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English Language Proficiency Assessment:

Grammar and Vocabulary

Name:____________________________________ Grade Level/s Taught: _______________

Years of Teaching Experience:_________________ Date:_____________________________

Vocabulary Level
Complete each sentence by filling in the blank with the most appropriate word.

1. Soldiers usually swear an oa_____ of loyalty to their country.
2. The voter placed the ball_____ in the box.
3. They keep their valuables in a vau_____ at the bank.
4. The kitten in playing with a ball of ya_____.
5. We could hear the sergeant bel_____ commands to the troops.
6. The boss got angry with secretary and it took a lot of tact to soo_____ him.
7. People manage to buy houses by raising a mor_____ from a bank.
8. At the bottom of the blackboard there is a le_____ for chalk.
9. After falling off his bicycle, the boy was covered with bru_____.
10. The child was holding a doll in her arms and hu _____ it.
11. Many gardens are full of fra_____ flowers.
12. Many people feel depressed and gl_____ about the future of mankind.
13. After finishing his degree, he entered a new ph_____ in his career.
14. He received many com_____ on his dancing skill.
15. Some people find it difficult to become independent. They prefer to be tied to their mothers’ ap_____ strings.
16. The workmen cleaned up the me_____ before they left.
17. He is so depressed that he is cont_____ suicide.
18. On Sunday in his last se_____ in church, the priest spoke against child abuse.
19. His favorite musical instrument was a tru_____.
20. The building is heated by a modern heating appa_____.
21. We’ll have to be inventive and de_____ a scheme for earning more money.
22. The picture looks nice; the colors bl_____ really well.


1. There has been a recent tr_____ among prosperous families toward a smaller number of children.
2. The ar_____ of hi office is 25 square meters.
3. Phil_____ examines the meaning of life.
4. According to the communist doc_____, workers should rule the world.
5. Spending many years together deepened their inti_____.
6. He usually read the sports sec____ of the newspaper first.
7. Because of the doctors’ strike, the cli_____ is closed today.
8. There are several misprints on each page of this te_____.
9. The suspect had both opportunity and mo_____ to commit the murder.
10. They insp_____ all products before sending them out to stores.
11. A considerable amount of evidence was accum_____ during the investigation.
12. The victim’s shirt was sat_____ with blood.
13. He is irresponsible. You cannot re_____ on him for help.
14. It’s impossible to eva_____ these results without knowing about the research methods that were used.
15. He finally att_____ a position of power in the company.
16. The story tells about a crime and subs_____ punishment.
17. In a hom_____ class all students are of a similar proficiency.
18. The urge to survive is inh_____ in all creatures.
19. I’ve had my eyes tested and the optician says my vi_____ is good.
20. The anom_____ of his position is that he is the chairman of the committee, but isn’t allowed to vote.
21. In their geography class, the children are doing a special pro_____ on North America.
22. In a free country, people are not discriminated against on the basis of color, age, or s_____.

1. The baby is wet. Her dia_____ needs changing.
2. Second year university students in the U.S. are called soph______.
3. The deac_____ helped with the care of the poor of the parish.
4. The hurricane whi_____ along the coast.
5. Some coal was till smol_____ among the ashes.
6. She was sitting on a balcony and bas_____ in the sun.
7. Computers have made typewriters old-fashioned and obs______.
8. Watch out for his wil______ tricks.
9. Anyone found loo______ bombed houses and shops will be severely punished.
10. The new vic_____ was appointed by the bishop.
11. The wounded man squi_____ on the floor in agony.
12. The dog cri_____ when it saw the snake.
13. The problem is beginning to assume mam______ proportions.
14. The rescue attempt could not proceed quickly. It was imp_____ by bad weather.
15. Much to his chag_____, he was not offered the job.
16. She wanted to marry nobility, a duke, a baron, or at least a vis_____.
17. The floor in the ballroom was a mos_____ of pastel colors.
18. She has contributed a lot of money to various charities. She is known for her generosity and bene______.
19. This is an unusual singer with a range of three oct_____.
20. He imme_____ himself in a hot bubbly bath forgetting all his troubles for a moment.
21. His vind_____ behavior toward the thief was understandable.
22. He was arrested for illi_____ trading in drugs.

Structure of English
Encircle the letter of the best answer for each item.

1. The test was hard for Paul and _____.

A. myself B. me C. I D. himself

2. If I ______ President, I would live in Malacañang.

A. were B. should be C. am D. was

3. Be sure to fill _____ the forms correctly. Which is the correct preposition?
A. over B. on C. in D. with

4. Successful salespersons ______ and understand the needs of the market.

A. thoroughly know their product
B. their products are known thoroughly
C. products are thoroughly known
D. know their products thoroughly

5. Between Martha and ____ sits their father.

A. he B. him C. his D. he’s

6. The flower smells ______.

A. sweet C. sweeter B. sweetly D. more sweet

7. After ______ all day, she finally saw the lake.

A. walked C. walking
B. had walked D. have walked

8. During an investigation, we follow several steps. Arrange the following in the most logical manner.
1. Formulate hypothesis
2. Perform an experiment
3. State the problem
4. Draw a generalization.

A. 4,1,2,3 C. 3,1,2,4
B. 1,2,3,4 D. 2,3,1,4

9. Which is the BEST WAY to write the underlined portion of this sentence? However, their VCR kept them
from missing their favorite prime time shows.
A. Keepes B. Had kept C. Keeps D. Keeped
10. Which is the BEST WAY to write the underlined portion of this sentence? A person should keep in mind
some basic safety rules when you are deciding whether or not to use a fire extinguisher.
A. Rules you decide C. Rules you are deciding
B. Rules when you decided D. Rules when deciding

11. What correction should be made to this sentence? Most State tourism departments and some travel
agencies have bed and breakfast listings.
A. Insert a comma after agencies C. Change tourism to Tourism
B. Change have to has D. Change State to state

12.What correction should be made to this sentence? Recently, educators exammined the effectiveness of
computer instruction schools.

A. Replace educators with educator’s

B. Change the spelling of exammined to examined
C. Change schools to Schools
D. Replace computer with computer’s

13.Which is the BEST way to write the underlined portion of this sentence? However, if a fire extinguisher is
handy, a quick-thinking person often can use them to put out a small fire.
A. They B. Them C. Him D. It

14.What correction should be made to this sentence? First-borns often pattern their behavior after they’re
parents and other adults.
A. Replace their to they’re C. Replace they’re to their
B. Change pattern to patterned D. No correction is necessary

15. What correction should be made to this sentence?

Most fire-related death’s result from household fires, yet many people do not have fire extinguishers in their
A. Remove the comma after fires C. Change have to has
B. Change result to results D. Replace death’s with deaths

16. Which is the BEST way to write the underlined portion of this sentence?
The hosts also benefit from running such a business because they can stay at home, make money, and
meeting a variety of people.
A. Get to meet C. meet
B. To meet D. be meeting

17. Which is the BEST way to write the underlined portion of this sentence?
The studies revealing that, for various reasons, girls spent less time working with computers than boys.
A. Revealing studies C. Studies’ revelations
B. Studies revealed D. Studies will reveal

18. Which is the BEST way to write the underlined portion of this sentence?
Recently psychologists have been researching birth order, their research suggests that personality and
intelligence are based partly on where a child ranks in the family.
A. Order. Their C.Their are
B. Order and there D. There are

19. Arrange these phrases to make a good sentence.

1. into dark street
2. who escorted her home
3. although a stranger
4. she followed the man
The best arrangement is:
A. 3,4,2,1 C. 3,2,1,4
B. 1,4,2,3 D. 1,2,3,4
20. Which sentence uses a preposition improperly?
A. She came on to attend the hearing.
B. The accident happened on his birthday.
C. The witness was barely on time for the affair.
D. Tell her to be on time.

21.Which is the BEST way to write the underlined portion of this sentence?
Researchers also speculate that some teachers might have given boys computer time because parents and
teachers expected boys to need computers for future careers.
A. Will expect C. Will have expected
B. Expected D. Expecting

22.What correction should be made to this sentence?

Buying a fire extinguisher knowing how to use it, and placing it in a location familiar to all family members can
help protect families against fire.
A. Insert a comma after extinguisher
B. Change the spelling of families to familys
C. Change placing to place
D. Insert a comma after help

23. Which is the BEST way to write the underlined portion of this sentence?
Many viewers taped shows to watch later.
A. Tapped B. Tape C. Had taped D. Had taped

24. What is the correct verb for the given sentence? Forgiveness _____ to those who ask.

A. has given C. are given

B. is given D. gave

25. The traffic flow at the corner was jammed. Dan feared getting late so he ____ with a bus and leaped at
the door.
A. catch-up C. was catching
B. caught up D. has caught
26. A great many books are worth reading once, a considerable number are worth reading twice, ______ so
many are worth reading over and over again.
A. so C. and
B. yet D. although

27. Which of the following is incorrect?

A. datum-data C. medium-media
B. criterion-criteria D. memorial-memoranda

28. Which of the following nouns is always considered plural?

A. athletics B. scissors C. news D. measles

29. The teacher, together with her students, _____ the fire drill at the quadrangle.
A. attend B. attends C. attended D. will attend

30. Many of the graduates __________.

A. believe they will pass the exam C. is believing they will pass
B. believes they will pass the exam D. has believed they will pass

31. Neither the commissioner nor the students ____ the exact date of the test.
A. know B. knows C. is known D. has known

32. Two thousand pesos for a pair of jeans ___ too much.
A. is B. are C. was D. were
33. What is the correct tag question for the statement, “ The students have attended the review” ?
A. aren’t they? B. are they? C. haven’t they? D. have they?

34. Poodles with bows around their neck _____me laugh.

A. make B. made C. will be made D. makes

35. A good teacher offers the students a clear example and _____ them understand the material.
A. will help B. helps c. helped D. would help

36. The hand movements that are used by the referee _____ me.
A. will confuse B. confuses C. confuse D. confused

37. One of my roommates _____ pictures of basketball players all over the house.
A. hangs B. hanged C. will hang D. hang

38. Which word should be corrected to make the meaning clear?

If a child hits or bites in a play group, for example, it would be most appropriate not to allow the child to play
with them for a short time.

A. Remove the comma after group

B. Replace them with the group
C. Replace the child with them
D. Insert a comma after hits

39. What correction should be made to the sentence below?

While most Japanese travelers expect to find lodging in a hotel or motel, the recent popularity of bed
and breakfast offer a new alternative to travelers.
A. Replace new with knew C. Change offer to offers
B. Replace to with too D. Change expect to expects

40. What correction should be made in the sentence below?

There are several types of fire extinguishers on the market, and each are suitable for particular types of fire.
A. Change the spelling of particular to particuler
B. Replace there are with there is
C. Replace and with or
D. Replace each are with each is

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