 60804: 1985, Integrating-averaging sound level meters. 3. Terms and definitions For the purposes of this part of ISO 8528 the folowing terms and definitions apaly — for acoustics. those in accordance with IS0.$744 and ISO 3746; for the reciprocating interral combustion engine the terms in accordance with ISO 2046-4 — for generating seis the torms in aceordance mith ISO 8528-1 and ISO 8528.2 1) Tabe published. (Revision o ISO 7001882} Iso ISO 8528-10:1998(E) 4 Symbols Ly Lyn Lavoe Lovtasact 3 So Aly Ata cosip Subscript denoting a particular measuring point Background noise correction Environmental correction Average octave or one third octave sound pressure level after correction far background noise and enviromental nfluenge in d2eibels Averaged A-weighted sound pressure level after correction for background noise and environmental infuerce in decibols ‘Asvelghted sound pressure level at measuring pot /n desibes Octave or one third octave sound pressure level at measuring point /in decibels Measuring surface dimension ‘Asveighted sound power level Octave sound power level (One third actave sound power level Number of measuring points Measuring surface Reforence masuring surtace Difference of sound pressure level in decals Difference of A.weighted sound power level Power factor 5 Other regulations and requirements 5.1 For generating sets used on board shirs and offshore installations which have to comply with the rules of a classification society. the additional requirements of the classification society shall be observed, The classification sseciety shall be sta:ed by the customer prior to placing the order. For nonclassed generaiing sets, such additicnal requirements are in each case subject to agreement between the manufacturer and customer 52 Hf special requirements from regulations of any other authorily, @ g. inspecting ardor logislative authorities, have tp beret, the authority shall be statad by the custemar prior to placing the order. ‘Any further additional requirements shall be subject ta agreement between the manuiacturer and customer ISO 8526-10:1898(E) 2180 6 Designation of the method The method of noise measurement according to this part of ISO 8528, grade 2, Is designated as follows, Noise measurement ISO 8528-10 grade 2. The method of noise measurement according to this part of ISO 8528, grade 3. is designated as follows. Noise measurement ISO 8528-10 grade 3. 7 Neasuring equipment The requirements far measuring equipment are those in accordance with ISO £744 and ISO 3746. 8 Measuring object The noise of a generating set is defined as the ital noise emvited by that generating set. This includes the surlace noise of the engine and the generator, the inlet noise, exhaust noise and the noise emilted from the coping systern ofthe engine anc the fan of the generator and also the noise which wil for example, be emited irom the jaining sections and the basefrare. \n case of Lolly or parialy encapsulated generating sets the surface noise Is he roise emited trom ihe enchosure. it ina special case, one ot the above mentioned ncise emissions is not in the measurement results then ths shal @ recorded Ft the measuring report 9 Operating conditions of the generating set 9.1 General The generating st shall be prepared in accordance wth the instructions given by the manufacturer. In practice the samie generating set is operated under various aperating conditions depending upon application and conditions on site. therefore other operating conditions as laid down in 9.2 or 9:3 may be used. For the torque a tolerance of 1 10 % is acceptable for the acoustic results When the measurements are taken, the ambient and zir inlel temperatures shall be not higher than 320. The generating sel speed, average electrical paver output, ambient tempersiure and ype of fuel and celane index used ‘during tha test ehall be recorded in the measuring report because of their influence on the naise omission. 9.2 Generating set (power generator) The generating set shall operate ata steady power cutpul al 75 % of lis rated power in kilowatts. The given output i.e. the useful cutgut calculeted on the basis af the given output in kilavaliamgeres under the application of the power tactar (cas @) shall ve reported. NOTE The operating condtions given here are identical to those defined in EEC Council Drsclive 64/S96/EEC {currently under revision’ 180 1S 8528-10:1998(E) 9.3 Generating set {welding generator) This shall be criven as specified in accordance with ISO 700 and produce its rated welding output against a resistance NOTE The operating conditions givan hara are identical to these defined ir EEC Council Ditactive B4'536EEC [ourenty under revisian} 9.4 Mounting of the generating set The generating set should be installed on a typical ncise-reflecting ground plane of concrete ar nonparaus asphalt. Tho distance from the sauwe to the nect wall of the tes! cell should be twice the distance botwoon cource and microphone. Trailer mounted units should be instelled according to the manufacturer's recommendation. 10 Measuring surface, measuring distances and measuring points See figures 1 10.4 10.1 Reference hemiophere and measuring aurface For measuring the sound power level h a hemisphere, the requirement of the EC-Direcives 84595/EEC and BAISQREEC shall be met 10.2 Reference paralleleleplped and measuring surface Arelerence grid shall be established an the surfaces of the smallest possible hypothetical parallelepiped around the ‘generating get. Elemense pratruding from tha engina and whiah are nat aignificant emitters af aound anargy may be disregarded For sefety reasons the reference grid may be enlarged to remave measuring points from the dangerous areas, for ‘example hol surfaces and roving parts. The measuring surface follows this rectanguar surface al a distance, “s", and firishes ala noise-reflecting surface on the mounting, 10.3 Measut g distance The measuring distance, “a, between the reference parallelepiped and the measuring surface is 1 m, In cases ‘where this is nat possible the meastring distance shail be at least 0.5 m. Greater measuring distances can only be used it environmental conditions in ascordance with ISO 3744 and ISO 3746 apnly. 10.4 Numbor and arrangomont of measuring points Basically the measuring points shculd be arranged equidistant along the measuring surface and completely enclose the ncise area, The number depencs upon the size af the generating set and the unifermity of the noise field, The arrengement and the number of the measuring points on the measuring suitace depends on the Measurements f, and fy ofthe reference gid and are shawn in figures 1 104. ‘The atrangement of measuring points for the accuracy grates 2 and 3 da not differ. The measuring points shown in figures 2, 8 and 4 are, compared with those in ISO 8744 and ISO 8746, simplified. Preliminary investigations have shown that for the appropriate generaiing sets the A-waighted sound power level determined as a result of tne measurement at only five measuring points (measuring points 1. 2, 3, 4 anc 9 in figure 1), is normally higher than with the arrangement at nine measuring ponts by aleve! difference AL yx 2iNurreraus tess have shawn that far ciferent types of engine, 37, has a value between 0,7 dB ard 1,848. ISO 8526-10:1898(E) 2180 For a given type of engine, preliminary irvestigations shall be made to shew that the range of ALwn does not exceed 0,5 48, otherwise the measuring points cannot be recuced to five points ony. In relation to figures 2, 9 and 4, far the engineering and aurvey mathad te numher af microphone pecitione specified fs lass than thal specified in ISO.3744 and ISO 2746. Preiminary investigations have shown that in all ceases for the types of engnes concerned, tne A-weighted surface saund pressure leves from these reduced arrays differ by less than 0,5.dB in comparison with the full arrays, Should ene of the measuring painis shawn in the figures nol be accessible due le lack of space ar olher reasons, the measuring point an the measuring place can be movad along its measuring surlace, provided that ihe distance from tha provioue maneuring position ko ae emall ae posalblo. Tho position of the altered moaguring point chaill bo shown inthe measurement report In the area o’ the inlet air and exheust gas operings, microphones shall be arranged so that they wil not encounter ait‘gas movements, AL present the simplified measuring method fs no: available for generating sets larger than thal shown in fue 1 due to lack of expertise. For all measuring points the following apply key 1. Engine side 2 Ganeratar side Figure 1 — Measuring point arrangement (nine measuring points) and measuring plane for generating sets with the reference rectangle measurements: fj «2m: 43: 2m: ly «2,5 Mm Iso Iso 8526-11 }998(E) key 1 Engine side 2 Generator side Figure 2— Measuring point arrangement (12 measuring points) and measuring plane for generating sets with the referenee rectangle measurements: 2 m=! fj: 4 mf = 2.5 m key 1 Engine side 2 Generator side Figure 3 — Measuring point arrangement (15 measuring points) and measuring plane for generating sets ‘with the reference rectangle mesaurementa: /, 4 rn fy 2,5 m ISO 8526-10:1898(E) 2180 key 1 Engine sive 2 Gonerato’ side Figure 4 — Measuring paint arrangement (18 measuring points) and measuring plane for generating sets with the reference rectangle measurements: J,» 4m gndior fg > 25m 11 Measuring environment 11.1 Criteria for the reflection characteristics of the measuring environment In oider to obtain a test result for grade 2 it is required tnat the calculated correction factor Kyq #2 dB. This environmental earraction factor ie lo be eale.tated in avaordanee with |SO 3744 and ISO 3746, In order to artive at grade 3 it ie necessary to have an environment with the environmental correction Ky *: 7 AB In many eases due to the realty of the acaustie properties of the maacuring area and the test bed consitions {thie occurs predominantly with larger generating sets) only grade 3 may bo obtainable. In special cases with the agreement of the customer ar the accepting company of authority, the grace may be Improved with the use ot special measuring methods (2.9. sound intensity mothod in accordance wih ISO 9614-1 and ISO 9614-2) Noise generated by air movement at the microphone itselt, is classified as background noise. For measuring out of doors @ microphone wind cover in accordance with the micraphone manufacturer's specification, shell be used. When measurements are dane outside the maximum speed of the wird shall not exceed 8 mis. 14.2 Criteria for background noise Background noise is taken to be that noise which is not emitted by the generating set under test, or that which is emitied by openings or component parts which are nol the object of measurement (see clause 8}. For the application of the measuring procedures to obiain grade 2 the background noise correction factor Kyq shall not exceed 1.3.03. For the grade 3 classification the background noise correction faclor £4, shall iol exceed 3 dB isee clauses 12 and 13), The background noise correction shall be determined accardng to 180 3744 or ISO 3746. 180 1S 8528-10:1998(E) 12 Measurement procedure 12.1 General Environmental condition may have a detrimental influence on the measuring microphone. The effect of such influences (for example strong electrical or magnetic fleids, air ar whd movement on the generating set being tested as well as high or low temperatures) shall be avoided thraugh the choice of microphone and/or the esiablshrrent of the appropriate microphone position. The microphone is drectad al right angles to the measuring plane, but in the comers the microphone is directed fo the espactive corner of the reference grid (see figure 5). key 1 Raforenea arid Figure 5 — Direction of microphone on the corner In an effort to reduce the influence on measured results due to people involved in the measuring process, the Microphone should preterably be mounted siatically. The megsuring personnel should remain at least 1.5 m trom the microphone, 12.2 Precautions when measuring with a sound level meter slow” tine weighting characteristic of the sound lavel meter should be selected for the measurements. If the variation cf the A-weighted sound pressure level is less than 1 1 dB the noise shall be considered steady. The average between maximum ard minimum level during the observation period shall be used as the result cf ‘measurement. If the variation during the observation pariod is greater than +1 dB the saurd shall be considered non-steady. Ifthe sound is non-steady the result shal be “ejected and the measurements shall be catried ou! with ‘an integrating caund leval rater. 12,3 Precautions when measuring with integrating sound level meter(s) It an integrating sound level meter system according to IEC 60804 is used it is necessary that the integration time ‘equal that of the measuring ime. ISO 8526-10:1898(E) 8180 12.4 Measurement during the operation of the generating set The measuring plane shell be determined and the cortect microphone position chosen. With the generating set operating in accordance with the operating conditions gvon in clause 9 the A-woighted total sound pressure Iovel and. if specified ky agreementhetween manufacturer and custorar. the actava or one-third actave sound pressure level, with the required frequency range can be measured at each microphone postion. Simultanecus measurements at all microphone positions are not necessary. The measuring tine al all measuring polnts shall'2e atleast 10 s. Tho minimum froquency range shall include tho octave bards or 1/3 oc:ave bards with conto froquencics from 83 He to 8 000 Hz. It necessary additonal msasuremants shall be taken at lower frequencies to ensure that significant low trequeroy components are included, 12.5 Background noise measurement The measurement shall show information about the backgrourd noise level that is of importance to the noise measurement of the generating set. The A-weighted sourd pressure lavel. and. if specified by agreement between manufacturer and customer. the octave or one-thid octave sound pressure level wihin the required frequency range shall be measured at each ‘microphone position. The measuring time shall be atleast 10 atall measuring points. 13 Determination of the A-weighted sound power level 12.1. Background noise correction Ki, Tha A-waighiad sound pressure level and. s0 far as is possible, octave or one-third octave sound pressure lovel measured at the respective rricrophone pesitins during oparation cf the generating set are frst of all corected relative ta the influence of background noise in zocordance with ISO 3744 and ISO3746, 14 Ky=100[1 ota, ob a} Table 1 gives correction factors for Xj, lo enable the user fo tare into consideration the background noise dependent upon the difference AL in decibels batween the sound pressure level of the machine in the use and the average sound pressure level af the background noise alone. ‘Table 1— Correction factors for x,y at Ku Grade aa 30 22 3 47, 12 10 oz 2 on 05 210 oo Tobe cubtacted from the aound pressure level measured with the generating set operating. Zoavalasal@ 10 180 1S 8528-10:1998(E) 13.2 Calculation of the measuring surface sound pressure levels The measured sound pressure levels Z,, shall be averaged on the measurement surface and be corrected considering background noise and environment by using the following equations tafe Ay 10% oq dB 2) UE 2 gO! vie Mio | ay 0 a | wok is the Aweighted sound pressure level at measuring pont i: is the octave or ane-hirdactave sound pressure level al measuring goin! i; is the averaged A-weighled sound pressure level, in decibels, aller correction for background noise and ‘onvironmental influence: ig ne averaged octave of one-third octave sound pressure level, in decibels, alter correction for background noise and environmental influence: is the total number of measuring positions: The reference sound pressure level is 20 Pe. ‘The correction factors Kan or Ky for the measuring area shall be determined using ISO 3744 and 130 9746. NOTE 1 Iftha range of #,; aa wisin at loast § 4B amore simple erthmatic avarage may be used. This valu wil nat ctfor more tha’ 0.7 dB from the value calculaied using equations (2) sno (3 NOTC2 For microphone arrays consisting of Ivo positions secarding ta 1D.4 “he su~aca pressure lave is caleulatad as flows Tas (4) where w =5. 13.3 Measuring surface area §, measuring surface dimensions 1, and sound power level Fp ‘The shape of the measuring surface, according tos the surtace at a parallelepiped The area of the measurng surfate, in square metres. s given by & SH 2x Bac + 2x Ble + Bax 2b for a solid floor and " ISO 8526-10:1898(E) 2180 Dx Bale +e) + 2x 2hie + | + BX Bux Bh for an absorbent floor. In both examples: 22 Is the rectangular parallelepiped length (reterence rectangular parallelepiped length (/,)-+ 2 x measurement distance} 2) is the rectangular parallelepiped width (reference rectangular height parallelepiped widih (3) x measuring distance) 2c is the rectangular parallelepiped height (reference rectangular parallelepiped height (reference rectangular parallelepiped height (/) from foor + measuring distance}. The meesuring surtace area only neecs to be detemmined approximately. A deviation ot 5% in measuring surtace area gives an error of 0,2 dB. ‘The measuring surlace dimensions Zs and the A-weighled sound power level Lj;4 oF the one-third or oclave sound power level fay ost Of Lnacrae czleulated according to ISO 3744 and ISO 2746. aso ty hy 01a 6 5) where Ly is the A-weighted o1 band power level of the source in decibels; 1, tothe surface sound praseuro level: Sis the area of the measurement surface, in square metres; Spt me, 14 Determination of the emission sound pressure level In this part of [S60 8528 the omission scund prassure lovel J,,(¢ determined according to ISO 11203. No adcitional measurements are necessary for the determination; £, is calculated directly from the scund power level Zy determined azcording to clause 13: 1, -t9-1010] § where Sis the area of the measurement surface enveloping the machine (the reference boxiparallelepiped) at 1m distance. Sat This means 5, is tho 1 m distance suriac sound proseurs levol. 12 Iso 15 Accuracy of the procedure and uncertainty of the measurement results ISO 8528-10:1998(E) Raference shal be mace to ISQ 3744, and ISO 3746. Untl now there have been net enough measurements made {ov a statement ta be issued regarding a standard deviation of reproducioility paricular to generating sets, 16 Measurement report (measurement record) 16.1 General ‘The report of measurements carried out in accordance with this part of ISO 8528 shall contain a statement of the procedure according lo clause 6 and the dala given in 16.2 to 16.5, 16.2 Data of the generating set being tested — Wanu‘actuer — Type — Serial number — Dimensions Datails of enclosure, if applicable — Rated output (kw) — Generating sel speed — Nounting arrangement — Nanutacturer of the internal combustion engine Type of the internal combustion engine — Engine serial rumber — Type and arrangement of the inlet system — Type and arrangement of the exhaust system Type of generator cooling — Type and arrangement of engine cooling Type of fuel — Manutacturer of the generator ‘Type of the generator Incluaing detals ot ihe generating set arrangement — Generator serial number 3 ISO 8528-10:1998(E) 16.3 Details of measurement conditions (See clauses 9, 19 and 11) — Average electrical outout in kllowatis — Generating set speed Ambient temperature Humility Measurement and relevant acoustic conditions of the graund, ceiling and walls — Arrangement of generating setin the measuring area — Details of the weather when measuring outside. incluging wind spoed 16.4 Measuring equipment used = Manutacturerts) = Types) — Serial numberis) — Calibration procedure used Place and date of calfaration 16.5 Measuring values and measuring results (See clause 13} Sound prossure lovel/yq;At al measuring points Background nose level corection fine Kg — Environmental correction factor Ky — Averaged A-weighted sound pressure lvel To = Measuring surface area Sand meesuring surface clmension fs — Acweighted sound power bvel Lug — Place, date, time as well as these responsible ‘or carrying our the measurements. 14 2180 180 1S 8528-10:1998(E) 17 Summary report ‘The measuring report must contain at least the folowing information. a) referonce ‘o this part of ISO 8523; .¢, ISO 8528-10; b) characteristics o! the procedure according to clause 5; 6) place and date and the names of those responsible for carrying outthe measurements 4). detail of the generating set being tested {including contigeration} @) manufacturer; Nh ypes 4) details of enclesure, if applicable: h) type of combustion air inlet system; i) type of exhaust gas system: j) electrical cutput curing the measurement (according te clause 9}; 1 gonorating set spood during measuring: }) measurerrent resuts; rm) sound power level Lyn 15 ISO 8526-10:1898(E) 2180 Annex A (informative) Relation to existing EEC-directives The measuremert method detined In this fart of ISO 8§28. for establishing the sound power level of a gonerathg sot, is based on tho requirments as specifigd in the standards |SO 3744 and ISO 3746. The maasuremant method described in the FEC directives 84i535/FEC and 84,536:FEC specify measurement of the sound pressure level in a hemisphere with a much greater measuring distance, Provious resuits have shown that measurements of sound power level over a parallelepiped measuring area, with 2 measuring distance of d= im, have achieved the accuracy required for the measurtg results at low cost. The necessary boundary conditions for his method, ie. sufficiently large measuring area, low external noise lavel, rrake it extremely difficult for the tests to be carted out according ta the regulations. Extensive experiments have shown that with both methods, comparable measurement results can be obialned, For the calculation of the noise level emission for generating sets which are used on building sites or in he building industry within the European Community, the principles af the EEC drectves B4‘S95/EEC {ar welding generators} and 84/638'EEG for power gererators| should be abserved, 16 Iso Iso 8526-11 m1 a [3] 4) }998(E) Bibliography 180 2946.9:1689, Reciprocating internal combustion engines — Parfounance — Part 3: Test measurements. 180 9046-4:1897, Reciprocating fatcinal combustion ongines — Perlormance — Part 4: Spced governing. 84!535/EEC, Council Directive of 17 Soptembcr 1984 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States rolating to the permissible sound power lavels of walding ganatators. 84'536/EEC, Council Directive of 17 Seplember 1984 on he approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to the permissible sound power levels of power generators 7 ISO 8528-10:1998(E) Iso les 17.140.20: 29.160.40 Deseristors: uenerairy sols. mebr gevelabr sels. woe (sound). snaire woSs, sitbone sound, lesls, auousic las, acoustic meanire ants Price baped on 17 pages

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