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Examples of Hybrid Computer

Read More – Complete Guide to Mainframe Computer

Hybrid computers are used in several applications. Such as –
 Petrol pump – Measurement convert fuel flow into currency rate
 Measurement of patient’s heartbeat
 Scientific laboratory
 Applied psychology
 Control industrial process.
 Defense sector
 Airlines sector
 Ships
 Cement plant
 Gas Pump Station
 Radar systems
 Scientific calculations
 Weather system computation
 Monitoring and controlling nuclear reactor
 Electrocardiogram machine
 Echocardiogram machine
 Ultrasound machine
 CT scan machine
 Holtor Monitoring machine
 ATM machine
 Hospital – Intensive Care Unit (ICU)
 Car that runs on gas and electricity
 Cell phone – Grab analog sound, and transform into digital signals
then finally broadcast it on digital data network, and user can receive it and
fed into analog speaker.
Advantages of Hybrid Computer
Read More – Guide to Analog Computer 
 Hybrid computer is mixer of both analog and digital computer.
 It takes the accuracy of analog but speed of digital computer.
 It produces the quick and precise result.
 It helps to solve big equations in real-time.
 On-Line Data Processing
Disadvantages of Hybrid Computer
Read More – What is Micro computer? Its Types
 Hybrid computer is more costly because in which used several
network, nodes, hubs, costly circuits, and more. So it is not reachable for
every user.
 Before designing hybrid computer, must be proper planning for using
software, hardware, and other configurations.

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