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Photo Shop Practical Notes

Fire Text:
Open the New File with Desired Size
1. Black Background
2. Write Text in White Color
3. Merge Down the Text Layer with Background (Ctrl+E)
4. Goto Filter – Stylize-Wind (Apply as desired)
5. Rotate the Picture 90CCW
6. Goto Filter – Stylize-Wind (Apply as desired or two Times Ctrl+F)
7. Filter-Blur-Guasian (2.0)
8. Filter-Distort-Ripple (Medium)
9. Goto Image-Mode-Gray
10. Goto Image-Mode- Index Color
11. Goto Image-Mode-Color Table (Chose Black Body)

Water Drops
1. Open the Image
2. Click on New Layer name it Drop
3. Add Oval Marquee (Press Shift)
4. Goto Gradiant and select the 3rd (Black & White)
5. Fill the Color by Pressing Shift Key
6. Press Ctrl+D (D-select the Selection)
7. Change the Layer Mode to Over lay from Normal
8. Goto Blending Option & Select Inner Shadow and Select Leaner Burn (40%)
9. Uncheck the Global Light and Set the angle -30
10. Set the Distance to 2 and Size=5
11. Click the Drop Shadow (Leaner Burn) and Adjust 30% and Distance =10 and Size =14
press enter and angle 127 (un check global light)
12. Add Layer with the name High Light
13. Active on the Link and Press X to change the Foreground Black color into background
14. Goto on Brush and Pixel size according to drop (8px) with hardness of 90% and click on
the circile once
15. Select both Layers and Press Ctrl+G (Group the both layers of drop (drop & Highlight)
16. Make the Copy of the group by pressing Ctrl+J
17. Make the Copies
18. Open the Group and Select the Drop Layer and Goto Filter-Liquify

Movie Strip Pictures.

1. New File with 800x600 (Resoulation 216)
2. Ctril+I (Reverse) Black background
3. Press Ctrl+J to Duplicate
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4. Press Ctrl+I
5. Ctrl+T
6. Change the Size
7. Select All and Copy
8. Past on another file
9. Make the Four Copies of the Box
10. Click on Erase and Select the Brush (Add Square Brushed )
11. Goto to Brush Pannel (Click brush shape tip) set the spacing to 300%
12. Add Pictures in the Box one by one and group all pictures
13. Merge the Picture and Shape layer, except background
14. Edit – Transform – Select Wrap
15. On the Top Change the Custom style into Flag
16. Goto edit-transform-perspective
17. Add new Layer
18. Add brush 300Px
19. Drag the brush
20. Goto Edit – transform-perspective
21. Adjust the line to the bottom of the film as shadow

Paint Flag on Face

1. Open the Picture
2. create duplicate of the pictures
3. create Group layer and put the duplicate in group and name it layer
4. Rename the Group with Mask
6. Image-Adjustment, Black & White
7. image-levels (Ctrl+L) Adjust the levels
8. Select the Group Layer and click on the Mask
9. Press Ctrl+I to change the color into Black.
10. Select the Brush and Color of Brush should bi White
11. Open the Flage
12. Select all and past it on the Layer where B&W picture created.
13. Change the Layer from normal to multiply
14. Adjust the Flage as desired.
15. Use smug tool to smug the lines if needed to clearn the edges.
16. add new layer outside the group layer
17. and shine with brush in large
18. add guasian blur on the new layer

1. Open a Picture
2. Create New Layer with Black Background

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3. Filter-Artist-Smudge Stick (Setting 2, 0, 10) or set as per requirement
4. Image-Adjustment-Brightness & Contras
5. Adjust the Setting +1, +87 or on your will
6. Set the black background Layer mode into Lighten
7. Image-Adjustment-Brightness & Contrast once more to adjust the snow
Penciled Sketch
1. Open a Picture
2. Press Ctrl+J to Create Duplicate
3. Hue and Saturation -100
4. Covert the Layer mode to Color Doge (Duplicate Layer which were created)
5. Press Ctrl+I On duplicate layer to converted in inverse
6. Goto Filter-Blur-Gaussian Blue and Adjust according to Need (10+)
7. Create Layer with Level and adjust the same
8. On Level Layer Press Ctrl+Shift+Alt+E
9. Select Brush and Bright the picture where dark by lowering the opacity
10.Or Higher to Erase the extra area.
Galaxy Logo Design
1. Open a Picture
2. Select the Area you want to make it Galaxy
3. Press Ctrl+J (Make the duplicate of selected area)
4. Image-Adjustment-Threshold (Adjust as desired)
5. Select-Color Range (Selected, Fuzziness=0) Click on the Area you need
6. Open a Blank Document (1024x768) or as desired
7. Click on Fill New Style (Gradient and adjust Radial as desired)
8. Go Back to Picture and Drag & Drop the select picture to new file
9. Press Ctrl+T to Adjust the Picture
10.Select the Galaxy Picture and Paste it on the File
11.Press Alt Key and Click on the Galaxy Layer to make it Clipping Mask Layer
12.Adjust as desired
13.Goto to Picture Layer and R/C select blending option and adjust if needed
Face Whitening / Cleaning
1. Open the Picture
2. Create duplicate of the Picutre (Ctrl+J)
3. Add a new layer on the top of the picture
4. Select the Area you want to white it
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5. Change the Layer mode in to Soft light
6. Erase the extra area if needed.

Dispersion Effects
1. Select the Picture and Create a Duplicate of the Same (Ctrl+J)
2. Select the picture as desired by our and press Alt+F5 (Fill) and then OK
3. Active on duplicate layer and select the picture with quick selection
4. Press Ctrl+J to create the copy of selected area
5. Hide the duplicate layer which are created before this
6. Active on newly create layer (SR 4)
7. Create another copy of the same layer
8. Active on Layer of Sr.4
9. Filter-Liquify
10. Select the Smuge brush and drag the area you want to make dispersion
effect and OK
11. Select the Mask
12. Goto on top layer and click mask
13. Active on Lower Layer and Press Ctrl+I (White Foreground/ Black
14. Active on Top Layer (Mask) and select the brush
15. Foreground should be in black Color
16. Use the brush tool to create dispersion effect
17. Active on Below Layer (Mask)
18. Change the Color (Press x)
19. Use the Brush to Create the effect
Photo with Text
1. Select a Picture
2. Goto Select-Color Range (Shadows)
3. Press Ctrl+C and then Ctrl+J
4. Active on Picture
5. Goto Select-Color Range (Midtones)
6. Press Ctrl+C and then Ctrl+J
7. Active on Midtone Portrait (Midtones)
8. Goto Edit-Fill (50% Gray)
9. Active on shadow Portrait (Shadows)
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10. Goto Edit-Fill (Black)
11. Merge down the Both Layers
12. Open a New Blank File
13. Select Text Tool and draw box in whole page
14. Paste the Text and Adjust it
15. Goto Edit-Define Preset Brush and name it
16. Close the Text File and don’t Save it
17. Create Two New Layers
18. Select Layer One (Press Ctrl Backspace to Fill it with White Color)
19. Hide the Filled Layers and Active on Layer 2
20. Select the brush which is create from brush
21. Place the text as you desired and unselect the layer (current in black color)
22. Active on portrait layer (B&W) which is created using Color Range
23. Press Ctrl+A and Ctrl+C
24. Active on Text Layer and Click Mask
25. Press Alt Key and Click the Mask to Active and Paste Ctrl+V
26. Press Ctrl+D to Clear Selection and Press Ctrl+I to invert selection
27. Active on Text layer and Select Layer Style Gradient

Brush Stroke Photo

1. Open a Blank File (1000x700)
2. Use Brush to Create Shape (Different Brushes)
3. Add a Picture You want to create Brush stroke
4. Convert into Black and White and place the picture below to the Shape created
5. Add a New Layer and Fill it with White Color
6. Active on Brush Stroke / Shape Layer
7. Goto Select-Color Range Press OK
8. Active on New Layer which was created and filled with white color Ctrl+Shift+I and Press Mask
9. Active on Picture Layer and Goto Layer-Convert into Smart Object and Press Ctrl+T to Adjust the
picture as desired
10. On the Picture Layer Press Ctrl+0 (Zero)
11. Active on Picture Layer and Goto Filter-
12. Add a New Layer with Black/White (B/Foreground) (Select Style – Gradient)
13. Change the Layer mode into Screen
14. Goto Style Add Level (Adjust the levels)
15. Add new Layer and Color the Brush strokes and change layer mode into Screen

Picture in Cloud (Camouflage)

1. Open a Background picture of Clouds

2. Create a Duplicate Layer and name it no clouds
3. Goto Filter-Blur-Gaussian Blur (50)
4. Goto Layer-Mask-Hide All
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5. Goto Face Photo and Drag the Face Picture on Cloud File
6. Adjust the Picture as needed and name it (Face Photo)
7. And Change the Layer blending mode to Screen
8. Add a mask Layer
9. Erase the extra sides of the Picture if available
10. Active on the Face Mask
11. And clear the extra from face

Camouflage the Picture

1. Open the Background File
2. Open your subject Picture you want to camouflage (Select the Image with Quick Selection)
3. Check your Selection Press Q and for Back Press again Q (Quick Mask)
4. Press Ctrl+J to Copy of your Selection on new Layer
5. Ctrl+Shift+U to Make Black & White the Picture (Subject)
6. Drag the Image on Background File of Copy Paste the Same
7. On the Top of Layer Pannel, Click the Icon and Select Duplicate Layer (Document=new, Name it
displacement Click OK)
8. Goto Filter-Blur-Gaussian Blur (2.0 to 3.0) and Ok
9. Goto File and Save as with the name displacement.psd
10. Close the Displacement File and back to original File
11. Click the eye Ball on the subject layer and hide it
12. Active on the Background Layer and Make a copy of the same (Ctrl+J)
13. Goto Filter-Distort-Displacement (30 & 30, Stretch, Wrap around) and select the displacement
file saved earlier.
14. Active on Subject Layer and Change the Blend Mode to Soft Light and Fill to 50%
15. Double Click on the subject layer and Select inner Glow (Blend Mode =Color Doge, Opacity 20%)
and Chowk and Size full (100%)
16. Make a Copy of your Subject (Press Ctrl+J)
17. Double Click on Inner Glow to Open and Change the Blend Mode to Soft Light and Opacity=100%
18. Chowk=0 and Size=20-30
19. Make a Copy of Active Layer and Hide the Effects and Change the Blend Mode to Hard Light and
Fill 30 to 35%
20. Active on your Background Copy Layer and Click the Layer Mask
21. Select the Brush Tool and Erase the Extra Areas of the Background.
22. If you want to Place another background the drag another background into subject

Picture in Cloud (Camouflage)

12. Open a Background picture of Clouds
13. Create a Duplicate Layer and name it no clouds
14. Goto Filter-Blur-Gaussian Blur (50)
15. Goto Layer-Mask-Hide All
16. Goto Face Photo and Drag the Face Picture on Cloud File
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17. Adjust the Picture as needed and name it (Face Photo)
18. And Change the Layer blending mode to Screen
19. Goto Image-Adjustment-Invert and then Add a mask Layer
20. Erase the extra sides of the Picture if available
21. Active on the Face Mask
22. And clear the extra from face

Camouflage the Picture

23. Open the Background File

24. Open your subject Picture you want to camouflage (Select the Image with Quick Selectin)
25. Check your Selection Press Q and for Back Press again Q (Quick Mask)
26. Press Ctrl+J to Copy of your Selection on new Layer
27. Ctrl+Shift+U to Make Black & White the Picture (Subject)
28. Drag the Image on Background File of Copy Paste the Same
29. On the Top of Layer Pannel, Click the Icon and Select Duplicate Layer (Document=new, Name it
displacement Click OK)
30. Goto Filter-Blur-Gaussian Blur (2.0 to 3.0) and Ok
31. Goto File and Save as with the name displacement.psd
32. Close the Displacement File and back to original File
33. Click the eye Ball on the subject layer and hide it
34. Active on the Background Layer and Make a copy of the same (Ctrl+J)
35. Goto Filter-Distort-Displacement (30 & 30, Stretch, Wrap around) and select the displacement file saved
36. Active on Subject Layer and Change the Blend Mode to Soft Light and Fill to 50%
37. Double Click on the subject layer and Select inner Glow (Blend Mode =Color Doge, Opacity 20%) and
Chowk and Size full (100%)
38. Make a Copy of your Subject (Press Ctrl+J)
39. Double Click on Inner Glow to Open and Change the Blend Mode to Soft Light and Opacity=100%
40. Chowk=0 and Size=20-30
41. Make a Copy of Active Layer and Hide the Effects and Change the Blend Mode to Hard Light and Fill 30 to
42. Active on your Background Copy Layer and Click the Layer Mask
43. Select the Brush Tool and Erase the Extra Areas of the Background.
44. If you want to Place another background the drag another background into subject

Photo with Text Effect

1. Select a Picture
2. Goto Select-Color Range (Shadows)
3. Press Ctrl+C and then Ctrl+J
4. Active on Picture
5. Goto Select-Color Range (Midtones)
6. Press Ctrl+C and then Ctrl+J
7. Active on Midtone Portrait (Midtones)
8. Goto Edit-Fill (50% Gray)

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9. Active on shadow Portrait (Shadows)
10. Goto Edit-Fill (Black)
11. Merge down the Both Layers
12. Open a New Blank File
13. Select Text Tool and draw box in whole page
14. Paste the Text and Adjust it
15. Goto Edit-Define Preset Brush and name it
16. Close the Text File and don’t Save it
17. Create Two New Layers
18. Select Layer One (Press Ctrl Backspace to Fill it with White Color)
19. Hide the Filled Layers and Active on Layer 2
20. Select the brush which is create from brush
21. Place the text as you desired and unselect the layer (current in black color)
22. Active on portrait layer (B&W) which is created using Color Range
23. Press Ctrl+A and Ctrl+C
24. Active on Text Layer and Click Mask
25. Press Alt Key and Click the Mask to Active and Paste Ctrl+V
26. Press Ctrl+D to Clear Selection and Press Ctrl+I to invert selection
27. Active on Text layer and Select Layer Style Gradient

Transparent Effect on Wall

1. Open File with 1200x720 px (300Dpi)
2. Cut the Path (Brick path for cycle) You want to Set
3. Open the Water File and Cut the Desired Area (as Required)
4. Open Cycle File (Transparent Background) and Adjust it
5. Select Marquee Tool and Select the Desired Area for Transparent Fill
6. Click on Fill or Adjustment Layer and Select Solid Color chose the color picker for same color like
water or sea
7. Drag the Layer at the Top of Cycle Layer
8. Adjust the Layer Fill level upto 70 or 75%
9. Select the Water Layer and Click Mask
10. Select Brush and use on the edges of the water and transparent water layer
11. Create a new layer bottom of the Cycle Layer
12. Select brush with Black Color and Opacity 15-20%
13. Make shadow near the Cycle Tyres
14. Select Cycle Layer and Click On Mask, Select brush and use it at Water and Cycle Area
15. Select Bottles and Adjust them as desired

Lighting Streak / Effect in Photoshop

1. Open a New File with 1200 & 1000
2. Fill the Background with Balck Color
3. Select New Fill Style and Change the Color with Blue and Gradient Style (Radial)
4. Select the Text and Add Text with White Color and then Change the layer Mode to Pin Light

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5. Select the Picture and Adjust it
6. Ctrl+B to Balance the Color and Ctrl+L to Adjust the Level if needed
7. Select the Brush and Size it to 20 (Blur brush)
8. Add a New Layer
9. Select Pen tool and Create Lighting Line around the Picture
10. Right Click on Line and Select Stroke Path
11. Add a New Layer
12. Select brush and then click on Blur Brush and Change the Properties as desired
13. (Shape Dynamic, Scattering) and space in brush as desired)
14. Select Pen Tool and Right Click on the Line and Select Brush Stroke
15. Right Click on the Line and Delete the Path
16. Add outer glow to the Brush stroke etc

Transparent Clothes Effect

1. Open a Picture / Road file
2. Open the Subject File
3. Select the White Area of Subject File and Press Mask Layer
4. Active on Mask Layer Press Ctrl+I to Inverse Selection
5. Active on Subject Layer and Select the Shirt and again Active on Mask Layer and Fill background with
Black Color (Alt+Backspace)
6. Active on Subject Layer again and press Ctrl+J to Create Duplicate of Shirt
7. Active on Duplicate layer and Press Ctrl+Shift+U to Saturate the Picture (B&W)
8. Select fill style (levels) if needed

Double Exposer Effect.

1. Open the Picture you want to Exposer (Must be Transparent)
2. Create a New Layer fill it with White Color
3. Hold Control Key and Click on the Picture and then Click on Mask
4. Select the Tree with Transparent Background
5. Put the Tree below the Masked Layer
6. Adjust the Tree as need on the Subject Picture
7. Active on the Subject picture and change the mode into Lighten
8. Active on Tree Layer and Click Mask
9. Change the Background into White & black Background (Click X)
10. Hold the Control Key and Click on the Subject Layer
11. Goto Select and Inverse (Ctrl+Shift+I)
12. Active on Tree Mask and Select the Brush to Erase extra area of the Tree
13. Press Ctrl+d to Clear Selection
14. Active on the Mask Layer and Create Duplicate
15. Deleted the Mask from the Duplicate Layer and change the mode into normal Active on the Same
16. Click on Mask and Press Ctrl+I
17. Select the brush and clear the tree from face…
18. Goto Layer and Click Merge Visible (Ctrl+Shift+E Merge Visible)
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1. Open New File with 1200x800
2. Cut the Path from the Image as Needed and Past it in the new file
3. Adjust the Path as needed
4. Cust the Water from the Water file as need and paste it in New File
5. Cut the Cycle Man and adjust it in new file as needed
6. Add New Layer under the Water Layer
7. Use Marquee tool to select the area between path and water
8. Fill the solid color in the selected area with light blue color or water color
9. Drag the fill color layer on top
10. Adjust the opacity of the layer as needed
11. Active on the Layer filled with blue color
12. Select brush and change foreground color in black and adjust the areas u want as per water color
13. Active on Water Layer and Click on Mask
14. Change the foreground color with black and white
15. Adjust the water areas as needed.
16. Cut the Clouds and adjust it and put the layer at top of the background layer
17. Active on Cycle Layer and click Mask
18. And adjust the mask as needed
19. Add New on top of Water Color Layer and Select Brush with Black Color and Put Shadow on Tyres on
lower side to create shadow
20. Active on Cloud layer and Click on the Mask
21. Continue brush on the water fill area
22. Cut the picture of grass to adjust on the filled area
23. Cut the bottles and paste it
24. Drag the bottle layer on top and adjust it and then click mask
25. And use brush where needed.

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